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Geohydrology of Ottawa County

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Logs of Wells and Test Holes

The logs of 111 test holes and wells that were drilled in Ottawa County (Pl. 7) are given on the following pages. The holes were drilled mainly in the river valleys to determine the saturated thickness and character of the sediments, but a few were drilled to determine the thickness and extent of lithologic units. Logs of some very shallow holes are omitted. The test holes were drilled by the State Geological Survey.

9-2-18abb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NE sec. 18, T. 9 S., R. 2 W., on south side of road at north 141 cor.; augered April 22, 1958. Depth to water, 36.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,353.2 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, brown 10 15
Silt, clayey, brown 12 27
Sand, clayey, dark red 1 28
Sand, silty, clayey, brown 2 30
Silt, clayey, brown 4 34
Dakota Formation
Clay, bluish gray 4 38
Clay, silty, brown 4 42
Silt, gray, saturated 13 55
Sand, silty, gray and brown 10 65

9-3-8ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 8, T. 9 S., R. 3 W., at northeast corner of road intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,376.6 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 2 2
Clay, silty, light brown 7 9
Silt, yellowish brown 2 11
Silt, light brown 1 12
Dakota Formation
Silt, light gray, hard 3 15

9-3-15aab--Sample log of test hole in NW NE NE sec. 15, T. 9 S., R. 3 W., at south side of road 0.2 mile west of cor.; augered April 22, 1958. Depth to water, 20.9 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,346.8 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, brown 7 7
Silt, clayey, light brown, and fine sand 13 20
Silt, brown 5 25
Clay, silty, brown 5 30
Dakota Formation
Clay, dark gray 27 57
Sandstone, coarse grained 1 58

9-3-17aba--Sample log of test hole in NE NW NE sec. 17, T. 9 S., R. 3 W., 5 feet south of road; augered April 23, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,392.8 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Soil, silty, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, light brown 3 8
Dakota Formation
Clay, some silt, light brown to pink 1 9

9-3-20bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 20, T. 9 S., R. 3 W., at southeast edge of road intersection; augered April 22, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,376.7 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 2 2
Silt, clayey, light brown 3 5
Clay, silty, brown 2 7
Clay, light brown and pink 2 9
Silt, red 2 11
Silt, light brown 6 17
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, pink and white mottled 1 18

9-3-25cdd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SW sec. 25, T. 9 S., R. 3 W., at north side of road at south '/'4 cor.; augered April 22, 1958. Depth to water, 14.2 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,318.7 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, light brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 10
Silt, clayey, light brown 6 16
Clay, grayish brown 5 21
Dakota Formation
Clay, bluish gray, dry 15 36
Clay, gray 14 50
Sand, fine to medium, and silt 20 70

9-3-27dad--Drillers log of well drilled by J. G. Lassey for Wesleyan Methodist Church in SE NE SE sec. 27, T. 9 S., R. 3 W.; drilled August 8-9, 1947. Depth to water, 45 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,353.8 feet. Thickness,
Dakota Formation
Top soil 3 3
Gumbo, tight 3 6
Clay, red, soft 29 35
Sand, unconsolidated 21 56
Sand and gravel 9 65
Clay, blue 5 70
Sand 5 75

9-4-8cca--Sample log of test hole in NE SW SW sec. 8, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., at depression 5 feet north of road, 75 feet west of bridge; augered April 17, 1958. Depth to water, 15.1 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,292.1 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, medium brown 5 5
Silt, some clay and fine sand, quartzose, medium light brown 5 10
Silt, some clay, light brown 10 20
Silt, much fine rounded quartzose sand, thin hard zone at 28 feet, light brown 10 30
Silt, much fine to medium sand, light grayish brown 20 50
Silt, hard, some fine to medium sand, some dark minerals, medium to light gray; chert pebbles 0.5 50.5

9-4-8ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 8, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., in center of road junction triangle; augered April 17, 1958. Depth to water, 23.7 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,300.8 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, some fine quartzose silt, medium to light brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, light brown 2 7
Clay, some silt, light brown 8 15
Clay, silty, light brown 5 20
Clay, sparse silt, light brown 15 35
Clay, silty, some fine to medium subrounded sand, light brown 15 50
Silt, clayey, much fine to medium subrounded quartzose sand, light brown 8 58
Dakota Formation
Clay, dry, blue gray 1 59

9-4-10bcd--Sample log of test hole in SE SW NW sec. 10, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 10 feet northwest of Delphos Supply well; augered August 12, 1958. Depth to water, 35.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,321.9 feet. (Location not shown on Plate 7.) Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, light brown 10 15
Silt, clayey, reddish brown; some coarse sand 5 20
Clay, brown 5 25
Clay, silty, light brown 5 30
Silt, sandy, light brown 5 35
Sand, medium, rounded, light brown 5 40
Sand, medium to coarse, light brown 11 51
Dakota Formation
Silt, hard, reddish brown 2 53

9-4-10ddc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE SE sec. 10, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 10 feet north of road; augered April 18, 1958. Depth to water, 35 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,325.8 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Soil, clayey silt, dark brownish black 4 4
Clay, silty, light brown 6 10
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, much clay, light brown 2 12
Clay, some silt, light brown 2 14
Silt, some fine sand, angular to rounded, light brown 4 18
Sand, very fine to medium, angular to subrounded, quartzose, light brown 2 20
Sand, medium, some silt and clay, angular to subrounded, quartzose, partial hematite coating, reddish brown 9 29
Sand, medium to very coarse, much silt and clay, reddish brown 2 31
Sand, medium, some clay and silt, subangular, quartzose, unconsolidated, partial hematite coating, reddish brown 4 35
Silt, much medium sand, reddish brown 10 45
Clay, some silt and sand, indurated, very light brown 6 51
Dakota Formation
Clay, some silt, mottled red, yellow, and light and dark gray 4 55

9-4-10ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 10, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 25 feet northwest of road intersection; augered April 18, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,328.9 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Soil, clayey silt, medium brown 1 1
Silt, (loess), angular, reddish brown 6 7
Silt, some clay and sand, quartzose, medium brown 6 13
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, medium, subangular to subrounded, quartzose, hematite coated, brownish red 2 15
Silt, some clay and sand, hematite coated, reddish brown 2 17
Silt, some clay and sand (very fine to medium), medium brown 5 22
Silt, quartzose, even textured, yellowish brown 3 25
Silt, much clay, light yellowish brown 2 27
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, very hard, brownish yellow 3 30

9-4-11ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 11, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 20 feet northwest of road intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,360.1 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 2 2
Silt, clayey, medium brown 3 5
Silt, some fine sand, reddish brown 2 7
Sand, fine to medium, brownish red 8 15
Clay, silty, some fine sand, reddish brown 1 16
Sand, clayey, silty, brownish red 2 18
Sand, medium to coarse, brownish red 4 22
Sand, much silt, yellow and gray 2 24
Dakota Formation
Silt, hard, yellow 1 25

9-4-13aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 13, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., at center of road intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,338.4 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, light brown 7 7
Silt, clayey, yellowish brown 4 11
Silt, light gray 1 12
Silt, grayish green 3 15
Silt, yellowish brown 3 18
Dakota Formation
Clay, light gray, hard 2 20

