Lophophyllid Corals from Lower Pennsylvanian Rocks of Kansas and Oklahoma
by Russell M. Jeffords
Originally published in 1942 as Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 41, Part 5.
This online version has been created because the published version is currently out of print. This is, in general, the original text as published in 1942. The information has not been updated.
The late Paleozoic column-bearing corals that generally have been designated as Lophophyllum are here assigned to Lophophyllidium Grabau. A neotype of Cyathaxonia prolifera McChesney, the genotype of Lophophyllidium, is described, and a revised generic diagnosis based on this material is given. Sinophyllum Grabau does not seem to have characters distinct from those of Lophophyllidium and accordingly these genera are considered to be synonymous.
Taxonomic problems encountered in a study of lophophyllid corals are discussed, and the nature of closely related lophophyllid genera is reviewed. Fifteen species are assigned to Lophophyllidium, of which thirteen are new. Descriptions are given of one new species from Morrow strata of Oklahoma, of two from beds of Lampasas age in southern Oklahoma, eight from the Des Moines series in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri, and two from the Missouri series in Oklahoma and Kansas. Specimens from Ohio are questionably referred to Lophophyllidium profundum (Edwards and Haime), a species that seems to be distinct from L. proliferum. The general character of the lower Pennsylvanian column-bearing coral fauna is described, and a terminology of lophophyllid coral structures is given.
Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web September 2005; originally published November 30, 1942.
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