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The detailed study of structural and stratigraphic conditions in the McLouth field has revealed many important facts as to the occurrence of oil and gas and their relation to structural features, Some of these facts relate particularly to the McLouth field but others have a wider importance in the search for oil in other parts of northeastern Kansas. The most important conclusions brought out by the investigation are recapitulated below.
1. Gas, oil (tar), and water have a normal gravimetric arrangement in the anticlinal traps. This is true both in the McLouth sand and in the productive dolomite zone of the Mississippian. The occurrence of heavy oil in the McLouth sand in isolated small wells and the shows of oil in certain other wells are exceptions which have not been fully explained. The oil in some of these wells occurs at or near the contact of the tar and gas, and it is perhaps in part oil locally protected, for some unapparent reason, from the desiccation which so generally reduced the oil to tar. In other wells, however, oil in small amounts has been obtained above the contact of the tar and gas. Because the analyses of oil from the sand so closely resemble those of oil from the underlying dolomite zone, it is probable that this oil entered the McLouth sand reservoir from below through faults, joints, and fissures after the period of desiccation of the oil originally trapped in the sand.
2. The accumulation of gas in the McLouth sand in anticlines is dependent upon the presence of porous sand bodies. There are many anticlinal areas in which the McLouth sand lacks porosity and, in consequence, does not yield gas. No gas, however, is found in porous sand bodies that do not occur in anticlines. Porous sand bodies not on anticlines carry water. No criteria have been determined by which the location or trend of porous sandstone zones in the McLouth sand can be predicted.
3. The oil that originally filled the pores of sandstones beneath and on the flanks of gas reservoirs in the McLouth sand has lost its volatile constituents and has been reduced to tar and hydrocarbon cement. This desiccated oil completely seals off the water on the flanks of the structures and prevents its encroachment into the gas reservoir as the gas is withdrawn.
4. The plane of contact between the gas and tar conforms to the plane of regional dip. The desiccation of the oil and the establishment of the limits of the gas reservoir are, for this reason, believed to have occurred prior to the development of regional dip during the interval between the deposition of the Permian and the Cretaceous rocks. The gathering areas for the desiccated oil in the sand must, therefore, have been in the adjacent synclines and the oil and gas did not migrate long distances up dip from remote source materials.
5. The structural deformation of anticlines and synclines increases with depth at least to the top of the Mississippian rocks. The earliest recognized local deformation warped the Mississippian limestones before the deposition of the first Pennsylvanian rocks in Kansas. The early structural features were increased by small increments of folding at intervals throughout Pennsylvanian time and possibly into the Permian. The oldest rocks were thus affected by all structural adjustments, but the younger rocks were affected only by adjustments that occurred after their deposition. The weak anticlines and synclines revealed by the surface rocks, therefore, are the result only of the closing structural movements and generally indicate the position of similar but more pronounced structural features at depth.
6. The post-Permian tilting of the region toward the west, although it does not seem to have affected the structural relief of the local anticlines, had an important effect in changing the contoured expression of the anticlines in the altered relation to sea-level datum. The change in expression of the steeper anticlines in the deeper rocks from this cause was not pronounced, and consisted mainly in reducing the amount of reverse dip of the anticline by the amount of regional dip. The change in the position of the crest in the deeper rocks was negligible. The effect of the westward regional tilting of the Permian and older rocks was to reduce or wipe out the closure of the weak surface anticlines. Of equal importance in many places was the shift in the position of the crest of the anticline in relation to the new sea-level datum. Inasmuch as there was little, if any, shift in the position of the crest in the more sharply folded anticlines in depth, the position of the crest in the surface rocks in some places is at considerable variance with that of the crest in the deeper rocks.
Where the dips in the surface rocks are low, the structure should be recontoured to eliminate the effect of regional dip and thus determine the unaltered position of the crest of the subsurface structure. The amount of shift in the position of the crest of the surface structure is in some places unimportant but in others it is enough to cause a test well to miss the productive area in the deeper anticlines.
Deviations from regularity of regional dip shown on the structure map of the base of the Hertha limestone (fig. 5) suggest areas favorable for exploration. The elimination of regional dip will show in a general way broad areas of anticlinal deformation not everywhere obvious on the structural map. Structural movements revealed in this way do not show local features, but detailed structural mapping of such areas may result in the discovery of local structures worthy of testing. The anticlinal nose in T. 8 S., Rs. 17 and 18 E. is an obvious structural feature on which detailed mapping may reveal more definite local anticlines.
7. The occurrence of oil in the Mississippian beneath an anticlinal gas pool in the Pennsylvanian at McLouth increases the hope that other oil pools may be found in the Mississippian and older rocks in similar relations to gas production in other parts of northeastern Kansas. Many gas pools have been developed in counties south of Kansas river, and although some of them are reported to have produced from lenticular sand bodies independent of structure many others have produced from anticlines. Very few wells located on structure have been drilled in these counties below the local gas sands, and still fewer have tested the Mississippian rocks.
It should be borne in mind, however, that the McLouth oil pool in Mississippian rocks underlies a relatively small part of the area of the anticline producing gas, and that the oil pool in the Mississippian is eccentric to the weak surface structures as expressed on the dip slope. Similar relations will probably be found elsewhere.
8. The Devonian limestones were tilted toward the northwest, beveled by erosion, and subjected to surface weathering before being covered by the Chattanooga shale. These events resulted in the exposure of different parts of the Devonian in various parts of the area at the time the Chattanooga shale was deposited. The younger Devonian beds underlie the Chattanooga shale toward the northwest. Some of the Devonian limestones are dense and do not lend themselves to the development of porosity. under weathering conditions. Other Devonian rocks do. Considerable variation, therefore, existed in the porosity of the beds exposed at the time they were covered by the Chattanooga shale.
The occurrence of dense impermeable rocks at the top of the Devonian beneath one anticline does not necessarily condemn the top of the Devonian in other anticlines where other rocks more susceptible to the development of porosity may underlie the Chattanooga.
