- Plate 1--Geologic map of the southeastern Kansas coal field. Prepared by the United States Geological Survey, which was provided with an allotment of funds by the Public Works Administration for the investigation of the southeastern Kansas coal field.
- Available as an Acrobat PDF file, 17 MB
- Plate 5--Map showing geologic structure of the southeastern Kansas coal field and the Kansas zinc-lead district, including Cherokee County and parts of Crawford and Labette counties.
- Available as an Acrobat PDF file, 4 MB
Plate 11--Invertebrate species collected from the Cherokee shale.
1. Includes two collections from each of Barton and Vernon counties.
2. Identifications by C. B. Read in preceding part of report. Plant and fusulinid collections only partly shown on this table. For horizons from which plants and fusulinids were collected, see Plate 12.
3. Identifications by L. G. Henbest in preceding part of report. Plant and fusulinid collections only partly shown on this table. For horizons from which plants and fusulinids were collected, see Plate 12.
a. Some uncertainty about horizon or localities of these collections. For details, see Register of Localities.
- Plate 11 is available as an Acrobat PDF file.
Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web July 27, 2011; originally published Sept. 1938.
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