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Geohydrology of Cowley County

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Logs of Wells and Test Holes

The logs of 285 wells and test holes are given in the following pages and are summarized as follows:

Augered test holes 196
Drilled test holes 85
Wells 4

One asterisk preceding the well or test-hole number indicates that partial analysis is given in Table 7. Two asterisks indicate that complete analysis is given in Table 6.

T. 30 S. || T. 31 S. || T. 32 S. || T. 33 S. || T. 34 S. || T. 35 S.

30-3-30ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 30, T. 30 S., R. 3 E., 30 feet north and 6 feet east of center of crossing; augered June 15, 1957; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,253.5 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, red 5 5
Silt, tan 10 15
Silt, buff 5 20
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 1 21

30-3-31bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. SW NW sec. 31, T. 30 S., R. 3 E., on south road shoulder at 1/2-mile line; augered June 15, 1957; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,235.5 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, brown 5 5
Silt, clayey, gray 5 10
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 2 12

30-3-31ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 31, T. 30 S., R. 3 E., 20 feet north and 8 feet east of center of crossing; augered June 15, 1957; depth to water, 34.00 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,238.7 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 10 10
Silt, tan 5 15
Silt, gray, some very fine sand 5 20
Silt, gray 5 25
Silt, brownish gray 10 35
Silt, gray, some fine sand 5 40
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, light gray 10 50
Shale, gray 25 75

30-3-31ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 31, T. 30 S., R. 3 E., 30 feet north and 8 feet west of center of crossing; augered June 15, 1957; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,249.1 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, tan gray, clayey streaks 20 20
Silt, gray 10 30
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 5 35

30-3-32cdd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. SE SW sec. 32, T. 30 S., R. 3 E., on north road shoulder, 50 feet west of 1/2-mile line; augered June 15, 1957; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,275.4 feet. Thickness,
Soil, dark brown 3 3
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray green 7 10
Shale, reddish tan 5 15

30-4-19cdd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SW sec. 19, T. 30 S., R. 4 E., on north side of road, 50 feet west of 1/2-mile line; augered June 14, 1957; depth to water, 23.00 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,158.6 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 5 5
Silt, brown 10 15
Silt, clayey, sandy, fine, brown 10 25

30-4-20dcd--Sample log of test hole in SE SW SE sec. 20, T. 30 S., R. 4 E., on north road shoulder, 5 feet east of private road to north; augered June 14, 1957; depth to water, 11.70 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,153.0 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Terrace deposits
Silt, brown 5 5
Silt, gray brown 5 10
Silt, clayey, brown 5 15
Gravel, coarse (chert) 5 20
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Doyle Shale
Shale, gray 1 21

T. 30 S. || T. 31 S. || T. 32 S. || T. 33 S. || T. 34 S. || T. 35 S.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web May 21, 2009; originally published August 1962.
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