9. Every discussion of the source beds for oil is subject to so many uncertainties that the conclusions are highly speculative. Nevertheless, the McLouth field provides some interesting, if not conclusive, data. As already pointed out, tar in the McLouth sand seems to have reached its present position prior to the development of regional dip. The source of the desiccated oil in the McLouth sand, therefore, lies in the synclinal basins adjacent to the pools, although the horizon of the source beds is not known. A large part of the McLouth sand, including beds of black shale and clay, is high in organic content. This fact, together with the conditions under which the junior author conceives the sediments to have been deposited, suggests that conditions suitable for the accumulation of source materials of oil and gas may have prevailed during McLouth time. Younger beds in the Cherokee, however, indicate similar conditions, but there is no evidence that oil or gas is present or ever was present in sand beds in the upper part of the Cherokee rocks in the McLouth field. Gas and some oil have been found, however, in these beds in other parts of northeastern Kansas.
Although the McLouth sand may have provided a suitable source for the desiccated oil in that sand, it could not have been the source of the oil found in the underlying Mississippian limestones nor for the more or less frequent shows of tar in the still deeper Devonian. The data are insufficient to draw any conclusions in regard to the upward migration of oil from possible deeper source rocks. However, flecks of tar are not uncommon in vugs and in the cavities of fossils in all parts of the Mississippian limestone in the McLouth field and surrounding territory where there is no apparent relation to anticlinal structure. These occurrences imply either that the oil originated in the Mississippian or passed through it from older rocks. The Mississippian rocks in general give little indication of organic content adequate to provide source materials for oil. The Chattanooga shale has frequently been appealed to as a source for oil, but a source in the Chattanooga would not explain the presence of oil in the underlying Devonian rocks.
It seems possible that there may have been more than one source for oil. The desiccated oil in the McLouth sand may well have been indigenous. The Mississippian oil and its counterpart, the oil in the McLouth sand in the Bankers Life pool and in scattered wells in other parts of the field, may have had a common source in some as yet undetermined deeper rocks. The desiccated oil in the McLouth sand seems no longer capable of contributing much gas to the McLouth sand reservoir. Gas from the Mississippian oil, though not in large amount, is similar to the McLouth gas, which shows ethane in amounts ranging from 0.86 to 3.41 percent. A sample of gas accompanying the Mississippian oil contained 5.13 percent ethane. It seems possible, therefore, that the gas in the McLouth sand reservoir has emanated, at least in part, from deeper sources by way of the accumulations of oil in the Mississippian rocks and that gas from this source has replenished the McLouth sand reservoir from which large quantities of gas seem to have escaped from time to time.
Table 27—List of wells drilled in the McLouth field and bordering areas, by townships, locations and depths of wells, and depth and altitude of datum beds in each well. (The numbers identify the wells in figures 10, 11, 14, and 15, and plate 3.)
Well Name | Location | Section | Depth top Oread | Altitude top Oread | Depth base Hertha | Altitude base Hertha | Depth top McLouth | Altitude top McLouth | Depth top Mississippian | Altitude top Mississippian | Depth top Warsaw | Altitude top Warsaw | Depth B-K por. zone | Altitude B-K por. zone | Total depth of well |
T. 8 S., R. 19 E. | |||||||||||||||
1. Bird & Sheedy No. 1 H, T. O'Neill | SE SW NW | 34 | 315 | 850 | 965 | +200 | 1708 | -543 | 1748 | -583 | 1765 | -600 | 1883 | -718 | 2685 |
2. W. D. Dunn No. 1 N, W, Everett | S2 SE SW | 36 | 210 | +871 | 835 | +246 | 1545 | -464 | 1585 | -504 | 1605 | -524 | 1747 | -666 | 1800 |
T. 8 S., R. 20 E. | |||||||||||||||
3. Max Cohen No. 1 M, L. Decker** | NW SW NW | 12 | 41 | +945 | 675 | +311 | 1390 | -404 | 1418 | -432 | 1494 | -508 | 1640 | -654 | 1925** |
4. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 O. C. Bodde et al | NW SW | 28 | 222 | +916 | 857 | +281 | 1542 | -404 | 1583 | -445 | 1630 | -492 | 1770 | ||
5. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 George Miller | SW SE | 29 | 175 | +912 | 808 | +279 | 1510 | -423 | 1544 | -457 | 1612 | -553 | 1740 | -653 | 1750 |
