Plate 1
(a) Southwest to northeast stratigraphic cross section D-D' using multiple logs including gamma ray. Datum is the base of the J-Zone regressive carbonate. Carbonate-zone correlations are labeled beside the section. Correlation lines between wells include, from top to bottom: top of Lansing Group, base of E-Zone, base of H-Zone, base of J-Zone, and base of the Kansas City Group. Gamma-ray and resistivity curves are appropriately scaled. A vertical, eight percent-porosity line is shown for the neutron and sonic log curves. Production data and tests are included below each well. Note the high-energy deposits in the Skolout, Ohlson, and Souchek wells on the flank of Cahoj Field, which are observed in a core and in cuttings.
(b) Lower cross section is an interpretive stratigraphic cross section along D-D'. Well positions and scale are identical to the upper section. Sample intervals examined are listed at the base of each well. Lithology listed without sample observation represents extrapolation from adjacent wells using isopach trends and or lithofacies maps. Carbonate units are labeled. At the margins of the section are shown vertical boundaries of the sedimentary cycles and their thicknesses. The structure map in Figure 43 shows the structural position of each well in this section.
Kansas Geological Survey, Cyclic Sedimentation
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Web version March 2005. Original publication date Oct. 1980.