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Geohydrology of Clay County

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Logs of Test Holes

On the following pages are given the logs of 28 test holes drilled in Clay County (Pl. 2). The holes were drilled chiefly in areas of thick alluvial deposits, but several were drilled to determine the character, thickness, and water-bearing properties of the Dakota Formation. One test hole was drilled through the gypsum deposits in the northeastern part of the county. The geologic cross sections shown in Plate 3 are based principally on data obtained from test-hole logs. Many holes were drilled with a power auger to determine the depth to water level or as a guide in preparing the geologic map. Logs of these auger holes are not given, as most of them were very shallow. The test holes were drilled by the State Geological Survey. Samples were collected and studied in the field and later examined microscopically in the laboratory.

6-1-2bac--Drillers log of test hole in SW NE sec. 2 T. 6 S., R. 1 E. Near the site of Clifton city wells. Static water level 21 feet below land surface. Drilled by Layne-Western Co. Thickness,
Soil 4 4
Clay 24 28
Sand, fine, gray 2 30
Sand, coarse, gray 3 33
Sand and gravel, gray 10 43
Clay 1 44
Sand, fine 2 46
Sand, coarse, gray, and gravel on shale 16 62

6-1-2bb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW sec. 2, T. 6 S., R. 1 E. On east side of road south of Vining, 0.2 mile south of section corner. Drilled June 17, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,272.0 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Silt, tan 3 6
Clay, sticky, tan to gray 7 13
Clay, slightly sandy, dark gray 7 20
Clay, sandy, soft, light gray 3 23
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 14 37
Clay, greenish gray 23 60
Wellington Formation 9 69
Dolomite, light gray 1 70

6-1-2cc--Sample log of test hole near SW cor. sec. 2, T. 6 S., R. 1 E. On east side of road, 200 feet north of section corner. Drilled June 17, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,256.8 feet; depth to water, 7.10 feet, June 18, 1954. Thickness,
Recent and Wisconsinan Stages--Alluvium and terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 13 16
Clay; blue gray 4 20
Gravel, medium, and coarse arkosic sand 37 57
Kansan Stage--unnamed formation
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium limestone and arkosic gravel 6 63
Gravel, fine to medium; mostly sandstone and limestone pebbles 4 67
Wellington Formation
Shale, platy, black and gray 3 70

6-1-11bc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW sec. 11, T. 6 S., R. 1 E. On east side of road 0.3 mile south of section comer, at north end of row of large cottonwood trees. Drilled June 18, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,258.3 feet. Thickness,
Recent and Wisconsinan Stages--Alluvium and terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, tan 3 5
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 12 17
Clay, sandy, blue 3 20
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 39 59
Kansan Stage--unnamed formation
Clay, yellow 1 60
Gravel, fine to medium; many sandstone and limestone pebbles 8 68
Clay, yellow; contains some sandstone and limestone gravel 1 69
Wellington Formation
Shale, platy, blue black 1 70

6-1-14bb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW sec. 14, T. 6 S., R. 1 E. On east side of road, 25 feet south of point where road turns west. Drilled June 18, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,267.0 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Dune sand
Sand, very fine 10 10
Recent and Wisconsinan Stages--Alluvium and terrace deposits
Silt, light tan, very soft 2 12
Clay, gray 3 15
Silt, black 3 18
Silt, light tan 8 26
Sand, very fine 4 30
Gravel, medium to coarse, arkosic, and coarse sand 26 56
Sand and gravel, arkosic, mixed with green clay 4 60
Gravel, fine to medium, arkosic, and fine to coarse sand 10 70
Kansan Stage--unnamed formation
Gravel, fine to medium, chiefly limestone and sandstone pebbles, and coarse sand 6 76
Wellington Formation
Shale, platy, blue black 1 77

6-1-15da--Sample log of test hole in NE SE sec. 15, T. 6 S., R. 1 E. On west side of road, about 250 feet north of quarter-mile hedge row. Drilled June 18, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,261.2 feet; depth to water, 22.00 feet June 18, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Clay and silt, black 2 2
Clay, silty, tan 3 5
Clay, tough, black 2 7
Silt, sandy, tan 13 20
Sand, fine to coarse, arkosic, and fine gravel 10 30
Gravel, fine to medium, arkosic, and fine to coarse sand 30 60
Wellington Formation
Limestone, gray 3 63

