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South-central Kansas Geohydrology

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Logs of Test Holes and Wells, continued

141. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 9, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,416.5 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, brown22
Silt, tan, and very fine to fine sand46
Silt, buff to tan, coarse to fine sand, and fine gravel39
Silt, buff: contains very fine to fine sand716
Silt, buff, and medium to coarse sand622
Silt, buff, and very fine to fine sand123
Sand, medium to coarse225
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel; contains some fine sand; most grains composed of quartz, but some are composed of feldspar and chert126
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand228
Sand, medium to fine; contains coarse sand533
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to fine sand; contains many fragments of limestone134
Silt, tan, and very fine to fine sand1145
Wellington formation
Limestone, argillaceous, thin-bedded, light-gray348
Shale, calcareous, light-gray755
Shale, green-gray560
142. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 11, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude 1,442.4 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, tan33
Sand, medium to coarse; contains fine sand and fine gravel47
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine gravel714
Sand, fine to medium, and calcareous gray silt and clay418
Sand, medium to fine321
Silt, gray425
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, gray; contains gypsum530
143. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 13, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,452.6 feet. Samples studied by Fred T. Holden.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, dark-gray55
Clay and silt, sandy, light-gray27
Sand, fine to medium714
Sand and gravel, contains clay balls721
Clay and silt, sandy, yellow and gray; contains lime nodules930
Clay and silt, sandy, gray and yellow636
Sand, fine; contains clay and silt440
Sand and gravel; contains fragments of brown sandstone and shale343
Wellington formation
Shale, green750
144. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 15, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,422.7 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, dark-brown33
Silt, buff to tan; contains some very fine sand58
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand19
Silt, buff to tan, and very fine sand; contains some coarse sand and fine gravel716
Sand, coarse to medium; contains fine gravel; most grains and pebbles composed of quartz, but some are composed of feldspar319
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand221
Clay and silt, gray to buff526
Clay, gray, calcareous; contains nodules of calcium carbonate228
Silt, gray, calcareous, and very fine to fine sand230
Sand, coarse to fine, and gray calcareous silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate333
Sand, coarse to medium437
Sand, medium to coarse, gray to tan silt, and gray clay; sample very poorly sorted542
Sand, coarse to medium; contains pebbles of shale, quartzite, and fragments of bone143
Wellington formation
Shale, light-gray750
145. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 17, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,416.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, tan; contains some fine to medium sand and nodules of calcium carbonate810
Silt, tan to light-gray; contains some coarse to fine sand717
Sand, coarse to fine, and tan to light-gray silt; contains some fine gravel522
Silt and clay, light-gray123
Sand, coarse to fine; contains medium to fine gravel730
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand; contains some light-gray silt1242
Silt and clay, light-gray to buff; contains fine to coarse sand and nodules of calcium carbonate1456
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine gravel and light-gray to brown silt460
Wellington formation
Shale, light- to dark-gray464
146. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 18, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,428.9 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, dark-brown22
Silt, tan; contains some very fine to coarse sand24
Sand, fine to medium59
Sand, medium to fine; contains some fine to coarse gravel; very poorly sorted; larger pebbles composed of limestone, shale, and ironstone1221
Sand, fine to medium; contains coarse sand425
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine to coarse gravel; larger pebbles composed of shale328
Silt, calcareous, buff; contains very fine to fine sand735
Sand, medium to coarse237
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to coarse gravel; larger pebbles composed of shale, ironstone, and limestone138
Silt, calcareous, buff; contains some very fine to fine sand644
Sand, medium to fine; contains coarse sand and fine to coarse gravel; larger pebbles composed of shale, ironstone, and limestone246
Calcium carbonate and caliche0.546.5
Sand, fine to medium; contains fine to coarse gravel; larger pebbles composed of shale, ironstone, and limestone32.579
Sand, medium to coarse; contains many fragments and pebbles of shale584
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, gray36120
147. Sample log of well 285 at the NE cor. sec. 27, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled for Mr. Park Richardson by C. Hertzler, 1944. Surface altitude, 1,423.6 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, dark-brown33
Silt, tan, and very fine to fine sand912
Sand, medium to coarse; contains buff silt618
Silt, tan; contains some very fine to fine sand; large core sample contains calcium carbonate nodules up to 1 inch in diameter422
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine gravel931
Sand, fine to coarse; contains fine gravel1546
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel; contains fragments of green and gray shale147
148. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. SE sec. 28, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1944. Surface altitude, 1,410.2 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, yellow and gray33
Silt, greenish-gray to buff; contains thin layer of sand and gravel1619
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, gray and maroon524
149. Driller's log of test hole in the SW NE sec. 31, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by Kelly Well Company for the City of Newton, 1940. Surface altitude, 1,409 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Silt, tan, sandy33
Sand, fine to medium69
Silt, tan; contains thin layers of fine sand312
