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Cheyenne Sandstone, Russell County

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Logs of Test Holes and Disposal Wells

Samples of drill cuttings from 17 test holes and shallow disposal wells drilled by the Stearns Drilling Company were examined using binocular and petrographic microscopes, and the following logs were prepared.

1. Log of test hole 8, 2,140 feet north and 1,.430 feet west of the SE corner sec. 35, T. 13 S., R. 15 W. Surface altitude, 1,882 feet. Thickness,
Tertiary (?)
Clay, silt, sand, and gravel; contains fragments of rock, foraminifera, and aragonite prisms 33 33
Carlile shale
Fairport chalky shale member
Shale, calcareous, dark gray, contains many foraminifera 35 68
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; interbedded. Shale, dark, and containing many foraminifera 90 158
Graneros shale
Shale, black, and thin beds of fine, angular, micaceous sand 24 182
Dakota formation
Sand, fine to medium-grained, angular, containing siderite 8 190
Shale, light gray, micaceous 17 207
Sand, poorly sorted, angular, containing charcoal 17 224
Shale, dark greenish gray, poorly laminated; contains mica, charcoal, pyrite, and siderite 7 231
Clay, light gray, blocky; contains sand and abundant siderite pellets 37 268
Clay, light greenish gray to tan mottled, containing mica, charcoal, and siderite 20 288
Clay, mottled red, gray, and tan, containing siderite, hematite, and charcoal 80 368
Clay, silty, light gray, containing abundant siderite pellets and mica 20 388
Sand, poorly sorted, micaceous, containing abundant siderite pellets and pyrite 10 398
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray, containing much red and pink clay; probably caved from above 80 478
Sand, poorly sorted, angular, containing pyrite, mica, and glauconite 20 498
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, buff, fine-grained, well sorted; grains well rounded and frosted. Mica and glauconite absent 37 535
Sand, red, poorly sorted, fine-grained 90 625
Shale, light gray 10 635
Sand, red, and shale, gray 65 700
Shale, red, and siltstone, red 33 733

2. Log of test hole 9, 2,000 feet north and 650 feet east of the SW corner sec. 32, T. 13 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,865 feet. Thickness,
No samples 25 25
Carlile shale
Fairport chalky shale member
Shale, gray, calcareous; contains foraminifera and aragonite prisms 32 57
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; interbedded 93 150
Graneros shale
Shale, dark greenish to brownish gray 14 164
Dakota formation
Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained, tight, sub-angular, containing charcoal and siderite 26 190
Sandstone, fine to coarse, angular, micaceous, containing siderite and pyrite 22 212
Sand, shaly, gray, containing much siderite 13 225
Clay, mottled light gray and dull pink, containing abundant siderite pellets 75 300
Sand, poorly sorted to well sorted, micaceous, angular, containing pyrite 81 381
Sandstone, white, well sorted, cemented by calcite, containing trace of black shale 12 393
Sand, poorly sorted, angular, containing pyrite 29 422
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray, having greenish-brown tints 3 425
Sand and shale; containing mica and siderite, probably caved from above 15 440
Shale, dark gray 12 452
Sandstone, fine, cemented by pyrite 2 454
Shale, dark gray and light pink, probably caved from above 18 472
Sand, very fine, angular, micaceous, glauconitic, well sorted 35 507
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, rounded, plastered on dark shale (probably sampled from bit), and shale gray 30 537
Sand, red, very fine-grained, containing glauconite 53 590

3. Log of test hole 10, 1,950 feet west and 1,300 feet south of the NE corner sec. 33, T. 13 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,861 feet. Thickness,
Tertiary (?)
Clay and sand, light yellowish tan 20 20
Carlile shale
Fairport chalky shale member
Shale, light to dark gray, calcareous; contains foraminifera, limonite, and streaks of coarse siltstone 45 65
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; interbedded; contains foraminifera 90 155
Graneros shale
Shale, dark gray to black 19 174
Dakota formation
Silt and sandstone, fine- to medium-grained, angular to rounded; containing pyrite, siderite, and mica 5 179
Clay, dark gray, containing siderite 16 195
Sand, fine, poorly sorted, containing siderite 10 205
Clay, silty, gray to buff, containing mica and siderite pellets 80 285
Clay, mottled brown and gray, containing mica, pyrite, siderite, and sandstone 38 323
Clay, light to dark gray, containing mica and charcoal 12 335
Clay, mottled red and gray, containing mica and siderite pellets 45 380
Sand, angular, containing mica, pyrite, charcoal, and siderite 10 390
Sandstone, fine, cemented by calcium carbonate 14 404
Sand, angular, containing mica, pyrite, charcoal, and siderite 35 439
Kiowa shale
Shale, light to dark gray, containing pyrite, charcoal, mica, and scattered sand grains 24 463
Sand, very fine, angular, containing glauconite, pyrite, mica, and streaks of shale 37 500
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine, angular, glauconitic, containing pyrite and a trace of mica 5 505
Sand, fine, well rounded, fairly well sorted, containing much pyrite 15 520
Sand, dull light pink, very fine-grained 10 530
Siltstone, light red but having light greenish-gray spots, containing scattered fine rounded grains of sand and much pyrite 30 560
Sand, pale red, fine-grained, moderately well sorted, containing glauconite 30 590
Siltstone, red but having greenish-gray streaks 36 626

