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Graneros Shale in Central Kansas

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Descriptions of Key Sections


In the following descriptions, fossil abundance, where recorded, is given in accordance with the following notations: (r) rare, 1-2 specimens; (s) sparse, 2-10 specimens; (c) common, 11-50 specimens; (a) abundant, 51+ specimens. Macrofossil abundance is based on a bed-by-bed examination of each measured unit in a trench dug down to fresh rock. Foraminiferal abundance is based on the number of specimens on a population slide for each unit. Color chart codes are given for those color names that appear in two places on the Rock-Color Chart (Goddard, et al., 1948) except for those rocks intermediate in color between the two.

Key Section 1.

Road cut on east side of U.S. Highway 281, just north of Saline River, Russell County, Kansas.

Locality 1. NW sec. 35, T 12 S, R 14 W. Thickness,
Lincoln Limestone Member
22. Limestone, skeletal, light olive-gray, weathers grayish-orange to dark yellowish-orange, thin- to medium-bedded, in part cross-laminated, composed chiefly of Inoceramus prisms with shell fragments and some quartz sand; basal 0.5 foot is conglomerate of bentonite pebbles, coprolites, fish remains, shell fragments; rocks have petroliferous odor when fresh. Fossils: Inoceramus pictus, fish remains. 1.8
Measured thickness of Greenhorn Limestone. 1.8
Rests with sharp contact on:  
21. Shale, calcareous, and limestone, skeletal; shale medium-gray, weathers moderate yellowish-brown, laminated, chalky; limestone pale yellowish-brown, weathers dark yellowish-orange, very thin lenticular beds with local load casts, fine to very fine-grained, composed chiefly of Inoceramus prisms. Fossils: Ostrea sp. (s), Inoceramus sp. (c), fish bones, Hedbergella planispira (r), H. amabilis (r). 0.5
20. Shale, dark-gray, weathering dark yellowish-brown, blocky to fissile, weathering flaky, very slightly to slightly silty, limonite staining common on joints and bedding planes; finely granular gypsum common on bedding planes. Fossils: Inoceramus sp. (prisms), unidentified foraminifers (r). 2.2
19. Bentonite, grayish-yellow (5Y8/4) to pale greenish-yellow (10YR8/2), weathers dark yellowish-orange, very slightly silty. 0.8
18. Shale, dark-gray, weathers medium brownish-gray, poorly laminated, blocky to fissile, weathers flaky, very slightly silty throughout, laminae and lenses of very fine sand or coarse silt scattered throughout, limonite and jarosite staining on joints and bedding planes, abundant minute selenite crystals; lenses of quartz sandstone, calcareous, sparsely glauconitic, fine to very fine-grained, thinly laminated to cross-laminated, with petroliferous odor, lie near and at top of unit; 0.2-foot-thick lenses of limestone, skeletal, fine-grained, composed chiefly of Inoceramus prisms with some quartz sand lie 2.6 feet above base. Fossils: in shale, Ostrea sp. (r), Inoceramus sp. (r), fish scales, Reophax minuta (c); in limestone, Ostrea beloiti (a), Inoceramus sp. (s), Callistina lamarensis (float) (s). 4.3
17. Limestone, skeletal, weathers moderate yellowish-brown, thin-bedded, laminated and gently cross-laminated, composed chiefly of Inoceramus prisms, quartz sandy, sparsely glauconitic, well-cemented and resistant at top, lower part argillaceous and with fewer prisms, unit ferruginous and gypsiferous throughout. Fossils: Inoceramus sp. (prisms), Ostrea beloiti (c), fish vertebra. 0.5
16. Shale, dark-gray, dries medium-gray, weathers flaky, slightly silty throughout, evenly laminated to thinly laminated appearance imparted by very thin laminae of silt, flecked locally with abundant carbonaceous matter, stained by limonite and jarosite on joints and bedding planes, very weak melanterite taste, planar masses of minute selenite crystals locally; lenses of limestone, skeletal, 1.3 feet above base, well-cemented, resistant, fine-grained, composed chiefly of Inoceramus prisms and quartz grains with fish and oyster remains common, locally thinly cross-laminated. Fossils: in shale, Ostrea-covered Inoceramus 1.0 foot below top, gypsum-replaced Ostrea beloiti (c) near base, Reophax minuta (c); in limestone, Ostrea beloiti (a), Inoceramus sp. (prisms), fish remains. 2.6
15. Limestone, skeletal, olive-gray (5Y4/1), weathers moderate yellowish-brown, thin-bedded to thinly laminated, locally cross-laminated, well-cemented, resistant, chiefly composed of Inoceramus prisms and fine to very fine quartz sand, moderately glauconitic, carbonized plant fragments and selenite crystals common locally, some drag mark casts. Fossils: Inoceramus (prisms), Ostrea sp. (r), Callistina lamarensis (c), fish remains. 0.4
14. Shale, dark olive-gray grading upward to dark-gray, fissile, weathers flaky, slightly silty to finely sandy throughout, with common thin laminae and lenses of silt or very fine sand, jarosite stains common on joints and bedding planes, very strong melanterite taste, limonite staining common in middle part, minute selenite crystals scattered throughout; sandstone, fine-grained, friable, mostly nonresistant, in thin to very thin layers, lying near middle of unit; very thin layers of bentonite at base and 1.7 feet above base are yellowish-gray (5Y7/2). Fossils: fish scales, grass microfossils. 3.8
