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The Kansas Rock Column (1951)

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Selected Bibliography

References that give the most adequate description of the formations have been selected; the paper in which a formation was originally named is not necessarily included. The references are grouped by major stratigraphic divisions.



Elias, M. K. (1931) The geology of Wallace County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 18, pp. 1-254, figs. 1-7, pls. 1-42.

Fent, O. S. (1950) Geology and ground-water resources of Rice County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 85, pp. 1-142, figs. 1-11, pls. 1-11. [available online]

Frye, J. C., and Leonard, A. B. (1949) Pleistocene stratigraphic sequence in northeastern Kansas: Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 247, pp. 883-899, figs. 1-3, pl. 1.

Frye, J. C., and others (1949) Ceramic utilization of northern Kansas Pleistocene loesses and fossil soils: Kansas Geol Survey, Bull. 82, pt. 3, pp. 49-124, figs. 1-10, pls. 1-3. [available online]

Frye, J. C., Swineford, Ada, and Leonard, A. B. (1948) Correlation of Pleistocene deposits of the central Great Plains with the glacial section: Jour. Geology, vol. 56, pp. 501-525, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-2.

Frye, J. C., and Walters, K. L. (1950) Subsurface reconnaissance of glacial deposits in northeastern Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 86, pt. 6, pp. 141-156, pls. 1-2. [available online]

Hibbard, C. W. (1944) Stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of Pleistocene deposits of southwestern Kansas: Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 707-754, figs. 1-20, pls. 1-3.

Johnson, W. D. (1901) The High Plains and their utilization: U. S. Geol. Survey, 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 601-741, pls. 113-156; 22nd Ann. Rept., pt 4, pp. 631-669, pls. 51-65.

Leonard, A. B. (1950) A Yarmouthian molluscan fauna in the midcontinent region of the United States: Univ. of Kansas, Paleontological Contri., Mollusca, Art. 3, pp. 1-48, figs. 1-4, pls. 1-6.

McGrew, P. O. (1944) An early Pleistocene (Blancan) fauna from Nebraska: Field Mus. Nat. History, geol. ser., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 33-66, figs. 14-22.

Schoewe, W. H. (1930) Evidences for a relocation of the drift border in eastern Kansas: Jour. Geology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 67-74, figs. 1-2.

Smith, H. T. U. (1940) Geologic studies in southwestern Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 34, pp. 1-244, figs. 1-22, pls. 1-34. [available online]


Elias, M. K. (1931) The geology of Wallace County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 18, pp. 1-254, figs. 1-7, pls. 1-42. [available online]

Elias, M. K. (1935) Tertiary grasses and other prairie vegetation from High Plains of North America: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., vol. 29, pp. 24-33, figs. 1-5.

Elias, M. K. (1942) Tertiary prairie grasses and other herbs from the High Plains: Geol. Soc. America, Spec. Paper 41, pp. 1-176, fig. 1, pls. 1-17.

Frye, J. C., and Hibbard, C. W. (1941) Pliocene and Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleontology of the Meade basin, southwestern Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 38, pt. 13, pp. 389-424, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-4. [available online]

Frye, J. C., and Leonard, A. R. (1949) Geology and ground-water resources of Norton County and northwestern Phillips County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 81, pp. 1-144, figs. 1-11, pls. 1-10. [available online]

Frye, J. C., and Swineford, Ada (1946) Silicified rock in the Ogallala formation: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 64, pt. 2, pp. 33-76, fig. 1, pls. 1-8. [available online]

Haworth, Erasmus (1897) Physical properties of the Tertiary: Univ. Geol. Survey of Kansas, vol. 2, pp. 247-284, pls. 38-44.

Swineford, Ada, and Frye, J. C. (1946) Petrographic comparison of Pliocene and Pleistocene volcanic ash from western Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 64, pt. 1, pp. 1-32, figs. 1-4, pl. 1. [available online]



Bass, N. W. (1926) The geology of Ellis County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 11, pt. 1, pp. 11-52, figs. 1-12, pls. 1-4. [available online]

Dott, R. H. (1941) Regional stratigraphy of Midcontinent: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1619-1705, figs. 1-8.

Elias, M. K. (1931) The geology of Wallace County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 18, pp. 1-254, figs. 1-7, pls. 1-42. [available online]

Elias, M. K. (1933) Cephalopods of the Pierre formation of Wallace County, Kansas, and adjacent area: Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., vol. 21, pp. 289-363, pls. 1-16.

Frye J. C., and Brazil, J. J. (1943) Ground water in the oil-field areas of Ellis and Russell Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 50, pp. 1-104, figs. 1-9, pls. 1-2. [available online]

Latta, B. F. (1944) Geology and ground-water resources of Finney and Gray Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 55, pp. 1-272, figs. 1-21, pis. 1-12. [available online]

Latta, B. F. (1946) Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Belvidere area, Kiowa County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 64, pt. 6, pp. 217-260, figs. 1-4, pls. 1-3. [available online]

McLaughlin, T. G. (1943) Geology and ground-water resources of Hamilton and Kearny Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 49, pp. 1-220, figs. 1-18, pls. 1-17. [available online]

Moore, R. C., and Landes, K. K. (1937) Geologic map of Kansas, scale 1: 500,000: Kansas Geol. Survey.