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt and clay, tan1527
Silt and clay, gray1643
Sand, fine to medium548
Sand, fine to coarse1664
Silt, gray, sandy266
Sand, fine to medium2490
Sand, fine to coarse898
Sand, fine to medium; contains thin layers of clay8106
Sand, fine to coarse15121
Silt and clay, tan11132
Silt and clay, sandy6138
Sand, fine to medium10148
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray3151
150. Driller's log of test hole in the NE cor. sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by Kelly Well Company for the City of Newton, 1940. Surface altitude, 1,401 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, sandy2828
Sand, fine to medium331
Sand, fine to coarse1849
Silt and clay, gray150
Sand, fine to medium757
Sand, fine to coarse; contains thin layers of silt and clay2885
Sand, fine to medium1297
Silt and clay, tan4101
Silt and clay, gray4105
Wellington formation
Shale, gray-green10115
151. Driller's log of city-supply well 291 in the NW NW sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by Kelly Well Company for the City of Newton, 1936.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium and McPherson formation
Silt and clay55
Clay and silt, sandy712
Sand, fine214
Clay, black822
Silt and sand1335
Silt and clay, sandy1853
Sand, fine1265
Silt and clay, sandy1075
Sand, fine to coarse782
Clay, hard284
Sand and gravel791
Clay, hard, red798
Sand, fine to coarse, contains clay balls17115
Sand, coarse to fine9124
Wellington formation
152. Driller's log of city-supply well 293 in the NW NW sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for the City of Newton, 1928.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay1818
Silt and clay1033
Silt and clay2263
Silt and clay369
Wellington formation
153. Driller's log of city-supply well 294 in. the SE NW sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled for the City of Newton, 1941.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium and McPherson formation
Silt, and sand, fine1515
Silt, gray520
Silt and clay, sandy1030
Sand and silt338
Silt and clay, buff860
Sand; contains silt565
Sand and gravel1795
Sand and silt7102
Sand, medium16125
Wellington formation
Shale, gray5130
154. Driller's log of city-supply well 295 in. the SW NW sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled for the City of Newton, 1941.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, fine, and silt55
Clay, sandy38
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Sand and gravel828
Silt, gray230
Silt, yellow1646
Sand and silt248
Sand, fine856
Silt and clay, tan561
Silt and clay, tan873
Silt and sand1083
Sand, tan588
Silt and sand391
Sand, medium36127
Sand and gravel5132
Wellington formation
Shale, gray7139
155. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. NE sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1944. Surface altitude, 1,399.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, light-brown44
Silt, buff; contains medium to fine sand; contains some gravel near base1216
Silt, buff; contains medium to fine sand1026
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand; contains some silt in lower part3460
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains some greenish-gray clay565
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to medium sand, interbedded with greenish-gray clay570
Gravel, fine and coarse to medium sand1888
Silt, buff593
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some fine to medium gravel598
Wellington formation
Shale, greenish-gray to white, calcareous2100
Shale, dark-gray2102
156. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. NE sec. 33, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1944. Surface altitude, 1,410.1 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, dark-gray22
Silt and clay, dark- to light-gray68
Sand, coarse to fine, and light-gray silt412
Silt and clay, light-gray and buff1830
Silt, gray to buff, and coarse to fine sand939
Sand, coarse to fine, and buff silt1150
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine gravel2272
Sand, coarse to fine, partly cemented by calcium carbonate1385
Wellington formation
Shale, thinly bedded, blue-gray590
157. Sample log of well 296 in the NE SE NE sec. 34, T. 23 S., R. 1 W., Harvey County; drilled by C. Hertzler, 1944. Surface altitude, 1,429.6 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil; brown silt and sand which contains a few pebbles of gravel33
Silt, brown, and very fine to medium sand58
Sand, coarse to fine; contains brown silt and fine gravel210
Sand, fine to coarse, and buff silt1020
Silt, very calcareous, light-gray525
Silt, very calcareous, buff, contains remains of plants1540
Wellington formation
Shale, gray  
158. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 7, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,442.4 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine; contains some buff to gray silt2222
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt, tan to gray, and medium to fine sand729
Silt and clay, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate635
Silt and clay, light-gray to buff2863
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand770
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand878
Silt and clay, light-gray583
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand; contains light-gray silt790
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand24114
Silt, light- to dark-gray; contains some fine sand6120
Silt, dark-gray36156
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains some light-gray silt52208
Wellington formation
Shale, light-gray and maroon7215
Shale, dark-gray2217
159. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 10, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,400.5 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium (Recent)
Soil, dark-brown44
Silt, buff to tan610
Silt, dark-gray to brown; contains very fine sand515
Silt, buff; contains fine to very fine sand217
Silt, light-gray; contains fine to very fine sand320
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Sand, fine to medium, well-sorted323
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand and some fine gravel932
Sand, coarse to medium; contains fine gravel1345
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some fine gravel348
Gravel, fine, and coarse sand; contains medium sand and medium gravel250
Clay, gray, and calcareous buff silt; contains some fine sand1060
Silt, buff, calcareous, and fine to medium sand1070
Sand, medium to fine272
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine gravel375
Silt, buff, and calcareous gray clay; contains some fine sand1489
