Figure 10--Map of a portion of Missouri and eastern Kansas showing thickness of rocks between the top of the Lamotte sandstone and the top of the Roubidoux formation. Data in Missouri from McQueen (1931) and in eastern Kansas from samples of wells examined by R.P. Keroher. The thin section in Vernon County, Missouri, may be due either to an igneous intrusion, and unreduced Precambrian ridge, or a local structure that was active until the deposition of the Gunter sandstone member of the Van Buren formation, which in this area is reported to overlie granite.
Isopachous lines connecting points of equal thickness are drawn at intervals of 100 feet. Dots show locations of wells used as source data. Lines A-B and C-D indicate locations of cross sections shown in figures 4 and 5.
Kansas Geological Survey, Forest City Basin
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Web version July 2005. Original publication date Dec. 1943.