4. Log of test hole 11, 1,620 feet east and 100 feet south of the NW corner sec. 10, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,815 feet. Thickness,
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; interbedded 98 98
Graneros shale
Shale, light gray, containing mica and limonite 21 119
Dakota formation
Sandstone, fine-grained, poorly sorted, angular, containing siderite 14 133
Clay, gray, containing siderite pellets and some silt 47 180
Clay, mottled gray and red, containing siderite pellets partly stained by limonite 100 280
Clay, light gray, sandy 15 295
Sand, angular, well sorted, medium-grained, containing pyrite 10 305
Sand, medium-grained, angular, and siltstone 8 313
Clay, dark gray, finely laminated 22 335
Sandstone, silty, angular to rounded, containing pyrite and siderite 10 345
Sand, angular, fine-grained, poorly sorted, containing mica and some pyrite 5 350
Kiowa shale
Shale, gray to dark gray, thinly laminated 40 390
Sand, white, very fine-grained, angular, containing mica, glauconite, and pyrite 20 410
Shale, dark gray 10 420
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, rounded, fine-grained 23 443
Silt and sand, very fine-grained, rounded, containing glauconite 10 453
Sandstone, red, very fine, silty, poorly sorted, micaceous 4 457
Sandstone, white, very fine, poorly sorted, glauconitic 23 480
Sandstone, red, and siltstone, red 32 512

5. Log of test hole 12, 720 feet north and 1,460 feet east of the SW corner sec. 14, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,815 feet. Thickness,
Clay, silt, and sand; contains fragments of foraminifera 10 10
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; interbedded; contains bentonite and abundant foraminifera 70 80
Graneros shale
Shale, almost black, and sandstone, fine, glauconitic 25 105
Dakota formation
Shale, gray, containing siderite 15 120
Clay, light gray, silty to sandy, containing mica and siderite 20 140
Clay, light to greenish gray, containing lignite and siderite pellets 50 190
Clay, mottled red and gray, containing siderite 40 230
Clay, silty to sandy, light to dark gray 30 260
Sand, coarse, fairly well rounded, containing siderite pellets 8 268
Clay, greenish gray and chocolate brown, containing streaks of fine sandstone 41 309
Sandstone, fine, containing glauconite and pyrite 21 330
Sand, fine- to coarse-grained, containing pyrite, mica, and charcoal 20 350
Kiowa shale
Shale, light gray, containing siderite, mica, and streaks of highly glauconitic silty sandstone 20 370
Shale, light gray, containing a little fine sandstone, siderite pellets and pyrite 30 400
Shale, gray, sandy, containing lignite, silt, mica, pyrite, and a little glauconite 15 415
Shale, very dark; contains small fish scale 3 418
Sand, fine-grained, angular, containing pyrite, a little siderite, and much glauconite and mica 5 423
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, rounded, fine-grained, poorly sorted, containing a little mica and glauconite 20 443
(No samples recovered) 10 453
Shale, sandy, gray; contains much pyrite, rounded and angular grains of sand, and a little glauconite 25 478
Shale, silty, red, micaceous 219 697

