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Geohydrology of Mitchell County

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Logs of Test Holes

The logs of 60 test holes in Mitchell County are given on the following pages. Of these, 29 are sample logs of test holes drilled by the State Geological Survey of Kansas, and 31 were drilled by the Bureau of Reclamation in conjunction with a study of the proposed Glen Elder dam. The logs of 12 test holes in a line across North Fork Solomon Valley are given by Leonard (1952) and the logs of 10 test holes near the Mitchell-Cloud county line are given by Bayne and Walters (1959). The test holes are numbered according to the system illustrated in Figure 2. Locations of test holes are shown on Plate 3. Plate 2 shows the character of material penetrated by test holes. Water-level measurements are stated in feet below land surface.

6-8-32bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW NW sec. 32, T. 6 S., R. 8 W., 0.2 mile north of U. S. Highway 24, 150 feet north of farmstead drive, on east shoulder of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey, July 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,423 feet. Depth to water, 27.70 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, dark brown (soil) 2 2
Silt, light brown 4 6
Silt, clayey, light brown 8 14
Silt, clayey, and very fine to fine sand 10 24
Silt, clayey; contains caliche 14 38
Sand, fine to medium, and fine limestone gravel 3 41
Graneros Shale
Shale, blue black; contains very thin hard limestone layers 9 50

6-8-32cbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW SW sec. 32, T. 6 S., R. 8 W., 35 feet north of center of U. S. Highway 24, 60 feet east of center of section-line road. Drilled by State Geological Survey, July 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,411 feet. Depth to water, 18.10 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, sandy, light brown (soil) 3 3
Silt, clayey, tan brown 4 7
Silt, clayey, light brown 3 10
Silt, clayey, light brown, and very fine sand 10 20
Silt, light brown, and fine sand 16 36
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine gravel 2 38
Graneros Shale
Shale, dark blue gray, hard 6 44

6-8-32ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 32, T. 6 S., R. 8 W., 60 feet northeast of section corner. Drilled by State Geological Survey, July 21, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,407 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, black (soil) 2 2
Silt, light brown 4 6
Silt, clayey, light brown 12 18
Silt, clayey, and very fine sand 16 34
Clay, dark blue gray 2 36
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 6 42
Gravel, fine to coarse 10 52
Dakota Formation
Shale, clayey, dark blue-gray 30 82
Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, hard 8 90

6-8-35bbb--Log of core hole DH-30, in NW NW NW sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 8 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, February 6-7, 1952. Surface altitude, 1,439.0 feet. Thickness,
Peoria Formation and terrace deposits
Silt, soft, dark brown; contains some clay 1.0 1.0
Silt, clayey, soft, light brown; contains white and dark-brown layers 7.2 8.2
Loess and silty clay, soft, light brown; contains 1-ft. dark-brown layer at 8.2 feet, which resembles old soil horizon 9.5 17.7
Loess and silty clay, soft, yellow brown; contains white spots 3.3 21.0
Loess and silty clay, soft, brown; contains limy nodules as much as 1 1/2 inches in diameter 6.5 27.5
Silt, soft, gray; contains some clay and a trace of fine sand 5.5 33.0
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some gravel and chalk fragments 14.0 47.0
Sand; contains some silt and clay binder, hard and soft chalk or limestone fragments, and rust stains 2.0 49.0
Clay, silty, light brown 1.5 50.5
Sand, fine to coarse, contains some fine and medium gravel and many hard and soft chalk or limestone fragments 13.0 63.5
Clay, firm, rusty brown 1.0 64.5
Graneros Shale
Shale, very firm, dark blue 5.5 70.0

6-8-35bcc--Log of core hole DH-31, in SW SW NW sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 8 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, February 8-11, 1952. Surface altitude, 1,424.8 feet. Thickness,
Peoria Formation and terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, soft, black 0.8 0.8
Loess and silty clay, soft, brown; contains white layers 8.1 8.9
Loess and silty clay, brown; contains limy stringers and nodules as much as 1 inch in diameter. A 15-inch layer of black silty clay at 8.9 ft. may indicate old soil horizon 20.0 28.9
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel, rusty gray; contains limy nodules 1.8 30.7
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel, rusty gray; contains chalk or limestone fragments and a 10-inch layer of gray sandy silt at 30.7 ft 2.8 33.5
Graneros Shale
Shale, hard, blackish; contains layers of sandstone near top 4.5 38.0

