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Plate VII
Serpula cragini, n. sp.
Fig. 1. View of a portion of a rock wholly composed of the tubes, x 2. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Nerita? semipleura, n. sp.
Fig. 2. Cast of the exterior in dental wax, X 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Anisomyon? cragini, n. sp.
Fig. 3. Top view of the type specimen, x 3. Mentor beds, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Nereis? incognita Cragin
Fig. 4. The figure given by Cragin; a cross section is shown on the left. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Lithophagus interrogatum, n. sp.
Fig. 5. Borings in Gryphaea corrugata, x 2. Zone 14 of Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Natica? smolanense, n. sp.
Fig. 6. Internal mold of a specimen in sandstone, x 2.5. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Salenia kansasense, n. sp.
Fig. 7. View showing the aboreal side of the type specimen, x 2. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
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Plate VIII
Turritella seriatim-granulata var. belviderii Cragin
Fig. 1. The largest example seen, natural size. Zone 18 of Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Fig. 2. Showing surface ornamentation, x 2. Zone 18 of Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Turritella kansasensis Meek
Fig. 3. Artificial cast, natural size, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southwest of Salina. The type specimen.
Fig. 4. Cast in sandstone, natural size, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 5. Cast in dental wax, x 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Margarita ornata, n. sp.
Fig. 6. Cast in dental wax from the type specimen, x 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Margarita marcouana Cragin
Fig. 7. View of specimen collected by the writer, which appears to be this species, x 2. Zone 10, Champion Draw.
Margarita mudgeana Meek
Fig. 8. Gutta percha cast from a mold, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 9. Cast of the interior of type specimen, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Mactra siouxensis smolanensis, n. var.
Fig. 10. The type specimen, a mold of the interior, x 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
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Plate IX
Schloenbachia kiowana, n. sp.
Fig. 1. The type specimen, x 1.25. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Anchura kiowana.
Fig. 2. Specimen from Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Fig. 3. Cast in dental wax, x 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Trochus texanus Roemer.
Fig. 4. Specimen from zone 14, x 2. Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Schloenbachia peruviana von Buch.
Fig. 5. View of largest fragment collected, x 1.25. Zone 12, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
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Plate X
Cyprimeria kiowana Cragin
Fig. 1. Surface of the valve, natural size. Zone 12, of Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Gryphaea navia Hall
Fig. 2. View showing the external surface of upper valve, x 1 1/8. Zone 14, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Gryphaea corregata Say
Fig. 3. View of a specimen from the Champion shell bed referred to this species, Champion Draw, x 1 1/8.
Astrocoenia nidiformis Cragin
Fig. 4. View showing a portion of a colony, x 2. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
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Plate XI
Engonoceras belviderensis Cragin
Fig. 1. Specimen showing the sutures, x 1.25. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 2. View of specimen, after Cragin. Locality not given.
Fig. 3. A specimen showing the sutures, after Cragin. Locality not given.
Fig. 4. Analysis of the sutures by Cragin.
Schloenbachia belknappi Marcou.
[Note: listed as belknapi in main text]
Fig. 5. View of a fragment of a specimen, x 1 7/8. Zone 10, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
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Plate XII
Margaritina nebraskensis Meek.
Fig. 1. Type specimen, natural size, after Meek, from the "Dakota," opposite Sioux City on the Missouri River.
Fig. 2. Dorsal view of the type specimen, natural size, after Meek.
Fig. 3. View of a small specimen, natural size, after Meek. Same locality and horizon as preceding.
Arcopagella mactroides Meek.
Fig. 4. Type specimen, natural size, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 5. Mold of the interior, x 2. Mentor bed, Natural Corral.
Fig. 6. Outline showing internal structure of left valve, after Meek.
Fig. 7. Outline showing interior of right valve, after Meek.
Fig. 8. Internal mold, x 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Linearia kansasense, n. sp.
[listed as kansasensis in text]
Fig. 9. Cast of the interior in dental wax, x 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 10. Mold of the interior. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
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Plate XIII
Trigonia emoryi Conrad.
Fig. 1. Cast of the exterior in dentall wax, x 1.25. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 2. Mold of the interior, x 1.5. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 3. Specimen showing exterior, x 2. Kiowa shale, lowest "oyster" bed, Bluff Creek canyon.
Cardita belviderensis Cragin.
Fig. 4. View of a well-preserved specimen, x 2.5. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Fig. 5. Exterior of the shell, after Cragin. Kiowa shale, Belvidere.
Fig. 6. View of interior, after Cragin. Kiowa shale, Belvidere.
Crassatellina oblonga Meek.
Fig. 7. Interior of right valve, x 2, after Meek.
Fig. 8. Internal mold, x 5. Mentor bed, Natural Corral.
Fig. 9. Interior of left valve, x 2, after Meek.
Fig. 10. Mold of the interior, natural size, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southeast of Salina.
