Real-Time Water-Quality Data

Estimation of Total Dissolved Solids and Sulfate Concentrations for the Arkansas River near Coolidge (near the Colorado-Kansas line)

To obtain the current specific conductance of Arkansas River water near Coolidge, click on the following line that links to data available from the web pages of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS):

Read the specific conductance value for the ARKANSAS R NR COOLIDGE, KS and convert to total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration in mg/L (or ppm) by using the equation

TDS = 0.935 x Sp.C. - 368

or convert to sulfate concentration in mg/L (or ppm) by using the equation

Sulfate = 0.593 x Sp.C. - 326

Alternatively, the TDS concentration can be estimated from a graph of TDS versus conductance and the sulfate content can be estimated from a graph of sulfate versus conductance. See section on Chemical Characteristics of Arkansas River Water in the report Water Quality of the Arkansas River in Southwest Kansas for estimation of the concentrations of other dissolved constituents (calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, nitrate and boron) in the river water from the specific conductance.

To view a USGS graph of specific conductance for Arkansas River water near Coolidge during the past week, click on the following link:

To view a USGS graph of specific conductance for Arkansas River water near Coolidge during the past month, click on the following line:

To view USGS graphs of discharge, gage height, temperature, specific conductance, and precipitation for the Arkansas River near Coolidge during the past week, click on the following line:

To view USGS graphs of discharge, gage height, temperature, specific conductance, and precipitation for the Arkansas River near Coolidge during the past month, click on the following line:

To obtain a map of total precipitation for western Kansas and Colorado (that includes the entire drainage basin of the upper Arkansas River) during the last week that was estimated from radar, click on the following web address of Intellicast:


Upper Arkansas River Corridor Study--A Kansas Water Plan project to evaluate the movement of saline Arkansas River water into ground water resources in southwest Kansas. More ...
