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Neosho River Valley

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Well Logs

Logs describing the materials encountered in test drilling in the Neosho valley are listed in the following pages. All of the test holes were drilled in January, 1942, by the portable hydraulic-rotary drilling machine owned and operated by the State and Federal Geological Surveys. Field descriptions of the samples were made by James Cooper, sampler for the drilling crew. These descriptions were amplified by the author after examining the samples microscopically in the laboratory.

4. Log of test hole 4, NW corner NE NE sec. 27, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., on south edge of road. Surface altitude, 832.1 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 16 to 21 feet, temperature of water 55° F. Static water level, 2.7 feet below land surface, January 23, 1942. Thickness,
Soil, silt, and very fine sand, brown. Root cavities filled with limonite6.56.5
Silt and sand, very fine, gray to tan, slightly calcareous, containing much limonite3.49.9
Sand, very fine to fine, tan, and silt, gray to tan, slightly calcareous. Contains much limonite6.116
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse to very fine, poorly sorted. Gravel more nearly uniform than most samples in this area. Sand contains some grains of limonite218
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse to fine, angular, poorly sorted, contains many pebbles of shale321
Cherokee shale
Shale, gray, soft, and black, fissile223

6. Log of test hole 6, NW corner NE sec. 27, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., on south edge of road. Surface altitude, 830.6 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 22 to 28 feet, temperature of water 55° F. Static water level, 2.7 feet below land surface. Thickness,
Soil, silt, and clay, brown to tan, some very fine sand. Root cavities filled with limonite1111
Silt, tan, clay, gray, and very fine sand. Streaks of limonite516
Gravel, fine to coarse, and sand, coarse to fine. Contains much clay and silt and small concretions of limonite218
Gravel, coarse to fine, tan, chert, angular, poorly sorted422
Gravel, coarse to fine, angular, poorly sorted, mostly chert, but containing some pebbles of black shale527
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse to fine. Poorly sorted1.528.5
Cherokee shale
Shale, sandy, micaceous, gray soft1.530

7. Log of test hole 7, NE NW sec. 27, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., on south edge of road. Surface altitude, 832.1 feet. Thickness,
Soil, dark brown, clay, black, and silt, tan. Contains concretions and streaks of limonite1010
Silt, light brown, and sand, very fine. Slightly calcareous, contains streaks of limonite1020
Clay, chocolate-brown, containing some silt and very fine sand727
Clay, silt, gravel, and sand. All sizes of gravel and sand mixed with clay and silt. Contains streaks of limonite229
Cherokee shale
Shale, sandy, micaceous, gray, soft130

9. Log of test hole 9, SE corner SW SW sec. 27, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., west edge of one-quarter mile road. Surface altitude, 831.9 feet. Thickness,
Soil, clay, and silt, dark brown to tan1010
Silt, tan, and clay, chocolate-brown1222
Gravel, coarse to fine, poorly sorted, containing much blue and brown clay527
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, very fine grained, micaceous, gray128

11. Log of test hole 11, SW corner SE sec. 27, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., north edge of road. Surface altitude, 830.8 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 28 to 33 feet, temperature of water 55° F. Static water level, 2.2 feet below land surface, January 20, 1942. Thickness,
Road material2.52.5
Silt and clay, tan to brown7.510
Clay, tan, and silt, with streaks of limonite1323
Gravel, coarse to fine, tan, and some coarse sand. Irregular, poorly sorted, mostly chert, contains some pebbles of black shale730
Gravel, mostly coarse, some medium and fine. Chert, with a few pebbles of shale434
Cherokee shale
Shale, micaceous, gray, alternately soft and fissile236

12. Log of test hole 12 at dam site, SE sec. 28, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 60 feet north of section line on east bank of Neosho river. Surface altitude, 827.2 feet. Core from 21 to 25 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silt, and clay, brown to tan1515
Gravel, coarse to fine, mostly irregular chert, much clay and silt217
Gravel, coarse to fine, mostly irregular chert. Sample contains some pebbles of limestone and shale320
Gravel, coarse, irregular chert, contains some pebbles of limestone and sandstone. Better sorted than above sample121
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, very fine grained, calcareous, gray1.322.3
Shale, blue-gray to black, soft, some carbonaceous material2.725