Morrow, A. L. (1934) Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 8, pp. 186-205, pls. 29-31.

Morrow, A. L. (1935) Cephalopods from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 9, pp. 463-473, pls. 49-53,

Plummer, Norman, and Romary, J. F. (1942) Stratigraphy of the pre-Greenhorn Cretaceous beds of Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 41, pt. 9, pp. 313-348, figs. 1-4, pls. 1-2. [available online]

Rubey, W. W., and Bass, N. W. (1925) The geology of Russell County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 10, pp. 1-104, figs. 1-11, pls. 1-7. [available online]

Twenhofel, W. H. (1924) The geology and invertebrate paleontology of the Comanchean and "Dakota" formations of Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 9, pp. 1-135, pls. 1-23. [available online]

Jurassic and Triassic

Landes, K. K., and Keroher, R. P. (1939,) Geology and oil and gas resources of Logan, Gove, and Trego Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Mineral Res. Circ. 11, pp. 1-45, figs. 1-8, pls. 1-a. [available online]

McLaughlin, T. G. (1942) Geology and ground-water resources of Morton County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 40, pp. 1-126, figs. 1-6, pls. 1-9. [available online]

Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks

Dreyer, R. M. (1947) Magnetic survey of the Bala intrusive, Riley County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 70, pt. 2, pp. 21-28, figs. 1-4. [available online]

Jewett, J. M. (1941) The geology of Riley and Geary Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 39, pp. 1-164 (note pp. 96-99), figs. 1-6, pls. 1-17. [available online]

Knight, G. L., and Landes, K. K. (1932) Kansas laccoliths: Jour. Geology, vol. 1 40, no. 1, pp. 1-15, figs. 1-3.

Moore, R. C., and Haynes, W. P. (1920) An outcrop of basic igneous rocks in Kansas: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 183-187.

Shaffner, D. C. (1938) Metamorphism in south Woodson County: Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans., vol. 41, pp. 223-224, fig. 1.

Twenhofel, W. H. (1926) Intrusive granite of the Rose dome, Woodson County, Kansas: Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 403-412, figs. 1-2.



Adams, J. E., and others (1939) Standard Permian section of North America: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 1673-1681.

Bass, N. W. (1929) The geology of Cowley County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 12, pp. 1-203, figs. 1-23, pls. 1-12. [available online]

Condra, G. E., and Busby, C. E. (1933) The Grenola formation: Nebraska Geol. Survey, Paper 1, pp. 1-31, figs. 1-2.

Condra, G. E., and Upp, J. E. (1931) Correlation of the Big Blue Series in Nebraska: Nebraska Geol. Survey, 2d ser., Bull. 6, pp. 1-74, figs. 1-15.

Cragin, F. W. (1896) The Permian System in Kansas: Colorado College Studies, vol. 6, pp. 1-48.

Dott, R. H. (1941) Regional stratigraphy of Mid-Continent: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1619-1705, figs. 1-8.

Elias, M. K. (1934) Cycles of sedimentation in the Big Blue Series of Kansas (abstract): Geol. Soc. America, Proc. 1933, p. 366.

Elias, M. K. (1937) Depth of deposition of the Big Blue (Late Paleozoic) sediments in Kansas: Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 403-432, figs. 1-4, pl. 1.

Jewett, J. M. (1933) Evidence of cyclic sedimentation in Kansas during the Permian Period: Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans., vol. 36, pp. 137-140, figs. 1-2.

Jewett, J. M. (1941) The geology of Riley and Geary Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 39, pp. 1-164, figs. 1-2, pls. 1-17. [available online]

Moore, R. C. (1940) Carboniferous-Permian boundary: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 282-336, figs. 1-5.

Moore, R. C., and Landes, K. K. (1937) Geologic map of Kansas, scale 1: 500,000: Kansas Geol. Survey.

Norton, G. H. (1939) Permian redbeds of Kansas: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 1751-1819, figs. 1-24.


Bowsher, A. L., and Jewett, J. M. (1943) Coal resources of the Douglas group in east-central Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 46, pp. 1-94, figs. 1-12, pls. 1-6. [available online]

Condra, G. E. (1927) The stratigraphy of the Pennsylvanian System in Nebraska: Nebraska Geol. Survey, 2d ser., Bull. 1, pp. 1-291, figs. 1-38, pls. 1-7.

Condra, G. E., and Reed, E. C. (1943) The geological section of Nebraska: Nebraska Geol. Survey, Bull. 14, pp. 1-82, figs. 1-25.

Dott, R. H. (1941) Regional stratigraphy of Mid-Continent: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1619-1705, figs. 1-8.

Elias, M. K. (1936) Late Paleozoic plants of the Midcontinent region as indicators of time and environment: 16th Internatl. Congress (1933), Rept., vol. 1, pt. 1, pp. 691-700.

