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Table of Contents
General features and relations of rocks of pre-Cambrian and Cambrian age
Lamotte sandstone
Bonneterre dolomite
Potosi dolomite
Eminence dolomite
Proctor dolomite
Van Buren formation
Gasconade dolomite
Roubidoux formation
Jefferson City and Cotter dolomites
St. Peter sandstone
Post-St. Peter and pre-Maquoketa formations
Plattin limestone and Decorah shale
Kimmswick limestone
Maquoketa shale
Chimneyhill limestone
Oolitic zone
White chert zone
Foraminiferal zone
Drusy quartz zone
General description
Middle Devonian limestones of Cooper and younger age
Rocks of Devonian or Mississippian age
Chattanooga shale
Kinderhookian series
Chouteau limestone
Gilmore City limestone
Osagian series
Burlington and Keokuk limestones (undifferentiated)
Meramecian series
Warsaw limestone
Spergen limestone
St. Louis limestone
Ste. Genevieve limestone
Post-Mississippian cave deposits
Desmoinesian series
Cherokee shale
Marmaton group
Missourian series
Bourbon group
Bronson, Kansas City, and Lansing groups
Pedee group
Virgilian series
Douglas group
Shawnee group
Wabaunsee group
Wolfcampian series
Admire group
Council Grove group
Chase group
Pleistocene series
Glacial till
Structural Development of the Forest City Basin and Adjacent Areas
The use of isopachous maps to determine structural deformation
Regional deformation between the beginning of Cambrian time and the end of St. Peter time
Regional deformation from the end of St. Peter time to the end of Maquoketa time
Regional deformation from the end of Maquoketa time to pre-Chattanooga peneplanation
Regional deformation indicated by the thickness of the Chattanooga shale
Early Mississippian deformation
The Nemaha anticline
Deformation of the post-Mississippian peneplain
Regional deformation during the Pennsylvanian
Post-Pennsylvanian structural movements
Structural Development of Anticlines
Northwestward trending folds
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Kansas Geological Survey, Forest City Basin
Comments to
Web version July 2005. Original publication date Dec. 1943.