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Franklin County Geology

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Stratigraphic Sections

Each stratigraphic unit shown on Plate 2 is represented here by at least one measured section description. All descriptions pertain to Franklin County exposures with the exception of A9 and A10, which were measured and described in Anderson County.

A sections || B sections || C sections || D sections

C1--Composite section of exposures from near cen. S line SE 1/4 sec. 17, T. 19 S., R. 18 E., to cen. S line sec. 18, T. 19 S., R. 18 E. Thickness
Oread Limestone
Toronto Limestone Member
Limestone, brown, thin to thick and moderately even bedded, microcrystalline; brachiopods, crinoids, fusulinids; incomplete thickness11.0
Lawrence Shale
Shale, upper 14 feet tan and silty, lower 4 feet gray and clayey18.0
Coal, soft, bituminous1.0
Shale, upper 1.5 feet gray, middle 1.5 feet green, basal 2 feet tan, silty to clayey8.0
Limestone, gray to brown, single bed; Myalina, Neospirifer, bryozoans, crinoids1.0
Shale, gray to tan, silty; mostly covered25.0
Siltstone, brown, single thick bed4.0
Shale and siltstone, tan, small amounts of very fine grained sandstone; about60.0
Total thickness of Lawrence Shale117.0
Stranger Formation
Haskell Limestone Member
Limestone, blue gray, single even bed, microcrystalline matrix contains abundant Ottonosia; Chonetes, Neospirifer, marginiferids, fusulinids; sparse phosphatic nodules weathered free from section immediately above the Haskell1.5
Vinland Shale Member
Covered interval; about12.0
Westphalia Limestone Member
Limestone, brown, microcrystalline, surface weathers hummocky; fusulinids, Osagia0.5
Limestone, brown, shaly; bryozoans, Composita, crinoids2.5
Total thickness of Westphalia Limestone3.0
Tonganoxie Sandstone Member
Shale, tan, bedding indistinct, weathers into irregular blocks, septarian concretions and thin sandstone stringers in the basal part; exposed thickness8.0

C2--Water well log of section near the cen. S line sec. 30, T. 18 S., R. 18 E. (State Geological Survey of Kansas files). Description, generalized, is shown by symbols on Plate 2.

C3--Composite section of an escarpment exposure near the cen. W line SW 1/4 sec. 14, T. 18 S., R. 13 E. (Toronto Limestone and Lawrence Shale); a road cut-streambank exposure near the cen. W line sec. 19, T. 18 S., R. 19 E. (Weston Shale to Haskell Limestone); and a drillers log (Stanton Limestone and 75 feet of Weston Shale) of section near cen. sec. 12, T. 18 S., R. 18 E. (Drillers log in State Geological Survey of Kansas files.) Description, generalized, is shown by symbols on Plate 2. Thickness
Oread Limestone
Toronto Limestone Member
Limestone, brown, thin and even bedded, ferruginous; brachiopods, corals, crinoids, fusulinids9.0
Lawrence Shale
Shale, gray, paper-thin strata weather into in-regular flakes, clayey; goethite concretions30.0
Limestone, light gray on fresh surfaces, weathers tan, bedding indistinct, pseudobrecciated2.5
Claystone, drab, weathers into irregular blocks1.5
Siltstone, tan, weathers into plates, micaceous3.0
Shale, drab, weathers into irregular flakes and blocks, clayey; poorly preserved plant fossils; about5.5
Limestone, blue gray, nodular, micaceous, silty; poorly preserved plant fossils2.0
Shale, tan to gray, paper-thin strata weather into irregular flakes, silty, micaceous; goethite concretions; poorly preserved plant remains5.5
Coal; contains claystone stringers0.2
Siltstone and silty shale, gray green to tan, bedding indistinct, weathers into irregular blocks; goethite concretions; mostly covered; about40.0
Total thickness of Lawrence Shale90.2
Stranger Formation
Haskell Limestone Member
Limestone, blue gray, single vertically jointed bed, microcrystalline, fractures conchoidally; Meekella, Neospirifer, crinoids, echinoid spines, fusulinids, spired gastropods1.0
Vinland Shale Member
Shale, tan, weathers to irregular flakes, silty, micaceous; about5.0
Shale, tan, paper-thin strata weather to flakes, silty, micaceous; contains large blue-gray septarian limestone concretions4.0
Shale, drab, weathers to flakes, silty, micaceous4.0
Total thickness of Vinland Shale13.0
Tonganoxie Sandstone Member
Sandstone, tan, massive, cross stratified, quartzose, very fine to fine grained, friable40.0
Coal, discontinuous0.5
Total thickness of Tonganoxie Sandstone40.5
Total thickness of Stranger Formation54.5
Weston Shale
Shale, blue gray to gray green upward, micaceous, clayey to silty upward, grades into overlying unit; exposed thickness2.0