6-8-35ccc--Log of core hole DH-32, in SW SW SW sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 8 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, February 11-12, 1952. Surface altitude, 1,409.8 feet. Thickness,
Peoria Formation and terrace deposits
Silt, soft, dark brown 0.6 0.6
Loess and silty clay, soft, light brown 3.4 4.0
Loess and silty clay, soft, dark brown (may be old soil horizon) 1.9 5.9
Loess and silty clay, soft, light reddish brown 2.6 8.5
Loess and silty clay, soft, dark brown; contains light-gray layers 2.5 11.0
Loess and silty clay, yellow brown; contains limy stringers 1.7 12.7
Silt, clayey, soft, light brown; contains a trace of fine sand 5.6 18.3
Silt and silty clay, soft, light brown 3.7 22.0
Silt, clayey, soft, light brown; contains some fine sand 4.0 26.0
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel; contains limestone or chalk fragments 5.0 31.0
Graneros Shale
Shale, hard, black to dark blue; contains 4-inch layer of sandstone at top 6.0 37.0

6-9-23ccc1--Log of core hole DH74, in SW SW SW sec. 23, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, June 4, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,418.8 feet. Depth to water, 16.20 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Clay, silty, slightly compacted, brown 3 3
Clay, silty, compact, brown 4 7
Clay, compact, damp, brown 7 14
Clay, silty, compact, moist to wet, brown 1 15
Silt, soft, wet, brown 3 18
Clay, slightly compacted, wet, brown 2 20
Clay, slightly compacted, wet, dark brown 6 26
Clay, slightly compacted, wet, brown 1 27
Silt, soft, saturated, light brown 3 30
Gravel, limestone fragments, and medium sand, saturated, loose, brown 7 37
Dakota Formation
Shale, slightly sandy, firm, blue 3 40

6-9-23ccc2--Log of core hole DH-5, in SW SW SW sec. 23, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, May 17, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,418.6 feet. Depth to water, 17.00 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Clay, silty, compact, dark brown 1.5 1.5
Clay, compact, dark brown 2 3.5
Clay, silty, compact, brown 6.5 10
Silt, slightly compacted, brown 9 19
Clay, silty, slightly compacted, brown 1 20
Clay, compact, brown 1.5 21.5
Clay, compact, dark brown; contains chalk fragments 1 22.5
Clay, silty, brown; contains chalk fragments 1 23.5
Silt, slightly compacted, brown 1.5 25
Chalk fragments and medium sand; contains some 1-inch layers of gray silt 6.5 31.5
Sand, fine to medium, loose, brown; contains chalk fragments 2 33.5
Graneros Shale
Shale, slightly sandy, firm, blue 2 35.5

6-9-23ccd1--Log of core hole DH-3, in SE SW SW sec. 23, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, May 14, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,421.9 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, compact, dark brown 1.5 1.5
Clay, compact, dark brown 6 7.5
Clay, compact, brown 6.5 14
Silt, slightly compacted, brown 7 21
Clay, compact, damp, brown 6 27
Clay, compact, moist, dark brown 5.5 32.5
Clay, compact, wet, blue 3 35.5
Clay, compact, wet, blue; contains chalk fragments 2.5 38
Sand, medium, loose, saturated, brown to gray; contains many chalk fragments 2.5 40.5
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, blue 3.5 44

6-9-23ccd2--Log of core hole DH-17, in SE SW SW sec. 23, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, June 8, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,425.3 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Clay, compact, brown 8.5 8.5
Silt, slightly compacted, brown 13.5 22
Silt, soft, wet, brown 5 27
Clay, silty, slightly compacted, wet, dark brown 7 34
Clay, slightly compacted, dark brown; contains many limestone fragments 2.5 36.5
Clay, slightly compacted, wet, blue 1.5 38
Clay and fragments of limestone, soft, saturated, gray 3 41
Gravel, limestone fragments, and sand, loose, saturated, brown 0.5 41.5
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, blue 3 44.5

6-9-23cdc--Log of core hole DH-2, in SW SE SW sec. 23, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, June 7, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,432.7 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, compact, brown; contains some fine sand 4.5 4.5
Limestone fragments, weathered; contains some medium sand 4 8.5
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, chalky, deeply weathered, brown 4 12.5
Limestone, chalky, weathered, brown 2.5 15
Shale, weathered, brown and blue 2 17
Graneros Shale
Shale, firm, blue 3.5 20.5

6-9-23cdd--Log of core hole DH-16, in SE SE SW sec. 23, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, June 7, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,479.3 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, compact, dark brown 1 1
Clay, silty, brown; contains considerable medium sand and limestone fragments 3.5 4.5
Limestone fragments, chalky, weathered, brown; contains some medium sand 2 6.5
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, chalky, weathered, brownish gray 4.5 11
Limestone, hard, gray 1 12