13. Shale and sandstone; shale, dark-gray, soft and plastic when wet, fissile, weathers flaky, slightly sandy throughout with thin laminae and lenses of quartz sand common locally, specks of carbonaceous matter common, jarosite stains on joints and bedding planes, very strong melanterite taste, minute selenite crystals abundant throughout; sandstone, composed chiefly of fine to very fine quartz grains, some beds contorted owing to subaqueous plastic flowage, where well-cemented and resistant, rock is light olive-gray weathering yellowish-gray (5Y7/2), thinly laminated and gently cross-laminated, and locally limonite-stained; where poorly cemented, sandstone is grayish-orange. Fossils: fish scales, grass microfossils. 1.9
12. Shale, dark-gray, soft and plastic when wet, fissile, weathers flaky, slightly sandy throughout with thin laminae and lenses of fine quartz sand common locally, small specks of carbonaceous matter common throughout, jarosite stains on joints and bedding planes, strong melanterite taste. Fossils: fish scales, Reophax minuta (s), grass microfossils. 2.6
11. Siltstone, yellowish-gray (5Y7/2) weathers light olive-gray, thinly laminated and locally cross-laminated, composed chiefly of quartz with sparse glauconite, unit interlaminated with dark gray shale. Fossils: fish scales. 0.3
10. Shale, medium dark-gray, weathers dark brownish-gray, soft and plastic when wet, slightly silty to finely sandy with many thin laminae and lenses of carbonaceous quartz silt or very fine sand, specks of carbonaceous matter common, jarosite and some limonite stains on joints and planes, strong melanterite taste, minute selenite crystals abundant throughout; sandstone, composed chiefly of fine quartz grains, in layers 0.2 and 0.4 foot thick and lying 0.9 and 1.8 feet above base, respectively, upper sandstone gently to steeply cross-laminated; bentonite, white, 0.01-foot thick, lies 2.5 feet above base. 4.5
9. Sandstone and shale; sandstone weathered dark yellowish-orange, thin to very thin-bedded, possibly ripple marked on upper surface, moderately well-cemented and resistant, composed chiefly of medium- to very fine-grained quartz, silty, highly limonitic, abundant small selenite crystals; shale, forms middle part of unit, medium darkgray, finely sandy, fissile, sparsely flecked with carbonaceous matter, jarosite- and limonite-stained, filled with minute selenite crystals. Fossils: in shale, fish scale, Ammobaculites cf. A. bergquisti (a), Trochammina rainwateri (c), T. cf. T. depressa (r). 1.2
8. Shale, light brownish-gray at base grading upward to dark-gray, weathers medium brownish-gray, soft and plastic when wet, slightly sandy at base, very thin lenses of fine quartz sand common throughout, slightly to very silty in middle and upper parts, lower and middle parts blocky, evenly laminated, upper part poorly laminated, flakes of carbonaceous matter scattered throughout, pyrite nodules common in middle and upper parts, jarosite and limonite stains on joints and bedding planes, selenite crystals common in lower half. Fossils: Trochammina rainwateri (s), Ammobaculoides plummerae (r), Verneuilinoides perplexus (s), Reophax pepperensis (r). 4.8
Total thickness of Graneros Shale 30.4
Rests conformably on:  
7. Sandstone, pale yellowish-brown (10YR6/2), poorly consolidated, friable, composed chiefly of fine and very fine quartz grains, argillaceous with sandy clay streaks, flakes of carbonaceous matter disseminated throughout, jarosite stains characteristic, limonite and small selenite crystals common. 0.5
6. Sandstone, weathered dark yellowish-orange to dark reddish-brown, thick-bedded, well-cemented, resistant, composed chiefly of medium to fine quartz grains, carbonaceous matter common, ferruginous cement contains molds of siderite? spherulites, unit highly weathered with rough upper surface, many ferruginous concretionary structures. 2.3
5. Sandstone, light olive-gray (5YS/2), weathers dark yellowish-orange, poorly cemented, friable, nonbedded, composed chiefly of fine quartz grains with small amounts of clay matrix, abundant carbonized plant remains, minute selenite crystals common locally, sandy shale at base. 1.3
4. Clay-ironstone, concretionary, light olive-gray (5Y6/1), weathers moderate-brown to light-brown (5YR5/6), concretions closely spaced in matrix of quartz sand. 0.4
3. Shale, medium gray to medium dark-gray, plastic when wet, fissile when dry, sandy at base and top, very thin lenses of fine quartz sand scattered throughout, jarosite-stained on joints and bedding planes, large selenite crystals at top, clay-ironstone concretions near middle have limonite "shell." Fossils: Trochammina rainwateri (c), ? Ammobaculoides plummerae (c), Verneuiltnoides perplexus (r). 2.2
2. Sandstone and sandy shale, sandstone light olive-gray (5Y5/2), moderately well consolidated, composed chiefly of fine quartz grains, argillaceous, carbonaceous, ferruginous, locally selenitic, as nodular beds surrounded by shale; shale, medium darkgray, quartz sandy, alternating with layers of sandstone, light olive-gray (5Y5/2), poorly consolidated, argillaceous, fine-grained. 1.4
1. Shale, medium gray to medium dark-gray, plastic when wet, fissile, quartz sandy at base, more sandy at top, alternating with thin layers of fine quartz sand in upper 0.25 foot, jarosite stains on joints and bedding planes, minute selenite crystals along joints. Fossils: fish scale, Trochammina rainwateri (a), Verneuilinoides perplexus (r), Reophax minuta (r). 1.5
Measured thickness of Dakota Formation 9.6
Total thickness of measured section 41.8

Key Section 2.

Graded bank and ditch on west side of northsouth county road approximately 3 miles south of Wilson, Kansas.

