Underground Injection Control Well Classes

  • Class I wells are used to inject hazardous and non-hazardous wastes into deep, isolated rock formations.
  • Class II wells are used exclusively to inject fluids associated with oil and natural gas production.
  • Class V wells are used to inject non-hazardous fluid underground.
  • Sources: EPA and KDHE

Class I,V

  • Class I and V data are provided by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). As the data provider (custodian), Quality Assurance (QA) review of these data is the responsibility of KDHE.
  • Class I and V wells are regulated by KDHE.
  • View Class I,V permits and monthly reports

Class II

  • Class II data are provided by the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC). As the data provider (custodian), Quality Assurance (QA) review of these data is the responsibility of KCC.
  • Class II wells are regulated by KCC.
  • Search the Class II database

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