6. McLaughlin & Sons No. 2 George Miller | NE SE | 32 | 85 | +928 | 717 | +296 | 1395 | -382 | 1427 | -414 | 1460 | -447 | 1535 | ||
7. Lebsack & Wamhoff No. 1 J, Maduska | SENE | 36 | 96 | +972 | 738 | +330 | 1458 | -390 | 1497 | -429 | 1505 | ||||
T. 9 S., R. 19 E. | |||||||||||||||
8. Northern O. & G. No. 1 Edmonds (Winchester) (drillers log) |
NW NW | 13 | 820 | +243 | 1590 | -527 | |||||||||
9. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 J. P. Sheldon | NE SE | 14 | 245 | +896 | 888 | +253 | 1612 | -471 | 1699 | -558 | 1685* | -644* | 1749 | ||
10. Bradley & Jackson No. 1 NW. Mu. Life Ins. Co. | SENE | 24 | 196 | +915 | 840 | +271 | 1542 | -431 | 1590 | -479 | 1635 | -524 | 1734 | ||
T. 9 S., R. 20 E. | |||||||||||||||
11. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 N. Fevurly | SW SE | 1 | 570 | +321 | 1300 | -409 | 1365 | -474 | 1388 | -497 | 1482 | -591 | 1501 | ||
12. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 C. Shughart** | SWSW | 6 | 125 | +882 | 758 | +249 | 1468 | -461 | 1521 | -514 | 1554 | -547 | 1686 | -679 | 2007** |
13. Frank Whitten et al No. 1 C. Courtney | SW NE | 15 | 70 | +938 | 715 | +293 | 1392 | ||||||||
14. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 Tabor Edmonds | SW SW | 15 | 118 | +953 | 780 | +291 | 1478 | -407 | 1516 | -445 | 1531 | ||||
15. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 Francis Houston | NW SE | 15 | 70 | +948 | 725 | +293 | 1405 | -387 | 1434 | -416 | 1453 | ||||
16. O. J. Connell No. 1 J. R. Locke | SW NE | 16 | 1 | +942 | 655 | +288 | 1342 | -399 | 1398± | -455 | 1415 | ||||
17. Miller & Mosbacher.No. 1 Rachel Edmonds | SE SW | 16 | 64 | +961 | 720 | +305 | 1385 | -360 | 1410 | ||||||
18. Miller & Mosbacher No. 2 Rachel Edmonds | NESW | 16 | 64 | +959 | 714 | +309 | 1408 | -385 | 1478 | -455 | 1497 | ||||
19. Anderson & Bradley No. 1 Rachel Edmonds | SW SW | 16 | 15 | +956 | 672 | +299 | 1353 | -382 | 1366 | ||||||
20. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 Tabor Edmonds | SW SE | 16 | 53 | +960 | 710 | +303 | 1387 | -374 | 1399 | ||||||
21. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 Elijah Edmonds | SE NW | 17 | 130 | +941 | 775 | +296 | 1456 | -385 | 1498 | ||||||
22. V-8 Drilling Co, No. 1 G. Makewski | NW SW | 17 | 170 | +934 | 814 | +290 | 1510 | -406 | 1588 | -484 | 1605 | ||||
23. Ray Anderson et al No. 1 May Dick | SE SW | 17 | 130 | +951 | 780 | +301 | 1464 | -383 | 1481 | ||||||
24. Ray Anderson et al No. 2 May Dick | NESW | 17 | 118 | +943 | 760 | +301 | 1440 | -379 | 1456 | ||||||
25. Ward Schooler et al No. 3 M, M. Zachariah | SE SE | 17 | 35 | +956 | 685 | +306 | 1388 | -397 | 1434 | -443 | 1464 | -473 | 1586 | ||
26. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 Bank of McLouth | SE NW SW | 20 | 50 | +952 | 703 | +299 | 1398 | -39.6 | 1428 | -426 | 1492 | -490 | 1590 | -588 | 1600 |
27. E. V. Jackson et al No. 2 Bank of McLouth | SE NW | 20 | 37 | +953 | 694 | +296 | 1378 | -388 | 1428 | -438 | 1462 | -472 | 1520 | ||
28. E, V. Jackson et al No. 3 Bank of McLouth | SW NW | 20 | 126 | +930 | 774 | +282 | 1450 | -394 | 1482 | -426 | 1487 | ||||
29. T, Fred Hodge No. 1 M. M. Zachariah | SW NE | 20 | 25 | +954 | 675 | +304 | 1356 | -377 | 1373 | ||||||
30. T. Fred Hodge No. 2 M. M. Zachariah | NW NE | 20 | 26 | +974 | 700 | +300 | 1380 | -380 | 1420 | -420 | 1422 | ||||
31. W. Schooler et al No. 1 M. M. Zachariah | NE NE | 20 | 15 | +954 | 665 | +304 | 1348 | -379 | 1365 1/2 | ||||||
32. W, Schooler et al No. 2 M. M. Zachariah | SW NE | 20 | 20 | +957 | 671 | +306 | 1354 | -377 | 1371 | ||||||
33. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 W. N. Schwinn | SE SW | 20 | 70 | +962 | 727 | +305 | 1422 | -390 | 1444 | ||||||
34. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 M. Hesse | NE SE | 20 | 75 | +962 | 730 | +307 | 1423 | ||||||||
35, Hatcher & Fisk No. 4 M. Hesse | NW SE | 20 | 30 | +956 | 683 | +303 | 1357 | -371 | 1370 | ||||||
36. William O. Smythe et al No. 1 C. E. Todd | SW SE | 20 | 60 | +960 | 713 | +307 | 1403 | -383 | 1418 | -398 | 1470 | -450 | 1543 | -523 | 1558 |
37. Miller. Smythe et al No. 1 C, E. Todd | NE SE SE | 20 | 100 | +959 | 744 | +315 | 1425 | -366 | 1453 1/2 | ||||||
38. Miller. Smythe et al No. 2 C, E. Todd | E2 SW SE | 20 | 56 | +960 | 707 | +309 | 1378 | -362 | 1404 | ||||||
39. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 Elijah Edmonds | NW NW | 21 | 40 | +956 | 690 | +306 | 1383 | -387 | 1400 1/2 | ||||||
40. Hatcher & Fisk No. 2 Elijah Edmonds | SW NW | 21 | 80 | +954 | 730 | +304 | 1415 | -381 | 1473 | -439 | 1476 | ||||
41. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 Ralph Edmonds | NE NW | 21 | 65 | +960 | 720 | +305 | 1416 | -391 | 1424 1/2 | ||||||
42. Hatcher & Fisk No. 2 Ralph Edmonds | SE NW | 21 | 90 | +954 | 745 | +299 | 1424 | -380 | 1480 | -436 | 1484 | ||||
43. O. J. Connell No. 1 Russell Edmonds | SW NE | 21 | 128 | +942 | 781 | +289 | 1462 | -392 | 1480 | ||||||
44. O. J. Connell No. 2 Russell Edmonds | NW NE | 21 | 87 | +955 | 741 | +301 | 1424 | -382 | 1431 | ||||||
45. O. J. Connell No. 3 Russell Edmonds | SE NE | 21 | 134 | +954 | 790 | +298 | 1495 | -407 | 1541 | -453 | 1545 | ||||
46. Hatcher & Fisk No. 2 M. Hesse | NW SW | 21 | 93 | +957 | 752 | +298 | 1445 | -395 | 1460 | ||||||
47. Hatcher & Fisk No. 3 M. Hesse | SW SW | 21 | 116 | +953 | 766 | +303 | 1464 | -395 | 1473 | ||||||
48. O. J. Connell No. 1 T. C. Moseberger | NW SE | 21 | 95 | +953 | 747 | +301 | 1437 | -389 | 1465 | -417 | 1490 | -442 | 1538 | ||
49. Dave Wilson et al No. 1 J. S. Martz | SW NW | 22 | 93 | +960 | 752 | +301 | 1442 | -389 | 1461 | -408 | 1473 | ||||
50. Charles E. Miller No. 1 fee | NW SW | 22 | 98 | +966 | 755 | +309 | 1430 | -366 | 1447 | ||||||
51. Charles E. Miller No. 2 fee | NE SW | 22 | 70 | +969 | 732 | +307 | 1404 | -365 | 1429 | -390 | 1445 | ||||
52. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 Charles E. Miller | SW SW | 22 | 45 | +973 | 704 | +314 | 1373 | -355 | 1402 | -384 | 1420 | ||||
53. William O. Smythe et al No. 1 O. Jacobson | SW NW | 27 | 20 | +989 | 680 | +329 | 1340 | -331 | 1379 | -370 | 1444 | -435 | 1482 | ||
54. E, W, Mosbacher No. 1 M, A, Dolman | NW NW SE | 27 | 50 | +981 | 705 | +326 | 1382 | -351 | 1411 | -380 | 1467 | -436 | 1605 | -574 | 1615 |
55. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 F, J, Harwood | NW NW | 28 | 100 | +958 | 768 | +290 | 1460 | -402 | 1510 | -452 | 1510 | ||||
56. Hatcher & Fisk No. 2 F. J. Harwood | SE NW | 28 | 47 | +968 | 701 | +314 | 1392 | -377 | 1396 | ||||||
57. Hatcher & Fisk No. 3 F, J, Harwood | NE SW | 28 | 85 | +962 | 740 | +307 | 1419 | -372 | 1428 | ||||||
58. O. J, Connell No. 2 T. C. Moseberger | NWNE | 28 | 15 | +975 | 687 | +303 | 1383 | -393 | 1420 | -430 | 1452 | ||||
59. O. J, Connell No. 3 T. C. Moseberger | NE NE | 28 | 651 | +327 | 1310 | -332 | 1332 | ||||||||
60. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 S. S. Miller | SW NE | 28 | 78 | +975 | 729 | +324 | 1394 | -341 | 1419 | ||||||
61. Don Allen et al No. 1 S. S. Miller | SW NE NE | 28 | 12 | +981 | 678 | +315 | 1337 | -344 | 1369 | ||||||
62. Willard Archie et al No. 1 Perry Shrader | SE SW | 28 | 112 | +959 | 767 | +304 | 1442 | -371 | 1469 | -397 | 1472 | ||||
63. Willard Archie et al No. 2 Perry Shrader | SW SW | 28 | 60 | +956 | 722 | +294 | 1390 | -374 | 1410 | -394 | 1443 | -427 | 1595 | ||
64. Hart Workman et al No. 1 Old Line Insurance | NW SE | 28 | 100 | +967 | 746 | +321 | 1428 | -361 | 1454 | -387 | 1470 | ||||
65. Ray Anderson et al No. 1 McLeod-Wisdom | SW NW | 29 | 102 | +951 | 759 | +294 | 1434 | -381 | 1453 | ||||||
66. Ray Anderson et al No. 2 McLeod-Wisdom | NW NW | 29 | 117 | +954 | 777 | +294 | 1464 | -393 | 1470 | ||||||
67. Ray Anderson et al No. 1 R. E. Costigan | NE NW | 29 | 71 | +957 | 724 | +304 | 1418 | -390 | 1434 | ||||||
68. Ray Anderson et al No. 1 Alvin Means | SE NW | 29 | 98 | +959 | 752 | +305 | 1434 | -377 | 1454 | ||||||
69. Miller & Smythe No. 1 Fed. Land Bank | NE NW NE | 29 | 110 | +953 | 748 | +315 | 1440 | -377 | 1459 | ||||||
70. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 J. A. Black | NE NE | 29 | 100 | +963 | 760 | +303 | 1454 | -391 | 1473 | ||||||
71. William Smythe et al No. 1 Fed, Land Bank | SW NE | 29 | 140 | +952 | 795 | +297 | 1485 | -393 | 1520 | -428 | 1568 | -476 | 1662 | -570 | 1676 |
72, Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 J, W, Shrader | NW SW | 29 | 100 | +950 | 752 | +298 | 1422 | -372 | 1431 | ||||||
73, Hatcher & Fisk No. 2 J. W, Shrader | NE SW | 29 | 135 | +948 | 790 | +293 | 1474 | -391 | 1495 | ||||||
74. Magnolia No. 1 Mathew C. Woodhead | SW SW | 29 | 135 | +942 | 795 | +282 | 1478 | -401 | 1520 | ||||||
75. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 Shrader-Haas | NW SE | 29 | 135 | +939 | 793 | +281 | 1495 | -421 | 1538 | -464 | 1557 | ||||
76. O. J. Connell No. 1 Mary Garrett | NWNE | 30 | 85 | +946 | 744 | +287 | 1432 | -401 | 1465 | -434 | 1522 | -491 | 1530 | ||
77. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 Ray Kimmel | NWSW | 30 | 135 | +942 | 790 | +287 | 1487 | -410 | 1530 | ||||||
78. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 A. Shoemaker | SE SW | 30 | 100 | +952 | 760 | +292 | 1438 | -386 | 1483 | ||||||
79. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 J. A. Black | NE SE | 30 | 150 | +950 | 803 | +297 | 1490 | -392 | 1515 | -417 | 1568 | -470 | 1684 | -586 | 1687 |
80. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 C. W. Shrader | NW NE | 31 | 165 | +942 | 827 | +280 | 1520 | -413 | 1600 | -493 | 1610 | ||||
81. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 E. Fowler | SE NW | 32 | 165 | +937 | 820 | +282 | 1544 | ||||||||
82 E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 Shrader-Haas | NW NE | 32 | 156 | +932 | 811 | +277 | 1490 | -402 | 1520 | -432 | 1550 | -462 | 1600 | ||
83. O. B. Kilness et al No. 1 Perry Shrader | NE NE | 32 | 145 | +948 | 798 | +295 | 1460 | -367 | 1502 | -409 | 1520 | ||||
84. Ray Anderson et al No. 1 Grant F. Woodhead | NE SW | 32 | 168 | +963 | 825 | +306 | 1487 | -356 | 1505 | ||||||
85. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 W. E. Myers | SW SW | 32 | 150 | +970 | 805 | +315 | 1495 | -375 | 1510 | ||||||
86. Magnolia No. 1 W. E. Myers | SE SW | 32 | 169 | +974 | 827 | +316 | 1502 | -359 | 1531 | ||||||
87. J, W. Longwell et al No. 1 S. Brose | NW SE | 32 | 174 | +958 | 829 | +303 | 1494 | -362 | 1518 | ||||||
88. Willard Archie et al No. 1 S. Brose | NE SE | 32 | 122 | +962 | 798 | +286 | 1460 | -376 | 1515 | -431 | 1530 | -446 | 1575 | ||
89. Magnolia No. 1 W. W. Harris | SWSE | 32 | 120 | +976 | 776 | +320 | 1430 | -334 | 1450 | ||||||
90. Magnolia No. 1 Rachel Davidson | SE SE | 32 | 85 | +982 | 747 | +320 | 1388 | -321 | 1411 1/2 | ||||||
91. Irving H, Knudson et al No. 1 I. H. Knudson | SW NW | 33 | 80 | +956 | 742 | +294 | 1403 | -367 | 1431 | ||||||
92. Irving H, Knudson et al No. 2 1. H. Knudson | NW NW | 33 | 72 | +952 | 735 | +289 | 1393 | -369 | 1408 | ||||||
93. Gordon & Poole et al No. 1 I. H. Knudson | SE NW | 33 | 120 | +979 | 780 | +319 | 1444 | -345 | 1473 | -374 | 1503 | ||||
94. Gordon & Poole et al No. 2 I. H. Knudson | NE NW | 33 | 102 | +966 | 757 | +311 | 1460 | -392 | 1508 | -440 | 1602 | -534 | 1606 | ||
95. J. W. Sherrod et al No. 1 Lange Estate | SW NE | 33 | 60 | +994 | 728 | +326 | 1377 | -323 | 1426 | -372 | 1427 | ||||
96. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 A. L. Bartlett | SW SW | 33 | 73 | +979 | 739 | +313 | 1394 | -342 | 1433 | -381 | 1466 | -414 | 1602 | -550 | 1608 |
97. McLaughlin & Sons No. 2 A. L. Bartlett | SE SW | 33 | 110 | +989 | 775 | +324 | 1431 | -332 | 1473 | -374 | 1485 | ||||
98. H. T. Wiedenman et al No. 1 A. L. Bartlett | NW SW | 33 | 80 | +962 | 747 | +295 | 1403 | -361 | 1433 | ||||||
99. J. W. Billingsley et al No. 1 A. L. Bartlett | NE SW | 33 | 134 | +985 | 790 | +329 | 1449 | -330 | 1481 | -362 | 1492 | ||||
100, J. W. Longwell et al No. 1 A. L. Bartlett | NW SE | 33 | 105 | +1002 | 768 | +339 | 1425 | -318 | 1462 | ||||||
101. J. W. Longwell et al No. 2 A. L. Bartlett | SW SE | 33 | 95 | +1004 | 760 | +339 | 1434 | -335 | 1463 | -364 | 1469 | ||||
102. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 George Kell | NE SW | 33 | 75 | +998 | 738 | +335 | 1396 | -323 | 1427 | -354 | 1448 | ||||
103. Aladdin Oil Co. No. 1 M. D, Edmonds | SW SW | 34 | 68 | +998 | 720 | +346 | 1392 | -326 | 1433 | -367 | 1444 | -378 | 1447 1/2 | ||
T. 9 S., R. 21 E. | |||||||||||||||
104. J. B. Apperson et al No. 1 C. Geisen | NW SE | 5 | 625 | +375 | 1332 | -332 | 1380 | -380 | 1417 | -417 | 1549 | ||||
105. Mosbacher & Miller No. 1 J. R. Locke | NE SW | 19 | 1 | +1000 | 640 | +361 | 1338 | -337 | 1367 | -366 | 1394 | -393 | 1505 | ||
T. 10 S., R. 19 E. | |||||||||||||||
106. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 M. M. Chavanne | NE NE | 3 | 190 | +895 | 843 | +242 | 1564 | -479 | 1595 | -510 | 1605 | -520 | 1658 | ||
107. Earl Sifers et al No. 1 F. H. Leonhard | SE SW | 9 | 245 | +883 | 895 | +233 | 1610 | -482 | 1670 | -542 | 1709 | ||||
108. Frank Whitten et al No. 1 A. J. Meyer | NE NE | 12 | 225 | +930 | 880 | +275 | 1570 | -415 | 1616 | -461 | 1620 | ||||
109. Workman & Sherrod et al No. 1 E. T. Riling | SW SW SE | 22 | 194 | +923 | 860 | +257 | 1551 | -434 | 1589 | -472 | 1604 | ||||
110. Sherrod & Workman et al No. 1 C. J. Seitz | SW NE | 32 | 220 | +889 | 873 | +236 | 1600 | -491 | 1634 | -525 | 1643 | ||||
T. 10 S., R. 20 E. | |||||||||||||||
111. Magnolia No. 1 R. B. Kessinger | SE NW | 1 | 5 | +1014 | 670 | +349 | 1365 | -346 | 1460 | -441 | 1470 | ||||
112. George O'Dea et al No. 1 W. F. Borst | SWNE | 1 | 45 | +1010 | 705 | +350 | 1405 | -350 | 1472 | -417 | 1502 | ||||
113. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 W. F. Borst | S2 SE NE | 1 | 26 | +1005 | 682 | +349 | 1386 | -355 | 1471 | -440 | 1474 | ||||
114. V. W. McKnabe et al No. 1 R. B. Kessinger | NW SW | 1 | 15 | +1016 | 685 | +346 | 1371 | -340 | 1386 | ||||||
115. Ward Schooler et alNo. 1 L. H. Schmidt | NE SW | 1 | 34 | +1008 | 688 | +354 | 1374 | -332 | 1409 | ||||||
116. McLaughlin & McNerney No. 1 L. H. Schmidt | SE SW | 1 | 47 | +1022 | 717 | +352 | 1390 | -321 | 1425 | -356 | 1437 | -368 | 1452 | ||
117. Miller, Cross, et al No. 1 J. W. Bell | NW SE | 1 | 5 | +1023 | 670 | +358 | 1341 | -313 | 1368 | ||||||
118. Miller, Cross, et al No. 2 J. W. Bell | SW SE | 1 | 17 | +1022 | 685 | +354 | 1365 | -326 | 1400 | -361 | 1405 | ||||
119. Miller, Cross, et al No. 3 J. W. Bell | E2 SE | 1 | 26 | +1008 | 680 | +354 | 1385 | -351 | 1398 | ||||||
120. W, T, McNerney No. 1 A. Fidler | NE NW | 2 | 640 | +335 | 1348 | -344 | 1392 | -388 | 1454 | ||||||
121. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 H. D. Ragan | NW NW | 3 | 85 | +1007 | 748 | +344 | 1407 | -315 | 1446 | -354 | 1456 | ||||
122. J. W. Longwell et al No. 1 W. H. Steenstry | NE NW | 3 | 38 | +1006 | 696 | +348 | 1364 | -320 | 1405 | -361 | 1429 | -385 | 1429 | ||
123. J. W. Longwell et al No. 2 W. H. Steenstry | SW NW | 3 | 50 | +1008 | 715 | +343 | 1373 | -315 | 1393 | ||||||
124. Apperson, Pundt, et al No. 1 W. H. Steenstry | SW SE NW | 3 | 70 | +1001 | 738 | +333 | 1428 | -357 | 1473 | ||||||
125. J. W. Longwell et al No. 1 W. F. Moore | NW NE | 3 | 74 | +1001 | 752 | +323 | 1430 | -355 | 1490 | -415 | 1504 | -429 | 1632 | ||
126. J. W. Longwell et al No. 1 Bankers Life (Bessie McLeod) | NW SW | 3 | 100 | +996 | 763 | +333 | 1438 | -342 | 1475 | ||||||
127. J. W. Longwell et al No. 2 Bankers Life (Bessie McLeod) | NE SW | 3 | 50 | +992 | 715 | +327 | 1375 | -333 | 1420 | ||||||
128. J. W. Longwell et al No. 3 Bankers Life (Bessie McLeod) | NW SW | 3 | 80 | +997 | 740 | +337 | 1417 | -340 | 1461 | ||||||
129. J. W. Longwell et al No. 4 Bankers Life (Bessie McLeod) | SW NE SW | 3 | 70 | +996 | 730 | +336 | 1406 | -340 | 1456 | ||||||
130. Ward Schooler et al No. 1 Bankers Life (Bessie McLeod) | SWSW | 3 | 108 | +996 | 772 | +332 | 1455 | -351 | 1491 | ||||||
131. W, W, Stark et al No. 1 E. P. Dark (McLaughlin) | NW NW NW | 4 | 89 | +993 | 746 | +336 | 1410 | -328 | 1442 | ||||||
132. J, W, Billingsley et al No. 2 D. W. McLaughlin | E2 NW NW | 4 | 80 | +999 | 738 | +341 | 1400 | -321 | 1442 | -363 | 1466 | -387 | 1599 | -521 | 1607 |
133, McLaughlin & Sons No. 2 fee | N2 NW | 4 | 88 | +999 | 752 | +335 | 1410 | -323 | 1457** | ||||||
134. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 fee** | NE NW | 4 | 95 | +1008 | 763 | +340 | 1426 | -323 | 1475 | -372 | 1503 | -400 | 1624 | -521 | 1915 |
135. Apperson-Stark et al No. 1 D. W. McLaughlin | SW NW NW | 4 | 80 | +996 | 740 | +336 | 1400 | -324 | 1448 | -372 | 1454 | -378 | 1565 | -489 | 1576 |
136. J. B. Apperson (T, W. Sowell) et al No. 1 D. W. McLaughlin | NW SW NW | 4 | 100 | +1002 | 764 | +338 | 1408 | -306 | 1445 | -343 | 1458 | -356 | 1585 | -483 | 1599 |
137. J. W. Billingsley et al No. 1 D. W. McLaughlin | NE SW NW | 4 | 85 | +1006 | 740 | +351 | 1410 | -319 | 1457 | -366 | 1467 | -376 | 1597 | -506 | 1601 1/2 |
138. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 E. P. Dark (McLaughlin) | NW SW NW | 4 | 69 | +1005 | 730 | +344 | 1378 | -304 | 1411 | ||||||
139. Aladdin No. 1 Bessie McLeod (Bankers Life) | SW SE NW | 4 | 135 | +1004 | 800 | +339 | 1474 | -335 | 1504 | -365 | 1525 | -386 | 1652 | -513 | 1682 |
140. W. W, Stark et al No. 1 H. B. Ragan | N2 NW NE | 4 | 125 | +997 | 783 | +339 | 1459 | -337 | 1488 | -366 | 1530 | -408 | 1662 | -540 | 1665 |
141. Aladdin No. 1 H. B. Ragan | SE NE | 4 | 105 | +998 | 770 | +333 | 1420 | -317 | 1440 1/2 | ||||||
142. Young, Longwell et al No. 2 Bessie McLeod | NW NW SW | 4 | 77 | +1009 | 730 | +356 | 1384 | -298 | 1423 | -337 | 1447 | -361 | 1575 | -489 | 1596 |
143. Young, Longwell et al No. 1 Bessie McLeod** | NW SW | 4 | 102 | +996 | 760 | +338 | 1424 | -326 | 1469 | -371 | 1521 | -423 | 1582 | -484 | 1919** |
144. J. E. Sherrod et al No. 1 E. R. Momyer | NW SE | 4 | 155 | +989 | 834 | +310 | 1498 | -354 | 1573 | -429 | 1612 | -468 | 1682 | ||
145. Magnolia No. 1 George A. Kell | NE SE | 4 | 105 | +999 | 775 | +319 | 1450 | -356 | 1539 | -445 | 1568 | -414 | 1645 | ||
146. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 C. Kimmel | NE NW | 5 | 171 | +971 | 825 | +317 | 1496 | -354 | 1526 | ||||||