6-9-23dcc--Log of core hole DH-1, in SW SW SE sec. 23, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, May 18, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,462.5 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Clay, silty, compact, brown 3 3
Clay, compact, dark brown 5 8
Clay, compact, brown; contains chalk and limestone fragments 6 14
Limestone fragments, chalky, weathered; contains some brown clay 2 16
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, chalky, weathered, yellow and gray 9 25
Shale, firm, blue 2 27

6-9-27aba1--Log of core hole DH-13, in NE NW NE sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, May 27, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,421.2 feet. Depth to water, 23.00 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Clay, silty, compact, dark brown 1.5 1.5
Clay, compact, brown 3.5 5
Clay, compact, dark brown 10.5 15.5
Clay, compact, brown 2 17.5
Clay, compact, moist, brown 3.5 21
Clay, silty, wet, brown; contains small amount of very fine sand and a few limestone fragments 7 28
Clay, silty; contains considerable medium sand and limestone fragments 1.5 29.5
Clay, silty, slightly compacted, brown 1.5 31
Gravel, limestone fragments, loose, saturated; contains some medium sand and a few thin layers of gravel having clay binder 2.5 33.5
Graneros Shale
Shale, slightly sandy, blue 1 34.5
Shale, slightly sandy, firm, blue 2.5 37

6-9-27aba2--Log of core hole DH-14, in NE NW NE sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, May 27, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,415.2 feet. Depth to water, 17.70 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Clay, silty, compact, brown 3 3
Silt, compact, light brown; contains small amount of very fine sand 4.5 7.5
Silt, compact, brown; contains small amount of fine sand 3 10.5
Silt, soft, wet to saturated, brown; contains small amount of fine sand 6 16.5
Sand, medium, loose, saturated, brown; contains abundant limestone fragments and some silt 2 18.5
Sand, medium to coarse, saturated, brown; contains considerable limestone gravel and layers of blue-gray silt 5 23.5
Sand, fine to medium, loose, clean, saturated, brown 1.5 25
Silt, soft, saturated, blue 1 26
Graneros Shale
Shale, weathered, brown 3 29
Shale, slightly sandy, firm, blue 3 32

6-9-27abb1--Log of core hole DH-15, in NW NW NE sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, June 3, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,411.3 feet. Depth to water, 14.30 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Clay, silty, compact, brown 3 3
Silt, compact, brown 4.5 7.5
Silt, slightly compacted, moist to wet, brown 3 10.5
Silt, slightly compacted, saturated, brown 4.5 15
Clay, silty, blue and brown, saturated; contains some limestone fragments and a few thin layers of medium sand 5 20
Shale, sandy, reworked, blue; contains some limestone fragments 1 21
Graneros Shale
Shale, sandy, firm, blue 3 24

6-9-27abb2--Log of core hole DH-7, in NW NW NE sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, May 19, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,422.0 feet. Depth to water, 24.60 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Clay, silty, compact, dark brown 1 1
Clay, compact dark brown 3 4
Silt, compact, brown 1.5 5.5
Clay, compact, brown; contains some limestone fragments 1 6.5
Clay, compact , dark brown 2.5 9
Clay, compact, dark brown; contains limestone fragments 0.5 9.5
Clay, silty, compact, brown 2.5 12
Clay, compact, dark brown 2.5 14.5
Clay, silty, compact, greenish gray 4.5 19
Clay, compact, greenish gray 5.5 24.5
Clay, compact, and very fine sand, greenish gray; contains small limestone fragments 3.5 28
Graneros Shale
Shale, weathered, brown and blue, and limestone fragments 10 38
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, blue 3.5 41.5

6-9-27abb3--Log of core hole DH-8, in NW NW NE sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 6 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, May 19, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,435.5 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, slightly compacted, dark brown 3 3
Silt, compact, brown; contains fine limestone fragments 3.5 6.5
Clay, compact, brown 4.5 11
Clay, brown; contains limestone fragments 1 12
Greenhorn Limestone
Shale, weathered, brown 10 22
Graneros Shale
Shale, firm, blue 4 26
Concretion, hard, gray 0.5 26.5
Shale, firm, blue 1.5 28

6-9-27bbb--Log of core hole DH-10, in NW NW NW sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, May 25, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,491.2 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, brown; contains considerable sand and gravel 1 1
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, chalky, and calcareous shale 21 22
Shale, slightly sandy, firm, blue 3 25

6-9-27cad--Log of core hole DH-12, in SE NE SW sec. 27, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, December 2, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,494.2 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, compact, brown; contains chalk fragments 4 4
Sand, fine to medium; contains fine to medium chalk fragments 5 9
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, chalky, weathered, gray 7 16
Limestone and shale, chalky, weathered, gray 7 23
Shale, bluish, and hard broken limestone, weathered 6 29
Shale, firm, blue; contains layers of selenite crystals 4 33
Shale, firm, blue, and interbedded hard gray limestone; contains 4-inch bentonite seam at 41 ft. 12 45
Shale, firm, blue; contains a few thin limestone layers 17 62