Jewett, J. M. (1941) Stratigraphy of the Marmaton group, Pennsylvanian, in Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 58, pp. 1-148, pls. 1-4. [available online]

Jewett, J. M., and Newell, N. D. (1935) The geology of Wyandotte County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 21, pt. 2, pp. 151-205, fig. 2, pls. 13-23. [available online]

Moore, R. C. (1935) Late Paleozoic crustal movements of Europe and North America: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 1253-1307, figs. 1-14.

Moore, R. C. (1936) Stratigraphic classification of the Pennsylvanian rocks of Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 22, pp. 1-256, figs. 1-12. [available online]

Moore, R. C. (1948) Classification of Pennsylvanian rocks in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 2011-2040, figs. 1-16.

Moore, R. C. (1949) Divisions of the Pennsylvanian System in Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 83, pp. 1-203, figs. 1-37. [available online]

Moore, R. C., and Landes, K. K. (1937) Geologic map of Kansas, scale 1: 500,000: Kansas Geol. Survey.

Moore, R. C., and others (1944) Correlation of the Pennsylvanian formations of North America: Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 657-706, pl. 1.

Moore, R. C., and Thompson, M. L. (1949) Main divisions of the Pennsylvanian Period and System: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 275-303, figs. 1-2.

Newell, N. D. (1935) Geology of Johnson and Miami Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 21, pt. 1, pp. 1-120, fig. 1, pls. 1-12. [available online]

Newell, N. D. (1937) Late Paleozoic pelecypods, Pectinacea: Kansas Geol. Survey, vol. 10, pt. 1, pp. 1-123, figs. 1-38, pls. 1-20. [available online]

Newell, N. D. (1942) Late Paleozoic pelecypods, Mytilacea: Kansas Geol. Survey, vol. 10, pt. 2, pp. 1-115, figs. 1-22, pls. 1-15. [available online]

Oakes, M. C., and Jewett, J. M. (1943) Upper Desmoinesian and lower Missourian rocks in northeastern Oklahoma and southeastern Kansas: Am Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 632-640, fig. 1.

Pierce, W. G., and Courtier, W. H. (1938) Geology and coal resources of the southeastern Kansas coal field: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 24, pp. 1-122, figs. 1-13, pls. 1-12. [available online]

Pre-Pennsylvanian Rocks

Clair, J. R. (1948) Preliminary notes on lithologic criteria for identification and subdivision of the Mississippian rocks in western Kansas: Kansas Geol. Soc., pp. 1-14, figs. 1-2.

Collins, J. B. (1947) Subsurface geologic cross section from Trego County, Kansas, to Cheyenne County, Colorado: Kansas Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., no. 5, Prelim. cross sec., pp. 1-8. [available online]

Edson, F. C. (1945) Subsurface geologic cross section from Ford County to Wallace County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., no. 1, Prelim. cross sec.

Edson, F. C. (1947) Subsurface geologic cross section from Ford County, Kansas, to Dallam County, Texas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., no. 3, Prelim. cross sec.

Ireland, H. A., and Warren, J. H. (1946) Maps of northeastern Oklahoma and parts of adjacent states showing the thickness and subsurface distribution of Lower Ordovician and Upper Cambrian rocks below the Simpson group: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., Prelim. map 52. [available online]

Koester, E. A. (1935) Geology of the Central Kansas uplift: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1405-1426, figs. 1-5.

Lee, Wallace (1940) Subsurface Mississippian rocks of Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 33, pp. 1-112, figs. 1-4, pls. 1-10. [available online]

Lee, Wallace (1943) The stratigraphy and structural development of the Forest City basin in Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 51, pp. 1-142, figs. 1-22. [available online]

Lee, Wallace (1949) Subsurface geologic cross section from Barber County to Saline County, Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., no. 8, Prelim. cross sec., pp. 1-16, figs. 1.3. [available online]

Lee, Wallace; Leatherock, Constance; and Botinelly, Theodore (1948) The stratigraphy and structural development of the Salina basin of Kansas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. 74, pp. 1-155, figs. 1-11, pls. 1-14. [available online]

Lee, Wallace, and others (1946) The structural development of the Forest City basin in Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., Prelim. map 48. [available online]

Maher, J. C. (1946) Subsurface geologic. cross section from Ness County, Kansas, to Lincoln County, Colorado: Kansas Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., no. 2, Prelim. cross sec., pp. 1-13.

Maher, J. C. (1947) Subsurface geologic cross section from Scott County, Kansas, to Otero County, Colorado: Kansas Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., no. 4, Prelim. cross sec., pp. 1-11.

Maher, J. C., and Collins, J. B. (1949) Pre-Pennsylvanian geology of southwestern Kansas, southeastern Colorado, and the Oklahoma panhandle: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., Prelim. map 101. [available online]

Walters, R. F. (1946) Buried Pre-Cambrian hills in northeastern Barton County, central Kansas: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 660-710, figs. 1-8, pl. 1.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Oct. 28, 2008; originally published Jan. 1951.
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