Sand, medium to fine; contains coarse sand11100
Sand, fine3103
Sand, medium to coarse; contains fine sand5108
Sand, coarse to medium; contains fine gravel8116
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel4120
Sand, medium to fine; contains coarse sand4124
Sand, medium; contains coarse sand and fine gravel; larger pebbles composed of ironstone and shale4128
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand; larger pebbles composed of siltstone, shale, and ironstone2130
Sand, medium to fine2132
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel; contains fragments of shale1133
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, dark-gray7140
160. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 13, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,438.9 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Clay and silt, light-gray; contains nodules of calcium carbonate and streaks of limonite2427
Clay and silt, dark-gray5885
Sand, coarse to fine; contains pebbles and fragments of shale and some dark-gray clay893
Clay, light-gray; contains fragments of shale15108
Wellington formation
Shale, yellowish-gray to light-gray5113
Shale, dark-gray2115
161. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 15, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,434.1 feet. (Samples studied by Fred T. Holden.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, dark-brown22
Clay and silt, tan68
Sand, tan513
Clay and silt, sandy, dark- to light-gray5770
Clay and silt, dark-gray2292
Wellington formation
Shale, dark-gray8100
162. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 16, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,402.9 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium (Recent)
Soil, sandy, brown22
Silt, buff, and very fine to medium sand46
Silt, buff to gray, and very fine sand1218
Silt, gray523
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Sand, medium to fine, and some coarse sand528
Sand, fine to medium1240
Sand, medium; contains some coarse sand2565
Sand, medium to coarse1075
Sand, fine to medium1590
Sand, medium898
Sand, medium to coarse32130
Sand, coarse to medium10140
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel12152
Gravel, medium; contains fragments of gray shale4156
Wellington formation
Shale, dark-gray24180
163. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 17, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by the City of Wichita, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,406.8 feet. (Samples studied by Fred T. Holden.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, fine, and tan to gray silt1313
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt and clay, light- to dark-gray1730
Sand, fine, and brown silt and clay1343
Silt and clay, tan to gray2568
Sand, fine, and brown and tan silt775
Sand, medium to fine; contains pebbles of shale and nodules of calcium carbonate782
Silt and clay, dark-gray1092
Sand, fine to medium22114
Silt and clay; contains sand9123
Sand; contains clay balls and ferruginous sandstone pebbles14137
Silt and clay, tan to gray6143
Sand; contains clay balls and nodules of calcium carbonate21164
Silt and clay, light-gray1165
Wellington formation
Shale, maroon1166
Shale, maroon and dark-gray7.5174
164. Driller's log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 20, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled for the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,429 feet. (Courtesy Black and Veatch, engineers.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Top soil55
Clay and sand525
Clay and gravel1060
Clay and sand570
Sand, coarse580
Clay and sand20100
Clay and sand35165
Wellington formation
Clay and shale15200
165. Driller's log of test hole at the NW cor. SW sec. 20, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled for the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,432 feet. (Courtesy Black and Veatch, engineers.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Top soil1212
Sand, coarse2234
Gravel, fine41116
Sand, fine5163
Sand, coarse29192
Sand, hard6198
Sand, fine7208
Wellington formation
Clay and shale6214
166. Sample log of test hole drilled at the SW cor. sec. 20, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,430.8 feet. (Samples studied by B. F. Latta and Fred T. Holden.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, dark-gray to buff77
Sand, very fine to medium, and buff silt714
Sand, fine to coarse, and tan silt620
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine gravel525
Silt and clay, tan to dark-gray3358
Sand, fine, and dark-gray silt866
Sand; contains clay balls470
Silt and clay, gray1888
Sand and silt; contains clay balls, bone fragments, and gravel45133
Sand, fine, and gray silt11144
Sand, coarse to medium8152
Sand, fine to coarse5157
Silt and clay, gray to tan48205
Sand, medium to coarse14219
Gravel, fine, and coarse sand6226
Sand, medium to coarse; contains clay balls and shale pebbles16242
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray; contains gypsum4246
167. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. NE sec. 28, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County, drilled by the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,397.9 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium and McPherson formation
Soil; composed of brown silt and very fine to fine sand33
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel36
Sand, medium to fine, and coarse sand17
Silt, gray, and very fine to fine sand310
Silt and clay, gray; contains very fine to fine sand919
Sand, very fine to fine, and light-gray silt221
Sand, coarse to medium; contains some fine gravel1132
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand; contains some silt and gray clay638
Gravel, fine, and coarse sand; well-sorted442
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand; contains fragments of bone547
Silt, gray to buff, and very fine to fine sand; contains remains of plants249
Gravel, fine, and coarse sand; well-sorted453
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand; contains fragments of silt and clay balls558
Sand, coarse, and fine to medium gravel462
Silt, calcareous, gray to buff, and very fine to medium sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate466
Sand, fine to coarse; contains gray silt and nodules of calcium carbonate773
Sand, very fine to coarse; contains some calcareous gray silt1790
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to coarse gravel; contains some fragments of silt and clay balls; some pebbles composed of ironstone, chert, and shale696
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand; most grains and pebbles composed of quartz, but some are feldspar, chert, ironstone, and shale399