6-9-34baa1--Log of core hole DH-1, in NE NE NW sec. 34, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, October 5, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,404.6 feet. Depth to water, 13.80 feet. Thickness,
Alluvium (Recent) and terrace deposits
Silt, compact, brown 2 2
Silt, sandy, compact, gray 6 8
Silt and fine sand, compact, brown 4 12
Sand, very fine, clean 4 16
Sand, medium, clean, gray 2 18
Sand, coarse, saturated, gray 6 24
Sand, coarse, gray; contains 5 percent fine gravel 5 29
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, blue 7 36

6-9-34baa2--Log of core hole DH-2, in NE NE NW sec. 34, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, October 6, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,424.1 feet. Depth to water, 81.80 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, compact, brown 25 25
Sand, fine, compact, clean 4 29
Sand, fine, and silt, compact, saturated, brown to gray 6 35
Sand, medium, clean, saturated, gray 5 40
Sand, coarse, clean, saturated, gray 6 46
Sand, medium, clean, saturated, gray 8 54
Sand, coarse, and some fine gravel 1 55
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, blue 6 61

6-9-34bda--Log of core hole DH-3, in NE SE NW sec. 84, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, October 7, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,422.8 feet. Depth to water, 30.20 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, compact, brown 2 2
Sand, fine, silty, gray 6 8
Silt, compact, brown 4 12
Sand, fine, and silt, gray 15 27
Sand, fine to medium, gray 6 33
Sand, medium to coarse, clean, gray 13 46
Sand, coarse; contains some silt 4 50
Sand, coarse; contains considerable silt and 10 percent fine to medium gravel 5 55
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel 3 58
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, blue 1 59

6-9-34bdd--Log of core hole DH-4, in SE SE NW sec. 34, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, October 7, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,426.1 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, compact, gray 4 4
Silt, firm, brown 40 44
Sand, medium, clean, saturated, gray 4 48
Sand, coarse, saturated, gray; contains some silt 7 55
Sand, medium to coarse; contains 10 percent fine gravel and some chalk fragments 4 59
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, blue 1 60

6-9-34cad--Log of core hole DH-5, in SE NW SW sec. 34, T. 6 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, October 14, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,423.0 feet. Depth to water, 28.50 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, firm, brown 34 34
Silt, brown; contains considerable clay 5 39
Silt, firm, saturated, brown 6 45
Sand, medium to coarse, clean, saturated, gray 10 55
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, blue 3 58
Shale, hard, gray 1 59
Shale, firm, blue 8 67
Shale, firm, blue gray 9 76

6-10-5cdc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE SW sec. 5, T. 6 -S., R. 10 W., 6 feet north of center of road, 0.3 mile east of road intersection. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 6, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,541.1 feet. Depth to water, 34.10 feet. Thickness,
Peoria Formation and terrace deposits
Silt, dark gray, loose (soil) 3 3
Silt, medium compact, brown 9 12
Silt, compact, sandy, light gray tan 25 37
Sand and gravel, very fine to coarse 12 49
Silt, medium compact, sandy, gray 7 56
Sand and limestone gravel, very fine to coarse 3 59
Carlile Shale
Shale, medium hard, silty, black 1 60

6-10-8ccb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW SW sec. 8, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 10 feet east of center of road and 0.21 mile north of road intersection. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 6, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,508.1 feet. Depth to water, 30.40 feet. Thickness,
Peoria Formation and terrace deposits
Silt, loose, dark brown (soil) 2 2
Silt, medium compact, light gray 2 4
Silt, fairly compact, brown 13 17
Silt, compact, yellow tan to gray 4 21
Silt, soft, sandy, light tan 6 27
Silt, light tan, and very fine to fine quartz sand 3 30
Sand, very fine to medium; contains small amount of coarse sand, fine to coarse gravel, and some gray silt 7.5 37.5
Greenhorn Limestone
Shale, medium hard, calcareous, black 2.5 40

6-10-17bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW NW sec. 17, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 7 feet east of center of road and 36 feet north of half-mile line fence. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 6, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,473.9 feet. Depth to Water, 15.70 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, medium loose, black and gray (soil) 5 5
Silt, medium compact, gray to tan 13 18
Silt, soft, sandy, light green gray and dark gray 12 30
Sand, very fine to medium, quartz, and fine to coarse limestone gravel; contains small amount of gray-green silt and shale fragments 6.5 36.5
Greenhorn Limestone
Shale, fairly hard, calcareous, black and gray 3.5 40