9-4-13ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 13, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 20 feet west northwest of road intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Depth to water, 35.8 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,389.6 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Soil, silty, clayey, dark brown 3 3
Silt, clayey, medium brown 3 6
Silt, clayey, light brown 2 8
Silt, clayey, grayish green 3 11
Silt, much clay, medium brown 1 12
Silt, much clay, yellowish brown 4 16
Silt, some clay, dry, yellowish brown 4 20
Silt, some clay, dry, very light brown 10 30
Sand, fine to medium, yellowish brown 9 39
Silt, much clay, greenish brown 6 45
Sand, fine to medium, saturated, yellowish brown 8 53
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dry, mottled shades of brown 1 54

9-4-15abb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NE sec. 15, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 15 feet south of road; augered April 18, 1958. Depth to water, 28.4 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,321.1 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, silty, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, medium brown 7 12
Clay, silty, reddish brown 2 14
Silt, clayey, dry, reddish brown 1 15
Sand, much silt and clay, fine to coarse, unconsolidated, brownish red 3 18
Sand, mediuni to very coarse, some gravel, quartzose, some feldspathic, brownish red 7 25
Sand, very coarse, and fine gravel, unconsolidated, saturated near base 6 31
Sand, medium to coarse, light brown 4 35
Sand, coarse to very coarse, unconsolidated, quartzose, some feldspathic 8 43
Sand, medium to coarse, yellow brown 3 46
Sand, fine to medium, light brown 3 49
Sand, fine to medium, yellowish green 1 50
Sand coarse to very coarse, and fine gravel, saturated, quartzose, some feldspathic 12.5 62.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, mottled light red and gray 0.5 63

9-4-15bba--Sample log of test hole in NE NW NW sec. 15, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 3 feet south of road; augered April 18, 1958. Depth to water, 23.8 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,310.6 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clayey silt aDd road fill, dark brown 7 7
Clay, silty, medium gray 3 10
Clay, silty, some rounded medium sand grains, light reddish brown 5 15
Silt, clayey, some rounded medium sand grains, light brown 10 25
Silt, clayey, medium dark brown 5 30
Sand, fine to medium, quartzose, gray 3 33
Sand, coarse to very coarse, some silt, subrounded, quartzose, sparse feldspar, unconsolidated, brownish white 9.5 42.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, mottled red and gray 0.5 43

9-4-16baa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NW sec. 16, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., on west side of Maple St. 20 feet south of county route 404, Delphos; augered April 17, 1958. Depth to water, 23 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,301.1 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, some silt, medium brown 4 4
Clay, some silt, light brown 4 8
Clay, silty, light brown 4 12
Sand, silty, very fine to coarse, subrounded, quartzose, reddish brown. Some pink feldspar 3 15
Sand, fine to coarse, subangular to rounded, feldspathic, yellowish brown 3 18
Sand, fine to coarse, light yellowish brown 2 20
Sand, medium to very coarse, dry 3 23
Sand, medium to very coarse, saturated, feldspathic, light yellowish brown 9 32
Dakota Formation
Clay, indurated, red and gray mottled 3 35

9-4-16bdd--Drillers log of test hole drilled by O.S. Fent for City of Delphos in SE SE NW sec. 16, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., at west side of elevator; drilled August 5, 1954. (Location not shown on Plate 7.) Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, dark gray 3 3
Silt and clay, compact, light gray brown 3 6
Silt, compact, light gray 3 9
Silt, sandy, brown 3 12
Sand, fine to medium, silty 3 15
Silt, brown and white 3 18
Sand, fine to medium 3 21
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine to medium gravel, some coarse 9 30
Dakota Formation
Clay, dark gray 2 32

9-4-16daa--Drillers log of test hole drilled by O.S. Fent for City of Delphos in NE NE SE sec. 16, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., about 50 feet south of old city wells; drilled July 23, 1954. (Location not shown on Plate 7.) Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Fill, silt, and sand 12 12
Sand, fine to medium 16 28
Sand, medium to fine, some coarse 2 30
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and white 5 35
Clay, light gray 8 43
Sandstone, hard, pyritic 2 45
Sandstone, fine, silty, light gray 2 47
"Quartzite," sandstone, hard, calcareous 1 48

9-4-17aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 17, T, 9 S., R. 4 W., 3 feet 11 south of road, 0.1 mile west of corner; augered April 17, 1958. Depth to water, 18.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,301.1 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, some silt, medium to light brown 4 4
Clay, some silt, medium to light brown 11 15
Clay, some silt, medium brown 5 20
Silt, much clay, medium to light brown 5 25
Silt, clayey, light brown 10 35
Clay, silty, light brown 2 37
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, some clay, some fine quartzose and dark-mineral sand 2.5 39.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, blue gray. Contains flecks (less than 1 mm) of organic residue 0.5 40

9-4-18baa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NW sec. 18, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 5 feet south of road; augered April 17, 1958. Depth to water, 21.8 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,299.6 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark to medium brown 5 5
Clay, silty, light brown 5 10
Silt, clayey, angular, quartzose, light brown 5 15
Clay, silty, light brown 5 20
Clay, silty, very light brown 5 25
Clay, much fine silt, sparse sand, very light brown 12 37
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, hard, very silty, brownish gray 3 40
Silt, clayey, much sand, fine to coarse, medium gray 9 49
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dark gray 0.5 49.5

9-4-18dba--Drillers log of well drilled by George Cox for Ellis Paramore in NE NW SE sec. 18, T. 9 S., R. 4 W.; drilled April 26, 1956. Depth to water, 48.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,294.8 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Surface soil 3 3
Clay 12 15
Clay, soft 10 25
Clay, soft; trace of fine sand 5 30
Gravel, fine to coarse 15 45
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and gray 5 50

9-4-24bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 24, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., at southeast edge of road intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Depth to water, 21.9 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,319.6 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 7 7
Clay, silty, light grayish brown 3 10
Silt, clayey, light brown 5 15
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 20
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, bluish gray 8 28
Clay, red and gray mottled 2 30

9-4-32abb--Sample log of test hole drilled by U. S. Bureau of Reclamation in NW NW NE sec. 32, T. 9 S., R. 4 W.; drilled August 8, 1958. Depth to water, 10.0 feet. (Location not shown on Plate 7.) Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, soft, dark 1.7 1.7
Silt, soft, brown 0.8 2.5
Clay, light, soft, brown 1 3.5
Silt, soft, brown to light brown 3.5 7
Silt, clayey, soft, light brown 1 8
Clay, light, soft, light brown 1 9
Clay, medium, compact, light brown 4 13
Clay, light, soft, light brown 2 15
Silt, clayey, soft, light brown 2 17
Silt, very soft, light brown 8 25
Silt, sandy, very soft, light brown 3 28
Sand, silty, fine, some medium, silt in layers, soft, brown 3 31
Silt, sandy, sand in layers, soft, brownish gray 3.5 34.5
Sand, fine, silty, some sandy silt bands, soft, brownish gray 3 37.5
Sand, fine and medium, some coarse, dirty, loose, gray 10 47.5
Silt, sandy, clayey, soft, iron sulfide concretion, blue gray 0.7 48.2
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine, silty, very compact, gray 0.6 48.8

