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South-central Kansas Geohydrology

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Logs of Test Holes and Wells

The following pages contain logs of 354 test holes and wells drilled in McPherson, Marion, Harvey, Reno, and Sedgwick counties, including logs of 59 wells and 296 test holes. Samples from 218 test holes and wells were studied in the laboratory, and 136 of the logs are driller's descriptions. The logs include 158 test holes drilled by the State Geological Survey, 91 test holes and wells drilled for the City of Wichita, 19 test holes and wells drilled for the City of Hutchinson, 13 test holes and wells drilled for the City of Lindsborg, and 9 test holes and wells drilled for the City of Newton. The locations of the wells and test holes for which logs are given are described in the headings of the logs and are shown on Plate 7.

1. Sample log of test hole at the center sec. 7, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,434 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, red88
Clay, yellow3442
Clay, sandy951
Clay and sand, fine960
Sand, fine to coarse1272
Sand, fine375
Wellington formation
Shale, blue378
2. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 8, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg 1946. Surface altitude, 1,449 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, sandy, red88
Sandstone, buff715
Clay, blue217
Sandstone, buff3653
Sand, fine, rust-colored861
Sand, fine, gray667
Sand, fine to medium, gray, partly cemented370
Sandstone, buff373
Wellington formation
Shale, blue174
3. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 8, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,375 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Sand, fine, buff88
Wellington formation
Shale, hard, blue715
4. Sample log of test hole at the center sec. 8, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,411 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Sand, fine, buff1212
Sand, fine, and clay1628
Sand, fine; contains streaks of clay1644
Sand, fine, buff852
Wellington formation
Shale, blue153
5. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 10, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,449 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, sandy55
Clay, brown2429
Sand, brown938
Sand, fine, buff2866
Sand, fine to medium, gray369
Wellington formation
Shale, blue170
6. Sample log of test hole at center sec. 16, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,471 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, sandy, red33
Sand, fine to medium, buff710
Sand, fine to coarse414
Sand, containing clay, buff3145
Sand, fine, buff651
Sand, fine, buff, and water3182
Wellington formation
Shale, blue183
7. Sample log of test hole in the NE cor. sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,431 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, sandy, red55
Sand, very fine, and some buff clay2025
Sand, very fine, buff631
Sand, fine to medium, partly cemented2051
Sand, fine, dark-gray354
Sand, fine to medium, dark-gray, contains some clay and silt; water very dirty660
Wellington formation
Shale, blue161
8. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,449 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Sandstone, buff2931
Clay, sandy, gray435
Clay, blue2257
Clay, sandy, blue461
Sand, very fine, buff263
Sand, fine, buff1376
Sand, gray; contains nodules of pyrite177
Sand, fine, gray1895
Wellington formation
Shale, blue196
9. Sample log of test hole at the center sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude. 1,437. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, sandy, red33
Sand, fine, buff2225
Sand, fine, and clay1742
Sand, fine, buff1355
Wellington formation
10. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. SW sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,397 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, brown1515
Clay, sandy, light brown924
Clay, black1236
Wellington formation
Shale, blue137
11. Sample log of test hole at the center SW sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,419 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Sand, fine, buff, and clay2626
Sand, fine, buff2955
Wellington formation
Shale, blue156
12. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,447 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, reddish55
Sandstone, buff1318
Sand, clayey, buff422
Sandstone, buff1133
Clay, blue841
Sand, very fine546
Sand, fine551
Sand, fine, buff1465
Sand, fine to medium, buff; contains some rounded sandstone boulders of varying size166
Wellington formation
Shale, blue167
13. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Sandell and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,485 feet. (Samples studied by Wilson and Company, engineers.) Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Clay, sandy, red33
Sand, fine to medium, buff; contains some clay2831
Sand, fine, buff334
Sand, fine, gray640
Clay, sandy, gray1656
Clay, sandy, buff965
Sand, fine, buff570
Sand, fine to medium272
Sand, fine, buff, mixed with fine gravel and particles of friable sandstone; contains some calcareous nodules of partly cemented white sand1183
Sandstone, hard, reddish-buff1093
Wellington formation
Shale, blue194
14. Driller's log of well 4 in the SE NE sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by Dunlap and Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1936. Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Clay, sandy, black1043
Sand, medium to coarse447
Sand and gravel2673
Ninnescah shale