Locality 8. E NW sec. 6, T 15 S, R 10 W. Thickness,
17. Limestone, skeletal, light olive-gray (5Y5/2), weathers dark yellowish-orange, tightly cemented, resistant, composed chiefly of Inoceramus prisms, petroliferous odor when fresh. Fossils: Inoceramus prisms. 0.15
16. Bentonite, light olive-gray (5Y6/1) to very light-gray, weathers dark yellowish-orange, sparse biotite. 0.3
15. Limestone, skeletal, mostly weathered dark yellowish-orange, thin- to very thin-bedded, composed chiefly of Inoceramus prisms and fine to very fine quartz sand, petroliferous odor when fresh; bentonite, 0.08-foot thick, nearly white, biotite-bearing, lies 0.1 to 0.2 foot above base. Fossils: Inoceramus sp., fish remains, coprolites. 1.1
Measured thickness of Greenhorn Limestone 1.6
Rests with sharp contact on:  
14. Shale, similar to 12. Fossils: fish remains, Inoceramus sp. (prisms), Hedbergella brittonensis (s), H. amabilis (r), H. delrioensis (r), H. planispira (s). 1.1
13. Limestone, skeletal, light olive-gray (5Y7/2), weathers dark yellowish-orange, very thin-bedded, thinly laminated and partly cross-laminated, well-cemented, resistant, composed chiefly of Inoceramus prisms, very finely quartz sandy, has petroliferous odor when fresh. Fossils: Ostrea beloiti (c), Inoceramus rutherfordi (c), fish remains. 0.3
12. Shale, all partly weathered light olive-gray to dark yellowish-orange, soft and plastic when wet, irregularly fissile, silty throughout, streaked with silt or very fine quartz sand that is light olive-gray (5Y6/1), sparsely specked with carbonaceous matter. Fossils: Inoceramus sp. (c), Ostrea sp, (s}, fish remains, Hedbergella brittonensis (a), H. amabilis (c), H. delrioensis (s), Heterohelix globulosa (r). 1.4
11. Bentonite and septarian concretions; bentonite 1.0-foot thick, very light-gray, weathers dark yellowish-orange, minute grains of biotite? throughout, very slightly silty; concretions, in upper part and projecting above bentonite bed, up to 4 feet across, dusky yellow to nearly white with brecciated appearance, coarsely crystalline calcite and septaria limonitic when weathered. Fossils: in concretions, Ostrea beloiti (c), Inoceramus rutherfordi (r). 1.4
10. Shale, medium to medium dark-gray, upper parts mostly weathered dark yellowish-orange, basal part blocky, upper part thinly laminated, weathers flaky, stained by limonite on joints and bedding planes, moderately to very silty in lower part, very sandy in upper part with sand occurring as light olive-gray laminae or very thin layers, some of which are thinly laminated; sand, soft, mostly argillaceous, composed chiefly of quartz silt and very fine sand; alunite nodules, 0.1-foot thick, lie 0.6 foot below top. Fossils: in shale, Inoceramus rutherfordi? (juvenile) (r), Ostrea beloiti (s), Borissiakoceras sp. (r), Reophax minuta (c), ?Hedbergella brittonensis (r); in sandstone, Ostrea beloiti (c), scalpellid plate (r), fish remains. 3.7
9. Siltstone, weathered dark yellowish-orange, single discontinuous bed, thinly laminated to gently cross-laminated, mostly poorly cemented, friable, composed chiefly of quartz grains, argillaceous, limonitic. 0.2
8. Shale, light olive-gray (5Y7/2) to medium dark-gray, mostly partly weathered to medium brownish-gray, mottled where partly weathered, soft and plastic when wet, blocky, irregularly fissile, weathers flaky, all moderately to very silty, unit streaked throughout with thin laminae and lenses or thinly laminated thin beds of quartz silt or very fine sand, specks of carbonaceous matter common throughout, jarosite stains on joints and bedding planes, limonite concentrated in a few very thin layers, large selenite crystals common throughout; bentonite, dark yellowish-orange to moderate yellowish-brown, 0.08-foot thick, lies 0.7 foot above base of unit. Fossils: in shale above bentonite, Pleisiacanthoceras amphibolum (r), Borissiakoceras reesidei (s), Ostrea beloiti (r), Inoceramus sp. (s), Reophax minuta (a), Hedbergella brittonensis (r), H. amabilis (s), H. sp. (r), Ammobaculoides plummerae (r), Trochammina rainwateri (s); in shale below bentonite, Reophax minuta (c); in sandstone, Ostrea beloiti (s). 12.7
7. Sandstone, light olive-gray (5Y6/1) to greenish-gray, thin to very thin-bedded, in part very thinly and evenly laminated, composed chiefly of very fine quartz grains, alternating well-cemented and argillaceous poorly cemented layers, all specked with carbonaceous matter, very thin shale partings throughout; bentonite, light olive-gray (5Y6/1) to greenish-gray, 0.08-foot thick, lies 0.2 foot above base. Fossils: Inoceramus sp. (s), Callistina lamarensis (s), fish remains. 1.7
6. Shale, medium-gray, blocky, irregularly fissile, weathers flaky, moderately silty throughout, numerous very thin layers of very fine quartz sand scattered throughout, specks of carbonaceous matter common, partly stained by jarosite and limonite on joints and bedding planes, many large selenite crystals, especially in upper 0.1 foot; sandstone, light olive-gray, weathers yellowish-gray (5Y7/2), thinly laminated, jarositic in harder layers; one resistant sandstone bed, 0.1-foot thick, ripple-marked, lies 7.5 feet above base; bentonite, light-gray 0.05-foot thick, lies 1.7 feet above base. Fossils: in lower 7.5 feet of shale, Callistina lamarensis (r), fish remains, Reophax minuta (a), R. pepperensis (r), Ammobaculoides plummerae (s), Trochammina rainwateri (r); in upper 3.8 feet of shale, Inoceramus (prisms), Reophax minuta (a), R. pepperensis (s), Ammobaculoides plummerae (c), Verneuilinoides perplexus (c), Trochammina rainwateri (s), Hedbergella delrioensis (r), grass microfossils; in sandstone, Callistina lamarensis (c), worm? castings. 11.3
Total thickness of Graneros Shale. 33.8
Rests conformably on:  
5. Sandstone, partly weathered moderate yellowish-brown, medium-bedded, weathers to thin irregular beds, moderately well-cemented, resistant, composed chiefly of medium to very fine quartz sand, finely micaceous, carbonaceous, slightly argillaceous in upper 0.5 foot, limonitic, contains numerous clay galls. Fossils: Callistina? sp. (r). 2.4
4. Sandstone and very sandy shale, sandstone light olive-gray weathering dark yellowish-orange, medium-bedded, argillaceous, poorly cemented, friable, in part tightly cemented by limonite in layers that weather very dusky red, composed chiefly of medium to very fine quartz sand, carbonaceous throughout; shale medium dark-gray, plastic when wet, very thinly laminated where most sandy, stained in part by jarosite; exposure rusty red from high concentration of limonite. Fossils: worm? burrows. 2.3
3. Shale, medium dark-gray, soft and plastic when wet, thinly laminated, irregularly fissile, weathers flaky, moderately to very silty, alternating in lower 0.8 foot with shale, olive-gray, fissile, very finely quartz sandy, carbonaceous, with many very thin layers of sandstone which is medium light-gray, thinly laminated, composed chiefly of fine to very fine quartz grains, carbonaceous and micaceous; upper 0.8 foot of unit interbedded with very thin layers of sand, light olive-gray (5Y5/2), composed chiefly of fine to very fine quartz grains. Fossils: Trochammina rainwateri, Ammobaculoides cf. plummerae, grass microfossils. 2.6
2. Siltstone, dark-gray to medium light-gray, weathers medium brownish-gray, one thick bed, thinly and irregularly laminated, poorly cemented, friable, composed chiefly of coarse Quartz silt and very fine sand, carbonaceous throughout, micaceous, partly stained by jarosite and limonite, streaked with dark-gray shale. Fossils: reed molds in upper part. 2.1
1. Lignite and shale; lignite, black, hard, brittle, Vitreous, grading upward into shale, dark-gray, soft, irregularly fissile, silty, carbonaceous. 0.85
Measured thickness of Dakota Formation 10.25
Total thickness of measured section 45.70