147. Hatcher & Fisk No. 2 C. Kimmel | NW NW | 5 | 160 | +974 | 820 | +314 | 1503 | -369 | 1530 | ||||||
148. Hatcher & Fisk No. 3 C. Kimmel | SE NW | 5 | 182 | +974 | 845 | +311 | 1513 | -357 | 1536 | ||||||
149. J. W. Longwell et al No. 1 D. E. Bower | NW NE | 5 | 148 | +981 | 815 | +314 | 1464 | -335 | 1500 | ||||||
150. Aladdin Oil Co. No. 1 D. E. Bower | NE NE | 5 | 120 | +997 | 790 | +327 | 1442 | -325 | 1473 | ||||||
151. Luehring-Aladdin No. 1 D. E. Bower | SW NE NE | 5 | 152 | +985 | 812 | +325 | 1470 | -333 | 1512 | -375 | 1517 | -380 | 1635 | -498 | 1651 |
152. Apperson, Stark et al No. 1 Bower-McLaughlin | SE NE NE | 5 | 112 | +995 | 769 | +338 | 1430 | -323 | 1476 | -369 | 1484 | -377 | 1595 | -488 | 1603 |
153. J, E, Sherrod et al No. 2 D. E. Bower | NE SW NE | 5 | 145 | +991 | 813 | +323 | 1458 | -332 | 1525 | -389 | 1533 | -397 | 1644 | -508 | 1659 1/2 |
154. J. B. Apperson et al No. 2 D. E. Bower | N2 SE NE | 5 | 134 | +999 | 788 | +345 | 1445 | -312 | 1483 | -350 | 1491 | -358 | 1623 | -490 | 1628 |
155. J. E. Sherrod et al No. 1 D. E. Bower | SW NE | 5 | 160 | +997 | 827 | +330 | 1482 | -325 | 1501 | ||||||
156. T. B. Swan et al No. 1 D. E. Bower | SE NE | 5 | 130 | +1000 | 793 | +337 | 1438 | -308 | 1489 | -359 | 1492 | -362 | 1623 | -493 | 1636 |
157. McLaughlin & Sons No. 2 E. P. Dark (Bower) | SE NE | 5 | 111 | +1003 | 768 | +346 | 1424 | -310 | 1466 | -352 | 1470 | ||||
158. J.B. Apperson (Sowell) et al No. 1 D. E. Bower** | SE SE NE | 5 | *** | 1440 | -335 | 1450 | -345 | 1580 | -475 | 2288** | |||||
159. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 D. E. Bower | NESW | 5 | 197 | +980 | 848 | +329 | 1508 | -331 | 1544 | ||||||
160. Hatcher & Fisk No. 2 Henry H. Kimmel | SW SW | 5 | 215 | +965 | 868 | +312 | 1520 | -340 | 1569 | ||||||
161. Hatcher & Fisk No. 1 Henry H. Kimmel | SE SW | 5 | 200 | +979 | 850 | +329 | 1512 | -333 | 1561 | -382 | 1571 | -392 | 1704 | -525 | 1714 |
162, V-8 Drilling Co. No. 4 Bessie McLeod | NE NW SE | 5 | 140 | +1000 | 810 | +330 | 1440 | -300 | 1503 | -363 | 1513 | -373 | 1644 | -504 | 1645 1/2 |
163. V-8 Drilling Co. No. 1 Bessie McLeod | NWSE | 5 | 152 | +987 | 818 | +321 | 1484 | -345 | 1501 | ||||||
164. Young, Longwell et al No. 3 Bessie McLeod | NE SE | 5 | 141 | +1006 | 815 | +332 | 1474 | -327 | 1507 | -360 | 1515 | -368 | 1635 | -488 | 1644 |
165. Young, Longwell et al No. 4 Bessie McLeod | SW NE SE | 5 | 157 | +992 | 817 | +332 | 1475 | -326 | 1513 | ~364 | 1518 | -369 | 1659 | ||
166. V-8 Drilling Co. No. 3 Bessie McLeod | SE NW SE | 5 | 152 | +989 | 806 | +335 | 1484 | -343 | 1535 | -394 | 1528 | -387 | 1639 | -498 | 1645 |
167. V-8 Drilling Co. No. 4 Bessie McLeod | SWSE | 5 | 160 | +983' | 825 | +318 | 1479 | -336 | 1533 | ||||||
168. Oscar Lofquist et al No. 1 Bessie McLeod | NW SE SE | 5 | 170 | +985 | 825 | +330 | 1485 | -330 | 1530 | -375 | 1535 | -380 | 1654 | -499 | 1660 |
169. J. B. Apperson (T.W. Sowell) et al No. 1 Bessie McLeod | NE SE SE | 5 | 135 | +991 | 808 | +318 | 1471 | -345 | 1504 | -378 | 1512 | -386 | 1645 | -519 | 1649 |
170. John B. Richard et al No. 1 Kate Sherman | NE NE | 6 | 170 | +966 | 818 | +318 | 1504 | -368 | 1518 | ||||||
171. Ray Anderson et al No. 1 Woodhead Estate | NE SW | 6 | 180 | +931 | 838 | +273 | 1520 | -409 | 1552 | -441 | 1603 | ||||
172. H. Luehring et al No. 1 Amiel Fryhofer | NE NE | 7 | 215 | +952 | 868 | +299 | 1580 | -413 | 1635 | -468 | 1637 | ||||
173. J, B. Synhorst et al No. 1 McLeod-Wisdom | N2 NW | 8 | 220 | +970 | 880 | +310 | 1548 | -358 | 1571 | ||||||
174. J. B. Synhorst et al No. 2 McLeod-Wisdom | SW NW | 8 | 208 | +958 | 860 | +306 | 1520 | -354 | 1553 | ||||||
175. Mosbacher, Kilness et al No. 1 Neal Vandruff | NE NW | 8 | 220 | +969 | 878 | +311 | 1551 | -362 | 1580 | ||||||
176. J. E, Sherrod et al No. 1 Alvin Means | NE NE NW | 8 | 190 | +977 | 840 | +327 | 1499 | -332 | 1536 | ||||||
177. J, E, Sherrod et al No. 1 Wm. F. Benne | NW NW NE | 8 | 185 | +977 | 856 | +306 | 1516 | -354 | 1610 | -448 | 1623 | ||||
178. J, B, Apperson et al No. 1 B McLeod (Hunter) | NE NE NW | 9 | 195 | +980 | 862 | +313 | 1535 | -360 | 1574 | -399 | 1616 | -441 | 1701 | -526 | 1706 |
179. Walter T McNerney No. 1 Earl Chapman | E2 NW NW | 12 | 40 | +1008 | 694 | +354 | 1367 | -319 | 1421 | -373 | 1428 | ||||
180. W, T, McNerney et al No. 1 Fed, Land. Bank (Watson) | NE NW | 12 | 14 | +1020 | 682 | +352 | 1368 | -334 | 1385 | ||||||
181. W. T. McNerney et al No. 1 J. M. Williams | SW NW | 12 | 32 | +1006 | 695 | +343 | 1390 | -352 | 1448 | -410 | 1474 | -436 | 1495 | ||
182. E, W. Mosbacher et al No. 1 J. Bell Estate | NW NE NE | 12 | +1002 | 662 | +332 | 1330 | -336 | 1372 | -378 | 1414 | -420 | 1487 | |||