13. Log of test hole 13, NE corner sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 100 feet west of railway crossing. Surface altitude, 831.5 feet. Thickness,
Silt and clay, tan to brown1010
Silt and sand, very fine, gray to tan, containing small concretions of limonite818
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, medium to coarse. Poorly sorted, angular, mostly tan chert, and some small pebbles of limestone422
Cherokee shale
Shale, slightly calcareous, gray, soft224
Sandstone, fine grained, calcareous, light gray, hard0.524.5
Shale, light gray, soft0.525

14. Log of test hole 14, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 0.2 mile east of test hole 15. Surface altitude, 829.6 feet. Thickness,
Soil, black, and silt, brown1010
Silt, tan, and sand, very fine818
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse to medium. Gravel angular, poorly sorted, mostly brown chert with some pebbles of shale4.522.5
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, very fine grained, micaceous0.523

15. Log of test hole 15 near dam site, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 300 feet east of hole 17. Surface altitude, 830.4 feet. Core from 25 to 30 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silt, and clay, brown to tan, and some fine sand. Contains streaks of limonite1010
Silt and clay, tan, and some fine sand1020
Gravel, coarse to fine, some coarse sand. Sample poorly sorted, mostly irregular chert gravel, containing some pebbles of limestone, sandstone, and shale424
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, fine grained, calcareous, gray, very hard125
Shale, sandy, micaceous, gray to blue-gray, platy126
Limestone, sandy, gray127
Shale, very sandy, calcareous, soft330

17. Log of test hole 17 at dam site, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 115 feet south of section line on east bank of Neosho river. Surface altitude, 828.1 feet. Core from 21 to 30 feet. Thickness,
Silt, brown to tan, clay, and sand, very fine, some fragments of charcoal1010
Silt, tan, and sand, very fine818
Gravel, coarse to fine chert, sand, coarse to fine, some clay and pellets of limonite220
Gravel, coarse to fine, some sand, mostly chert pebbles, but contains some pieces of limestone121
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, fine grained, very calcareous, gray, hard0.521.5
Shale, soft, micaceous, slightly calcareous, gray to black, soft1.523
Sandstone, micaceous, gray, alternately soft and hard225
Shale, dark gray to black, soft530

18. Log of test hole 18 at dam site, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 215 feet south of section line on east bank of Neosho river. Surface altitude, 829.7 feet. Core from 25 to 35 feet. Thickness,
Soil and silt, dark brown, contains some clay88
Silt and clay, brown1119
Gravel, coarse to fine, brown, and clay, silt, and sand, fine423
Cherokee shale
Shale, sandy, calcareous, gray, soft225
Sandstone, limy, gray, very hard227
Shale, dark gray to black2350

19. Log of test hole 19 at dam site on gravel bar at river's edge, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 45 feet west of test hole 17. Surface altitude, 814.8 feet. Thickness,
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse, poorly sorted, mostly chert with some fragments of black shale and limestone88
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, very fine grained, calcareous, gray, very hard19
Shale, sandy to silty, gray, fissile110

20. Log of test hole 13 at dam site on gravel bar at river's edge, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 75 feet west of test hole 17. Surface altitude, 813.9 feet. No core recovered. Thickness,
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse, poorly sorted. Mostly chert with some pebbles of black shale and limestone88
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, very fine grained, calcareous, gray, very hard19
Shale, sandy to silty, gray, fissile110

21. Log of test hole 15 at dam site on gravel bar at river's edge, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 100 feet north of test hole 20. Surface altitude, 818.0 feet. Core from 12.5 to 14 feet. Thickness,
Road material33
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse to fine, poorly sorted, angular, mostly chert, but contains some black shale and pebbles of limestone9.312.3
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, very fine grained, calcareous, gray, very hard1.213.5
Shale, sandy streaks, black, fissile, and some soft gray shale0.514

22. Log of test hole 22 at dam site, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., near north line of Kansas Power Company on east bank of Neosho river. Core from 24 to 28 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silt, and clay, brown1010
Silt, clay, and fine sand, tan, some streaks of limonite. Medium gravel near base1020
Gravel, coarse to fine, angular, poorly sorted. Mostly chert, but contains some pebbles of limestone and shale424
Cherokee shale
Shale, light gray, soft428