Key Section 3.

Road cut on east side of Kansas Highway 14 approximately 1 mile north of Lincoln, Kansas.

Locality 12. SW SW sec. 30, T 11 S, R 7 W. Thickness,
Lincoln Limestone Member
13. Limestone, skeletal and chalky, poorly exposed, all weathered dark yellowish-orange, punky, thin-bedded, not resistant, composed chiefly of shell debris and very fine quartz sand. or chalk. Fossils: Inoceramus sp., fish remains. 1.0
Measured thickness of Greenhorn Limestone 1.0
Rests with sharp contact on:  
12. Shale, medium dark-gray, weathers dark yellowish-orange, plastic when wet, irregularly fissile, moderately to very silty throughout. Fossils: Inoceramus (prisms), fish remains, Hedbergella delrioensis (a), Heterohelix globulosa (c). 0.5
11. Bentonite, pale yellowish-green to nearly white, slightly silty, with very fine grains of biotite, unit ranges up to 0.5 foot in thickness. 0.2
10. Shale, olive-gray, in part medium dark-gray mottled with pale yellowish-brown, blocky and irregularly to evenly fissile, weathers flaky, slightly to very quartz silty, very finely sandy at base, specked throughout with carbonaceous matter, jarosite and some limonite staining on joints and bedding planes, scattered large selenite crystals; interbeds of quartz sand and silt, especially near top, mostly light olive-gray (5Y6/1). Fossils: Inoceramus rutherfordi (juvenile) (r), Ostrea beloiti (r), Borisstakoceras reesidei (r), fish remains, Reophax minuta (a). 7.9
9. Sandstone, mostly weathered dark yellowish-orange, mottled, transitional with adjacent units, one bed, weathers blocky to platy, moderately well-cemented, dolomitic, composed chiefly of very fine quartz sand and silt, limonitic. Fossils: Ostrea beloiti (s), Inoceramus (prism molds), fish remains. 0.8
8. Shale, light olive-gray (5Y6/1) to dark olive-gray, weathers dark yellowish-orange, blocky and irregularly fissile where least sandy, weathers flaky, specked with carbonaceous matter, slightly to very sandy with numerous thin and very thin beds and laminae of fine and very fine quartz sand and silt, more sandy at top of unit, specked with carbonaceous matter; sand mostly weathered dark yellowish-orange, poorly to well-cemented, some well-cemented beds thinly laminated weathering to very thin platy float; limonitic septarian concretions up to 0.7-foot wide lie 0.8 foot above basco Fossils: fish remains, Reophax minuta (c), Verneuilinoides perplexus (s), Trochammina rainwateri (s). 3.7
7. Shale, medium dark-gray, weathers medium brownish-gray to olive-gray, blocky and irregularly fissile, weathers flaky, very slightly silty throughout with very thin laminae and lenses of very fine quartz sand or silt, abundant specks of carbonaceous matter, jarosite and some limonite staining along joints and bedding. Fossils: fish remains, Reophax minuta (c) 1.5
6. Bentonite, grayish-orange, weathers dark yellowish-orange, thins laterally to 0.01 foot. 0.03
5. Shale, like that in unit 4 but with numerous laminae and thin laminae of very fine quartz sand and silt; laminae are light olive-gray, jarosite-stained. Fossils: Inoceramus sp. (s), fish remains, Reophax minuta (c), R. pepperensis (r), Ammobaculoides plummerae (s), Trochammina rainwateri (r), carbonized plant fragments. 0.9
4. Shale, medium dark-gray, weathers medium brownish-gray to olive-gray, blocky and irregularly fissile, weathers flaky, very slightly silty throughout with very thin laminae and lenses of very fine quartz sand or silt, abundant specks of carbonaceous matter, jarosite and some limonite stains on joints and bedding planes, some coarsely granular gypsum. Fossils: fish remains, Reophax minuta (c), Verneuilinoides perplexus (r). 7.2
3. Sandstone, light olive-gray, weathers dark yellowish-orange with limonite and jarosite stains, poorly to moderately well-cemented, friable, harder layers resistant, composed chiefly of fine to very fine grains of quartz, specked with carbonaceous matter. 0.6
2. Shale, olive-gray (5Y4/1), medium darkgray, grading upward to light olive-gray (5Y6/1), soft and plastic when wet, blocky, irregularly fissile, sparse specks of carbonaceous matter, stained throughout by jarosite and, in streaks, by limonite, granular gypsum common locally, basal 0.5 foot stained dark yellowish-orange by limonite. Fossils: fish tooth, Trochammina rainwateri (a), Ammobaculltes cf. A. bergquisti (s), Hedbergella delrioensis (r). 3.0
Total thickness of Graneros Shale 26.33
Rests conformably on:  
1. Sandstone, weathered dark yellowish-orange, thick-bedded, poorly to moderately well-cemented, friable, composed dominantly of fine to very fine grains of quartz, limonitic. 1.0
Measured thickness of Dakota Formation. 1.0
Total thickness of measured section 28.33

