Agency Cooperation

Kansas Water Office

The Upper Arkansas River Corridor Study is a Kansas Water Plan project conducted for the Kansas Water Office.

Relevance to Fiscal Year 2002 Kansas Water Plan

Policy Section--Water Quality

Kansas Water Plan 2010 Objectives

By 2010, reduce the average concentration of bacteria, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved solids, metals, nutrients, pesticides and sediment that adversely affect the water quality of Kansas lakes and streams.

By 2010, reduce the average concentration of dissolved solids, metals, nitrates, pesticides and volatile organic chemicals that adversely affect the water quality of Kansas ground water.

By 2010, ensure that water-quality conditions are maintained at a level equal to or better than year 2000 conditions.

Basin Section--Upper Arkansas--Water Quality

Enhance current efforts to document the fate and effects of contaminated Arkansas River flows on the alluvial, Ogallala, and Dakota aquifers in the valley.

Clearly establish the links between decreased flow in the Arkansas River, increased levels of water contamination in the alluvial, Ogallala, and Dakota aquifers, and lowered ground water tables.

The Upper Arkansas River corridor study by the Kansas Geological Survey under contract with the Kansas Water Office, is characterizing the water quality within the river corridor with an emphasis on the distribution and migration of salinity and nitrate, and implications of saltwater migration on management strategies. The goal of the study is to maintain the availability of freshwater supplies from the High Plains aquifer adjacent to the Arkansas River between the Colorado state line and Dodge City.

Other cooperating agencies

Division of Water Resources

The main cooperating agency is the Division of Water Resources, Kansas Department of Agriculture. The project has been conducted in cooperation with staff of the Subbasin Water Resources Management Program, in particular, in the Upper Arkansas River Subbasin.

The following agencies have assisted in sample collection, participated in technical advisory committee meetings, or have helped in providing data.

Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District No. 3

Southwest Kansas Local Environmental Planning Group

Pesticide and Fertilizer Program, Kansas Department of Agriculture

KSU Southwest Research Extension Center

Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) in the Great Plains

Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks

U.S. Geological Survey, Kansas District Office

Natural Resources Conservation Service, Kansas Area Offices

Other links relevant to the project area or region


Upper Arkansas River Corridor Study--A Kansas Water Plan project to evaluate the movement of saline Arkansas River water into ground water resources in southwest Kansas. More ...