6-10-20bbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW NW sec. 20, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 10 feet east of center of road and 0.15 mile south of road intersection. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 4, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,469.9 feet. Depth to water, 22.00 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, dark gray black 2 2
Silt, medium soft, friable, tan and light gray 3 5
Silt, compact, plastic, dark gray 4 9
Silt, soft, light gray tan 9 18
Silt, gray, and sand, very fine to fine; contains small amount of fine to coarse limestone gravel 11 29
Silt, soft, sandy, gravelly, dark gray blue 7.5 36.5
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to coarse limestone and quartz gravel 2.5 39
Greenhorn Limestone
Shale, medium hard, calcareous, black 1 40

6-10-20ccb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW SW sec. 20 T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 10 feet east of center of road and 0.21 mile north of intersection of road with U. S. Highway 24. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 4, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,464.7 feet. Depth to water, 30.90 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, dark gray to black 3 3
Silt, medium compact, brown and gray 16 19
Silt, soft, tan, and very fine to fine quartz sand 8 27
Sand, very fine to medium, quartz; Contains small amount of coarse sand and fine limestone gravel 6 33
Sand, fine to coarse, quartz; contains a small amount of fine to medium limestone gravel 6 39
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, very hard, light gray 0.3 39.3
Shale, hard, fissile, calcareous, black 0.7 40

6-10-29baa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NW sec. 29, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 12 feet west of center of half-mile road and 0.09 mile south of intersection of road with U. S. Highway 24. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 2, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,464.2 feet. Depth to water, 30.00 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, plastic, medium compact, gray 6 6
Silt, sandy, light gray to tan 9 15
Silt, dark tan to tan; contains fine quartz sand 3 18
Sand, very fine to medium, and tan silt; contains chalk gravel 5 23
Sand, very fine to medium, and fine to medium limestone gravel 9 32
Sand, very fine to coarse; contains much fine to very coarse limestone gravel and granitic gravel and small amount of white to yellow clay 22 54
Greenhorn Limestone
Shale, fissile, medium hard, silty, gray, and soft, silty, gray-blue shale; contains soft light-blue bentonite 4 58

6-10-29caa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE SW sec. 29, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 11 feet west of center of half-mile road and just south of half-mile fence. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 2, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,462.8 feet. Depth to water, 29.70 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, compact, sandy, black and dark gray (soil) 3 3
Silt, medium compact, coarse, sandy, gray to brown 8 11
Silt, sandy, tan 7 18
Silt, blocky, sandy, dark brown 7 25
Silt, slightly iron-stained, light gray; contains very fine to medium sand and a few small snail shells 2 27
Sand, very fine to fine, quartz and feldspar; contains a small amount of medium to coarse sand and fine to medium limestone gravel 3 30
Sand and gravel, fragments of very fine to coarse chalk, quartz, granite, and black igneous rock 6 36
Greenhorn Limestone
Shale, fissile, hard, dark gray black, and soft calcareous shale 4 40

6-10-29ccd--Sample log of test hole in SE SW SW sec. 29, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 12 feet north of center of road and 0.2 mile east of road intersection. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 2, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,467.1 feet. Depth to water, 37.60 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, soft, brown and tan; contains a few small snail shells 10 10
Silt, soft, sandy, gray to brown 21 31
Silt, sandy, gray 9 40
Silt, soft, light gray; contains small amount of very fine to fine sand and a few small snail shells 3 43
Sand, very fine to coarse, quartz and chalk; contains gray silt 7 50
Sand, very fine to coarse; contains a small amount of fine to medium limestone gravel and shale fragments 2.5 52.5
Greenhorn Limestone
Shale, hard, fissile, gray black 2.5 55

6-10-31ada--Sample log of test hole in NE SE NE sec. 31, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 10 feet west of center of road, 200 feet south of approach to Solomon River bridge. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 3, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,450.4 feet. Depth to water, 20.00 feet. Thickness,
Alluvium (Recent) and terrace deposits
Silt, soft, sandy, dark brown 5 5
Silt, soft, slightly sandy, gray and brown; contains small snail shells 11 16
Sand, very fine to fine; contains small amount of medium to coarse sand, fine gravel, and gray silt 5 21
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, poorly sorted; contains limestone and shale pebbles and a small amount of gray clay 8 29
Silt, soft, sandy, gray blue; contains fine gravel and many small snail and clam shells 3 32
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to coarse quartz and limestone gravel 7 39
Greenhorn Limestone
Shale, hard, silty, dark gray black 1 40