Silt, buff to gray, and very fine to medium sand2101
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains some pebbles of chert, ironstone, and shale5106
Sand, very fine to coarse; contains some buff silt7113
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel; contains fragments of reddish-buff clay balls5118
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel7125
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand7132
Silt, gray to buff, and very fine to coarse sand1133
Gravel, fine to medium; contains some coarse sand; many pebbles composed of ironstone and chert19152
Gravel, fine to coarse; contains pebbles of ironstone and shale5157
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, soft, dark-gray5162
168. Driller's log of Wichita city-supply well 311 at the NW cor. sec. 29, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,431.2 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, sandy, dark-brown33
Silt and clay, sandy, tan1417
Sand, fine, and tan silt; contains clay balls1330
Silt and clay, dark-gray3262
Sand, fine1173
Silt and clay, compact, dark-gray477
Sand, coarse; contains clay balls79156
Sand and clay14170
Silt and clay, compact, dark-gray33203
Sand, coarse23226
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray6232
169. Driller's log of Wichita city-supply well 314 at the NW SW sec. 29, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,429.3 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, gray to brown55
Sand and gravel; grains and pebbles stained by limonite1722
Sand, fine; contains silt and clay3052
Silt and clay, dark-gray759
Sand, coarse61120
Silt and clay; contains sand and much carbonaceous material16136
Sand, gravel, and silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate35171
Sand and gravel61232
Wellington formation
170. Driller's log of Wichita city-supply well 317 at the SE cor. SW sec. 29, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,426.3 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, gray to brown55
Silt, tan, and fine sand510
Sand, coarse, stained tan1929
Sand, coarse; contains silt and clay1342
Silt and clay, blue-gray1052
Sand, coarse2577
Sand, fine1087
Sand, coarse17104
Sand; contains streaks of clay14118
Silt and clay1119
Sand, coarse98217
Silt and clay4221
Sand and gravel5226
Sand; contains silt and clay8234
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray13247
171. Driller's log of test hole at the NE cor. SE sec. 30, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled for the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,430 feet. (Courtesy Black and Veatch, engineers.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Top soil55
Sand, coarse80145
Clay, blue55200
Sand, fine25225
Sand, coarse10235
Wellington formation
172. Driller's log of Wichita city-supply well 322 at the SE cor. sec. 30, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,430.7 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, sandy, dark-brown22
Silt and clay; contains fine sand1315
Sand, coarse, and gravel3550
Sand, fine; contains silt and nodules of calcium carbonate1060
Sand and gravel; contains nodules of calcium carbonate1575
Sand and gravel95170
Silt and clay, blue-gray10180
Sand and gravel23203
Silt and clay, dark-gray4207
Sand and gravel31238
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray3241
173. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 31, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,431.2 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil; composed of brown silt, and very fine to medium sand44
Sand, very fine to medium, and tan silt1115
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel823
Sand, fine to coarse; contains fine gravel124
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to coarse gravel125
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand530
Silt, buff, and very fine to medium sand636
Sand, medium to coarse; contains fine to medium gravel642
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand345
Gravel, fine to coarse; contains coarse sand247
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine gravel249
Silt and clay, buff to tan453
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand356
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to coarse gravel; contains fragments of silt and clay balls157
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand; contains pebbles up to 15 mm in diameter461
Gravel, medium to coarse; contains some fine gravel465
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand; contains many fragments of silt and clay balls368
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine to medium gravel169
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand372
Gravel, fine to coarse; contains coarse sand274
Silt, buff, and very fine to fine sand680
Silt, gray to buff; contains very fine to fine sand1292
Silt, tan395
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand5100
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand4104
Sand, medium to coarse; contains fine gravel and fragments of silt and clay balls3107
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand1108
Silt, buff, and very fine to fine sand1109
Sand, coarse to medium; contains fine gravel8117
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand3120
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand5125
Silt and clay, calcareous, light-gray; contains nodules of calcium carbonate6131
Silt, calcareous, gray; contains very fine to fine sand6137
Silt, very calcareous, gray to buff21158
Silt and clay, calcareous, dark-gray; contains nodules of calcium carbonate1159
Silt and clay, calcareous, gray to buff, and very fine to fine sand11170
Silt and clay, calcareous, bluish-gray, and very fine to fine sand7177
Clay and silt, calcareous, dark-gray3180
Silt and clay, buff to gray; contains very fine to fine sand2182
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine gravel1183
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand; most pebbles composed of quartz, but some are pink and white feldspar, chert, and shale3186
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand4190
Sand, coarse to medium; well-sorted1191
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand12203
Sand, coarse, and fine to medium gravel12215
Gravel, fine, and coarse sand3218
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel1219
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand7226
Silt, gray, and very fine to medium sand11237
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel12249
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand; contains some buff silt4253