15. Driller's log of well 5 in the SE sec. 17, T. 17 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by Kelly Well Company for the City of Lindsborg, 1923. Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt24 24
Sand, fine539
Sand and clay443
Sand, black649
Sand, clean1465
Silt and clay, black570
Gravel and sand575
Ninnescah shale
16. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. SE SE sec. 22, T. 17 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,365.2 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt and clay, brown66
Silt and clay, light-gray to buff2834
Clay, soft, gray-green; contains limestone and shale fragments438
Ninnescah shale
Shale, purple, red, and gray-green240
17. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 22, T. 17 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,364.4 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt and clay, brown44
Silt and clay, dark-gray to tan3034
Silt, soft, sandy, gray-green943
Silt and clay, gray1154
Sand, coarse to fine, and gravel, fine660
Gravel, coarse to fine, and sand1070
Gravel, medium to fine979
Wellington formation
Shale, hard, laminated, blue-gray180
18. Sample log of test hole in the NE cor. SE NE sec. 27, T. 17 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,356.2 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt, light-brown, and sand, fine to medium55
Silt and clay, buff to tan2934
Silt and clay, blue-gray640
Sand, medium to fine; contains dark-gray silt1050
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to medium sand1060
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand1272
Wellington formation
Shale, hard, brittle, gray274
19. Sample log of test hole in the NE cor. SE SE sec. 27, T. 17 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,358.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt, soft, gray, and medium to fine sand36
Silt and clay, light-gray to tan1420
Silt, soft, buff, and fine to coarse sand727
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel1340
Silt, soft, blue-gray646
Gravel, fine, and coarse sand450
Gravel, coarse to fine1363
Wellington formation
Shale, gray770
20. Sample log of test hole in the NE cor. SE 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 34, T. 17 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,353.5 feet. (Samples studied by O.S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt and clay, brown1313
Silt, soft, buff, and fine to medium sand1225
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel1540
Gravel, coarse to fine, and coarse sand1050
Silt, soft, blue gray; contains fine to medium sand1060
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand1272
Wellington formation
Shale, gray and maroon678
21. Sample log of test hole in the SE cor. NE SE sec. 34, T. 17 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,350.8 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt, dark-gray to brown77
Silt, soft, brown; contains fine to medium sand1118
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine to medium gravel1230
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand535
Silt and clay, blue-gray540
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand444
Wellington formation
Shale, gray and maroon246
22. Driller's log of well 22 in the SE NE sec. 23, T. 17 S., R. 5 W., McPherson County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for the Missouri Pacific Railway Company, 1937.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Clay and silt912
Clay and silt, sandy1022
Sand, fine to medium325
Sand, coarse530
Sand and gravel939
Gravel, fine to coarse544
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red145
23. Sample log of test hole in the SE cor. SW sec. 9, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,441.8 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Sand, very fine to fine, and dark-gray to brown silt66
Silt and clay, light-gray, and very fine to medium sand; contains many fragments of shale, sandstone, and caliche1016
Silt, gray, and some sand, very fine to coarse; contains fragments of shale, sandstone, and caliche925
Wellington formation
Shale, dark gray530
24. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. NW sec. 15, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,473.3 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and, Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Delmore formation
Silt, brown, calcareous light-gray clay, and some very fine to medium sand33
Silt and clay, calcareous, light-gray, and very fine sand1720
Kiowa shale
Clay and shale, blue-gray, yellow, brown2040
Clay, laminated, blue-gray to yellow; contains streaks of red-colored clay and thin layers of very fine to fine sand646
Clay, gray to yellow; contains streaks of carbonaceous material248
Clay, yellow to gray, sandy452
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, dark- to light-gray860
25. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 17, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by Federal Geological Surveys, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,489.6. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Delmore formation
Silt and clay, calcareous, tan, and very fine to fine sand; contains few nodules of caliche1616
Silt, calcareous, tan to buff, and very fine to medium sand; contains fragments of ironstone and nodules of calcium carbonate420
Silt and clay, calcareous, tan to dark-gray, and very fine to medium sand; contains fragments of ironstone and sandstone and small nodules of calcium carbonate828
Kiowa shale
Shale, sandy, light-blue, tan, and brown, and fine- to medium-grained, light-brown sandstone735