6. Log of test hole 13, 900 feet north and 2,140 feet west of SE corner sec. 10, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,842 feet. Thickness,
Clay, silt, and sand; buff; contains foraminifera 30 30
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; gray and dark gray; interbedded; contains bentonite and foraminifera 70 100
Graneros shale
Shale, dark gray, sandstone and siltstone, fine, contains much glauconite 40 140
Dakota formation
Shale, gray, silty, containing many siderite pellets 25 165
Clay, light gray, containing siderite pellets 20 185
Clay, yellow, red, gray, brown, containing siderite 95 280
Clay, chocolate brown, and siltstone, containing a few grains of glauconite 20 300
Clay, light chocolate red 30 330
Clay, dark greenish gray 10 340
Clay, dark gray and chocolate brown 10 350
Clay, dark gray and chocolate brown, containing silt, sand, and siderite pellets 15 365
Sandstone and clay; gray and red 7 372
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray, thinly laminated, in part silty 28 410
Sand, fine, angular, micaceous; contains glauconite, pyrite, and shell fragments 20 430
Sand, fine, micaceous, and shale, dark gray, thinly laminated; contains much pyrite 10 440
Shale, dark gray 5 445
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine, angular, slightly glauconitic, containing much pyrite 9 454
Sand, fine, angular to rounded, containing pyrite 10 464
Sand, fine, silt, light gray, silty shale, gray, and some dense, dark, limestone; contains much pyrite 26 490
Sand, red and gray, poorly sorted, and shale, dark 10 500
Silt, sandy, red 35 535

7. Log of test hole 14, 2,240 feet east and 1,980 feet south of the NW corner sec. 23, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,803 feet. Thickness,
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; gray and dark gray; interbedded 60 60
Graneros shale
Shale, dark, and sandstone, fine, glauconitic 20 80
Dakota formation
Clay, gray, containing a few grains of sand, pyrite, fragments and pellets of siderite, and charcoal 70 150
Silt, light gray 5 155
Clay, silty, light gray, having faint red streaks 70 225
Sandstone, poorly sorted, cemented by siderite 20 245
Sand, fine- to medium-grained, containing pyrite, mica, and siderite. Some is cemented by pyrite 50 295
Clay, gray, contains pellets of sand, pyrite, and siderite 25 320
Kiowa shale
Sand, fine-grained, angular, containing mica and glauconite 5 325
Shale, dark gray, sandy, containing pyrite and glauconite 10 335
Shale, gray, silty, micaceous, containing pyrite and siderite 25 360
Sandstone, fine, containing pyrite and shell fragments 5 365
Shale, dark gray, sandy 10 375
Sandstone, very fine- to fine-grained, angular, containing glauconite, pyrite, shell fragments, and mica 10 385
Shale, light to dark gray, containing pyrite 15 400
Cheyenne sandstone
Shale, sandy and silty, light gray 15 415
Sand, fine-grained, fairly well sorted, containing glauconite and a little mica. Coarse grains become more common and sorting becomes poorer toward bottom 15 430
Shale, gray, sandy, containing pyrite and glauconite; and sand, fine- to coarse-grained 10 440
Siltstone, red 50 490
Siltstone, red, and shale, greenish gray 40 530
Siltstone and shale; red 20 550

8. Log of test hole 15, 900 feet west and 600 feet north of SE corner sec. 15, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,840 feet. Thickness,
Clay, silt, and sand; buff 25 25
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; interbedded 55 80
Graneros shale
Shale, dark, and siltstone, glauconitic 35 115
Dakota formation
Clay, pale gray, having yellow streaks toward bottom 30 145
Clay, mottled light gray and red 25 170
Sand, faint pink, fine, angular, well sorted, micaceous 25 195
Clay, mottled light gray and red 40 235
Clay, silty, grayish pink 15 250
Clay, light gray 10 260
Sand, white, angular, fine- to medium-grained 8 268
Clay, mottled light gray and red 27 295
Clay, light gray, containing siderite 10 305
Silt and sandstone, fine, angular; contains mica and glauconite 5 310
Clay, mottled dark gray and red, containing siderite 28 338
Sand, angular, well sorted 12 350
Clay, silty, mottled pink and gray 20 370
Clay, sandy, light gray 5 375
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite 20 395
Shale, gray, and sand, glauconitic; contains shell fragments 5 400
Sand, angular, poorly sorted, micaceous, containing glauconite 20 420
Shale, dark, containing much pyrite; lower part sandy 20 440
Sand, fine-grained, angular, micaceous 5 445
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, angular at top, rounded below 20 465
Shale, dark gray, and sand, silty, poorly sorted, glauconitic. May have caved from above 10 475
Sand, silty, gray and pink 5 480
Siltstone, red 20 500