Fig. 11. The type specimen, natural size, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 12. Dorsal view of mold of the interior, natural size, after Meek. Mentor bed.
Cyprimeria kiowana Cragin.
Fig. 13. View showing hinge line, x 2. Zone 12, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
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Plate XIV
Siliqua mentorensis, n. sp.
Fig. 1. Mold of the interior, x 1.25. Mentor beds, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Leptosolen conradi Meek.
Fig. 2. The type specimen, x 2, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 3. View showing the exterior of the shell, x 2, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 4. Mold of the interior, x 1.5. Mentor beds, Natural Corral.
Barbatia parallela Meek.
Fig. 5. View of the type specimen, natural size, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Corbicula nucalis Meek.
Fig. 6. An average specimen, about x 2.5, after Meek.
Fig. 7. The type specimen, natural size, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Corbicula subtrigonalis Meek.
Fig. 8. The type specimen, natural size, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Remondia ferrisi Cragin.
Fig. 9. The exterior of the shell, after Cragin. About zone 14 of the Kiowa, Champion Draw.
Roudaria quadrans Cragin.
Fig. 10. The shell in profile, after Cragin. About zone 14, Kiowa shale, Belvidere.
Fig. 11. View showing exterior of shell, after Cragin. Locality and horizon as in 10.
Limopsis subimbricatus Cragin.
Fig. 12. View of the interior, after Cragin. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Fig. 13. The exterior of the shell of left valve, after Cragin. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Plicatula senescens Cragin.
Fig. 14, 15. Reproduced from Cragin, supposedly natural size. About zone 12 or 14 of Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Cardium bisolaris Cragin.
Fig. 16. Specimen showing exterior, supposedly natural size. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw, Belvidere.
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Plate XV
Cardium kansasense Meek.
Fig. 1. View showing the left valve, x 2. Zones 8 to 14, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Fig. 2. Mold if the interior, x 2; shows molds of sockets on the hinge area. Mentor beds, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 3. Mold of the interior of same specimen shown in figure 2, x, 2.
Fig. 4. Mold of the interior of the right valve, x 1, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 5. Reproduction of Meek's figure, showing a mold of the interior surface of the right valve.
Fig. 6. Showing hinge structures and muscle scars, x 1, after Meek.
Fig. 7. Reproduction of Meek's figure, shwoing the interior.
Fig. 8. Showing profile of the shell, x 2. Zones 8 to 14 of Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Trigonarca salinaensis Meek.
Fig. 9. Mold of the interior of right valve, x 3. Mentor beds, Natural Corral.
Corbula crassicostata Cragin.
Fig. 10. View showing shape and exterior ornamentation of the shell, x 3. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Yoldia microdonta Meek.
Fig. 11. Reproduction of the Meek's figure of the type specimen. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 12. Mold of a specimen in sandstone; shows hinge line with teeth, x 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Trigonarca siouxensis Hall and Meek.
Fig. 13. Mold of interior of left valve, natural size, after Meek. "Dakota" sandstone at the mouth of Big Sioux river.
Cucullaea recedens Cragin.
Fig. 14. View of the left valve, x 1 1/3. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
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Plate XVI
Cucullaea recedens Cragin.
Fig. 1. View showing the hinge area of the specimen shown on plate XV, figure 14, x 2.
Fig. 2. Mold of the interior of the right valve, x 3/4. Mentor bed, Natural Corral.
Fig. 3. View of the left valve of a large specimen, x 1.5. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Ostrea quadriplicata Shumard.
Fig. 4. View of the under valve, internal mold. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Tylostoma elevata (Shumard).
Fig. 5. The largest specimen collected, x 2. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
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Plate XVII
Gervillia mudgeana White.
Fig. 1. Mold of the interior of the left valve, x 1.25. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 2. View showing molds of the cartilage pits, x 1.25. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Cucullaea recedens Cragin.
Fig. 3. View of specimen showing radiating lines on the internal mold, x 2. This may be an entirely different species. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 4. Reproduction of figure by Cragin, showing character of the hinge. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Mactra siouxensis Meek and Hayden.
Fig. 5. Posterior view of the type specimen, natural size. "Dakota" sandstone, 2 miles above the mouth of the Big Sioux river.
Fig. 6. Specimen showing the exterior ornamentation, natural size, after Meek. Same locality and horizon as preceding.
Fig. 7. Side view of a mold of the interior, natural size. Same locality and horizon as preceding.
Filling of the Burrow of a Mollusk (Meek).
Fig. 8. Reproduction of a figure by Meek, natural size. "Dakota" sandstone; locality not given.
Pharella? dakotensis Meek and Hayden.
Fig. 9. Reproduction of Meek's figure of the type specimen, natural size. "Dakota" sandstone about the mouth of the Big Sioux river.
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Pteria salinaensis White.
Fig. 1. Left valve of a robust specimen, x 1.5. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Cyrena dakotensis Meek.
Fig. 2. Posterior view, natural size, after Meek. "Dakota" sandstone, mouth of Big Sioux river.