6-10-31dda--Sample log of test hole in NE SE SE sec. 31, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., 11 feet west of center of road and 0.2 mile north of road intersection. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 3, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,485.1 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, sandy, dark brown 2 2
Silt, medium compact, slightly sandy, tan and brown 3 5
Carlile Shale
Clay shale, weathered, calcareous, gray yellow; contains fragments of Ostrea shells 2 7
Clay shale, calcareous, light gray to tan; contains thin medium-soft gray limestone 1 8
Clay shale, calcareous, fight gray; contains shell and chalk fragments 2 10

7-5-31cbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW SW sec. 31, T. 7 S., R. 5 W., Cloud County, on east side of road, 25 feet north of concrete culvert. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 29, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,341.0 feet. Depth to water, 9.20 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 4 4
Clay, dark gray 2 6
Clay, light gray 2 8
Clay, brown 3 11
Clay, dark brown 2 13
Clay, silty, tan 4 17
Clay, yellow to gray 5 22
Sand, fine to medium, quartz 6 28
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and yellow 3 31
Clay, gray 3 34
Clay, red and gray 1 35

7-6-25ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 25, T. 7 S., R. 6 W. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 28, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,378.0 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, dark gray 2 2
Silt, brown 3 5
Silt, tan 8 13
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel 9 22
Clay, calcareous, light gray 2 24
Dakota Formation
Clay, red 1 25
Clay, yellow 3 28
Clay, blue gray 2 30

7-6-36ada--Sample log of test hole in NE SE NE sec. 36, T. 7 S., R. 6 W. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 28, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,351 .0 feet. Depth to water, 13.10 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Clay, brown 3 6
Silt, sandy 3 9
Clay, brown 2 11
Clay, calcareous, light tan 11 22
Sand, fine to medium, quartz 8 30
Sand, fine to medium; contains some fine limestone gravel 2 32
Dakota Formation
Clay, blue gray 6 38

7-8-3ad1--Log of core hole DH-36, in SE NE sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 8 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, February 18, 1952. Surface altitude, 1,388.5 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, dark brown to brown; contains a few light-brown stringers 23.0 23.0
Silt and silty clay, light gray; contains many rusty and black stringers and a few stringers of fine to medium sand 9.2 32.2
Sand, fine to coarse, soft, rusty gray; contains some fine to medium gravel 0.7 32.9
Dakota Formation
Shale, very firm; contains stringers of fine to medium blue sand 0.8 33.7
Shale, hard, dark blue 2.6 36.3
Sandstone, very hard, light gray 5.7 42.0

7-8-3ad2--Log of core hole DH-41, in SE NE sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 8 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, March 18-19, 1952. Surface altitude, 1,888.8 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, soft, brown; contains a few thin lenses of fine sand 15 15
Silt, clayey, brown, containing dark-brown streaks; contains a few thin lenses of fine sand 4.5 19.5
Clay, silty, limy, dark brown; contains chalk fragments 4.5 24
Clay, silty, very soft, dark gray; contains layers of fine to coarse sand 15 39
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm; contains thin layers of fine sand 1 40

7-8-3dca--Log of test hole CH-5, in NE SW SE sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 8 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, January 10, 1952. Surface altitude, 1,384.6 feet. Depth to water, 15.80 feet. Thickness,
Alluvium (Recent) and terrace deposits
Clay, brown 5.5 5.5
Sand, fine, silty, light brown 13.0 18.5
Sand, fine, clean, brown, containing rusty seams 2.3 20.8
Sand, fine, brown; contains small amount of silt 4.2 25.0
Sand, fine to coarse, clean, blue gray 16.8 41.8
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel 1.0 42.8
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, gray blue 0.6 43.4

7-8-3dcd--Log of core hole DH-37, in SE SW SE sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 8 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, March 20, 1952. Surface altitude, 1,383.9 feet. Thickness,
Alluvium (Recent) and terrace deposits
Silt and silty clay, soft, dark brown 1.3 1.3
Silt, sandy, light brown 15.7 17.0
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 15.2 32.2
Dakota Formation
Shale, firm, dark blue 1.6 33.8

7-8-5cbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW SW sec. 5, T. 7 S., R. 8 W., 100 feet south of Solomon River bridge, 20 feet east of road center. Drilled by State Geological Survey, July 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,397 feet. Depth to water, 18.10 feet. Thickness,
Alluvium (Recent) and terrace deposits
Silt, sandy, light brown (soil) 3 3
Silt, light brown 9 12
Sand, very fine to fine, tan 8 20
Sand, medium to coarse, tan 7 27
Sand, coarse to very coarse, and fine gravel 13 40
Dakota Formation
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, dark gray 5 45