Silt and clay, gray to buff1254
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, soft, dark-gray; weathered zone2256
Shale, calcareous, dark-gray4260
174. Driller's log of test hole at the NW cor. NE sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled for the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,426 feet. (Courtesy Black and Veatch, engineers.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Sand, coarse1530
Clay and gravel3565
Sand, fine35100
Sand, coarse40140
Clay and gravel10150
Sand, coarse10225
Wellington formation
Clay and shale13238
175. Driller's log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled for the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,432 feet. (Courtesy Black and Veatch, engineers.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Top soil1010
Sand, fine1525
Sand, coarse90150
Clay, sandy30180
Sand, fine30220
Clay and sand25245
Wellington formation
176. Driller's log of test hole at the NW cor. SW sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled for the City of Wichita, 1938. Surface altitude, 1,432 feet. (Courtesy Black and Veatch, engineers.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Sand, coarse2590
Sand, fine10120
Clay, sandy35175
Clay, blue25200
Wellington formation
177. Driller's log of Wichita city-supply well 330 at the NW cor. SW sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,431.0 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, sandy, gray to brown22
Silt and clay, brown1315
Sand, fine, tan520
Silt and clay, yellow-brown121
Sand, stained tan; contains clay balls3455
Sand, fine, and gray to tan silt2580
Sand and gravel1595
Sand, fine15110
Sand, fine, and buff to tan silt45155
Silt and clay, gray to tan15170
Sand, fine, and gray silt10180
Sand, coarse22202
Silt and clay, blue-gray6208
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray3241
178. Driller's log of Wichita city-supply well 333 at the SW cor. sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,431.3 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, sandy, dark-brown33
Sand, fine, and gray to tan silt1720
Sand, coarse3555
Sand and gravel; contains thin beds of clay45100
Sand, coarse7107
Sand and gravel13120
Silt and clay, blue-gray10130
Sand, coarse18148
Silt and clay, blue and tan24172
Sand, fine, and gray to tan silt12184
Sand and gravel73257
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray2259
179. Driller's log of city-supply well 339 in the SW NW sec. 35, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Kelly Well Company for the City of Halstead, 1928.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium and McPherson formation
Silt and clay2020
Sand, fine828
Sand and silt340
Sand, coarse343
Silt and clay346
Silt and clay, sandy1569
Sand, fine376
Silt and clay177
Sand, fine380
Silt and clay, sandy383
Sand, coarse596
Sand, medium (on hard clay)10106
180. Driller's log of city-supply well 340 in the NW SW sec. 35, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Kelly Well Company for the City of Halstead, 1923.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium and McPherson formation
Silt and clay2525
Sand, fine to medium; contains streaks of clay2756
Silt and clay1874
Sand, fine177
Silt and clay, sandy784
Sand, fine690
Silt and clay292
Sand, coarse to medium (on hard clay)18110
181. Driller's log of test hole in the NE SW sec. 36, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Kelly Well Company for the City of Newton, 1940. Surface altitude, 1,386 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium and McPherson formation
Silt and clay, sandy1818
Silt and sand, fine725
Sand, fine to coarse1338
Sand, fine to medium1250
Sand, fine to coarse757
Sand, fine to medium; contains layers of silt764
Silt and clay, gray165
Sand, fine to medium1277
Sand, fine to coarse1390
Silt and clay, gray; contains some sand17107
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand13120
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray2122
182. Driller's log of test hole at the NE cor. NW SE sec. 36, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Kelly Well Company far the City of Newton, 1940. Surface altitude, 1,390 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium and McPherson formation
Sand, fine to medium, and brown silt99
Sand, fine to coarse312
Silt and clay, tan to gray1830
Sand, fine to medium232
Sand, fine to coarse1648
Silt and clay, gray149
Sand, fine to coarse1665
Silt and clay, gray; contains thin beds of sand3297
Sand, coarse, and fine to coarse gravel3100
Sand, fine to coarse; contains layers of silt25125
Gravel, fine to coarse; contains thin layers of silt5130
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray1131
183. Driller's log of test hole at the NE cor. SE sec. 36, T. 23 S., R. 2 W., Harvey County; drilled by Kelly Well Company for the City of Newton, 1940. Surface elevation, 1,404 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Alluvium and McPherson formation
Silt and fine sand11
Sand, tan78
Silt and clay, tan1321
Sand, medium to fine526
Silt, sandy, tan329
Sand, fine to medium332
Sand, fine to coarse; contains calcareous nodules436
Silt, tan, and fine to medium sand743
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel447
Sand, fine to medium249
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel655
Sand, fine to coarse964
Silt and clay, gray1983
Sand, fine to coarse588
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel44132
Sand, fine to medium, and tan silt15147
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray1148
184. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 8, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Surveys, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,473.6 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine2525
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine to medium gravel1136
Silt, buff to gray440
Silt and clay, light- to dark-gray1050
Silt, buff, interbedded with fine sand2373
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some buff to gray silt and nodules of calcium, carbonate1386
Silt, dark-gray to buff, interbedded with coarse to fine sand1197
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel23120
Sand, coarse to fine27147
Silt, gray5152
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine gravel70222
Silt, light-gray11233
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel7240
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand16256
Wellington formation
Shale, dark-gray11267
185. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 10, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1944. Surface altitude, 1,470.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine; contains some tan silt3737