Key Section 4.

Road cut on U.S. Highway 36 approximately 3 miles south and 1 mile east of Haddam, Kansas.

Locality 16. SW sec. 1 and NW sec. 12, T 3 S, R 1 E. Thickness,
8. Shale, dark-gray, mostly partially weathered medium light-gray to light olive-gray (5Y6/1), soft and plastic when wet, blocky and irregularly fissile, moderately to very silty throughout, scattered thin laminae of light, olive-gray very fine quartz sand or silt, unit partially stained dark yellowish-orange by limonite, lower 0.2 foot interlaminated with bentonite like that in unit 7; sandstone laminae in lower 2 feet moderately well-cemented, resistant, weathers to platy float. 6.0+
7. Bentonite, yellowish-gray (5Y7/2) to grayish-yellow (5Y8/4), weathers dark yellowish-orange owing to limonite stain, slightly silty. 0.7
6. Shale, medium dark-gray, partially weathered to medium brownish-gray along joints and bedding planes, basal 0.3 foot dark yellowish-brown, blocky and irregularly fissile, very finely quartz sandy, weathers flaky, stained by jarosite and some limonite on joints and bedding planes, specked with carbonaceous matter throughout, selenite crystals common in some layers; sandstone, light olive-gray, one very thin bed, moderately well-cemented, composed chiefly of fine- to very fine-grained quartz, lies at top of unit. Fossils: in shale, Inoceramus rutherfordi? (juveniles) (s), Ammobaculites cf. A. bergquisti (s); in sandstone, Inoceramus (prism and fragment molds), Ostrea beloiti (s). 6.6
5. Sandstone, light olive-gray (5Y6/1), limonite-stained to light-brown color (5YR5/6) in upper foot, mostly noncemented, poorly cemented at top, thin- to thick-bedded, composed chiefly of fine and very fine quartz sand, lower part slightly argillaceous. Fossils: Callistina lamarensis (a), Exogyra columbella? (s), carbonized plant fragments. 2.8
4. Shale, olive-gray, blocky and irregularly fissile, weathers flaky, abundantly streaked by light olive-gray (5Y6/1) laminae and thin laminae of very fine quartz sand and silt, specked with carbonaceous matter, all beds stained by jarosite and limonite on joints and bedding planes, transitional into unit 5. Fossils: Trochammina rainwateri (c), Ammobaculites cf. A. bergquisti (c), A. impexus, Trochamminoides apricarius (r), carbonized plant fragments. 2.1
3. Shale, medium dark-gray, weathers medium olive-gray to olive-gray, soft and plastic when wet, blocky and irregularly fissile, weathers flaky, slightly to moderately silty throughout, thin laminae and lenses of very fine Quartz sand or silt scattered throughout but more numerous near top, specks of carbonaceous matter common, upper foot limonite-stained, some jarosite stains, very thin, relatively hard layers of limonitized shale scattered throughout, especially common in upper half, large selenite crystals common throughout, pyrite nodules common just above middle, strong taste of melanterite in more sandy upper part. Fossils: Ammobaculites impexus (r) 10.1
2. Shale and sandstone; similar to unit 1, shale predominates, sandstone limonitic. Fossils: Trochammina rainwateri (c), Ammobaculites cf. A. bergquisti. 0.7
Measured thickness of Graneros Shale 29+
Rests conformably on:  
1. Sandstone and shale; sandstone pale yellowish-brown, partly weathered, soft and plastic, argillaceous, composed chiefly of very fine quartz sand and silt, finely micaceous, specked with carbonaceous matter, jarosite-stained, limonitic and more resistant at top; shale, 1.0-foot thick, medium brownish-gray, soft and plastic when wet, blocky, slightly silty, specked with carbonaceous matter. Fossils: Trochammina rainwateri (a). 3.2
Measured thickness of Dakota Formation. 3.2
Total thickness of measured section 32.2+

Key Section 5.

Gullied slope and road cut on south side of east-west county road approximately 1/2 mile south and 1 mile east of Hanston, Kansas.