7-8-6daa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE SE sec. 6, T. 7 S., R. 8 W., 25 feet west of road center, 250 feet north of Solomon River bridge. Drilled by State Geological Survey, July 21, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,407 feet. Depth to water, 29.00 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, dark brown (soil) 2 2
Silt, light brown 5 7
Silt, clayey, light brown 7 14
Silt, light brown, and fine sand 13 27
Sand, fine to medium 5 32
Sand, medium; contains fine to medium limestone gravel 4 36
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium limestone gravel 6 42
Sand, very coarse, and fine quartz and limestone gravel 3 45
Gravel, medium to coarse, pebbles of limestone and quartz 3 48
Dakota Formation
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, dark gray 12 60

7-8-7aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE NE sec. 7, T. 7 S., R. 8 W., 60 feet west and 6 feet south of section corner. Drilled by State Geological Survey, July 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,410 feet. Depth to water, 31.00 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, light brown (soil) 3 3
Silt, clayey, light brown, and very fine sand 12 15
Silt, light brown, and very fine sand 10 25
Sand, very fine to fine, tan brown 9 34
Sand, medium to coarse, and medium limestone gravel 6 40
Gravel, fine to coarse 5 45
Sand, medium to very coarse, and fine gravel 9 54
Dakota Formation
Shale, clayey, hard, noncalcareous, dark gray 6 60

7-8-7add--Sample log of test hole in SE SE NE sec. 7, T. 7 S., R. 8 W., 0.4 mile south of section corner, on west shoulder of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey, July 22, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,420 feet. Depth to water, 32.20 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, light brown (soil) 3 3
Silt, tan brown 7 10
Silt, clayey, light brown, and fine sand 10 20
Silt and very fine sand 12 32
Sand, medium to very coarse, clean 13 45
Sand, very coarse, and fine to medium gravel 8 53
Graneros Shale
Shale, hard, blue gray 5 58

7-8-10aba--Log of test hole CH-6, in NE NW NE sec. 10, T. 7 S., R. 8 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, January 10, 1952. Surface altitude, 1,380.6 feet. Depth to water, 12.20 feet. Thickness,
Alluvium (Recent) and terrace deposits
Silt, light brown 1.0 1.0
Clay, brown 6.0 7.0
Sand, fine, silty, brown 6.7 13.7
Sand, fine to coarse, clean, light brown 10.3 24.0
Sand, fine to medium; contains small amount of silt 2.9 26.9
Sand, fine to coarse, gray 0.7 27.6
Dakota Formation
Shale, hard, greenish gray 0.9 28.5

7-9-3bad--Log of core hole DH-6, in SE NE NW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, October 10, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,415.2 feet. Depth to water, 18.20 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, firm, brown 34 34
Clay, firm, blue brown; contains some silt 4 38
Sand, medium to coarse; contains a 6-inch layer of clay at 40 ft 4 42
Sand, fine to coarse, saturated; contains silt and some clay balls 5 47
Dakota Formation
Shale; contains thin layers of hard cemented zones 10 57
Shale, hard, gray 0.5 57.5
Shale, firm, blue 4 61.5
Shale, hard, gray 0.5 62
Shale, firm, blue; contains thin cemented layer at 67.5 feet 13 75

7-9-3bda--Log of core hole DH-7, in NE SE NW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau,of Reclamation, November 30, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,434.2 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, compact, brown 4 4
Clay, compact, brown 23 27
Sand, fine, brown; contains small amount of silt 6 33
Graneros Shale
Shale, weathered, gray 2 35
Shale, slightly weathered; contains thin layers of bentonite 5 40
Shale, hard, gray 7 47
Shale, massive, firm, blue 12 59

7-9-3cda--Log of core hole DH-8, in NE SE SW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, November 29, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,480.0 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, firm, brown; contains chalk fragments at base 12 12
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, chalky, weathered; contains layers of shale 8 20
Limestone, chalky, hard; contains thin layers of shale and thin bentonite seams 15 35
Shale, chalky, soft, gray 2 37
Limestone, hard, gray, and interbedded firm blue shale 19.5 56.5
Bentonite, soft, gray 1.5 58
Shale, firm, blue; contains 7-inch bentonite bed at 62.5 feet 12 70
Limestone, hard, and interbedded firm blue shale; contains bentonite seams 5 75

7-9-3cdd--Log of core hole DH-9, in SE SE SW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 9 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, October 17, 1949. Surface altitude, 1,492.5 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, compact, brown 14 14
Greenhorn Limestone
Limestone, firm, weathered, yellow gray 12 26
Shale, firm, weathered; contains layers of hard chalky limestone 10 36
Shale, weathered, blue 3 39
Limestone, hard, gray 2 41
Shale, weathered, blue 3 44
Shale, blue, and interbedded hard gray limestone 20 64
Limestone, hard, gray 6 70