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt, buff to gray; contains medium to fine sand1653
Sand, medium to fine, and tan to gray silt1467
Silt, buff to gray; contains fine sand673
Silt and clay, dark- to light-gray578
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains some medium gravel and fragments of light-green clay balls22100
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine gravel and light-green silt20120
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains gray-green silt and medium gravel31151
Silt, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate19170
Silt and clay, dark-gray3173
Sand, coarse to fine, and dark-gray silt7180
Silt and clay, dark- to light-gray9189
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains light-gray silt and some medium gravel21210
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand26236
Silt, light-gray2238
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand14252
Silt, buff; contains medium to fine sand8260
Sand, coarse to fine, and buff silt4264
Mortar bed; sand and gravel cemented by calcium carbonate2266
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains some buff silt4270
Wellington formation
Shale, gray5275
186. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 11, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1944. Surface altitude, 1,450.0 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine; contains some buff silt3131
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt and clay, tan to light-gray; contains nodules of calcium carbonate940
Silt and clay, light-gray1050
Sand, coarse to fine; contains buff to light-gray silt and nodules of calcium carbonate2070
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fragments of shale44114
Silt, soft, light-gray to dark-gray106220
Clay, laminated, dark-gray; contains some medium to fine sand14234
Sand, medium to fine, and light-gray silt6240
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains some light- to dark-gray silt24264
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, hard, gray, and thin-bedded argillaceous limestone3267
187. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 14, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,462,4 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, fine to medium2.52.5
Sand, medium to fine; grains stained tan by limonite17.520
Sand, fine to medium2040
Sand, medium to fine646
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt, buff, and medium to fine sand; contains grains and nodules of calcium carbonate1460
Silt, buff, and gray clay; contains medium to fine sand and nodules of calcium carbonate1575
Sand, medium to fine1186
Sand, coarse to medium1197
Gravel, fine, and coarse sand5102
Sand, coarse to medium8110
Sand, medium to coarse3113
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine gravel7120
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand1121
Sand, medium to coarse9133
Sand, fine to medium3133
Sand, medium to fine, and some coarse sand3136
Sand, medium to coarse, and some fine gravel4140
Sand, medium2142
Sand, coarse to medium; contains some fine sand18160
Sand, coarse to medium; contains some fine gravel2162
Sand, medium to fine2164
Sand, medium to coarse16180
Sand, medium; contains some fine sand10190
Sand, medium to coarse10200
Sand, medium; contains some silt and fine sand10210
Sand, medium to coarse10220
Sand, medium29249
Wellington formation
Shale, dark-gray21270
188. Sample log of test hole in the NW NW sec. 17, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1944. Surface altitude, 1,467.9 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine, and buff silt1212
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand820
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine to medium gravel727
Silt, light-gray to buff, and fine to medium sand3360
Sand, coarse to fine, and buff to gray silt1070
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains some buff silt1080
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains gray silt1090
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand; contains gray silt28118
Silt, light-gray22140
Sand, coarse to fine, and gray silt7147
Silt, gray-green, and very fine to fine sand; partly cemented with calcium carbonate21168
Silt and clay, light-gray to buff30198
Sand, coarse to fine, and gray silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate10208
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand2210
Silt, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate21231
Sand, coarse to fine; contains fine gravel and buff silt9240
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand; contains some medium gravel and buff silt10250
Wellington formation
Shale, hard, dark-gray7257
189. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 18, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,467.6 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Soil, sandy22
Sand, medium to fine68
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some fine gravel715
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand318
Sand, fine to medium; contains gray silt624
Sand, very fine, and gray to buff silt630
Sand, medium to fine838
Sand, medium to coarse240
Sand, medium to fine5090
Sand, medium to fine, and some coarse sand25115
Sand, fine, and gray to buff silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate about 2 mm in diameter10125
Sand, medium to coarse; contains nodules of calcium carbonate17142
Sand, coarse to medium; many grains stained with limonite11153
Sand, medium to coarse17170
Sand, very fine to medium, and calcareous gray silt; contains some coarse sand and nodules of calcium carbonate11181
Silt, calcareous, gray; contains very fine to medium sand and nodules of calcium carbonate24205
Silt, calcareous, buff10215
Sand, coarse to fine, and buff silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate and fragments of shale12227
Wellington formation
Shale, gray and maroon13240
190. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 17, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by the City of Wichita, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,452.3 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, dark-gray to tan55
Sand, fine to medium510
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel515
Sand, fine to coarse116
Silt and clay, gray to tan925
Silt, buff, and very fine to coarse sand; poorly sorted732
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine to medium gravel1042
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand345
Silt, gray; contains very fine to medium sand954