Locality 20. NE NW sec. 25, T 22 S, R 22 W. Thickness,
Lincoln Limestone Member
17. Limestone, skeletal, light olive-gray (5Y6/1), weathers grayish-orange, thin to very thin-bedded, well-cemented, resistant, composed dominantly of Inoceramus prisms and shell fragments with some quartz sand, petroliferous odor when fresh. Fossils: Ostrea sp., Inoceramus sp., fish remains. 2.0
Measured thickness of Greenhorn Limestone 2.0
Rests with sharp contact on:  
16. Shale, medium light-gray, partly weathered light-gray, blocky and fissile, weathers flaky, moderately quartz silty, weakly calcareous throughout, chalky in upper 0.1 foot, sparsely specked with carbonaceous matter, stained by jarosite and limonite. Fossils: Inoceramus sp. (prisms), Hedbergella delrioensis (a), H. brittonensis (c), H. planispira (r), Trochammina? sp. (r), unidentified calcareous foraminifer (r). 0.8
15. Bentonite, pale greenish-yellow, slightly silty. 0.07
14. Sandstone, light olive-gray (5Y6/1), weathers dark yellowish-orange, thin-bedded, poorly cemented and friable, well cemented by limonite in middle part, flakes of carbonaceous matter common. Fossils: fish remains, Hedbergella delrioensis (c). 1.1
13. Clay, bentonitic, medium light-gray to light-gray, very silty. 0.25
12. Sandstone, dark yellowish-orange, cemented by limonite, relatively resistant, composed chiefly of fine quartz grains, contains chunks of carbonaceous matter. Fossils: fish remains. 0.25
11. Shale, medium dark-gray, dries medium light-gray, blocky and fissile, weathers flaky, interbedded with numerous thin laminae of very fine-grained Quartz sand and silt, stained by jarosite and some limonite. Fossils: Callistina lamarensis (s), Inoceramus sp. (s), fish remains, Reophax minuta (a), Hedbergella delrioensis (c), Ammobaculoides plummerae (c), Ammodiscus planus (r), tintinnids (s). 14.4
10. Sandstone, dark yellowish-orange, thinly and irregularly bedded, moderately well-cemented, relatively resistant, friable, composed dominantly of very fine-grained quartz sand and silt, characterized by molds of pelecypods. Fossils: Callistina lamarensis (a), Exogyra columbella (c), Discinisca sp, (s), Trochammina rainwateri (r), Reophax minuta (c). 1.1
9. Shale, medium dark-gray, dries medium light-gray, blocky and evenly fissile, weathers flaky, slightly silty to silty, stained throughout by jarosite and limonite, unit contains scattered thin laminae of very fine-grained Quartz sand or silt. Fossils: Callistina lamarensis (r), Inoceramus (prism), Reophax minuta (c), R. pepperensis (s), Trochammina rainwateri (s), Trochamminoides apricarius (r), Verneuilinoides perplexus (r) , Ammobaculoides? plummerae (r). 7.4
8. Sandstone and claystone, dark yellowish-orange, limonitic throughout; upper part of unit is sandstone, poorly cemented, friable, composed chiefly of fine and very fine quartz grains. Fossils: Reophax minuta (c), Trochammina rainwateri (c), Verneuilinoides perplexus (c), Ammobaculoides plummerae (r). 0.1
7. Shale, medium dark-gray, dries medium light-gray, blocky and fissile, weathers flaky, silty to very silty, sparse laminae of very fine Quartz sand, specks of carbonaceous matter common, jarosite and limonite stains on joints and bedding planes throughout, selenite common as isolated crystals and crystalline masses. Fossils: fish remains, Trochammina rainwateri (c), Reophax minuta (c), R. pepperensis (r), Verneuilinoides perplexus (c), Trochamminoides apricarius (s). 6.0
Total thickness of Graneros Shale 31.5
Rests conformably on:  
6. Shale and sandstone; shale medium darkgray, dries medium light-gray, blocky and fissile, weathers flaky, quartz silty and sandy, interbedded with numerous very thin beds, laminae, and lenses of quartz sandstone, unit stained by jarosite and limonite, large selenite crystals common, specks and flakes of carbonaceous matter common throughout; sandstone beds limonitic, well-cemented, hold up bench, thinly laminated, some layers sole marked. Fossils: Reophax minuta (c), R. pepperensis (r), Trochamminoides apricarius (s), Verneuilinoides perplexus (r), Trochammina rainwateri (r), Ammobaculoides plummerae (r), Hedbergella brittonensis (s). 2.4
5. Shale and sandstone; shale dark olive-gray (5Y3/1), dries olive-gray (5Y4/1), similar to unit 3 but less sandy, most sandy beds lie at base of unit, specks of carbonaceous matter common near top. Fossils: fish remains. 2.5
4. Bentonite, pale greenish-yellow, stained by limonite, quartz silty. 0.15
3. Shale and sandstone; shale dark olive-gray (5Y3/1), dries olive-gray (5Y4/1), fissile, weathers flaky, quartz silty and sandy, interbedded with numerous very thin beds, laminae, cross laminae, and lenses of fine quartz sandstone, stained in part by jarosite and in upper part by limonite, tastes strongly of melanterite, selenite crystals common; sandstone light olive-gray (5Y6/1), thinly laminated and gently cross-laminated; unit contains chunks of carbonaceous matter. Fossils: Lingula cf. L. subspatulata (r), fish remains, Reophax minuta (s), R. pepperensis (r), Verneuilinoides perplexus (s), Tolypammina? sp. (r), Ammobaculites? (r). 3.8
2. Sandstone, yellowish-gray (5Y7/2), weathers light olive-gray (5Y5/2), thick-bedded, gently cross-bedded in upper part, weakly cemented, friable, relatively resistant, ripple-marked on upper surface, composed chiefly of fine quartz grains, stained in part by limonite, especially at top of unit, specks of carbonaceous matter common, minimum observed thickness 0.4 foot. 1.3
1. Sandstone and shale; sandstone medium light-gray, very thin-bedded and in upper part cross-laminated, poorly cemented, friable, mostly nonresistant, composed chiefly of very fine quartz grains, argillaceous, interbedded and interlaminated with medium dark-gray shale that contains numerous thin laminae and lenses of very fine-grained quartz sand; unit most sandy in upper 1.5 feet, contains much carbonaceous matter, stained locally by limonite. Fossils: Inoceramus (prism), carbonized wood fragment. 4.4
Measured thickness of Dakota Formation 14.6
Total thickness of measured section 48.1

Key Section 6.