C4--Drillers log of section near the cen. NE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 7, T. 18 S., R. 18 E. (State Geological Survey of Kansas files). Description, generalized, is shown by symbols on Plate 2.

C5--Composite section of a streambank exposure in the NE 1/4 sec. 33, T. 17 S., R. 18 E. (Toronto Limestone and upper part of Lawrence Shale) and a road cut exposure near the cen. N line sec. 31, T. 17 S., R. 19 E. (Ireland Sandstone to Haskell Limestone). Thickness
Oread Limestone
Snyderville Shale Member
Toronto Limestone Member
Limestone, brown, thin to thick and even bedded, ferruginous, microcrystalline; Chonetes, Composita, Punctospirifer, crinoid columnals, fenestrate and ramose bryozoans8.0
Lawrence Shale
Shale, covered interval3.0
Shale, covered interval2.5
Shale, tan, weathers into plates, silty, micaceous; poorly preserved plant fossils common5.5
Shale, drab, paper-thin strata flake upon weathering, clayey, micaceous; siltstone stringers14.0
Shale, covered interval5.5
Claystone, drab6.5
Shale, covered interval10.0
Shale, tan, weathers into irregular flakes, silty13.0
Conglomerate, reddish, limestone and limonite pebbles in a quartzose sandstone matrix; sparse invertebrate fossil fragments1.5
Siltstone, brown, weathers into plates; limonitic concretions9.0
Shale, gray, paper-thin beds; profuse poorly preserved plant fossils2.0
Limestone, brown, shaly, arenaceous, micaceous; plant and invertebrate fossils2.0
Ireland Sandstone Member
Sandstone, brown, massive, cross stratified, quartzose, very fine to floe grained, micaceous; poorly preserved plant fossils40.0
Conglomerate, gray, weathers into irregular slabs, limestone and limonite pebbles, sparse phosphatic nodules, quartzose sandstone matrix; Chonetes, Meekella, Neospirifer, fusulinids, and sparse plant fossils; fragile spines on chonetids intact; probably derived from Robbins Shale and Haskell Limestone5.0
Total thickness of Lawrence Shale120.8
Stranger Formation
Vinland Shale Member