9-4-33abb--Sample log of test hole drilled by U. S. Bureau of Reclamation in NW NW NE sec. 3'0, T. 9 S., R. 4 W.; drilled August 5, 1958. Depth to water, 23.6 feet. (Location not shown on Plate 7.) Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, soft, dark 1 1
Silt, soft, grayish brown 1.3 2.3
Silt, clayey, brownish gray 1.7 4
Clay, light, soft, gray 1 5
Clay, medium, compact, dark gray 2 7
Silt, clayey, soft, brown 0.5 7.5
Silt, soft, brown 6.5 14
Silt, sandy, soft, light brown, few limy nodules 7 21
Silt, slightly sandy, soft, light brown 5 26
Sand, silty, fine, soft, light brown 0.5 26.5
Silt, silty fine sand seams, soft, light brown 3.5 30
Silt, soft, blue gray 1.2 31.2
Sand, fine and medium, very dirty, brownish gray 3.8 35
Sand, fine and medium, very dirty silt chunks and clayey silt chunks, grayish brown 2 37
Silt, soft, blue gray, fine, some medium sand layers, gray 3 40
Sand, fine and medium, some coarse, few limestone fragments, slightly dirty, gray 3 43
Silt, sandy layers, soft, blue gray 2.5 45.5
Sand, fine to medium, dirty, gray 1.4 46.9
Silt, clayey, soft, blue gray 1.1 48
Sand, fine to coarse, gravel and limestone pebbles, dirty, gray 8.3 56.3
Dakota Formation
Shale, trace of iron sulfide, firm, blue gray, thin seams of fine gray to red sand 2 58.3

9-4-33bba--Sample log of test hole drilled by U. S. Bureau of Reclamation in NE NW NW sec. 33, T. 9 S., R. 4 W.; drilled August 8, 1958. Depth to water, 18.9 feet. (Location not shown on Plate 7.) Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, soft, dark 1 1
Clay, soft, dark 2 3
Clay, soft, dark brown 1.3 4.3
Silt, soft, light brown 5.2 9.5
Silt, clayey, soft, light brown 1 10.5
Silt, soft, light brown 1 11.5
Clay, soft, light brown 1.5 13
Silt, clayey silt layers, soft, light brown 3 16
Clay, light brown 2 18
Silt, clayey silt layers, soft, light brown 2 20
Clay, light, soft, grayish brown 3 23
Silt, clayey, soft, brown 2 25
Silt, clayey silt layers, soft, brown 3.5 28.5
Clay, light to medium, soft, dark brownish gray 3 31.5
Clay, light, soft, gray 1.5 33
Silt, clayey, soft, gray 1.5 34.5
Silt, soft, light gray 2 36.5
Sand, fine, silty, soft, gray 0.5 37
Sand, fine and medium, some coarse, packed, dirty, brown, 4.5 41.5
Silt, soft, blue gray 1.5 43
Sand, fine and medium, some coarse, packed, dirty, grayish brown 5 48
Sand, fine to coarse, loose, slightly dirty, gray 3.6 51.6
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine, packed, firm, light gray 0.8 52.4

9-4-35aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 35, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 20 feet southwest of intersection; augered April 22, 1958. Depth to water, 38.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,302.6 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, silty clay, dark brown 5 5
Soil, clayey silt, some medium quartz sand, medium brown 2 7
Silt, some clay, reddish brown 5 12
Sand, medium coarse, subrounded, quartzose, hematitic coating, reddish brown 9 21
Sand, medium coarse, subroi-inded, quartzose, unconsolidated, light brown 10 31
Sand, medium coarse, some silt and clay, moist, light brown 9 40
Sand, coarse to very coarse, (much interstitial silt and clay), subrounded, quartzose, very sparse feldspar, saturated, light brown 7 47
Dakota Formation
Clay, mottled red and gray 1 48

9-4-36ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 36, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., 20 feet east northeast of intersection; augered April 22, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,306.3 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark brown 2 2
Clay, silty, light brown 6 8
Silt, much clay, medium brown 2 10
Clay, some silt, light brown 2 12
Silt, some clay, light brown 8 20
Clay, silty, light brown 2 22
Silt, clayey, light brown 2 24
Clay, some silt, light brown 1 25
Clay, silty, light brownish gray 2 27
Silt, clayey, light grayish brown 3 30
Clay, silty, light grayish brown 2 32
Silt, much clay, light grayish brown 2 34
Sand, medium coarse, some silt, dry 1 35
Kansan Stage(?) deposits
Silt, fine to medium sand, and some clay, dry, light grayish white 1 36
Sand, medium to very coarse, clean, dry 2 38
Sand, medium to very coarse, dry, feldspatbic, light brown 2 40
Silt, much clay, light gray 2 42
Clay, much silt, light gray 1 43
Sand, medium to very coarse, and fine gravel 11 54
Dakota Formation
Silt, clayey, hard, medium brown 1 55

9-4-36ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 36, T. 9 S., R. 4 W., at northwest edge of intersection; augered April 22, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,329.9 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, light grayish brown 2 7
Clay, silty, light brown 3 10
Silt, clayey, light brown 1 11
Silt, light gray 1 12
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine to coarse, dry 1 13

9-5-7ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 7, T. 9 S., R. 5 W., about 100 yards west of cor.; drilled February 25, 1958. Depth to water, 132.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,597.3 feet. Thickness,
Carlile Shale
Silt, sandy, brown 3 3
Limestone, impure, brownish yellow 3 6
Shale, clayey, bentonitic, dark green 10 16
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, chalky, white 4 20
Limestone, crystalline, hard, white 2 22
Limestone, hard, iron stained, brown 2 24
Limestone, chalky, soft, white 6 30
Limestone, crystalline and chalky beds, white 6 36
Shale, clayey, calcareous, gray 4 40
Limestone, hard and soft beds 10 50
Shale, calcareous, dark gray 5 55
Limestone, gray chalky and white crystalline beds 13 68
Limestone, chalky; bentonite; pyrite 2 70
Limestone, shaly, gray 10 80
Shale, calcareous, gray; thin tan limestone bed 5 85
Limestone, hard, white; bentonite 5 90
Graneros Shale
Shale, noncalcareous, black 15 105
Shale, fissile, black; bentonite 14 119
Shale, black; pyrite 1 120
Shale, fissile, black 8 128
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, yellow; pyrite 12 140
Clay, sandy, lignitic, gray 10 150
Clay, light gray 11 161
Sand, fine, subrounded, quartzose 29 190
Clay, lignitic, light gray 11 201
Clay, lignitic, hard, dark green 14 215
Sand, fine, well rounded, quartzose 6 221
Clay, light gray 4 225
Clay, red and red-gray mottled 15 240
Clay, white 7 247
Clay, shaly, dark gray 5 252
Clay, white and red-yellow mottled 10 262
Clay, white; pyrite zone 11 273
Clay, red 4 277
Clay, white and red mottled 14 291
Clay, white and red, lignitic 19 310
Clay, red and white; thin black shale stringers 9 319
Sand, fine to medium, quartzose 46 365
Clay, white 5 370

9-5-12dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 12, T. 9 S., R. 5 W., 5 feet north of road; augered April 17, 1958. Depth to water, 20.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,310.8 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, very silty, medium brown 8 8
Clay, silty, light brown 3 11
Clay, silty, light reddish brown 5 16
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, very silty, almost equal amounts of each, sparse fine sand, reddish brown 9 25
Clay, very silty, light reddish brown 13 38
Silt, clayey, some fine sand, light brown 1 39
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, mottled red and gray 1 40

9-5-12ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 12, T. 9 S., R. 5 W., 25 feet norti-i northwest of center of intersection; au,,-ered April 17, 1958. Depth to water, 22.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,299.7 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, some silt, medium brown 8 8
Clay, silty, medium to light brown 5 13
Clay, silty, light brown 15 28
Clay, some silt, light brown 2 30
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, medium gray 3 33