Cut bank along southern tributary to Saw log Creek in pasture, northwest of windmill, approximately 14 miles northeast of Dodge City, Kansas.

Locality 23. Center N sec. 10, T 25 S, R 23 W. Thickness,
20. Soil, calcareous, not measured.  
19. Bentonite, grayish-orange, silty, badly weathered, contains nodules of alunite. 0.5
Measured thickness of Greenhorn Limestone. 0.5
18. Shale, medium-gray to medium dark-gray soft and plastic when wet, irregularly and thinly laminated, weathers flaky, slightly silty, contains a few very thin lenses of very fine quartz sand or silt, stained on joints and bedding planes by limonite, chunks of limonite and jarosite scattered across weathered slope, lenticular layer of siltstone near base is highly limonitic. Fossils: Inoceramus (prisms), Reophax pepperensis (c), R. minuta (c), Verneuilinoides perplexus (s), Heterohelix globulosa (r), Trochammina rainwateri (r) [At Locality 24, 1 1/2, miles to northeast, unit contains Callistina lamarensis (s), Lingula cf. L. subspatulata (s), nuculanid molds and worm? trails, Reophax pepperensis (c), R. minuta (c), Hedbergella delrioensis (s), H. brittonensis (r), Verneuilinoides perplexus (r), Trochamminoides apricarius (r)]. 6.2
17. Sandstone, yellowish-gray (5Y7/2), one thin bed, moderately well-cemented, composed chiefly of fine to very fine grained quartz, stained by jarosite, upper surface limonitic. Fossils; Callistina? sp. (fragmentary mold). 0.15
16. Shale, medium dark-gray, lower portion partly weathered medium olive-gray (5Y5/1), soft and plastic when wet, irregularly and thinly laminated, weathers flaky, contains sparse very thin lenses of poorly consolidated jarosite-stained very fine-grained sand, specked with carbonaceous matter, contains numerous very thin lenticular plates of limonite, weathered surface has scattered chunks of jarosite. Fossils: worm burrows, Trochammina rainwateri (a), Reophax minuta (c), R. pepperensis (s), Verneuilinoides perplexus (c), Trochamminoides apricarius (s), Hedbergella delrioenensis (r), carbonized wood fragments. 4.7
15. Shale and sandstone; shale partly weathered medium olive-gray (5Y5/1), soft and plastic when wet, thinly and irregularly laminated, weathers flaky, moderately silty, specked with abundant carbonaceous matter on some bedding planes; sandstone, thinly interbedded with shale, light olive-gray, composed chiefly of fine to very fine-grained quartz, carbonaceous. Fossils: Reophax minuta (c), R. pepperensis (s), Trochammina rainwateri (c), Verneuilinoides perplexus (c), Ammobaculites cf. A. bergquisti (s), Trochamminoides apricarius (r). 1.0
14. Sandstone and shale; sandstone, light olive-gray, thin- to very thin-bedded, thinly laminated, streaked with clay, composed chiefly of fine to very fine quartz, cemented by limonite, resistant, top bed thickest and most resistant, carbonaceous and glauconitic, thinly interbedded with shale like that in unit 13. Fossils: Inoceramus (prism), bone fragments, Reophax minuta (s), R. pepperensis (r), Trochammina rainwateri (r), Verneuilinoides perplexus (r). 1.0
13. Shale, dark-gray, dries medium-gray to medium light-gray, irregularly laminated, weathers flaky, moderately silty, sandy near sandstone beds, specks and flakes of carbonaceous matter common, interbedded with numerous very thin beds and lenses of sandstone, stained by limonite and jarosite on joints and bedding planes, contains many large crystals of selenite; sandstone, light olive-gray, thinly laminated, fine- to very fine-grained, streaked with shale. Fossils: sponge spicule, fish vertebra, Reophax minuta (a), R. pepperensis (c), Trochammina rainwateri (c), Verneuilinoides perplexus (s), Trochamminoides apricarius (r), Ammobaculites cf. A. bergquisti (r). 4.7
12. Sandstone, light olive-gray (5Y6/1) to olive-gray (5Y4/1), weathers dark yellowish-orange, thin- to very thin-bedded, laminated to thinly laminated, composed chiefly of fine to very fine quartz sand and silt, glauconitic, moderately well-cemented, calcareous, 0.1-foot-thick bed of very sandy dark-gray shale in upper half, shale has strong taste of melanterite. Fossils: in sandstone, fish remains. 0.5
11. Shale, dark-gray, dries medium-gray, lower part light olive-gray (5Y7/2) owing to limonite stains, irregularly laminated, weathers flaky, moderately silty to very silty throughout, has strong taste of melanterite, specked with carbonaceous matter, stained by limonite along joints and bedding planes, some limonite in very thin layers parallel to bedding, fine, granular gypsum abundant on bedding planes, scattered laminae and lenses of pale olive, fine- to very fine-grained quartz sand. Fossils: sponge spicule?, carbonized wood fragments. 2.2
10. Bentonite, pale grayish-yellow, slightly silty, with limonitic zone in center. 0.2
9. Sandstone, light olive-gray (5Y6/1), weathered moderate; reddish-brown (limonitic), similar to unit 7, with dark-gray laminae of flaky-weathering shale scattered throughout but especially in upper part. Fossils: fish remains. 0.5
8. Shale, dark-gray, dries medium light-gray, thinly and irregularly laminated, weathers flaky, moderately silty, contains a few very thin lenses of fine- to very fine-grained light olive-gray (5Y6/1) quartz sand, strong taste of melanterite, stained by jarosite on joints and bedding planes, specked with carbonaceous matter, contains many selenite crystals up to 0.1 foot in length. Fossils: Reophax minuta (c), R. pepperensis (c), Verneuilinoides perplexus (s), Trochammina rainwateri (r), Tolypammina? sp. (r). 0.85
7. Siltstone, light olive-gray (5Y6/1), very thin- to medium-bedded, thinly and irregularly laminated to gently cross-laminated, composed chiefly of quartz, finely sandy, partially stained by jarosite, streaked by and interbedded throughout with slightly silty shale; shale dark-gray, dries medium-gray, fissile, weathers flaky, strong taste of melanterite, shale especially common in upper 0.5 foot. Fossils: Lingula cf. L. subspatulata (r), fish remains, carbonized wood fragments. 1.5
6. Shale, dark-gray, dries medium-gray, blocky and thinly, but obscurely laminated, weathers flaky, slightly silty, specked with carbonaceous matter, stained with much jarosite and limonite along joints and bedding planes, middle part with sparse very thin lenses of fine quartz sand, scattered penny-sized nodules of pyrite or marcasite. Fossils: Inoceramus (prism molds), fish remains, Trochammina rainwateri (c), Reophax minuta (s), Verneuilinoides perplexus (s), carbonized wood fragments. 4.4
5. Clay-ironstone, olive-gray (5Y6/1), weathers moderate reddish-brown to dark yellowish-orange, hard, brittle, resistant, limonitic at top and base. 0.1
4. Shale, dark-gray, blocky and irregularly fissile, moderately quartz silty to very sandy with thin layer of medium- to fine-grained quartz sand near top, slight taste of melanterite. Fossils: Verneuilinoides perplexus (a), Trochammina rainwateri (s), Reophax pepperensis (s), Ammobaculites cf. A. bergquisti (r), carbonized wood fragments. 0.65
Total thickness of Graneros Shale 28.7
Rests with sharp contact on:  
3. Sandstone and clay; sandstone light olive-gray, composed chiefly of medium- to very fine-grained quartz, streaked and mottled throughout by clay, predominates in upper part of unit; clay, dark-gray, streaked and mottled with thick to thin laminae and lentils of sand, predominates in lower part of unit. Fossils: grass microfossils. 3.6
2. Clay, medium-gray, unctuous, blocky, slightly to very silty, pinches out laterally against prominence in unit below number 1. Fossils: carbonized plant remains. 0.8
1. Ferruginous concretions, light olive-gray (5Y5/2), weathers dark yellowish-orange to moderate reddish-brown, highly irregular shapes, very fine-grained, sandy, laminated to gently cross-laminated, specked with carbonized plant debris, unit pinches out laterally against sandstone prominence in unit below. 0.4
Measured thickness of Dakota Formation 4.8
Total thickness of measured section 34.0