9. Log of test hole 16, 2,340 feet north and 300 feet east of the SW corner sec. 31, T. 13 S., R. 13 W. Surface altitude, 1,851 feet. Thickness,
Clay and silt; light yellow 25 25
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; gray; interbedded 95 120
Graneros shale
Shale, dark gray to greenish black, and sandstone, fine, angular, containing glauconite 31 151
Dakota formation
Clay, gray, containing siderite, sandstone, fine, and siltstone 89 240
Sandstone, fine-grained, well sorted, cemented by calcite or ankerite 14 254
Clay, gray, yellow, and chocolate-brown, containing siderite 81 335
Clay, light gray, containing siderite pellets 20 355
Clay, gray, sandy, containing red streaks 15 370
Clay, light gray, containing siderite 15 385
Sandstone, white to brown, angular, well sorted, cemented by calcite 5 390
Sandstone, white to brown, fine- to medium-grained, containing pyrite and siderite 20 410
Kiowa shale
Shale, gray to dark gray 25 435
Sand, fine, cemented by pyrite, black shale, glauconite, and pieces of cone-in-cone structures 15 450
Shale, gray, containing much pyrite 10 460
Siltstone, gray, shaly, containing cone-in-cone structures 5 465
Siltstone, gray, and shale, dark 15 480
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine- to medium-grained, angular to rounded, containing much pyrite, and cone-in-cone structures 10 490
Sand, rounded, slightly shaly, cemented by pyrite 10 500
Sand, rounded, containing pyrite and glauconite 5 505
Shale, brownish red, silty to sandy 25 530

10. Log of test hole 17, 1,000 feet south and 1,000 feet east of the NW corner sec. 25, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,773 feet. Thickness,
Clay, silt, sand, and gravel; yellow to pink to gray; contains lignite, feldspar, and a trace of pyrite 105 105
Dakota formation
Sand, fine-grained, angular, well sorted 30 135
Sand, fine to medium, containing siderite fragments 20 155
Sand, fine, containing siderite and hematite 20 175
Sand, fine- to medium-grained, angular, fairly well sorted 50 225
Silt, white, containing sand and pyrite 20 245
Sandstone, gray to white, cemented with calcite and pyrite, and much glauconite 10 255
Clay, silt, and sand; gray; containing much pyrite and a little siderite 35 290
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray 5 295
Shale, silty, gray 5 300
Shale, dark gray, containing much pyrite 5 305
Shale, gray 15 320
Shale, dark gray, containing shell fragments 5 325
Shale, gray to dark gray; contains pyrite, silt, sand, shell fragments, and glauconite 25 350
Shale, gray 10 360
Shale, dark gray, and sandstone, containing pyrite and glauconite 5 365
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine-grained, angular, containing glauconite and a little mica 25 390
Sand and siltstone; red and gray 5 395
Siltstone, pink and. gray, sandy 25 420
Sand, fine, red 15 435
Siltstone, sandy, red and gray 9 444

11. Log of test hole 18, 2,400 feet east and 300 feet south of the NW corner sec. 30, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,817 feet. Thickness,
Clay, silt, and sand; buff 20 20
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; gray to dark gray; interbedded 48 68
Graneros shale
Shale, gray to light gray; containing sandstone, very fine, angular, highly glauconitic 32 100
Dakota formation
Clay, light- gray, containing fragments of siderite 20 120
Sand, fine to coarse, white to gray 41 161
Clay, silty, gray, containing fragments of siderite and siderite pellets 34 195
Sandstone, gray 5 200
Clay, red and gray, containing siderite pellets 80 280
Sandstone, fine to coarse, containing siderite and glauconite 17 297
Clay, green, having red and yellow streaks, containing pyrite and siderite 8 305
Clay, gray, silty, containing spots of siderite and henatite 15 320
Sand, white, well sorted, fine- to medium-grained, mica and pyrite absent 15 335
Clay, gray and red, containing silt and siderite pellets 25 360
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite and siderite pellets 10 370
Shale, gray, silty, containing charcoal 5 375
Shale, dark gray, silty to sandy, containing pyrite and charcoal 10 385
Sandstone, fine, poorly sorted, micaceous, cemented with pyrite and containing a trace of glauconite 5 390
Shale, dark, containing much pyrite and pockets of fine sandstone and siltstone 20 410
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine, rounded 20 430
Sand, fine, pink and red 40 470
Siltstone, shale, and sand, red 45 515