9-5-14ccd--Sample log of test hole in SE SW SW sec. 14, T. 9 S., R. 5 W., about 20 yards southeast of southernmost curve in road; drilled March 24, 1958. Depth to water, 112.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,604.9 feet. Thickness,
Greenhorn Limestone
Clay, silty, dark brown 6 6
Limestone, chalky, soft, white and yellow brown 4 10
Limestone, thin crystalline and chalky beds, white 20 30
Limestone, thin hard crystalline and soft chalky beds; thin bentonite beds 12 42
Graneros Shale
Shale, fissile, noncalcareous; thin pyrite zones 18 60
Shale, fissile, thin pyrite zones, black 17 77
Dakota Formation
Clay, dark gray 13 90
Clay, soft and hard zones, gray 20 110
Clay, gray; pyrite zones 10 120
Sand, fine, quartzose 47 167
Clay, light gray 22 189
Clay, red and gray mottled; pyrite zones 16 205
Silt, light brown, hard zones 32 237
Clay, light gray 6 243
Clay, red and gray mottled 30 273
Clay, greenish gray, thin pyrite zones 11 284
Sand, subangular, fine, quartzose 14 298
Clay, red 9 307
Clay, light gray 4 311
Sand, fine, quartzose 4 315
Clay, red, hard and soft zones 17 332
Clay, shaly, hard, dark gray 4 336
Clay, white 11 347
Clay, shaly, hard, dark greenish gray 14 361
Clay, red 3 364
Clay, light gray 6 370
Clay, red and gray mottled 14 384
Sand, fine, subangular, unconsolidated, quartzose 6 390
Clay, red; some pyrite 3 393
Clay, light gray 12 405
Kiowa Shale
Shale, silty, grayish green; some pyrite 31 436
Sand, fine, subrounded, quartzose 8 444
Shale, clayey, fissile, dark green 1 445

10-2-28acd--Drillers log of well drilled by J. G. Lassey for Fred Windhorst in SE SW NE sec. 28, T. 10 S., R. 2 W.; drilled February 21-22, 1951. Depth to water, 62.10 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,406.2 feet. Thickness,
Dakota Formation
Soil and subsoil 5 5
Clay, yellow 10 15
Shale, gray 45 60
Clay, siliceous, gray 5 65
Sandrock, gray 2 67
Clay, blue 23 90
Clay, yellow 5 95
Clay, gray 15 110
Sandstone, cap rock 10 120
Clay, blue 1 121

10-3-8dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 8, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., on north side of road at intersection; augered April 21, 1958. Depth to water, 14.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,279.7 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 2 2
Silt, light brown 5 7
Clay, silty, dark brown 3 10
Clay, brown 5 15
Clay, silty, light brown 2 17
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dry, blue gray 1 18
Sand, medium, unconsolidated 12 30

10-3-17acb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW NE sec. 17, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., about 100 feet west of bridge on south side of road; augered April 21, 1958. Depth to water, 13.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,278.5 feet. Thickness,
Recent alluvium
Clay, sandy, brown 7 7
Silt, light brown 2 9
Sand, fine to medium, dry 3 12
Sand, clayey 4 16
Clay, silty, dark brown 4 20
Dakota Formation
Clay, light gray 13 33
Sand, medium, unconsolidated 22 55

10-3-18aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 18, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., on south edge of road at intersection; augered April 21, 1958. Depth to water, 45.2 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,313.8 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 3 3
Clay, light brown 2 5
Silt, clayey, brown 5 10
Clay, brown 3 13
Clay, silty, light brown 4 17
Sand, medium, well sorted, dry 3 20
Clay, silty, reddish brown 1 21
Sand, medium to coarse 3 24
Clay, silty, light brown 6 30
Silt, clayey, brown 12 42
Sand, clayey, coarse 3 45
Sand, silty, brown 2 47
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium to coarse, saturated 6 53

10-3-18abb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NE sec. 18, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., 3 feet south of county road; augered April 22, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,322.6 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Soil, silty, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, medium to dark brown 3 8
Silt, sandy, some clay, soil structure, yellowish brown 5 13
Sand, medium to coarse, quartzose, well sorted, yellowish brown 1 14
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, white to green 2 16
Clay, hard, light red 1 17

10-3-18ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 18, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., about 10 feet northeast of road intersection; augered April 18, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,306.3 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, brown 2 7
Clay, silty, light yellowish green 7 14
Silt, clayey, light brown 3 17
Clay, yellowish green, hard 1 18
Sand, medium to coarse, well sorted, unconsolidated 7 25
Sand, coarse, and gravel, dry 9 34
Sand, medium, brown 4 38
Dakota Formation
Siltstone, hard, light brown, dry 2 40

10-3-18cdc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE SW sec. 18, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., 10 feet north of road in farm road; augered April 21, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,318.9 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, light brown 4 5
Clay, silty, medium brown 4 9
Clay, much silt, dark brown 1 10
Clay, very silty, medium brown 2 12
Silt, some clay, light brown 1 13
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and gray mottled 5 18

10-3-19aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 19, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., on south side of road about 0.1 mile west of cor.; augered April 21, 1958. Depth to water, 11.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,271.6 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, brown 7 7
Silt, sandy, dry, brown 6 13
Sand, fine, and silt, light brown 3 16
Sand and gravel 7 23
Dakota Formation
Silt, clayey, brown 2 25

10-3-19abb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NE sec. 19, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., on south side of road at north "4 cor.; augered April 21, 1958. Depth to water, 30.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,295.0 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, brown 5 5
Silt, light brown 2 7
Silt, much sand, reddish brown 6 13
Clay, silty, light reddish brown 6 19
Silt, light brown 8 27
Sand, medium, reddish brown 3 30
Sand, medium and coarse, saturated 7 37
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and gray mottled 1 38

10-4-2ddd--Sample lor of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 2, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 15 feet west northwest of intersection; augered April 22, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,307.8 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clayey silt, dark brown 3 3
Clay, silty, light brown 2 5
Clay, much silt, light brown 2 7
Clay, silty, light to medium brown 2 9
Silt, much clay, some fine rounded sand, light brown 2 11
Silt, clayey, some fine to medium sand, light brown 1 12
Sand, fine to coarse, silty, quartzose, light brown 2 14
Silt, clayey, and fine to medium sand, light brown 8 22
Clay, some silt, very light brown 3 25
Clay, sparse silt, very light brown 3 28
Clay, sparse silt, very light gray 2 30
Clay, silty, very light gray 2 32
Kansan Stage deposits
Volcanic ash (Pearlette Ash), weathered, some silt 1 33
Clay, silty, some ash, very light gray 5 38
Sand, medium to coarse, some clay, light gray 2 40
Clay, silty, light gray 1 41
Sand, medium to coarse, quartzose, some feldspar 3 44
Sand, medium to very coarse, quartzose, some coarse feldspar; some fine gravel; limestone pebbles containing disseminated black flecks, may be derived from Greenhorn Limestone 6 50
Sand, medium to very coarse, subrounded, quartzose; some fine gravel, some feldspar pebbles 5 55
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, light brown 1 56

10-4-12aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 12, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., at southwest edge of intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,317.1 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, grayish green 7 12
Silt, sandy, light brown 5 17
Silt, sandy, brown 7 24
Silt, sandy, light brown 12 36
Sand, coarse, silty, yellowish brown 8 44
Dakota Formation
Clay, gray, hard, dry 1 45