Silt, calcareous, buff2882
Sand, very fine to medium; contains buff silt1092
Silt and clay, calcareous, buff to gray799
Sand, very fine to fine, micaceous, and calcareous buff silt15114
Sand, fine to coarse, and buff silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate5119
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel11130
Silt, buff17147
Silt and clay, light-brown; contains nodules of calcium carbonate33180
Silt and clay, buff to brown; contains fine sand3183
Silt and clay, gray to black7190
Silt, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate9199
Sand, coarse to fine; contains buff silt9208
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel; contains fragments of clay balls17225
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine gravel10235
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand3238
Sand, coarse to fine; contains buff silt3241
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine gravel3244
Wellington formation
Shale, soft, calcareous, light-gray3247
Shale, maroon5252
Shale, dark-gray3255
191. Driller's log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 21, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for the City of Wichita, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,448.4 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, sandy, dark-gray77
Sand and gravel3138
Silt, gray846
Sand and gravel2066
Silt and clay, light-gray1480
Silt, dark-gray30110
Silt, yellow60170
Sand, coarse to fine12182
Wellington formation
Shale, blue3185
192. Driller's log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for the City of Wichita, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,441.5 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, sandy, brown to gray99
Sand and gravel514
Silt, buff1731
Sand and gravel1243
Silt and clay, dark-gray1255
Sand and gravel, gray1166
Silt and clay, dark-gray268
Sand and gravel270
Silt, tan373
Sand and gravel1487
Silt and clay, gray1198
Sand and gravel29127
Silt and clay, tan49176
Wellington formation
193. Driller's log of test hole at the SW cor. SE sec. 32, T. 23 S., R. 3 W., Harvey County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for the City of Wichita, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,445.6 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, brown to tan66
Sand and gravel, iron-stained612
Sand and gravel921
Silt and clay, gray728
Silt and clay, tan to gray950
Sand and gravel2373
Sand and gravel25100
Silt and clay, tan36136
Wellington formation
Shale, maroon2138
194. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 8, T. 23 S., R. 4 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,580.2 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand and terrace deposits
Sand, medium to fine2222
Silt, light-gray to buff, and medium to fine sand1941
Sand, medium to fine; contains some buff silt2566
Silt, light-gray to buff; contains some medium to fine sand1480
Sand, medium to fine, and yellow-buff silt383
Silt, buff; contains some medium to fine sand and nodules of calcium carbonate790
Ninnescah shale
Shale, brick-red and gray-green292
195. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 14, T. 23 S., R. 4 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,480.1 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine; contains buff to light-gray silt2727
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt, light-gray, yellow, and buff; contains medium to fine sand1037
Sand, medium to fine, and gray and green-gray silt2966
Silt, light-gray; contains some medium to fine sand975
Sand, medium to fine, and dark- to light-gray silt1388
Silt, light-gray to buff; contains medium to fine sand12100
Sand, medium to fine, and tan to light-gray silt26126
Silt, light-gray to tan; contains medium to fine sand and nodules of calcium carbonate34160
Silt, tan; contains ironstone gravel and nodules of calcium carbonate6166
Wellington formation
Shale, light-gray, calcareous9175
196. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 14, T. 23 S., R. 4 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,498.9 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Soil, very sandy22
Sand, medium to very fine; contains tan silt79
Sand, medium to fine; many grains stained tan by limonite1726
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Sand, very fine to fine, and buff to tan silt430
Sand, medium to very fine, and buff to tan silt737
Silt, tan, and very fine to fine sand239
Sand, medium to very fine, and buff silt342
Sand, medium to fine850
Sand, medium555
Sand, medium to fine, and buff silt762
Sand, medium to fine1072
Sand, fine to very fine, and gray silt and clay880
Sand, medium to fine484
Sand, medium to very fine; contains buff silt690
Sand, medium to fine11101
Sand, medium to fine; contains some very fine sand and buff silt11112
Sand, medium to coarse; contains some fine sand; many grains stained tan by limonite18130
Silt, buff; contains some very fine to fine sand10140
Silt, buff; contains some very fine to fine sand and many nodules of calcium carbonate35175
Wellington formation
Shale, greenish-gray and red15190
197. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 16, T. 23 S., R. 4 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,529.2 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine; contains some light-gray to buff silt6060
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt, light-gray to buff; contains medium to fine sand1777
Sand, medium to fine; contains light-gray to tan silt1592
Silt, light-gray to buff; contains medium to fine sand11103
Sand, medium to fine, and gray to buff silt2105
Silt, light-gray to buff; contains some medium to fine sand and nodules of calcium carbonate11116
Ninnescah shale
Shale, brick-red and green-gray12128
198. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 16, T. 23 S., R. 4 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,570.4 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine; contains small amount of light-gray silt2626
Silt, light-gray to buff430
Sand, medium to fine, and light-gray, yellow, and buff silt3868
McPherson formation (Pleistocene)
Silt, light-gray to buff; contains medium to fine sand37105
Silt, gray; contains some fine to medium sand28133
Silt and clay, tan to buff6139
Ninnescah shale
Shale, brick-red and green-gray1140
199. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 18, T. 23 S., R. 4 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, medium to fine; contains some dark-gray silt66
Sand, coarse to fine; contains medium to fine gravel and nodules of limonite511
Silt, light-gray, and medium to fine sand516
Sand, medium to fine, and light-gray silt1228
Sand, medium to fine331