26. Sample log of test hole 0.1 mile east of NW cor. sec. 17, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,464.9 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Delmore formation
Sand, very fine to medium, and dark-gray silt88
Sand, very fine to medium, and gray to buff silt; contains fragments of sandstone and caliche19
Sand, very fine to fine, and light-gray silt918
Sand, very fine to medium, and light-gray to tan silt2240
Sand, very fine to medium, and tan silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate and fragments of ironstone1050
Kiowa shale
Clay, light-gray, and very fine grained, soft sandstone1060
27. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 18, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,490.0 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Delmore formation
Sand, very fine to medium, and buff to brown silt1010
Sand, medium to fine, and some buff silt313
Silt, gray to tan, and very fine to medium sand720
Silt and clay, calcareous, tan to gray, and medium to fine sand; contains fragments of ironstone and nodules of calcium carbonate1838
Silt, light-gray to brown and very fine to medium sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate644
Gravel, coarse to medium, composed of fragments of ironstone and sandstone, coarse to very fine sand, and some tan silt953
Silt, tan, and very fine to coarse sand760
Silt and clay, light, gray to buff and very fine to medium sand1777
Sand, very fine to medium, and gray to yellow silt1087
Silt and clay, gray to tan, fine to coarse sand, and some medium to fine gravel, composed of fragments of ironstone289
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, gray and maroon11100
28. Sample log of test hole in the NW cor. sec. 5, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,359.4 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Clay and silt, brown to tan1717
Silt, buff; contains some sand and gravel522
Silt and clay, gray, and coarse to medium gravel628
Wellington formation
Shale, gray230
29. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. NW sec. 6, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,343.4 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, brown to gray66
Silt, calcareous, buff to tan, fine to coarse sand, and medium to fine gravel, derived from Cretaceous sandstone4.518.5
Silt and clay, light-gray; contains some fine to medium6.525
Silt, buff, fine to coarse sand, and some medium to fine gravel composed of ironstone, shale, and caliche fragments227
Silt, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate2127
Clay, gray-green532
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse sand1143
Wellington formation
Shale, blue-gray and maroon447
30. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 8, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,446.4 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, dark-brown to gray66
Silt and clay, buff, and some fine to medium sand, contains nodules of calcium carbonate814
Ninnescah shale
Shale, thin-bedded, red and green-gray734
31. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 12, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,463.0 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, buff, calcareous, and very fine to medium sand; contains streaks of limonite and nodules of calcium carbonate2628
Delmore formation
Silt, green-gray to tan, and fine to medium sand contains small nodules of calcium carbonate and few fragments of ironstone1240
Silt, tan, and very fine to medium sand1050
Silt, red-brown, and medium to fine sand454
Sand, medium to coarse, and same coarse to fine gravel composed of ironstone fragments357
Silt, red-brown, and medium to fine sand360
Sand, medium to fine, and some tan silt464
Kiowa shale
Clay, gray-green, gray, and brown, and very fine sand670
Shale, sandy, gray-green, gray clay, and some very fine sand, driller reports pyrite1383
Wellington formation
Shale, silty, maroon and dark-gray790
32. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. NW sec. 13, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,479.3 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, dark-gray, and fine to medium sand1010
Silt, calcareous, gray to buff, and very fine to medium sand, contains nodules of calcium carbonate1323
Delmore formation
Sand, fine to medium, and green-gray to tan silt730
Sand, medium to very fine, and light-gray silt, silt and sand cemented in streaks by calcium carbonate737
Sand, medium to fine, and tan silt1350
Sand, medium to fine, and some gray to tan clay1060
Kiowa shale
Clay, limonitic, blue-gray, and some very fine to fine sand, driller reports soft sandstone1070
Sandstone, medium- to fine-grained, red-brown, and some blue-gray clay2090
Shale, light- to dark-gray; contains very fine to fine sand 10 100
33. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 15, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,528.7 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, brown to tan, and some very fine to fine sand66
Silt, buff to tan, and very fine sand1420
Silt and clay, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate1535
Volcanic ash, weathered237
Silt and clay, calcareous, tan2360
Silt, calcareous, gray to brown; contains nodules of calcium carbonate3393
Delmore formation
Silt, gray to tan, and fine to medium sand, contains fragments of shale, ironstone, and caliche7100
Silt, buff to yellow, and very fine to fine sand; contains fragments of shale and ironstone8.5108.5
Kiowa shale
Sandstone, fine-grained, calcareous, white, and some green-gray clay5113.5
34. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 15, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,447.8 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, light-gray, and very fine sand68
Silt and clay, light-gray to tan, and very fine to fine sand2230
Silt and clay, tan, and some very fine to medium sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate and some ironstone fragments737
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red and gray-green340
35. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 17, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,461.6 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate1010
Silt, calcareous, buff1020
Silt and clay, light-buff to gray, and some very fine to medium sand525
Silt and clay, gray to buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate1540
Silt and clay, tan, and some very fine to medium sand2060
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red and gray-green565
36. Sample log at the NE cor. NW sec. 18, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,454.7 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, gray to brown, and some very fine to medium sand66
Silt and clay, tan to light-gray; contains streaks of limonite and nodules of calcium carbonate2430
Silt, buff, and fine to medium sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate1040
Silt and clay, buff, and some fine to medium sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate1050
Silt, tan, fine to coarse sand, and some ironstone gravel1464
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red and gray670
37. Driller's log of test hole at the SW cor. SE sec. 20, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for Kansas Pipeline Company, 1937. Surface altitude, 1,479 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Clay, black88
Clay, gray715
Clay, yellow4560
Clay, gray1474
Sand, medium175
Sand, medium280
Clay, red1393
Wellington formation
Clay, with streaks of rock on rock497
38. Driller's log of test hole at the SW cor. SE sec. 28, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for Kansas pipeline Company, 1937. Surface altitude, 1,515 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Clay, sandy1093
Wellington formation
Shale, blue598
39. Driller's log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 31, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for Kansas Pipeline Company, 1937. Surface altitude, 1,507 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, black68
Clay, yellow1220
Clay, gray1333
Clay, yellow88121
Sand, medium12133
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel14147
Clay, yellow, on rock5152
40. Driller's log of test hole at the SW cor. SE sec. 32, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., McPherson County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for Kansas Pipeline Company, 1937. Surface altitude, 1,514 feet.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Clay, black68
Clay, yellow95103
Clay, gray27130
Sand, medium8138
Sand, medium to coarse2140
Clay, sandy, gray12152
Wellington formation
41. Sample log of test hole in the NE cor. sec. 1, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,333 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt and clay, brown77
Silt and clay, gray to tan29
Silt, tan; contains fine to coarse sand514
Silt, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate620
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to medium sand929
Wellington formation
Shale, gray130
42. Sample log of test hole in the NW cor. NE sec. 1, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,317.2 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formationn
Silt, soft, tan; contains fine sand11
Silt and clay, dark-gray23
Silt, buff, and fine to coarse sand710
Silt, buff, and fine sand1020
Silt and clay, gray; contains nodules of calcium carbonate626n
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand430
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand1646
Wellington formationn
Shale, gray450
43. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 7, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,530.6 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, light-brown33
Silt, buff, and very fine sand; contains some limonite and calcium carbonate1720
Silt and clay, buff to gray1434
Gravel, fine, and coarse to medium sand2862
Silt, light-gray to yellow, and very fine sand163
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand1679
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red and green483
44. Sample log of test hole in the SE cor. sec. 8, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,390.0 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, sandy, gray33
Silt, buff; contains medium to fine gravel and coarse to fine sand36
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand1117
Ninnescah shale
Shale, gray-green118
45. Sample log of test hole in the SE SW sec. 10, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface elevation, 1,484.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, light-brown, and fine to very fine sand33
Silt, light-gray to buff; contains many nodules and grains of calcium carbonate1720
Sand, fine to medium, and light-gray silt; partly cemented by calcium carbonate1535
Silt, buff, and light-gray; contains volcanic ash540
Silt, light-gray; contains limonite2060
46. Sample log of test hole at the SW SE sec. 10, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,465.6 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil; silt, brown22
Silt, buff to gray, calcareous, and some fine to medium sand6567
