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KGS Open File Report 98-56--1998 Oil and Gas Production--Continued
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Estimated Economic Impact--Gas Production

The US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) regional input-output multipliers (see discusion above for more explanation of multipliers) were used to estimate the impact of the $238 million in decreased revenue from 1998 gas production in Kansas (tables 1 and 3a). Using final demand multipliers, the lost output to the Kansas economy is estimated at $356 million with estimated lost earnings of $46 million (Table 2a). Statewide lost employment is estimated at 3,380 (Table 3a). Direct effect multipliers can be used to estimate the impact of decreased in revenue from 1998 gas production on the Kansas oil and gas industry (Table 3b). The industry is estimated to face a decrease of $23 million in earnings and a potential decrease of 2,166 employees. Added to the effect of decreased revenue from oil production the estimated impact on the oil and gas industry is may be catastrophic. These are estimates that are subject to debate and flaws in analysis.

Table 2a - Estimated economic effects of oil prices and estimated decreased gas production on the Kansas economy.

Estimated 1998 Decrease
in Revenue at
Wellhead (Million $)
Final Demand
Multiplier Output
Final Demand
Multiplier Earnings
Final Demand
Multiplier Empoyment
Lost Output
(Million $)
Lost Earnings
(Million $)
$238 1.4982 0.1925 14.2 $356.57 $46 3,380

Figure 2b - Estimated economic effects of gas prices and estimated decreased gas production on the Kansas oil and gas industry.

Direct Effect
Multiplier Earnings
Direct Effect
Multiplier Employment
Lost Earnings
(Million $)
0.0984 9.1014 $23.42 2,166


Prev Page--1998 Gas Production
Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Information
Updated December 11, 1998
Send comments and/or suggestions to Tim Carr.