23. Log of test hole 23 at dam site, NE sec. 33, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., on property of Kansas Power Company, east bank of Neosho river. Core from 24 to 30 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silt, and clay, some very fine sand, dark to light brown1010
Clay, dark brown, and silt, tan919
Gravel, coarse to fine, angular, poorly sorted, mostly chert, and some blue clay120
Gravel, coarse to fine, angular, poorly sorted, mostly chert, some pebbles of limestone and shale424
Cherokee shale
Shale, black, clayey to fissile630

24. Log of test hole 24, NE corner sec. 34, T. 31 S,, R. 21 E., south edge of road. Surface altitude, 829.1 feet. Thickness,
Road material2.52.5
Clay, chocolate-colored, and silt, tan, contains some streaks of limonite7.510
Clay, dark gray to blue, and some silt, slightly calcareous, containing some small concretions of limonite1626
Clay, dark gray to blue, and some silt, tan, slightly calcareous4.530.5
Sand, coarse to fine, and gravel, fine to coarse, many grains and pebbles of shale, much blue clay interbedded131.5
Cherokee shale
Shale, gray, alternately soft and fissile1.533

26. Log of test hole 26, NE corner NW sec. 34, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., south edge of road. Surface altitude, 832.1 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 26 to 31 feet, temperature of water 54° F. Static water level, 6.2 feet below land surface, January 19, 1942. Thickness,
Soil, silt, brown, and sand, very fine22
Silt, tan, and sand, very fine810
Clay and silt, brown, containing streaks of limonite8.518.5
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse to medium, mostly chert, irregular, poorly sorted11.530
Gravel, coarse to fine, chert, some jasperoid, angular, poorly sorted4.534.5
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, fine grained, micaceous, gray, and shale, sandy, black, soft1.536

29. Log of test hole 29, NE NW sec. 35, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., 0.15 mile east of test hole 31, south edge of road. Surface altitude, 828.4 feet. Thickness,
Soil and clay, dark gray, calcareous, and some fine sand containing streaks of limonite near the base1010
Silt, light brown, and sand, very fine, calcareous, contains streaks of limonite616
Cherokee shale
Shale, micaceous, sandy, gray, alternately soft and hard420

31. Log of test hole 31, NE NW sec. 35, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., south edge of road. Surface altitude, 828.0 feet. Thickness,
Soil, dark gray, clay, chocolate-brown, and silt, gray, with streaks of limonite88
Silt, light brown, and sand, very fine. Sample contains much limonite. Turned drilling mud yellow311
Gravel, coarse to fine, and some coarse sand. Angular to subangular pebbles of chert, poorly sorted516
Cherokee shale
Shale,sandy, micaceous, slightly calcareous, gray, soft420

34. Log of test hole 34, NW NW SE sec. 4, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 826.9 feet. Thickness,
Silt, brown, some clay, and spots of iron1010
Silt, brown, some clay and very fine sand515
Silt, brown, and very fine sand. Some streaks of limonite520
Clay, brown to black, calcareous, gravel, chert and partly decomposed limestone525
Gravel, coarse to fine, clay and silt, brown, calcareous, and some fine sand126
Cherokee shale
Limestone, gray to light brown, crystalline, with fragments of residual chert0.526.5

35. Log of test hole 35, SE NW SE sec. 4, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 827.7 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 18 to 23 feet. Temperature of water 56° F. Static water level, 12.7 feet below land surface, January 25, 1942. Thickness,
Silt, brown, and sand, very fine1010
Silt and clay, tan to brown, contains some sand, very fine717
Gravel, coarse to fine, mostly medium, sand coarse to fine, and clay, brown. Very poorly sorted. Gravel angular, mostly chert, and some pebbles of shale320
Gravel, coarse to fine, mostly coarse. Angular, chert, not well sorted, but much better than above sample1030
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand, coarse, poorly sorted, not as coarse as above. Mostly chert, contains some pebbles of limestone4.534.5
Cherokee shale
Shale, black, hard, fissile1.536
Shale, gray, soft, clayey0.536.5