Fig. 3. Mold of the interior, showing muscular impressions, natural size, after Meek. Horizon and locality as preceding.
Fig. 4. View of the left valve of a large example, natural size, after Meek. Locality and horizon as preceding.
Fig. 5. Dorsal view of a specimen, showing the two valves in position, after Meek. Locality and horizon as preceding.
Fig. 6. View of left valve of a smaller example, natural size, after Meek. Horizonb and locality as preceding.
Fig. 7. View along hinge line of a mold of the interior, after Meek, natural size. Same specimen as figure 2.
Cucullaea gigantea, n. sp.
Fig. 8. View showing right valve, x 1. Mentor beds, Natural Corral.
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Plate XIX
Tellina subscitula Meek.
Fig. 1. Internal cast of left valve, type specimen, x 2, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southwest of Smolan.
Fig. 2. The same specimen as in figure 1, natural size.
Arcopagella? macrodonta Meek.
Fig. 3. Mold of the interior, from the type specimen. "Dakota" sandstone, on Big Sioux river, 3 miles above its mouth.
Tapes belviderensis Cragin.
Fig. 4. View of the right valve, x 1 2/3. Middle portion of the Kiowa shale, between Belvidere and Sun City.
Fig. 5. View showing the hinge area of the specimen of figure 4.
Fig. 6. View of the right valve of a younger and more rotund example, x 2. Upper portion of the Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Fig. 7. View of the hinge area, after Cragin.
Fig. 8. Cragin's figure of the right valve of the type specimen.
Leptosolen otterensis Cragin.
Fig. 9. Reproduction of Cragin's figure, from the Blue Cut shale. Kiowa shale, Blue Cut, on the Santa Fe railroad.
Pteria belviderensis Cragin.
Fig. 10. View of the right valve of the only specimen seen by the writer, x 1.25. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
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Plate XX
Protocardia texana Conrad.
Fig. 1. Cast in dental wax from a mold of the exterior, x 2. This specimen shows that the shell attained larger dimentions than shown by Meek. Mentor beds, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 2. Specimen showing exterior, natural size, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 3. Mold of the interior, natural size, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 4. Mold of the interior, x 1.5. Mentor beds, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Fig. 5. Exterior of shell, x 3, after Meek. Mentor beds, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 6. Specimen showing the exterior, x 2. Windom member, northeast of Window.
Pholadomya? belviderensis, n. sp.
Fig. 7. Mold of the interior, x 2. Mentor beds, Natural Corral.
Corbicula? elongata, n. sp.
Fig. 8. Mold of the interior, x 3. Mentor beds, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Exogyra texana Roemer.
Fig. 9. Showing interior of valve, x 1.5. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
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Plate XXI
Ostrea, sp. Meek
Fig. 1. Mold of interior, lower valve, x 1, after Meek. Mentor, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Fig. 2. Mold of exterior, upper valve, x 1, after Meek. Mentor bed, 12 miles southwest of Salina.
Exogyra texana Roemer.
Fig. 3. Exterior of valve, x 2. Kiowa shale near middle, west of Sun City.
Leda acuminata, n. sp.
Fig. 4. Mold of the interior; the type specimen, x 3. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Tellina subscitula Meek.
Fig. 5. Mold of the interior, x 2. Mentor bed, 5 miles west of Smolan.
Ostrea kiowana, n. sp.
Fig. 6. Lower valve of a specimen from slightly different shale than following, x 1.75. Kiowa shale, Blue Cut, on Santa Fe railroad.
Fig. 7. The lower valve of a specimen, x 2. Zone 12 of Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
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Plate XXII
Gryphaea navia Hall.
Fig. 1. View showing the lower valve, the angularity on the posterior portion and the strongly incurved beak, natural size. Zone 14, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Fig. 2. The same specimen as in figure 1, showing the interior, natural size.
Tylostoma elevata (Shumard)
Fig. 3. Smaller form, quite abundant in strata above the Champion shell bed, x 2. Zone 14, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Pteria salinaensis White
Fig. 4. View of the right valve of a specimen, x 1.25. Mentor bed, Natural Corral.
Pecten fredericksburgensis Cragin.
Fig. 5. Showing the nature of the ornamentation, x 2. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
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Gryphaea corrugata Say
Fig. 1. External surface of lower valve, showing shape of shell, x 1 1/8. Zone 12, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
Fig. 2. View of a specimen from the lowest "oyster" bed of Bluff Creek canyon.
Gryphaea corrugata hilli Cragin
Fig. 3. Showing upper side and external surface of upper valve, x 2. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Fig. 4. View showing the under valve, x 2. Champion shell bed, Champion Draw.
Gryphaea corrugata belviderensis Hill and Vaughn
Fig. 5. Showing the top side of the shell, natural size. Zone 14, Kiowa shale, Champion Draw.
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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web February 2006; originally published 1924.
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