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel; partly cemented by calcium carbonate; contains fragments of red and green shale1380
Sand, coarse to medium, and some fine gravel, interbedded with buff silt and clay20100
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel; contains many fragments of red shale12112
Silt, buff to gray; contains shell fragments18130
Silt, buff to gray, and some fine to coarse sand38168
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel18186
Silt, light-gray, and fine to coarse sand1187
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand; contains many fragments of shale9196
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, gypsiferous, light-gray14210
47. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 11, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,450.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, buff to gray, and very fine sand, contains disseminated volcanic ash and nodules of calcium carbonate1414
Silt and clay buff, tan, and gray; contains streaks of limonite1327
Silt, buff, and sand, very fine to medium330
Silt and clay, light-gray to buff; contains limonite2050
Silt, buff; contains nodules of calcium carbonate3080
Silt, buff, and very fine sand1696
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate4100
Silt, light-gray, and buff clay, contains some very fine to medium sand4104
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to fine sand; contains fragments of shale, ironstone, and sandstone22126
Silt, light-gray, and fine to coarse sand6.5132.5
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to fine sand; contains many shale fragments4.5137
Wellington formation
Shale, light-gray and maroon3140
48. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. SE SW sec. 12, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,407.3 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, brown to gray, and very fine to medium sands66
Silt, buff, and fine to coarse sand, contains nodules of calcium carbonate1420
Sand, fine to coarse, and some fine gravel828
Silt, buff to gray, and very fine to coarse sand230
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium gravel, contains some buff silt in upper part of interval2050
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red353
49. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 13, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,407.7 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, gray, contains some fine to coarse sand77
Silt and clay, light-gray and buff; contains some fine to medium sand and nodules of calcium carbonate310
Sand, medium to coarse, and some fine to medium gravel; contains fragments of shale1020
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red and light-green424
50. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 13, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,441.7 feet. Hole abandoned at 24 feet owing to loss of circulation. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, light-brown, and very fine sand44
Silt, buff, porous, and very fine to medium sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate2024
51. Sample log of test hole in the NW NE sec. 14, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,403.6 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, gray to buff1313
Silt, gray; contains some fine to very fine sand1124
Silt and clay, dark-gray and blue-gray1640
Silt, carbonaceous, light-gray to brown; contains some very fine to medium sand646
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel450
Silt gray, interbedded with fine to medium gravel and coarse to fine sand; gravel cemented by calcium carbonate at base1262
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel870
Gravel, fine to medium; contains fragments of shale777
Wellington formation
Shale, silty, blue-gray; contains thin beds of limestone683
52. Sample log of test hole in the NE NW sec. 14, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Hole abandoned at 20 feet because of circulation loss in porous silt. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, tan to gray; contains nodules of calcium carbonate810
Silt, buff; contains some fine sand1020
53. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 15, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,453.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, sandy, light-brown33
Silt, light-gray; contains very fine sand and tubules of calcium carbonate710
Sand, medium to fine, and gray silt; partly cemented by calcium carbonate515
Silt and clay, light-gray to buff, and some fine sand; cemented in streaks by calcium carbonate8297
Gravel, fine, and coarse to fine sand; partly cemented by calcium carbonate4101
Silt, light-gray, and fine to very fine sand2103
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to medium sand7110
Silt, light-gray, and very fine to coarse sand3113
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand; partly cemented by calcium carbonate22135
Wellington formation
Shale, maroon and gray5140
54. Sample of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 18, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,477.8 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Silt, brown to light-gray, and fine sand1616
Gravel, fine to medium, sand coarse to fine sand1026
Silt, yellow to gray; contains some medium sand632
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand537
Ninnescah shale
Shale, brick red and light-green340
55. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. NW sec. 18, T. 18 S., R. 4 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,517.6 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