10-4-12ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 12, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 15 feet west northwest of intersection; augered April 18, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,323.1 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Soil, clayey silt, dark brown 2 2
Clay, silty, bematitic flecks, light gray 5 7
Clay, silty, indurated, medium brown 7 14
Clay, silty, light brown 3 17
Sand, medium, well sorted, subrounded, quartzose; carbonaceous encrustations, light brown 2 19
Dakota Formation
Clay and much well-rounded quartzose silt, indurated, medium pink 1 20

10-4-24dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 24, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., on north edge of road 0.4 mile west of cor.; augered April 18, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,292.1 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, brown 5 5
Clay, silty, light brown 3 8
Clay, silty, brown 4 12
Clay, sandy, dark brown 4 16
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, silty 9 25

10-4-25cdc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE SW sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 0.3 mile east of cor. on north edge of road; augered April 23, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,275.4 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Soil, clay, some silt, medium brown 5 5
Clay, silty, medium brown 5 10
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, much clay, sparse fine sand, medium brown 4 14
Sand, fine to medium, much silt, medium brown 4 18
Silt, much clay, medium brown 4 22
Silt, well sorted, coarse, quartzose, reddish brown 7 29
Sand, fine to medium, hematite coating 7 36
Sand, much silt and clay, reddish brown 4 40
Clay, hard, light and dark brown 3 43
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, bluish gray 1 44

10-4-25ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 5 feet north of road 50 feet west of intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Depth to water, 22.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,258.1 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, very silty, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, light brown 8 13
Clay, silty, very light brown 7 20
Clay, some silt, sparse fine sand, light brown 5 25
Clay, grayish brown 1 26
Silt, much clay, medium brown 4 30
Clay, some silt, sparse fine sand 9 39
Silt, much clay, some fine to medium sand, grayish brown 4 43
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, sandy, hard, medium gray 2 45

10-4-26aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 26, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., on southwest side of road curve; augered April 8, 1958. Depth to water, 29.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,273.7 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, brown 4 4
Silt, clayey, brown, dry 2 6
Clay, silty, light brown 8 14
Silt, light brown 6 20
Sand and gravel, dry 9 29
Sand, unconsolidated, saturated 6 35
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, gray and brown, indurated 5 40

10-4-26abb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NE sec. 26, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 10 feet south of road; augered April 8, 1958. Depth to water, 26.1 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,271.9 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark gray 3 3
Clay, silty, light brown 4 7
Clay, silty, some fine to medium sand, light brown 5 12
Silt, light brown, and medium-gray clay 4 16
Sand, medium, unconsolidated, dry, reddish brown 9 25
Sand, medium to very coarse, some fine gravel 14 39
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dark gray 11 50

10-4-26bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 26, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., at northwest edge of road curve; augered April 8, 1958. Depth to water, 24.1 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,268.3 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 3 3
Silt, light brown 9 12
Silt, clayey, brown 5 17
Silt, clayey, light brown, dry 10 27
Sand and gravel, very coarse 7 34
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, gray 6 40

10-4-27dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 27, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 15 feet north of road at east end of bridge; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 21.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,262.7 feet. Thickness,
Recent alluvium
Silt, well sorted, quartzose, some dark minerals, medium to light brown 18 18
Silt, well sorted, some clay, light brown 2 20
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Sand, fine to medium, much silt 5 25
Silt, much fine to medium sand 15 40
Silt, much fine to medium sand, thin clay zone at 44 feet, light gray 4 44
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium to coarse, some silt, very few dark minerals 26 70

10-4-2 8cdd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SW sec. 28, T. 10 S., 11. 4 W., on north edge of road; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 10.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,254.9 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, light brown 10 15
Silt, clayey, light brown 4 19
Silt, clayey, some fine sand, light brown 11 30
Silt, some clay, light brown 9 39
Silt, some fine sand, dark minerals 7 46
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine to medium, much silt 9 55
Sand, fine to coarse, some silt and clay 10 65

10-4-28ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 28, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 30 feet west northwest of intersection; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 20 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,259.5 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark brown 2 2
Silt, clayey, light brown 3 5
Silt, much clay, medium brown 2 7
Silt, much clay, light brown 6 13
Clay, very silty, light brown 7 20
Silt, angular, quartzose, some feldspar, chlorite(?), and dark minerals, some clay, light brown 27 47
Dakota Formation
Sand, coarse, gray; contains pyrite 3 50
Clay, hard, light gray 12 62
Pyrite zone 1 63
Sand, very fine; pyrite present 37 100

10-4-29cdd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SW sec. 29, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 5 feet north of road; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 8.8 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,257.5 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark gray 5 5
Silt, clayey, medium brown 10 15
Clay, much silt, saturated, light brown 10 25
Silt, clayey, saturated, light brown 10 35
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt and medium sand, light gray and brown 10 45
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium to coarse, and silt, bluish gray 10 55

10-4-30dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 30, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 5 feet north of road; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 27.9 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,280.3 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Soil, silty, clayey, medium brown 5 5
Silt, some clay, light brown 2 7
Silt, clayey, medium brown 5 12
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, some clay, reddish brown 5 17
Silt, some clay, medium brown 3 20
Silt, much clay, light brown 7 27
Silt, some clay, reddish brown 2 29
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 4 33
Sand, fine to medium, light brown 14 47
Clay, very hard, light gray 1 48

10-4-30ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 30, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 50 feet north and 200 feet west of cor.; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 15.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,259.9 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark brown 2 2
Clay, silty, medium brown 8 10
Silt, clayey, light brown 6 16
Clay, silty, medium brown 4 20
Silt, some clay, light brown 7 27
Silt, much fine sand, light brown 3 30
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, very silty, grayish brown 5 35
Silt, much clay, dark gray 10 45
Clay, greenish gray 2 47
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium to coarse, some fine, light brown 3 50
Sand, medium to coarse, saturated 10 60

10-4-33bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 33, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 20 feet southeast of intersection; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 11.7 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,257.2 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark brown 2 2
Clay, silty, medium brown 3 5
Clay, silty, light brown 4 9
Clay, silty, medium brown 5 14
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, some fine sand, light brown 1 15
Clay, much silt, light brown 10 25
Silt, clayey, some fine sand 5 30
Silt, some clay and fine sand, light brown 10 40
Silt, much fine to medium sand 9 49
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine to very coarse, some silt, quartzose, light brown 7 56
Clay, hard, bluish gray 1 57

10-4-35aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 35, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., on south edge of road 75 feet west of intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Depth to water, 20.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,265.6 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, dark brown 3 3
Clay, silty, light brown 5 8
Clay, silty, medium brown 2 10
Sand, medium to very coarse, quartzose, subangular to rounded, some silt 6 16
Sand, medium to very coarse, quartzose, some feldspar, much silt 6 22
Sand, medium to very coarse, angular to rounded, silty 3 25
Sand, fine to very coarse, clayey, silty, some feldspar; dark minerals include tourmaline and magnetite 10 35
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, hard, light brown 1 36

10-4-35abb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NE sec. 35, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., on north edge of road; augered April 23, 1958. Depth to water, 26+ feet; altitude of land surface, 1,265.8 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Soil, clay, silty, medium brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, medium brown 2 7
Silt, some clay, dry, medium brown 6 13
Silt, clayey, brownish red 2 15
Clay, silty, medium dark brown 2 17
Clay, silty, light brown 2 19
Silt, much clay, yellow 1 20
Silt and fine sand, dry, yellowish brown 3 23
Silt and fine sand, light brown 6 29
Sand, medium, some silt, saturated 4 33
Dakota Formation
Clay, light brown and gray 1 34