6-1-22aad--Sample log of test hole in NE9 NE,'4 sec. 22, T. 6 S., R. 1 E. On west side of road, midway between abandoned farm house on east and house on west. Drilled June 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,263.0 feet; depth to water, 27.40 feet June 25, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, black 2 2
Silt, tan 6 8
Clay, gray 10 18
Clay, very sandy, light gray 3 21
Clay, sandy, pinkish tan 4 25
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 35 60
Sand, fine to coarse, fine to medium gravel, and yellow clay 3 63
Wellington Formation
Limestone, hard, dark gray 0.5 63.5

6-2-31cd--Sample log of test hole in SE SW sec. 31, T. 6 S., R. 2 E. On north side of road 15 feet west of drive to house on hill south of road. Drilled June 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,253.8 feet; depth to water, 29.30 feet June 25, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, sandy, gray to tan 9 11
Clay, silty; contains some sand and ironstone 15 26
Sand, fine 7 33
Clay, sandy, tan 3 36
Sand, fine to coarse 8 44
Clay, yellow 3 47
Wellington Formation
Shale, or soft limestone, gray to black 1 48

6-2-31dc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE sec. 31, T. 6 S., R. 2 E. On north side of road about 500 feet east of drive to house on north side of road. Drilled June 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,232.9 feet; depth to water, 18.62 feet June 22, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 7 7
Silt, sandy, tan 5 12
Clay, blue gray 3 15
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 29 44
Clay, greenish gray 2 46
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 14 60
Sand, fine to medium, arkosic 5 65
Wellington Formation
Shale, dark gray, grades downward into harder shale and limestone 5 70

6-2-32ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 32, T. 6 S., R. 2 E. In center of old roadbed, 35 feet north of section corner. Drilled June 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,225.6 feet; depth to water, 5.01 feet June 25, 1954. Thickness,
Recent and Wisconsinan Stages--Alluvium and terrace deposits
Silt, tan 2 2
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 48 50
Sand, fine to medium; contains some green clay and sandstone gravel 10 60
Kansan Stage--unnamed formation
Sand, fine to medium; contains much locally derived gravel and shale 9 69
Wellington Formation
Shale, black 11 80

6-2-32cd--Sample log of test hole in SE SW sec. 32, T. 6 S., R. 2 E. At end of trail leading east along section line toward Republican River. Drilled June 23, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,233.7 feet. Thickness,
Recent and Wisconsinan Stages--Alluvium and terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, tan 4 6
Sand, fine to medium 4 10
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 29 39
Clay, blocky, green 10 49
Sand and gravel, fine to medium 12 61
Clay, silty and sandy, dark gray 2 63
Kansan Stage--unnamed formation
Gravel, fine to medium, mostly locally derived; some thin clay streaks 6 69
Wellington Formation
Shale, micaceous, sandy, light gray 1 70

6-2-32dd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE sec. 32, T. 6 S., R. 2 E. On north side of road, 175 feet east of creek bridge. Drilled June 23, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,225.2 feet; depth to water, 7.40 feet June 28. 1954. Thickness,
Recent and Wisconsinan Stages--Alluvium and terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Silt, tan 6 9
Silt, sandy, black 5 14
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 36 50
Clay, tan to gray 4 54
Kansan Stage--unnamed formation
Gravel, locally derived, fine to medium; some yellow clay 12 66
Wellington Formation
Shale, blue gray 4 70

6-2-33cd--Sample log of test hole in SE SW sec. 33, T. 6 S., R. 2 E. On south side of road, 40 feet east of railroad track. Drilled June 24, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,236.9 feet; depth to water, 21.30 feet June 24, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, tan 5 7
Silt, sandy, tan; contains snail shells 8 15
Sand, fine to medium, arkosic 19 34
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 36 70
Kansan Stage--unnamed formation
Sand, fine to coarse, mostly locally derived 5 75
Wellington Formation
Shale, blocky, light gray 5 80