Silt, gray to tan940
Silt, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate1151
Ninnescah shale
Shale, brick-red and green-gray657
200. Sample log of test hole in the NW SW SW sec. 18, T. 23 S., R. 4 W., Reno County; drilled by Claude Price for the City of Hutchinson, October 1945. Surface altitude, 1,500.8 feet. (Samples studied by C. K. Bayne and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand and brown silt66
Clay, tan to gray410
Gravel, medium to fine; contains coarse gravel and coarse sand3343
Clay, blue-gray346
Ninnescah shale
Shale, hard, red147
201. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. SE SE sec. 2, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, December 1945. Surface altitude, 1,601.4 feet. (Samples studied by J. B. Cooper and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Silt, red-brown, and loose fine sand77
Silt, light-gray; contains fine sand2128
Sand, fine to medium432
Silt, brown, and fine to medium sand2658
Sand, fine to very fine1674
Silt, light-brown to gray1387
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red-brown, gray, and blue-green390
202. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 3, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by Claude Price for the City of Hutchinson, November 1945. Surface altitude, 1,624.5 feet. (Samples studied by C. K. Bayne and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary--Pleistocene and Recent
Dune sand
Sand, fine to medium55
Sand, medium to very fine, and blue-gray silt and clay1116
Sand, medium to fine1228
Sand, medium to fine, and blue-gray silt and clay331
Sand, medium to fine1041
Sand, medium to fine; grains stained red-brown647
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand and tan clay1057
Sand, medium to very fine; contains gray silt and clay4198
Sand, medium to fine, and gray clay9107
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand2109
Sand, medium to very fine, and gray to tan clay14123
Ninnescah shale
Shale, blue-gray and red1124
203. Driller's log of wells 382 and 383 in the NW NW SE sec. 4, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, June 1944. Surface altitude, 1,528.3 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Sand, fine1212
Sand, medium to coarse315
Gravel, fine, and dirty sand419
Sand and gravel, clean, sharp423
Sand, coarse225
Gravel, fine126
Gravel and sand, coarse1440
204. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 6, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by Claude Price for the City of Hutchinson, October, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,528.8 feet. (Samples studied by C. K. Bayne and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, sandy, dark-brown44
Silt and clay, gray to brown; contains fine sand711
Gravel, coarse to fine, and coarse sand; contains some very coarse gravel2940
Gravel, coarse to fine848
Gravel, medium to fine; contains coarse gravel and coarse sand; grains and pebbles stained red-brown1866
Ninnescah shale
Shale, soft, gray-green268
205. Sample log of well 384 at the NE cor. sec. 8, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by the Layne-Western Company for the Central Fibre Products Company, June 1943. Surface altitude, 1,528.1 feet. (Samples studied by C. P. Kaiser and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, brown33
Silt, brown, and very fine sand25
Sand, medium to coarse; contains fine gravel and fine sand1823
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand730
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to coarse gravel1242
Gravel, coarse to fine; contains coarse sand1557
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to coarse gravel562
Ninnescah shale
Shale, micaceous, light-brown163
206. Sample log of test hole in the NW SW sec. 11, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by Claude Price for the City of Hutchinson, October 1945. Surface altitude, 1,515.2 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, brown, very sandy33
Sand, medium to fine; contains coarse sand710
Gravel, coarse to fine; contains some very coarse gravel1626
Gravel, coarse to fine1036
Ninnescah shale
Shale, green137
207. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 13, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by Claude Price for the City of Hutchinson, October 1945. Surface altitude, 1,499.4 feet. (Samples studied by C. K. Bayne and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Sand, medium to fine66
Clay, gray; contains fine sand410
Gravel, coarse to fine; contains coarse sand; grains and pebbles stained red-brown1828
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand1341
Silt, tan, soft1253
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand48101
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand36137 Permian--Leonardian
Ninnescah shale
Shale, blue-gray2139
208. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 14, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,520.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Sand, medium to fine33
Silt, blue-gray, interbedded with medium to fine limonitic sand1417
Silt, brown; contains much organic material320
Gravel, coarse to fine, and coarse sand1030
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand434
Ninnescah shale
Shale, brick-red236
209. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. SE sec. 14, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by Claude Price for the City of Hutchinson, October 1945. Surface altitude, 1,503.8 feet. (Samples studied by C. K. Bayne and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand44
Sand, medium to fine; contains tan silt and clay and some coarse sand37
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand3542
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand547
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red and blue-gray249
210. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 15, T. 23 S., R. 5 W., Reno County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,511.4 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, very sandy, brown22
Silt, yellow-gray; contains fine gravel and coarse to fine sand46
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand410
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some fine to medium gravel1020
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand; interval includes a few thin beds of green clay3353
Ninnescah shale
Shale, thin-bedded, brick-red, and some green shale457

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Kansas Geological Survey, South-central Kansas
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Web version April 2005. Original publication date July 1949.