10-4-35bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 35, T. 10 S., R. 4 W., 15 feet southeast of intersection; augered April 23, 1958. Depth to water, 25.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,264.0 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Soil, silt, some fine to medium sand, and some clay, medium brown 5 5
Sand, fine to medium, much silt 2 7
Clay, much silt, medium brown 3 10
Clay, silty, light brown 5 15
Silt, some clay, light brown 3 18
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, fine to medium, subrounded, quartzose, clean 7 25
Sand, coarse to very coarse, and fine to medium gravel, quartzose, some feldspar, magnetite, calcite, and dark minerals, saturated 10 35
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dry, gray 0.5 35.5

10-5-4ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 4, T. 10 S., R 5 W., about 100 feet west of cor.; drilled April 14, 1958. Depth to water, 80.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,483.4 feet. Thickness,
Dakota Formation
Silt, clayey, brown 3 3
Clay, silty, light brown 2 5
Clay, light gray 5 10
Silt, light brown 3 13
Clay,li,,bt gray 15 28
Silt, light brown 6 34
Clay, gray 4 38
Silt, sandy, light brown 6 44
Clay, light gray 3 47
Clay, red and gray mottled 6 53
Clay, light gray 5 58
Clay, yellow and red mottled 4 62
Sand, very fine to fine, quartzose 18 80
Sand, fine, subrounded, quartzose 10 90
Sand, medium, subangular to rounded 20 110
Sand, medium to coarse, unconsolidated 8 118
Clay, light gray 2 120
Sand, medium, unconsolidated, quartzose 61 181
Clay, light and dark gray, lignitic; pyrite zones 35 216
Sand, fine, unconsolidated 9 225
Clay, light gray and red, lignitic 11 236
Clay, gray, hard 10 246
Sand, very fine to fine, unconsolidated 39 285
Silt, clayey, lignitic, gray 16 301
Clay, shaly, dark greenish gray 9 310
Shale, fissile, black 3 313
Clay, light gray 20 333
Clay, yellowish brown 1 334
Clay, light gray 6 340
Clay, reddish brown 3 343
Clay, red and gray mottled and gray 7 350
Clay, reddish brown 3 353
Kiowa Shale
Shale, clayey, grayish green, hard 17 370
Clay, sandy, light gray, fissile 10 380
Sand, fine, quartzose; pyrite 7 387
Clay, white, soft; sandy zones 9 396
Sand, fine to medium, quartzose 19 415
Clay, light gray, hard 6 421

10-5-25bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW NW sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., at east edge of road 0.5 mile south of cor.; augered April 29, 1958. Depth to water, 23.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,287.7 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 7 7
Silt, clayey, reddish brown 5 12
Silt, clayey, light brown 8 20
Silt, clayey, medium brown 5 25
Silt, brown, and fine sand 5 30
Sand, fine to medium, and light-brown clay 5 35
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium, light gray and brown, silty 8 43
Clay, sandy, bluish gray 5 48

10-5-25dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., at north edge of road 0.5 mile west of cor.; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 18.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,275.7 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, brown 2 7
Silt, brown 3 10
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, light brown 6 16
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, fine, and silt 4 20
Sand, fine and medium 30 50
Sand, medium and coarse 18 68
Dakota Formation
Sand, clayey, gray 2 70

10-5-26aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 26, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., at southwest edge of intersection; augered April 29, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,301.7 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, light brown 3 8
Silt, reddish brown 7 15
Silt, clayey, brown 1 25
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and gray mottled 5 30

10-5-35aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 35, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., at west edge of road about 50 feet South of cor.; augered April 29, 1958. Depth to water, 13.3 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,270.5 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, brown 2 7
Silt, clayey, brown 5 12
Silt, brown 8 20
Silt, light brown 5 25
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, fine to medium 10 35
Dakota Formation
Silt, light gray 1 36

10-5-36aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 36, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., about 100 feet south of intersection; augered April 24, 1958. Depth to water, 7.8 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,261.1 feet. Thickness,
Recent alluvium
Silt, clayey, brown 5 5
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, brown 8 13
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, fine, and silt 11 24
Clay, gray, hard 4 28

10-5-36bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW NW sec. 36, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., on east side of road; augered April 29, 1958. Depth to water, 9.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,266.9 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 5 5
Silt, much clay, medium to dark brown 5 10
Silt, clayey, medium brown 8 18
Silt, clayey, grayish brown 2 20
Silt, some clay, light brown 10 30
Silt and fine sand, grayish brown 10 40
Sand, fine to medium, saturated 16 56
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, gray and green 4 60

10-5-36ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 36, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., about 10 feet northeast of cor.; augered April 29, 1958. Depth to water, 10.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,271.8 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, light brown 5 5
Silt, brownish gray 2 7
Clay, silt, and fine sand, light brown 4 11
Silt, light brown 14 25
Silt and fine sand, light brown 5 30
Silt and fine sand, light gray 28 58
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium, silty, gray 12 70

11-2-8dbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW SE sec. 8, T. 11 S., R. 2 W., at west edge of road, 40 feet west of public well, east side of lake, near center sec. 8; augered May 28, 1958. Depth to water, 14.7 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,308.9 feet. (Location not shown on Plate 7.) Thickness,
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine to medium, poorly consolidated, yellowish brown 45 45

11-3-21bdd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE NW sec. 21, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., 10 feet southeast of irrigation well and about 60 feet South of railroad tracks; augered Oct. 13, 1958. Depth to water, 16.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,233.0 feet. (Location not shown on Plate 7.) Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 2 2
Silt, brown 3 5
Silt, clayey, brown 2 7
Silt, light brown 6 13
Silt, brown 7 20
Sand, fine, silty, clayey, light brown 10 30
Sand, fine to medium 5 35
Sand, medium 10 45
Sand, medium to coarse 5 50
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel 5 55
Gravel, coarse 0.5 55.5
Dakota Formation 0.3 55.8

11-3-25cdd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SW sec. 25, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., at north side of road about 0.45 mile east of cor.; augered April 30, 1958. Depth to water, 19.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,247.2 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, brown 5 10
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, medium, silty, reddish brown 5 15
Silt, light brown 6 21
Sand, medium to coarse, light brown 9 30
Sand, coarse, and gravel 8 38
Dakota Formation
Clay, dry, hard, dark gray 1 39

11-3-26dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 26, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., on north edge of road about 0.45 mile west of cor.; augered April 30, 1958. Depth to water, 13.4 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,232.5 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 8 8
Silt, light brown 12 20
Clay, sandy, and greenish-gray mottled clay 5 25
Clay, sandy, light brown 5 30
Sand, fine, light brown, and clay 10 40
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium, yellowish brown 10 50
Sand, medium to coarse 8 58
Clay, hard, gray 1 59

11-3-26ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 26, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., about 50 feet west of cor.; augered April 30, 1958. Depth to water, 11.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,234.5 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, light brown 2 2
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 3 5
Clay, silty, brown 3 8
Clay, silty, light grayish green 1 9
Silt, reddish brown 6 15
Clay, sandy, reddish brown 7 22
Clay, sandy, dark brown 2 24
Sand, fine, light brown 8 32
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dark gray 1 33

11-3-27dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 27, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., at north edge of road 0.5 mile west of cor.; augered April 30, 1958. Depth to water, 11.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,226.1 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 6 6
Sand, medium, brown 18 24
Clay, green and gray 8 32
Clay, grayish brown 5 37
Sand, fine, light brown 8 45
Sand, flne to medium, gray 8 53
Dakota Formation
Clay, dry, gray 1 54

