Format for Kansas Fluid Injection Database Archive

Below is a description of the columns saved. The files are comma-delimited text files.

KGS_IDUnique ID for the well assigned by the Survey. Not necessarily permanent.
APIAPI number assigned by the Kansas Corp. Commission, or from historical records.
LocationTOWNSHIP, TWN_DIR, RANGE, RANGE_DIR, SECTION, and quarter calls (SPOT) for the well.
OPERATOROperator of the well at drilling completion. Not usually updated except at workover. If blank, then current operator is used.
LEASELease name and Well number.
LATITUDENAD 1927, generated from the legal location.
LONGITUDESome new wells have GPS longitude and latitude.
YEARYear of the injection data.
MONTHMonth of the injection data. 0 if only annual information is available.
FLUID_INJECTEDBarrels of fluid injected for the month.
MAX_FLUID_PRESSUREPressure in psi.
GAS_INJECTEDMCF of gas injected for the month.
MAX_GAS_PRESSUREPressure in psi.
NUM_DAYS_INJECTNumber of days out of the month injection ocurred.
TOTAL_FLUID_YEARTotal amount of fluid injected for the year, in barrels.
TOTAL_GAS_YEARTotal amount of gas injected for the year, in MCF.
COUNTYName of county where well located.
KCC_DOCKETKCC Docket Number associated with this well.
API_NUM_NODASHAPI number with no dashes.
INJECTION_ZONEInjection zone.
WELL_DEPTHTotal depth of well, not plugged back.
STATUSWell status--type of well. Abbreviation list
STATUS2Additional status info from KCC.