6-2-34cd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. SW sec. 34, T. 6 S., R. 2 E. On north side of road, 100 feet west of bridge across drainage ditch. Drilled June 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,239.2 feet; depth to water, 24.50 feet June 28, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, tan 9 11
Clay, hard, gray 3 14
Clay, sandy, tan 14 28
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine arkosic gravel 16 44
Wellington Formation
Shale, slightly calcareous, blue gray and tan 2 46

6-4-19cb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW sec. 19, T. 6 S., R. 4 E. On top of second hill north of corner, west of bend in creek where creek is nearest to road. Drilled October 14, 1954. Thickness,
Wellington Formation
Shale, greenish buff; contains some thin dolomitic streaks 4 4
Shale, noncalcareous, yellowish green 3 7
Shale, noncalcareous, bright green 1 8
Shale, silty, noncalcareous, chocolate brown 6.5 14.5
Shale, mottled red brown and green 2.5 17
Shale, silty, noncalcareous, red brown 1 18
Shale, greenish gray 3 21
Shale, noncalcareous, light gray 1 22
Shale, noncalcareous, greenish gray 3.5 25.5
Shale, noncalcareous, red brown 1 26.5
Shale, noncalcareous, greenish gray 1.5 28
Shale, silty, noncalcareous, red brown 1 29
Shale, noncalcareous, green; contains some gypsum stringers 2.5 31.5
Shale, platy, greenish gray 1.5 33
Gypsum 1 34
Shale, green 1.5 35.5
Shale, greenish gray; contains gypsum 1 36.5
Gypsum; contains 6-inch shale layer at 38.5 to 39 3.5 40
Gypsum, very clean 8 48
Gypsum, shaly 0.5 48.5
Gypsum 0.5 49
Nolans Limestone--Herington Limestone member
Limestone, hard, dolomitic 3 52

7-1-6bb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 6, T. 7 S., R. 1 E. About 60 feet east and 8 feet south of section comer. Drilled October 7, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,390.0 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Peoria Formation
Silt, dark gray to brown 2 2
Silt, tan 2 4
Clay, buff; contains a few ironstone pebbles 5 9
Clay, sandy, brown to gray 2 11
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, fine grained, brown 13.5 24.5
Clay, light gray to brown 4.5 29
Clay, sandy, buff to brown 16 45
Clay, sandy, green gray 4 49
Clay, sandy, red brown to buff 5 54
Clay, greenish gray 5 59
Clay and sandstone 5 64
Shale, clayey, dark gray 10 74
Sandstone, very hard; contains pyrite 3 77
Shale, clayey, sandy, dark gray 5 82
Shale, clayey, sandy, light gray 9.5 91.5
Clay, white, and sandstone 3.5 95
Shale, clayey, dark gray 3 98
Lignite 3 101
Shale, clayey, sandy, gray 27 128
Wellington Formation
Shale, calcareous, very hard, gray, interbedded with limestone 5 133

7-2-3bb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 2 E. In edge of field south of road, 40 feet east of section corner. Drilled June 25, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,237.9 feet; depth to water, 23.10 feet June 28, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Silt, tan 8 11
Clay, compact, tan 5 16
Clay, compact, dark gray 2 18
Clay, sandy, tan 6 24
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 23 47
Clay 2 49
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 8 57
Clay, green 4 61
Gravel, fine to medium, arkosic 8.5 69.5
Wellington Formation
Shale, dark gray 10.5 80

7-2-6bb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW sec. 6, T. 7 S., R. 2 E. About 25 feet west of west side of old school house foundation. Drilled October 13, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,315.0 feet; depth to water, 82.20 feet October 22, 1954. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Loveland Formation
Clay, sandy, reddish tan 4 4
Clay, sandy, buff 11 15
Clay, sandy, yellow 9 24
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, very fine grained, loosely cemented, white to yellow 26 50
Sandstone, or sand, fine, brown; contains some mica and ironstone 38 88
Wellington Formation
Clay,light gray 5 93
Shale, hard, platy, somewhat calcareous, dark greenish gray 9 102
Shale, light greenish gray 11 113
Shale, hard, platy, dark greenish gray 5.5 118.5
Shale, hard, platy, very dark gray to black 13.5 132
Shale, platy, alternately hard and soft, very dark gray to black 8 140