183. J, W. Billingsley et al No. 1 D. Wilkins | SW NE | 15 | 30 | +1011 | 703 | +338 | 1370 | -329 | 1425 | -384 | 1460 | -419 | 1575 | ||
184. Caufield & Sullivan No. 1 Ada Ragan | SW SE | 19 | 160 | +960 | 820 | +300 | 1510 | -390 | 1562 | -442 | 1579 | -459 | 1706 | -586 | 1708 |
185. H. Luehring et al No. 1 S. A. Petrie | NE SE SE | 19 | 148 | +961 | 812 | +297 | 1510 | -401 | 1555 | -446 | 1588 | -479 | 1716 | -607 | 1738 |
186. E. W. Mosbacher et al No. 1 C. L. Stroud | SW NE | 20 | 40 | +977 | 704 | +313 | 1402 | -385 | 1420 | -403 | 1435 | -418 | 1531 | ||
187. Wm. O. Smythe et al No. 1 Charles E, Miller** | NE SE | 22 | 90 | +1025 | 752 | +363 | 1430 | -315 | 1476 | -361 | 1510 | -395 | 1620 | -505 | 1947** |
188. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 T. M. Thorpe** | NE NE | 27 | 4 | +1055 | 671 | +388 | 1354 | -295 | 1398 | -339 | 1426 | -367 | 1549 | -490 | 2209** |
T. 10 S., R. 21 E. | |||||||||||||||
189. Charles E. Miller No. 1 J. Bell Estate | S2 NW SW | 6 | 55 | +998 | 712 | +341 | 1401 | -348 | 1438 | ||||||
190. Miller-Magnolia et al No. 3 J. A. Bell | SE SW | 6 | 36 | +999 | 704 | +331 | 1395 | -360 | 1419 | -384 | 1433 | ||||
191. Charles E. Miller et al No. 1 J. A. Bell | NW NW NW | 7 | 31 | +998 | 695 | +334 | 1370 | -341 | 1384 | ||||||
192. Charles E. Miller et al No. 2 J. A. Bell | SW NW | 7 | 612 | +341 | 1305 | -352 | 1335 | -382 | 1342 | ||||||
193. Miller-Magnolia et al No. 1 E. E. Jeannin | NE NW | 7 | 6 | +1006 | 670 | +342 | 1367 | -355 | 1412 | -400 | 1412 | -400 | 1414 | ||
194. Aladdin Oil Co. No. 1 C. W. Corlett | SW NE | 19 | 5 | +1030 | 660 | +375 | 1352 | -317 | 1417 | -382 | 1430 | ||||
Wells completed April 1 to June 15. 1943 | |||||||||||||||
T. 9 S., R. 19 E. | |||||||||||||||
195. B. O. Slottman et al No. 1 Bankers Life | SE SE | 25 | 120 | +934 | 780 | +274 | 1467 | -413 | 1473 | ||||||
T. 9 S., R. 20 E. | |||||||||||||||
196. O. B. Kilness et al No. 1 T. C. Moseberger | S2 NE SE | 21 | 83 | +957 | 738 | +302 | 1414 | -374 | 1417 | ||||||
197. Charles E, Miller No. 1. Tullis | SW SW SE | 22 | 10 | 671 | 1349 | 1382 | 1421 1/2 | ||||||||
198. Charles E. Miller No. 1 Moses | SE SE | 25 | 566 | +349 | 1265 | -350 | 1300 | -385 | 1347 | -432 | 1487 | -572 | 1492 | ||
199. Byram et al No. 1 George Kell | NW NW | 34 | 70 | +993 | 735 | +328 | 1402 | -339 | 1437 | -374 | 1441 | ||||
T. 10 S., R. 20 E. | |||||||||||||||
200. J. B. Apperson (T. W. Sowell) et al No. 2 D. W. McLaughlin |
SW NW | 4 | 83 | +995 | 735 | +343 | 1390 | -312 | 1425 | -347 | 1442 | -364 | 1559 | -481 | 1581 1/2 |
201. J. E. Sherrod et al No. 3 D. E. Bower | SE SW NE | 5 | 140 | +998 | 810 | +328 | 1460 | -322 | 1520 | -382 | 1527 | -389 | 1649 | -511 | 1654 |
T. 10 S., R. 21 E. | |||||||||||||||
202. Charles E, Miller No. 3 J. Bell Estate | S2 SW SW | 6 | 4 | 666 | 1345 | 1402 | |||||||||
* Top of Warsaw estimated. Well entered Mississippian below top of Warsaw. ** Drilled below Mississippian, see supplementary table 27 *** Rotary well, No samples or log kept above top of Mississippian. |
Supplement to Table 27, giving data on deep wells
Well Name | Depth top Gilmore City | Altitude top Gilmore City | Depth top Chouteau | Altitude top Chouteau | Depth top Chattanooga | Altitude top Chattanooga | Depth top Devonian | Altitude top Devonian | Depth top Maquoketa | Altitude top Maquoketa | Depth top Kimmswick | Altitude top Kimmswick | Depth top Decorah | Altitude top Decorah | Depth top St. Peter | Altitude top St. Peter | Depth top Arbuckle | Altitude top Arbuckle |
3. Max Cohen No. 1 M. L. Decker | 1680 | -694 | 1801 | -815 | 1874 | -888 | ||||||||||||
12. E. V. Jackson et al No. 1 N, Fevurly | 1743 | -736 | 1770 | -763 | 1870 | -863 | ||||||||||||
134. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 fee | 1685 | -582 | 1708 | -605 | 1820 | -717 | 1874 | -771 | ||||||||||
143. Young, Longwell et al No. 1 Bessie McLeod | 1775 | -676 | 1828 | -729 | ||||||||||||||
158. J. B. Apperson et al No. 1 D. E. Bower | 1781 | -676 | 1829 | -724 | 2002 | -897 | 2009 | -904 | 2158 | -1053 | 2165 | -1060 | 2233 | -1128 | ||||
187. W. O. Smythe et al No. 1 Charles E. Miller | 1688 | -573 | 1821 | -706 | 1872 | -757 | ||||||||||||
188. McLaughlin & Sons No. 1 T. M. Thorpe | 1606 | -547 | 1624 | -565 | 1734 | -675 | 1794 | -735 | 1953 | -894 | 2088 | -1029 | 2164 | -1105 |
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Kansas Geological Survey
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Web version July 2019. Original publication date June 1944.