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Elk County Geohydrology

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Part 3--Ground-water Resources of Elk County

by Charles K. Bayne

Although the ground-water section of this report is a cooperative product of the State Geological Survey of Kansas and the U.S. Geological Survey, the stratigraphic nomenclature used is that of the State Geological Survey of Kansas.


The rural population of Elk County depends almost entirely on ground water for a water supply. During the summer of 1950, a study of the ground water in Elk County was made by the State Geological Survey of Kansas and the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Division of Sanitation of the Kansas State Board of Health and the Division of Water Resources of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture. During the well inventory, records were collected on 161 wells. The inventory included for each well a measurement of its depth, the depth to water, and identification of the principal aquifer penetrated. Six test holes were drilled in the valley of Elk River to determine the thickness and character of the alluvial deposits. General information on yields of wells, water-bearing formations, and quality of water was obtained from many residents in the area.

Well-numbering System

The wells and test holes included in this report (Table 11) are numbered according to the following formula, using the General Land Office classification system. The number is designated according to township, range, section, quarter section, quarter-quarter section, and 10-acre tract within the quarter-quarter section. The quarter sections, the quarter-quarter sections, and the 10-acre tracts are designated a, b, c, and d in a counterclockwise direction, beginning in the northeast quarter (Figure 9).

Figure 9--Map of Elk County, Kansas, illustrating the well-numbering system used in this reports. The well is in sec. 22, T 29 S, R 10 E.

well numbering system

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Web version July 2002. Original publication date July 1958.
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