11-3-28ddd--Sample log of test liole in SE SE SE sec. 28, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., at north edle of road at intersection; augered April 30, 1958. Depth to water, 18.9 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,227.7 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Silt, brown 5 10
Silt, light brown 10 20
Silt, clayey, light brown 12 32
Clay, sandy, bluish gray 1 33
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, coarse, and gravel, gray 22 55
Clay, sandy, gray 9 64
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium, gray 6 70

11-3-32aad--Sample log of test hole in SE NE NE sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 'o W., at northwest corner of intersection about 0.25 mile south of cor.; augered April 30, 1958. Depth to water, 23.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,231.8 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, brown 5 5
Silt, grayish brown 3 8
Silt, brown 7 15
Silt, clayey, brown 13 28
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 12 40
Sand, fine, grayish brown 10 50
Sand, fine to coarse, light brown 10 60
Sand, coarse, and gravel 5 65
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine to medium, unconsolidated 5 70

11-3-33abb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NE sec. 33, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., at south edge of intersection 0.5 mile west of cor.; augered April 30, 1958. Depth to water, 20.3 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,233.5 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, light brown and gray 8 8
Silt, light brown, dry 15 23
Silt, light grayish brown 3 26
Sand, fine, and silt 4 30
Sand, medium to coarse 10 40
Sand, fine to medium, light gray 10 50
Sand, medium to coarse, and gravel 5 55
Gravel, flne to coarse 5 60
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium to coarse, light brown 10 70
Sand, medium, well sorted, quartzose, poorly consolidated; contains pyrite 20 90

11-3-35bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 35, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., at east edge of road about 20 feet south of cor.; augered April 30, 1958. Depth to water, 11.7 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,228.9 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, light brown 13 18
Silt, light brown 5 23
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, grayish green, mottled with rust 3 26
Silt, light brown 14 40
Sand, fine to medium, silty, grayish brown 10 50
Sand, medium to coarse, light brown 2 52
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine to coarse, yellowish brown 18 70

11-5-34aad--Drillers log of well drilled by Layne-Westem Co. for Northern Natural Gas Co. in SE NE NE sec. 34, T. 11 S., R. 5 W.; drilled 1953. Depth to water, 122.3 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,415.9 feet. Thickness,
Dakota Formation
Clay fill 1 1
Clay, gray 4 5
Shale, sandy, brown 13 18
Shale, sandy, sticky, yellow 4 22
Shale, sandy, gray and red 4 26
Shale, sandy, gray 1 27
Shale, sandy, blue 2 29
Shale, sandy, yellow, red, white 1 30
Shale, sandy, yellow 1.5 31.5
Shale, yellow; sandstone boulders 0.5 32
Shale, white; sandstone streaks 4 36
Shale, blue 9 45
Shale, blue and red, very hard 6.5 51.5
Shale, blue and red; sandstone streaks 43.5 95
Shale, blue, and fine sand 6 101
Sand, fine, hard 5 106
Shale, blue, and sand streaks 16 122
Sand and shale 9 131
Sandstone, soft 7 138
Sandstone, hard 29 167
Clay 1 168
Sandstone, soft and medium 22 190

12-1-6aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., on south side of stream about 0.1 mile south of cor.; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 12.3 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,221.7 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, light brown 17 17
Clay, brown 3 20
Silt, light brown 15 35
Sand, fine, silty, light gray 8 43
Dakota Formation
Clay, light and dark gray 1 44

12-1-7ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 7, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., at edge of road about 0.1 mile west of cor.; augered May 11, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,253.7 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 4 4
Clay, silty, brown 2 6
Silt, light brown 3 9
Silt, clayey, dark brown 3 12
Dakota Formation
Clay, pink and white mottled 3 15

12-1-13ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 13, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., at edge of road; augered May 11, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,278.1 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 3 3
Silt, light gray 4 7
Silt, grayish brown 3 10
Silt, light brown 4 14
Silt, yellowish brown 7 21
Wellington Formation
Clay, light red 2 23
Clay, yellowish green 4 27
Shale, clayey, red and green mottled 3 30

12-1-18ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 18, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., at west edge of road about 30 feet north of cor.; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 16.2 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,253.7 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, light brown 6 6
Silt, clayey, brown 4 10
Silt, sandy, brown 5 15
Sand, fine, light gray 2 17
Sand, coarse, yellowish brown 1 18
Sand, fine, silty, light reddish brown 3 21
Wellington Formation
Shale, hard, yellowish green 4 25

12-1-22ddc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE SE sec. 22, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., at edge of road about 0.2 mile west of cor.; augered May 11, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,269.3 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 3 3
Clay, silty, light brown 3 6
Silt, sandy, brown 3 9
Silt, sandy, light brown 5.5 14.5
Wellington Formation
Shale, clayey, hard 0.5 15

12-1-26aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 26, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., at edge of intersection; augered May 5, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,272.0 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, light brown 8 8
Clay, silty, sandy, brown 3 11
Silt, clayey, reddish brown 3 14
Silt, clayey, sandy, light brown 4 18
Silt, clayey, light brown 3 21
Sand, medium, reddish brown 1 22
Silt, clayey, sandy, light brown 18 40
Clay, silty, sandy, light brown 6 46
Silt, sandy, light gray 9 55
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 9 64
Wellington Formation
Shale, clayey, silty, grayish green 4 68
Shale, clayey, dark gray 0.5 68.5

12-1-27cdd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SW sec. 27, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., at edge of road about 0.5 mile cist of cor.; augered May 5, 1958. Dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,250.0 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, brown 4 4
Silt, light brown 9 13
Sand, fine, silty, reddish brown 5 18
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 7 25
Wellington Formation
Shale, clayey, grayish green 5 30
Limestone, fine grained, dark gray 0.1 30.1

12-1-29bcb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW NW sec. 29, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., at edge of road about 0.3 mile south of cor.; augered May 5, 1958. Depth to water, 8.9 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,229.1 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, brown 9 9
Silt, light reddish brown 4 13
Silt, light brown 3 16
Clay, silty, light olive brown 4 20
Clay, soft, brown 4 24
Wellington Formation
Shale, green and brown mottled 4 28

12-1-31abc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW NE sec. 31, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., near center of intersection in north-central part of sec.; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 13.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,188.9 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, brown 5 10
Clay, brown 5 15
Silt, clayey, brown 5 20
Sand, fine, silty, brown 4 24
Clay, dark gray 3 27
Silt, gray 13 40
Sand, fine, silty, gray 13 53
Sand, coarse, and gravel 10 63
Wellington Formation
Shale, light and dark gray 2 65

12-1-34bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 34, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., at edge of intersection; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 14.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,230.4 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Clay, silty, light brown 7 7
Sand, medium, clayey, reddish brown 7 14
Sand, medium, clayey, light brown 6 20
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, sandy, light brown 13 33
Sand, fine to medium, light brown 4 37
Wellington Formation
Shale, hard, dry, light green 1 38

12-2-5add--Sample log of test hole in SE SE NE sec. 5, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road about 0.5 mile south of cor.; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 6.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,231.0 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, sandy, dark brown 5 5
Sand, medium, poorly sorted 3 8
Sand, medium, clayey 5 13
Sand, fine to medium 7 20
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, coarse, well sorted, yellowish brown 15 35
Dakota Formation
Clay, greenish gray 1 36