McPherson formation
Soil, brown22
Silt, calcareous, light-gray; contains nodules of calcium carbonate in upper part1517
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine to medium gravel3350
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse to medium sand1161
Ninnescah shale
Shale, brick-red263
56. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 13, T. 18 S., R. 5 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,424.9 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt, dark-gray22
Silt, buff; contains some clay and nodules of calcium carbonate1113
Silt, buff, and medium to fine sand518
Silt and clay, dark-gray2038
Gravel, coarse to fine, and some coarse sand2.540.5
Ninnescah shale
Shale, maroon and light-gray2.543
57. Sample log of test hole 0.1 mile east of NW cor. sec. 14, T. 18 S., R. 5 W., McPherson. County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1943. Surface altitude, 1,477.6 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Silt, brown55
Silt and clay, red and tan27
Ninnescah shale
Shale, red and green310
58. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 9, T. 19 S., R. 1 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,579.6 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Silt, brown to buff58
Silt, gray to buff; contains coarse sand, fine gravel, and pebbles of caliche1624
Sand, coarse to fine, and gray silt2145
Sand, medium to fine, and buff silt1560
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine to medium gravel464
Silt, buff, and very fine to fine sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate468
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel; contains fragments of shale1179
Kiowa shale
Shale, dark-gray; contains streaks of limonite1190
Shale, dark- to light-gray; contains pyrite; many thin beds of sandstone in interval13103
Shale, gray; contains pyrite7110
Shale, gray; contains fragments of charcoal and pyritized wood. Interval includes a thin layer of limestone5115
Clay, pink; contains very fine sand3118
Shale, sandy, and sandstone; partly cemented; contains fragments of charcoal and pyritized wood10128
Wellington formation
Shale, gray, light-green, and purple12140
59. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 14, T. 19 S., R. 1 W., McPherson County, drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,534.7 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Kiowa shale
Soil, sandy, brown66
Clay, sandy, limonitic915
Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, micaceous, calcareous1328
Shale, sandy, gray634
Sandstone, fine grained, partly cemented1044
Shale, sandy, micaceous650
Sandstone, partly cemented, and loose sand454
Shale, gray to yellowish-gray; contains thin beds of sandstone660
Clay, gray and tan1575
Wellington formation
Shale, dark-gray580
60. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 14, T. 19 S., R. 1 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,550.5 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Soil, brown22
Silt, brown and coarse to fine sand46
Silt, gray, contains very fine to coarse sand511
Sand, coarse to fine, and some fine to medium gravel415
Silt, light-buff; contains coarse to fine sand217
Kiowa shale
Shale, light-blue-gray and yellow1330
Shale and clay, gray and maroon636
Shale, dark-gray, and thin beds of sandstone440
Shale, yellow-gray242
Shale, dark-gray, and thin beds of limestone850
Clay, sandy, and very fine sand555
Shale, gray, contains carbonaceous material and pyrite459
Shale, gray, sandy1372
Wellington formation
Shale, calcareous, gray and maroon577
61. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 15, T. 19 S., R. 1 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,564.0 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Soil, sandy33
Sand, medium to fine1013
Silt, tan to buff; contains very fine to medium sand922
Sand, coarse to fine; contains limonite and some gray silt2547
Kiowa shale
Shale, gray and yellowish-gray956
Shale, blue-gray1167
Shale, dark-gray, and thin beds of fine-grained sandstone774
Shale, light-gray377
Shale, sandy, gray1592
Sand, partly cemented, and sandy shale11103
Wellington formation
Shale, gray, maroon, and purple7110
62. Driller's log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 16, T. 19 S., R. 1 W., McPherson County; drilled by Wichita Pump and Supply Company for the City of Canton, 1938.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Clay, red1515
Clay, sandy, gray1227
Clay, brown330
Clay, gray232
Clay, sandy, gray335
Clay, gray, contains lime nodules338
Kiowa shale
Sand, fine2058
Sand, fine463
Clay, sandy, soft1679
Clay and shale, blue685
Wellington formation
Shale, dark27112
63. Sample log of test hole at the NW cor. sec. 17, T. 19 S., R. 1 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,574.6 feet. (Samples studied by Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Silt, brown, and very fine to medium sand55
Silt and clay, gray to brown1015
Sand, coarse to fine2136
Silt, calcareous, tan to buff440
Sand, medium to very fine, contains some buff silt and nodules of calcium carbonate848
Caliche, gray to white250
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium gravel; gravel composed of pebbles derived from Cretaceous sandstone and shale959
Sand, fine to medium; contains some silt, clay, and pebbles of caliche766
Sand, coarse to medium975
Kiowa shale
Sandstone, partly cemented, and clay2196
Wellington shale
Shale, dark-gray11107
64. Driller's log of test hole at the center NE sec. 21, T. 19 S., R. 1 W., McPherson County; drilled by Layne-Western Company for the City of Canton, 1937.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Clay, brown812