C6--Composite section of a road cut exposure along the S line SE 1/4 sec. 15, T. 17 S., R. 18 E. (Toronto Limestone to Robbins Shale); a log of a test hole drilled at the SE cor. sec. 15, T. 17 S., R. 18 E. (Robbins Shale to Haskell Limestone); and a test hole drilled in the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 15, T. 17 S., R. 18 E. (Haskell Limestone to Stoner Limestone). Thickness
Oread Limestone
Toronto Limestone Member
Limestone, gray on fresh surfaces, weathers tan, bedding indistinct, weathers into a slabby rubble; brachiopods, crinoids; incomplete thickness1.0
Lawrence Shale
Shale, gray to tan, silty to sandy; poorly preserved plant fossils8.0
Coal, upper Williamsburg0.5
Shale, gray to tan, bedding indistinct, weathers into irregular blocks, clayey to silty5.0
Ireland Sandstone Member
Limestone, gray, weathers into plates1.0
Sandstone, light gray to tan, very fine to medium grained, massive, cross stratified31.0
Shale, gray, clayey to silty2.5
Sandstone, light gray, cross stratified, fine grained13.0
Shale, gray, silty to sandy1.0
Sandstone, gray to tan, a single thick bed2.0
Shale, gray, silty to sandy0.5
Sandstone, gray to tan, massive, cross stratified, very fine to medium grained; about28.0
Coal, fragmented and included in basal part of Ireland Sandstone; about3.0
Total thickness of Lawrence Shale97.0
Stranger Formation
Robbins Shale Member
Shale, gray blue, clayey, carbonaceous films along bedding surfaces in uppermost foot5.0
Shale, gray, clayey to slightly silty2.0
Shale, gray, extremely clayey, plastic11.0
Total thickness of Robbins Shale18.0
Haskell Limestone Member
Limestone, gray on fresh surfaces, weathers gray to tan, even bedded, microcrystalline matrix contains cross sections of abundant "heads" of Ottonosia; brachiopods, crinoids, fusulinids2.1
Rock Lake-Vinland Shale
Siltstone-sandstone, tan, even bedded, quartzose; basal contact gradational19.0
Shale and siltstone, gray, alternating silty shale and siltstone, carbonaceous streaks at several horizons116.0
Shale, gray, clayey to slightly silty5.0
Siltstone-shale, gray20.0
Sandstone, tan, very fine grained2.5
Total thickness of Rock Lake-Vinland Shale163.2
(Westphalia and South Bend Limestones absent from this locality. Section between Haskell Limestone base and Stoner Limestone top could not be subdivided.)
Stanton Limestone
Stoner Limestone Member
Limestone, gray to white; penetrated by drill1.0

C7--Composite section of road cut exposures from near cen. W line sec. 12 to near cen. W line sec. 13, T. 17 S., R. 18 E. (upper part of Tonganoxie Sandstone to Toronto Limestone) and streambank exposures near cen. sec. 11, T. 17 S., R. 18 E. (Weston Shale to Haskell Limestone). Thickness
Oread Limestone
Toronto Limestone Member
Limestone, gray; brachiopods, crinoids; incomplete thickness2.0
Lawrence Shale
Shale, tan, clayey to silty12.0
Sandstone, siltstone, and silty shale, tan, alternating beds26.0
Ireland Sandstone Member
Sandstone, tan, massive, cross stratified, very fine grained, friable53.0
Total thickness of Lawrence Shale91.0
Stranger Formation
Robbins Shale Member
Shale, gray, clayey to silty upward5.5
Haskell Limestone Member
Limestone, gray, even bedded, prominent vertical jointing, microcrystalline, fractures conchoidally; productids, Meekella, Neospirifer, Ottonosia; poorly exposed; about1.7
Vinland Shale Member
Shale, gray, clayey to silty4.0
Coal smut0.05
Shale, gray to tan, clayey to silty10.0
Coal stringer0.3
Shale, gray, silty, grades downward into siltstone10.0
Total thickness of Vinland Shale24.35
Tonganoxie Sandstone Member
Sandstone and silty shale, tan, very fine grained, massive sandstone cross stratified, silty shale platy45.0
Coal stringer0.3
Siltstone to sandstone; thickness irregular0.0 to 1.0
Total thickness of Tonganoxie Sandstone46.3
Total thickness of Stranger Formation77.85
Weston Shale
Shale, gray blue, clayey; base covered; exposed thickness1.5
(On the basis of outcrop and drillers log data, the thickness of Weston Shale at this locality is approximately 80 feet.)

A sections || B sections || C sections || D sections

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology of Franklin County
Web version July 2002. Original publication date Jun. 1963.
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