36. Log of test hole 36, NE SE SW sec. 4, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 823.9 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 15 to 20 feet, temperature of water 55° F. Static water level, 5.5 below land surface, January 25, 1942. Thickness,
Silt, buff to dark brown, and sand, very fine to fine1515
Gravel, coarse to fine, angular, poorly sorted, dark gray to black, contains some pebbles of black shale. Samples contain some dark-gray clay520
Gravel, coarse to fine. Dark-gray to brown angular chert. Sorted much better than above sample1030
Cherokee shale
Limestone, light gray, containing fragments of silicified fossils131

37. Log of test hole 37, SW SE sec. 4, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 826.5 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silt, brown, clay, chocolate -colored, and very fine sand1010
Sand, very fine, and silt, buff to brown, contains limonite818
Silt and clay, buff, and some fine sand. Contains much limonite and some carbonaceous material321
Gravel, coarse to fine, angular, poorly sorted, mostly chert. Contains some pebbles of limestone and silicified coral223
Cherokee shale
Limestone, gray, crystalline, containing some chert124

38. Log of test hole 38, SW SE SE sec. 4, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 828.0 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 21 to 26 feet. Temperature of water 55° F. Static water level, 11.2 feet below land surface, January 25, 1942. Thickness,
Soil, silt, and sand, very fine, slightly calcareous77
Silt, clay, and sand, very fine, buff to brown. Contains limonite310
Silt and sand, very fine, some clay and limonite1121
Gravel, coarse to fine, and some sand, coarse. Mostly chert, angular, poorly sorted. Contains some pebbles of shale5.526.5
Cherokee shale
Shale, light gray, very soft3.530

40. Log of test hole 40, SW NW sec. 9, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 826.0 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 23 to 28 feet, temperature of water 55° F. Static water level 10.3 feet below land surface, January 24, 1942. Thickness,
Soil, clay, chocolate-colored, and silt, tan, some very fine sand1010
Silt, light brown, and sand, very fine1323
Sand, very fine to medium, containing much brown clay and silt225
Gravel, coarse to fine, angular, very poorly sorted. Many pebbles of shale. Sample contains a considerable amount of clay and silt530
Gravel, coarse to fine, angular, mostly chert, contains some pebbles of black shale and a few pebbles of limestone. Coarser and better sorted than above4.534.5
Cherokee shale
Shale, micaceous, sandy, gray, soft1.536

41. Log of test hole 41, NE NW sec. 9, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 826.2 feet. Water sample collected, point set from 15 to 20 feet, temperature of water 55° F. Static water level, 4.9 feet below land surface, January 24, 1942. Thickness,
Soil, black, clay and silt, gray to brown88
Clay and silt, gray to brown, containing sand, very fine to coarse, and gravel, coarse210
Gravel, coarse to medium, angular, poorly sorted, mostly chert, but contains a few pebbles of limestone and shale1020
Gravel, mostly coarse, some medium, angular, poorly sorted, mostly chert. Coarser than above sample525
Cherokee shale
Sandstone, micaceous, gray, loosely cemented with calcium carbonate, soft1.526.5
Sandstone, micaceous, gray, calcareous, hard0.527

43. Log of test hole 43, NW NE sec. 9, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 825.0 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silt, and clay, light brown, and some very fine sand. Contains carbonaceous material and limonite5.55.5
Silt and very fine sand, tan to buff, contains limonite12.518
Gravel, coarse to fine, and some silt and clay. Poorly sorted, angular chert, and some fragments of black shale220
Gravel, coarse to fine, containing much clay and many fragments of limestone. Seems to be from a weathered erosion surface1.521.5
Cherokee shale
Limestone, gray to tan, much tan chert, and many fragments of silicified coral1.523
Sandstone, fine grained, white quartz grains loosely cemented0.523.5

45. Log of test hole 45, NW corner SE NE sec. 9, T. 32 S., R. 21 E. Surface altitude, 825.6 feet. Thickness,
Soil, clay, silt, and very fine sand. Contains limonite66
Clay and silt, buff, contains some carbonaceous material410
Silt and sand, very fine to fine, contains some limonite717
Gravel, coarse to fine, and some very fine sand. Mostly angular quartz gravel and some pebbles of shale320
Clay, and many fragments of chert and limestone and pieces of silicified corals. Seems to be a weathered erosion surface3.523.5
Cherokee shale
Limestone, gray, containing chert and fragments of silicified fossils0.524

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Aug. 11, 2008; originally published March 1944.
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