Clay, gray820
Clay, sandy525
Clay, gray328
Clay, sandy1745
Clay, gray1560
Kiowa shale
Clay, with streaks of rock767
Sand, coarse, silty1077
Sand, medium, with clay beds683
65. Driller's log of well 67 in the SW SW sec. 22, T. 19 S., R. 1 W., McPherson County; drilled by Wichita Pump and Supply Company for the City of Canton, 1937.Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Soil, black11
Clay, sandy, red1314
Clay, brown822
Clay, gray, and gyp224
Clay, gray731
Clay, gray and brown435
Sand, gray136
Clay, gray137
Clay, gray, and sand138
Clay, gray and brown1048
Sand, gray, and clay149
Kiowa shale
Sand; water rose 4 feet453
Sand, medium to fine356
Sand, medium, plastering size1268
Sand, medium270
Clay, hard272
Sand, fine981
Clay, yellow182
66. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 1, T. 19 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Delmore formation
Soil; silt, brown44
Silt, dark-brown to gray; contains fine gravel, sand, and pellets of limonite610
Sand, fine to medium, and light-gray to yellow silt1323
Gravel, fine to medium, and medium to coarse sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate528
Sand, coarse to fine, micaceous, partly cemented with limonite; contains fine gravel and some layers of silt and clay533
Silt, red to tan, and coarse to fine sand437
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand; contains some light-gray silt and nodules of calcium carbonate643
Silt, buff to brown, and fine to coarse sand; contains some fine to medium gravel and nodules of calcium carbonate1356
Kiowa shale
Sandstone, fine-grained, brown, and some thin beds of light-gray clay shale1874
67. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 8, T. 19 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1939. Surface altitude, 1,523.8 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Soil, tan to brown22
Silt, tan, slightly calcareous; contains very fine sand and nodules of calcium carbonate68
Silt and clay, light-gray; contains some very fine to fine sand917
Sand, fine to very fine, and gray silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate and streaks of limonite320
Silt, tan to gray, and very fine to fine sand; some thin layers in interval cemented by calcium carbonate1939
Sand, very fine to fine, and slightly calcareous tan to buff silt645
Silt, tan to gray, and very fine to fine sand1055
Sand, very fine to fine, and buff to tan silt; contains nodules of calcium carbonate560
Sand, fine to medium; contains grains and pebbles of caliche; most sand grains composed of quartz but some are composed of pink and white feldspar and dark-gray chert1.561.5
Silt, buff to gray, and fine to very fine sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate12.574
Silt, tan to gray, and fine to very fine sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate and fragments of carbonaceous material1185
Silt and clay, light-gray388
Wellington formation
Shale, maroon and dark-gray12100
68. Sample log of test hole at the SE cor. sec. 9, T. 19 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,545.7 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Silt and clay, dark-gray35
Silt, limonitic, light-gray to yellow; contains some very fine sand611
Silt, light-gray; contains thin beds of sand and gravel415
Silt, gray; contains streaks of limonite, nodules of calcium carbonate, and medium to fine sand1429
Sand, very fine to medium, and gray silt; partly cemented with calcium carbonate534
Sand, coarse to medium, and fine gravel; contains some gray silt3266
Silt, gray, and fine to medium sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate268
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand1179
Wellington formation
Shale, gray to yellowish-green685
69. Sample log of test hole at the SW cor. sec. 12, T. 19 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,556.7 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Silt, gray36
Sand, fine to coarse, and gray silt28
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some fine gravel and gray silt2028
Silt, buff, and fine to coarse sand230
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine gravel434
Silt, light-gray to buff, and coarse to fine sand; contains nodules of calcium carbonate741
Sand, coarse to fine, and some fine gravel950
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse to medium sand1161
Kiowa shale
Sandstone, partly cemented, brown162
Clay, dark- and light-gray365
Shale, dark-gray, soft, contains pyrite1277
70. Sample log of test hole at the NE cor. sec. 13, T. 19 S., R. 2 W., McPherson County; drilled by State Geological Survey, 1945. Surface altitude, 1,568.8 feet. (Samples studied by O. S. Fent and Charles C. Williams.)Thickness, feetDepth, feet
Quaternary and Tertiary--Pliocene and Pleistocene
McPherson and Delmore formations
Silt, gray; contains some sand and gravel710
Gravel, fine to medium, coarse to fine sand, and gray silt414
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine to medium gravel1428
Silt, gray to buff230
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some medium to fine gravel and light-gray silt2151
Silt, greenish-gray and buff; contains some fine to coarse sand and nodules of calcium carbonate1364
Sand, coarse to fine, and fine to medium gravel; contains buff silt, and fragments of shale1377
Kiowa shale
Shale, thinly laminated, yellow-gray and gray380

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Kansas Geological Survey, South-central Kansas
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Web version April 2005. Original publication date July 1949.