12-2-6dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at north edge of road about 0.5 mile west of cor.; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 10.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,214.2 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 2 2
Clay, silty, dark brown 3 5
Clay, silty, light brown 3 8
Sand, medium, well sorted, brown 4 12
Sand, medium, well sorted, light brown 23 35
Dakota Formation
Sand, fine to medium, semiconsolidated 10 45

12-2-8abb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NE sec. 8, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road about 0.5 mile west of cor.; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 6.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,209.6 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, grayish brown 5 5
Sand, fine, brown 5 10
Sand, clayey, grayish brown 5 15
Clay, silty, light brown 7 22
Clay, light and dark gray, mottled 4 26
Clay, dark gray, contains silt and sand 4 30
Sand, fine, silty, light gray 15 45
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, hard, gray 1 46

12-2-9baa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NW sec. 9, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road about 0.5 mile east of cor.; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 14.2 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,224.1 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, light brown 5 5
Silt, sandy, reddish brown 5 10
Silt, clayey, light brown 6 16
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, fine, light brown 6 22
Silt, clayey, light brown 3 25
Silt, light brown 20 45
Sand, medium to coarse, and gravel 7 52
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and gray mottled, hard 1 53

12-2-9bbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW NW sec. 9, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road about 0.25 mile south of cor.; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 12.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,212.0 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, sandy, dark brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, light brown 10 15
Clay, silty, grayish brown 4 19
Clay, silty, grayish brown mottled with rust 6 25
Clay, sandy, silty, light brown 10 35
Sand, fine, silty, light gray 5 40
Sand, fine to medium, light gray 10 50
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, bright heliotrope 1 51

12-2-9ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 9, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at northwest edge of intersection; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 13.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,213.3 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Sand, fine, medium brown 7 7
Sand, fine, yellowish brown 6 13
Silt, brown 3 16
Silt, light brown 9 25
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 21 46
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, well cemented 1 47

12-2-10dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SE sec. 10, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road about 0.5 mile west of cor.; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 5.8 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,210.7 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, light gray 5 5
Sand, fine, silty, brown 10 15
Sand, fine, light brown 20 35
Sand, medium to coarse, light brown 4 39
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, dry, gray 1 40

12-2-13cdd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SW sec. 13, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road about 0.5 mile east of cor.; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 16.8 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,198.2 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Clay, Silty, dark brown 7 7
Clay, silty, light brown 4 11
Silt, light brown 9 20
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 7 27
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, grayish brown, rust mottled 3 30
Sand, fine, silty, light gray 17 47
Sand, coarse, and gravel 1 48
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and gray, mottled 1 49

12-2-15aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 15, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., near center of intersection; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 16.1 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,217.6 feet. Thickness,
Undifferentiated deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 4 4
Silt, light brown 5 9
Sand, fine, silty, reddish brown 4 13
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, brown 3 16
Silt, clayey, light brown 4 20
Silt, clayey, yellowish brown 6 26
Sand, fine to medium, light brown 4 30
Sand, medium, light brown 7 37
Dakota Formation
Clay, yellow, brown, gray 1 38

12-2-15bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW NW sec. 15, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road about 0.5 mile south of cor.; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 11.2 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,204.5 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 4 4
Clay, silty, light brown 2 6
Silt, light brown 5 11
Silt, light brown and gray 4 15
Clay, silty, light brown 5 20
Sand, fine, light brown 10 30
Sand, fine to medium, yellowish brown 10 40
Sand, medium, yellowish brown 10 50
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dry, bluish gray 1 51

12-2-15ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 15, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., near center of intersection; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 14.1 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,202.9 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 3 3
Clay, silty, light gray 5 8
Silt, light brown 12 20
Sand, fine, light brown 30 50
Sand, coarse, and gravel 4 54
Wellington Formation
Shale, light greenish gray 1 55

12-2-16bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 16, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at intersection; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 13.8 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,206.6 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Clay, silty, dark brown 5 10
Silt, sandy, light brown 5 15
Clay, silty, light brown 2 17
Clay, light gray 3 20
Sand, medium to coarse, silty 15 35
Sand, medium, light brown 5 40
Sand, medium to coarse 5 45
Sand, coarse, and gravel 1 46
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dry, light gray 1 47

12-2-23aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 23, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 11.9 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,199.3 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 5 5
Sand, very fine, silty, reddish brown 5 10
Silt, clayey, light brown 5 15
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 5 20
Sand, fine to medium, light brown 15 35
Sand, coarse, light brown 2 37
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dry, gray 3 40

12-2-25ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 25, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., at edge of road; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 14.0 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,192.1 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 8 8
Silt, clayey, light brown 8 16
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 3 19
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, brown 8 27
Silt, light brown 3 30
Silt, sandy, light brown 9 39
Sand, coarse, and gravel 16 55
Wellington Formation
Shale, light gray 3 58

12-2-27ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 27, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., about 100 feet west of cor.; augered May 2, 1958. Depth to water, 13.3 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,193.2 feet. Thickness,
Illinoisan terrace deposits
Clay, silty, dark brown 6 6
Clay, silty, light brown 4 10
Silt, light brown 7 17
Sand, very fine, light brown 11 28
Clay, brown 4 32
Clay, dark gray 2 34
Silt, light brown 6 40
Sand, coarse, brown 15 55
Wellington Formation
Shale, dark gray 2 57

12-3-2ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 2, T. 12 S., R. 3 W., about 30 feet west of cor.; augered May 1, 1958. Depth to water, 19.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,220.7 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 4 4
Clay, silty, brown 7 11
Clay, silty, light brown 5 16
Silt, light brown 6 22
Clay, light brown 6 28
Silt, light brown 17 45
Silt, light grayish brown 5 50
Sand, fine to medium 5 55
Sand, fine to coarse, gray 2 57
Dakota Formation
Sand, medium to coarse, light brown 6 63
Clay, hard, dry, gray 2 65

12-5-14cbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW SW sec. 14, T. 12 S., R. 5 W., about 0.3 mile north of cor.; augered April 29, 1958. Depth to water, 14.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,289.8 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, light gray 5 5
Clay, silty, light gray 5 10
Silt, light brown 6 16
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 21 37
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, bluish gray 1 38

12-5-22ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 22, T. 12 S., R. 5 W.; at west edge of road about 250 feet north of cor.; augered April 29, 1958. Depth to water, 9.2 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,284.2 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown 4 4
Silt, clayey, brown 4 8
Silt, light brown 3 11
Silt, clayey, light brown 4 15
Clay, silty, brown 4 19
Sand, fine to medium, silty 29 48
Gravel, coarse 3 51
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, gray 2 53

12-5-23bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW NW sec. 23, T. 12 S., R. 5 W., at east edge of road; augered April 29, 1958. Depth to water, 13.5 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,288.6 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, light gray 10 10
Silt, sandy, light brown 15 25
Sand, fine to medium 15 40
Sand, medium to coarse 10 50
Gravel, fine to coarse 2 52
Dakota Formation
Clay, hard, dry, bluish gray 2 54

12-5-23bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW NW sec. 23, T. 12 S., R. 5 W., at east edge of road about 0.5 mile south of cor.; augered April 29, 1958. Depth to water, 7.6 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,285.2 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, light gray 9 9
Clay, silty, light brown 13 22
Sand, fine to medium, light brown 29 51
Gravel, fine to coarse 1 52
Dakota Formation
Clay, bluish gray 2 54

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web March 23, 2009; originally published January, 1962.
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