Prev Page--Upper Pennsylvanian
Abernathy, G. E. (1937) The Cherokee group of southeastern Kansas: Kansas Geol. Soc., Guidebook 11th Ann. Field Conf. pp. 18-23, figs. 5, 6.
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Edson, F. C. (1947) Subsurface geologic cross section from Ford County, Kansas, to Dallam County, Texas: Kansas Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investi., Prelim. Cross Sec., No. 3, map.
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Haworth, E. (1898) Special report on coal: Kansas Geol. Survey, vol. 3, pp. 1-347.
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Hinds, H. (1912) The coal deposits of Missouri: Missouri Bur. Geol. and Mines, 2d ser., vol. 11, pp. 1-503, maps.
Hinds, H., & Greene, F. C. (1915) The stratigraphy of the Pennsylvanian series in Missouri: Missouri Bur. Geol. and Mines, vol. 13, pp. 1-255, maps.
Jewett, J. M. (1932) Brief discussion of the Bronson group in Kansas: Kansas Geol. Soc., 6th Ann. Field Conf. Guidebook, pp. 99-104, fig. 1.
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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
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