7-3-5bb--Sample log of test hole near NW cor. sec. 5, T. 7 S., R. 3 E. About 130 feet east of highway and 12 feet south of center of road. Drilled October 14, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,333.7 feet; depth to water, 19.20 feet October 22, 1954. Thickness,
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, tan to gray 4 4
Clay, sandy, red brown 15 19
Clay, sandy, red and gray 11 30
Clay, sandy, black and gray; contains some lignite 5 35
Clay, very sandy, lignite streaks 10.5 45.5
Wellington Formation
Shale, hard, platy, gray 2.5 48
Shale, black 5 53
Shale, dark gray 4 57
Limestone, hard 1 58

8-2-10aa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE sec. 10, T. 8 S., R. 2 E. On west side of road, about 175 feet south of culvert. Drilled June 28, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,194.6 feet; depth to water, 11.80 feet June 30, 1954. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt and clay, tan 5 5
Silt, black 1 6
Silt, tan 4 10
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 10 20
Gravel, medium to coarse, arkosic, 8 28
Wellington Formation
Shale, blocky, blue gray 12 40

8-3-17ba--Sample log of test hole in NE NW sec. 17, T. 8 S., R. 3 E. In east borrow pit, 20 feet south of entrance to C. E. Mullen farm. Drilled June 28, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,179.3 feet; depth to water, 9.10 feet June 30, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, brown 6 6
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 24 30
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to arkosic gravel 12 42
Nolans Limestone
Limestone, trace of chert, yellow to gray 2 44

8-3-35da--Sample log of test hole in NE SE sec. 35, T. 8 S., R. 3 E. In west borrow pit. Drilled June 29, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,161.5 feet; depth to water, 6.40 feet June 29, 1954. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Sand, fine 14 14
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel 5 19
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to coarse arkosic gravel 10.5 29.5
Doyle Shale
Shale, red and gray 5.5 35
Shale, limy, white 1 36
Limestone, hard 1 37

8-3-35dd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE sec. 35, T. 8 S., R. 3 E. On south-side of road, 40 feet west of center of old black-top road. Drilled June 29, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,159.3 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, tan 3 5
Sand, fine to coarse 7 12
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 15 27
Doyle Shale
Shale, chalky, red and green 3 30

8-3-36bb--Sample log of test hole near NW cor. sec. 36, T. 8 S., R. 3 E. On east side of road across from Broughton store and service station. Drilled June 29, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,181.9 feet; depth to water, 22.00 feet July 12, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, brown 3 3
Silt, sandy, black 2 5
Clay, brown to tan 6 11
Clay, sandy, tan 11 22
Sand, fine, and light-gray clay 8 30
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 18 48
Doyle Shale
Limestone, brown 2 50

9-4-29ac--Sample log of test hole in SW NE sec. 29, T. 9 S., R. 4 E. South of fence, 40 feet west, 13 feet south of power pole. Drilled June 30, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,149.2 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, sandy, tan 15 15
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 25 40
Matfield Shale
Limestone, or limy shale, greenish gray and black 1 41

9-4-29bc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW sec. 29, T. 9 S., R. 4 E. In field, 20 feet north of center of road. Drilled June 30, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,164.0 feet; depth to water, 29.90 feet July 12, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, brown 3 5
Clay, tan to brown 7 12
Clay, dark gray 6 18
Clay, sandy, light gray 13 31
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 22 53
Barneston Limestone
Shale, green and red 4 57
Limestone, greenish gray; contains some chert 1 58

9-4-29bd--Sample log of test hole in SE NW sec. 29, T. 9 S., R. 4 E. On east side of road, 35 feet north of point where road turns north. Drilled June 30, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,152.2 feet; depth to water, 18.20 feet July 12, 1954. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, sandy, tan 10 10
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 23 33
Barneston Limestone
Limestone, greenish tan and black 1 34

9-4-32adc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE NE sec. 32, T. 9 S., R. 4 E. On west side of road, 30 feet west and 10 feet north of windmill where highway turns east. Drilled July 1, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,136.0 feet; depth to water, 11.50 feet July 12, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, sandy, tan 4 4
Sand, fine 9 13
Gravel, fine to medium, arkosic 10 23
Clay, blue to black 2 25
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 13 38
Matfield Shale
Shale, red 2 40

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web April 7, 2009; originally published June 1959.
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