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Lophphllid Corals

Plate 2--All figures 3 times natural size. In each transverse section the counter septum is placed at the top. A higher-resolution PDF version is available.

Fig. 1, Lophophyllidium mundulum, n. sp., Pumpkin Creek limestone, 220 feet above Lester limestone, Dornick Hills group, of Lampasas age, Pennsylvanian, southwest of the Country Club, about 3 miles north of Ardmore, Oklahoma.--1a-d, Type specimen (Univ. Kansas no. 68-21a). a, Longitudinal section. b-d, Transverse sections.
Fig. 2, Lophophyllidium compressum, n. sp., Millsap Lake group, Des Moines series, Pennsylvanian, 3.5 miles east of Rochelle, Texas.--2a-c, Type specimen (Univ; Kansas no. 7208-21a). a, Longitudinal section. b,c, Transverse sections.
Fig. 3-4, Lophophyllidium murale, n. sp., about 8 feet above base of Memorial shale, Des Moines series, Pennsylvanian, from center south road in sec. 2, T. 33 S., R. 12 E., Montgomery County, Kansas.--3a-c, Specimen (Univ. Kansas no. 2615-21c). a, Longitudinal section. b,c, Transverse sections.--4a-c, Transverse sections of the type specimen (Univ; Kansas no. 2615-21b).

Black and white drawings of cross and transverse sections of 3 Lophopyllidium species

Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web September 2005; originally published November 30, 1942.
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