12. Log of test hole 19, 200 feet north and 1,640 feet east of the SW corner sec. 21, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,855 feet. Thickness,
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; light to dark gray, interbedded; containing bentonite 80 80
Graneros shale
Shale, dark gray to black 15 95
Shale, dark gray, and sandstone, fine, angular, glauconitic 5 100
Dakota formation
Clay, gray, sandy, containing siderite 20 120
Sand, very fine, containing a little pyrite 20 140
Clay, gray, silty to sandy, containing fragments of siderite and a trace of charcoal 30 170
Sand, fine to coarse, containing abundant siderite pellets 10 180
Clay, light gray, silty, containing siderite 55 235
Sand, fine, well sorted, containing siderite in lower part 20 255
Clay, light gray 5 260
Sand, fine to coarse, poorly sorted, containing many siderite pellets 35 295
Clay, red 5 300
Clay, gray, containing fragments of siderite 20 320
Sand, fine to medium, poorly sorted, white 30 350
Clay, gray, silty, containing fragments of siderite 10 360
Sandstone, poorly sorted, fine to coarse, containing many large siderite pellets and pyrite cemented with calcite 5 365
Clay, silty, gray, containing fragments of siderite 10 375
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite and few siderite pellets 20 395
Siltstone and sand, very fine; containing pyrite 20 415
No sample recovered 5 420
Shale, dark, containing pyrite 25 445
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine, angular and rounded 30 475
Sand, fine, red 20 495
Shale, silty, red 20 515

13. Log of test hole 20, 1,000 feet west and 1,740 feet north of the SE corner sec. 27, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,791 feet. Thickness,
Clay, silt, and sand; gray and buff 85 85
Dakota formation
Clay, silty, light gray and red, containing siderite pellets 70 155
Sand, very fine- to medium-grained, well sorted, containing siderite and a little pyrite 57 212
Clay, light gray, silty and sandy, containing siderite pellets and a few streaks of lignite 98 310
Clay, light bluish gray 25 335
Clay, silty, light gray 10 345
Sand, fine, poorly sorted, containing trace of calcite 5 350
Sand, fine, containing small siderite pellets 29 379
Shale, dark bluish gray 1 380
Sand, fine to coarse, poorly sorted, containing much pyrite 5 385
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray to gray, containing pyrite 25 410
No sample recovered 10 420
Shale, light gray, containing glauconite and fine micaceous sandstone 10 430
Shale, light to dark gray, in part silty 5 435
Siltstone and shale; red 320 755
Shale, red, and anhydrite 3 758

14. Log of test hole 21, 1,940 feet north and 400 feet east of the SW corner sec. 33, T. 13 S., R. 15 W. Surface altitude, 1,901 feet. Thickness,
Silt and sand; buff; in part cemented by calcium carbonate 20 20
Carlile shale
Fairport chalky shale member
Shale, dark gray, calcareous 30 50
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone and shale; gray; interbedded; containing bentonite in lower part 95 145
Graneros shale
Shale, dark gray to black, and bentonite, blue 27 172
Dakota formation
Sandstone, dark, and light gray clay; containing fragments of siderite and hematite 8 180
Clay, dark gray, containing fragments of siderite 20 200
Sandstone, fine, containing fragments of siderite and cemented with siderite 20 220
Sandstone, fine to coarse, cemented with siderite and hematite 10 230
Sand, fine, silty, in part cemented with siderite 10 240
Siltstone, white, containing charcoal, siderite pellets, and mica 10 250
Clay, pink, gray, white, and yellow mottled, containing charcoal and siderite pellets 30 280
Clay, sandy, light gray, containing abundant siderite pellets 5 285
Clay, mottled red, yellow, gray, and white, containing siderite pellets and a small amount of sand 40 325
Sand, silty, poorly sorted 5 330
Sand, fine-grained, well sorted, in part cemented by calcium carbonate 15 345
Sand, fine, poorly sorted, in part cemented with siderite 30 375
Sandstone and matrix of white clay 10 385
Kiowa shale
Shale, black, containing lenses of sand 5 390
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite 10 400
Shale, dark gray, and siltstone, light colored, sandy 5 405
Sandstone, fine, micaceous, and matrix of white clay 10 415
Shale, black, sandy 5 420
Shale, silty, gray and yellow 5 425
Shale, dark gray, sandy 5 430
Sandstone, siltstone, and dark shale 5 435
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite 20 455
Shale, silty, gray to dark gray, containing glauconitic sandstone 10 465
No sample recovered 5 470
Shale, dark gray, silty 5 475
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite 5 480
Sandstone, very fine, shaly, containing pyrite 5 485
Sand, fine, micaceous, containing glauconite 5 490
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine, poorly sorted, mostly angular, containing pyrite 15 505
Sand, clayey, dark, angular to rounded, containing cone-in-cone structures 5 510
Sand, fine, clayey, light colored, well rounded 5 515
Clay, silty, gray 8 523
Sandstone, silty, rounded, containing glauconite 12 535
Sand and siltstone; red; containing shale, dark gray, and glauconite 10 545
Sand, fine, red 15 560
Sand and siltstone; red 5 565
Shale, gray 5 570
Sand, red, and shale, gray 15 585
Siltstone, red 30 615