7-10-6aad--Sample log of test hole in SE NE NE sec. 6, T. 7 S., R. 10 W., 10 feet west of center of road and 0.15 mile south of road intersection. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 3, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,499.5 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, soft, dark brown to black 8 3
Silt, plastic, medium compact, gray and tan 2 5
Carlile Shale
Shale, soft, plastic, light gray, tan, and reddish; contains a few fragments of Ostrea shells 5 10

7-10-6dad--Sample log of test hole in SE NE SE sec. 6, T. 7 S., R. 10 W., 13 feet west of center of road and 0.35 mile north of road intersection. Drilled by State Geological Survey, May 3, 1946. Surface altitude, 1,493.2 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, soft, sandy, dark brown 1 1
Silt, medium compact, sandy, tan and gray 4 5
Carlile Shale
Clay shale, soft, silty, tan; contains shell fragments 1 6
Clay shale, tan and light gray; contains shell fragments 1 7
Clay shale, soft, chalky, light gray 3 10

8-5-6cbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW SW sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 5 W., Cloud County. In town of Simpson, in NW corner of triangle formed by railroad and old highway. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 29, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,332.2 feet. Depth to water, 17.00 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt and clay, brown 12 12
Clay, silty, brown 13 25
Clay, gray green 6 31
Sand, coarse, and fine to medium gravel of limestone and quartz 7 38
Sand, coarse, iron-stained, quartz and limestone granules 5 43
Gravel, fine; contains some limestone pebbles 3 46
Sand, fine, quartzose, yellow 6 52
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, hard, light gray 8 60

8-5-6ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 5 W., Cloud County. On north side of road, about 45 feet east of road intersection. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 28, 1953. Surface altitude, 11330.0 feet. Depth to water, 19.50 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Silt and clay, brown 2 5
Silt and clay, gray and brown 22 27
Clay, black 9 36
Sand, fine to medium 6 42
Gravel, medium, quartz and limestone pebbles 3 45
Sand, fine, quartz 9.5 54.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, blue gray 3.5 58

8-5-7cbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW SW sec. 7, T. 8 S., R. 5 W., Cloud County. On east side of road, 40 feet south of half-mile line. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 28, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,333.0 feet. Depth to water, 26.80 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, gray 6 6
Clay, dark gray 9 15
Clay, sandy, fight gray 12 27
Silt, light brown; contains some fine limestone gravel 5 32
Sand, fine to medium, quartz 6 38
Gravel, fine to coarse, quartz and limestone pebbles 10 48
Dakota Formation
Clay, pink and gray 4 52

8-5-18bcb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW NW sec. 18, T. 8 S., R. 5 W., Cloud County. On east side of road about 20 feet south of culvert into field. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 28, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,344.0 feet. Depth to water, 32.40 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, black 7 7
Clay, silty, dark gray 4 11
Clay, gray 5 16
Clay, light gray 11 27
Clay, tan to gray 10 37
Sand, fine 5 42
Gravel, fine to coarse, limestone pebbles 3 45
Dakota Formation
Clay, red 5 50

8-5-19bbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW NW sec. 19, T. 8 S., R. 5 W., Cloud County. On east side of road, 70 feet west of red barn. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 27, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,376.0 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 5 5
Clay, silty, gray 3 8
Clay, silty, dark brown 8 16
Clay, silty, light brown 5 21
Gravel, fine to medium, limestone pebbles 7 28
Dakota Formation
Clay, gray 4 32

8-5-19bcb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW NW sec. 19, T. 8 S., R. 5 W., Cloud County. On east side of road, 54 feet south of culvert across drive to house east of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 27, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,374.0 feet. Depth to water, 22.30 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 4 4
Clay, silty, brown 9 13
Clay, brown 5 18
Gravel, fine to coarse, angular limestone pebbles 7 25
Dakota Formation
Clay, dark gray 5 30

8-6-12ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 12, T. 8 S., R. 6 W. Drilled by State Geological Survey, October 28, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,338.0 feet. Depth to water, 31.,50 feet. Thickness,
Terrace deposits
Silt and clay, black 4 4
Silt and clay, dark brown 2 6
Clay, silty, brown 2 8
Silt and clay, dark brown 3 11
Clay, sandy, brown 10 21
Sand and gray clay 17 38
Gravel, fine to medium, limestone and quartz pebbles 2 40
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, red and gray 2 42
Clay, blue gray 3 45

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web June 18, 2009; originally published April 1959.
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