15. Log of test hole 22, 900 feet north and 1,000 feet west of the SE corner sec. 25, T. 14 S., R. 15 W. Surface altitude, 1,750 feet. Thickness,
Silt, sand, and gravel; buff 50 50
Dakota formation
Clay, gray, sandy to silty 50 100
Clay, gray 20 120
Sand, fine- to medium-grained 30 150
Clay, gray, containing fragments of siderite 20 170
Sand, clayey, fine to coarse, poorly sorted, containing siderite pellets 10 180
Clay, red and white, silty 20 200
Clay, light gray, silty 5 205
Clay, dark gray and red 10 215
Clay, dark gray, containing lenses of fine glauconitic sandstone cemented by calcium carbonate 5 220
Clay, dark gray, containing fragments of siderite 10 230
Clay, silty, light gray and red 20 250
Clay, gray, containing fragments of siderite 10 260
Sand, very fine, white, containing pyrite and siderite 10 270
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite. Some sand and siltstone in upper part 20 290
Shale, light to dark gray 10 300
Sand, very fine, angular, micaceous, containing shell fragments and glauconite 15 315
Shale, gray to dark gray, containing pyrite. Silty in upper part 15 330
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine-grained, rounded, buff 30 360
Sand, fine, red 30 390
Siltstone, sandy, mottled red and gray 10 400

16. Log of test hole 23, NE sec. 10, T. 15 S., R. 14 W. Thickness,
Silt and sand; buff 45 45
Greenhorn limestone
Shale, black, and limestone, light colored, interbedded; containing foraminifera and blue-gray bentonite 60 105
Graneros shale
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite 24 129
Dakota formation
Clay, gray, containing siderite pellets and charcoal 36 165
Clay, silty, light gray 30 195
Clay, gray, yellow and pink 15 210
Clay, silty, light gray, containing fragments of siderite 20 230
Sand, medium-grained, containing siderite pellets 65 295
Clay, sandy, light gray, containing siderite pellets 10 305
Clay, red and white, containing siderite pellets 30 335
Clay, dark gray, sandy, containing well-cemented fine-grained sandstone and a trace of glauconite 15 350
Sandstone, fine, well sorted, cemented with pyrite, siderite, calcium carbonate and containing abundant glauconite 10 360
Clay, gray 20 380
Sandstone, fine-grained containing siderite, pyrite, red clay, and gray clay 17 396
Kiowa shale
Shale, gray, and limestone 9 405
Shale, dark gray, containing pyrite, siderite pellets and red clay. (Red clay and siderite caved from above) 20 425
Shale, dark gray to black, containing pyrite, charcoal, and material that caved from the overlying Dakota formation 25 450
Shale, black, containing pyrite and fine glauconitic sandstone 10 460
Shale, dark gray 10 470
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine-grained, mostly rounded 15 485
No sample recovered 5 490
Shale, red and black, sandy 5 495
Siltstone, red 28 523

17. log of test hole 24, 1,650 feet south and 2,310 feet west of the NE corner sec. 3, T. 14 S., R. 14 W. Surface altitude, 1,750 feet. Thickness,
(No samples) 350 350
Dakota formation
Sand, fine- to medium-grained, containing siderite and pyrite 25 375
Sand, fine- to medium-grained, containing abundant pyrite and siderite 5 380
Kiowa shale
Shale, gray 10 390
Shale, dark gray 20 410
Shale, dark gray to gray, sandy, containing pyrite and glauconite 20 430
Shale, dark gray, containing angular-grained sandstone, pyrite, and cone-in-cone structures 6 436
Cheyenne sandstone
Sand, fine, angular to rounded, poorly sorted, containing much glauconite but little mica 9 445
Shale, gray, sandy, containing pyrite 5 450
Siltstone, gray, and sand, very fine; containing much pyrite, and some cone-in-cone structures in upper part 20 470
Shale, red, and siltstone, gray 7 477
Shale, siltstone, and sandstone; red 8 485
Sandstone, fine, red 27 512
Shale, brownish red 16 528

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web March 5, 2009; originally published Dec 31, 1945.
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