List of Localities

Measured sections are plotted on Plate 1, and the localities thereon are shown on the inset map.

  1. NW sec. 35, T 12 S, R 14 W, Russell County. Road cut on east side of U.S. Highway 281, just north of the Saline River. Complete section of Graneros.
  2. SW NW sec. 1, T 13 S, R 13 W, Russell County. Road cut on east side of Luray-Bunker Hill road, approximately 5 1/2 miles north and 1 mile west of Bunker Hill. Complete section of Graneros.
  3. NE NE sec. 3, T 13 S, R 11 W, Russell County. Gully and abandoned road grade on west side of north-south county road approximately 7 miles south and 1 mile east of Lucas. Complete section of Graneros.
  4. NE sec. 6, T 14 S, R 10 W, Ellsworth County. Graded bank on west side of north-south county road approximately 2 1/2 miles north of Wilson. Complete section of Graneros.
  5. NE NE sec. 19 and NW NW sec. 20, T 15 S, R 15 W, Russell County. Bluff on south side of Smoky Hill River approximately 9 1/2 miles south of Gorham. Complete section of Graneros.
  6. N SE sec. 7, T 13 S, R 14 W, Russell County. Road cut on cast side of Canyon road and cut bank Y. mile west of road approximately 4 1/2 miles northwest of Russell. Complete section of Graneros.
  7. SE NE sec. 31, T 14 S, R 11 W, Russell County. Bluff on south side of Smoky Hill River approximately 3 1/2 miles south of Dorrance. Complete section of Graneros.
  8. E NW sec. 6, T 15 S, R 10 W, Ellsworth County. Graded bank and ditch on west side of north-south county road approximately 3 miles south of Wilson, Kansas. Complete section of Graneros.
  9. SE SE sec. 24, T 8 S, R 6 W, Mitchell County. Road cut and ditch on west side of north-south county road approximately 3 miles south of Simpson. Complete section of Graneros.
  10. SE SE sec. 24, T 9 S, R 8 W, Mitchell County. Ditch on west side of north-south county road approximately 14 1/2 miles north of Lincoln. Section of lower Graneros.
  11. NW SW sec. 30, T 10 S, R 7 W, Lincoln County. Road cut on east side of Kansas Highway 14 approximately 7 1/2 miles north of Lincoln. Section of upper Graneros.
  12. SW SW sec. 30, T 11 S, R 7 W, Lincoln County. Road cut on east side of Kansas Highway 14 approximately 1 mile north of Lincoln. Complete section of Graneros.
  13. NW SW sec. 13, T 12 S, R 15 W, Russell County. Road cut on west side of north-south county road directly south of Saline River crossing. Section of lower Graneros.
  14. SE NE sec. 13, T 12 S, R 15 W, Russell County. Road cuts on both side of Mallard road approximately y. mile west of Saline River crossing. Section of middle Graneros.
  15. NW NW sec. 4, T 12 S, R 15 W, Russell County. Cut banks on small northerly tributary to Saline River approximately 1 1/2 miles east of Fairport, Section of upper Graneros.
  16. SW sec. 1 and NW sec. 12, T 3 S, R 1 E, Washington County. Road cuts on both sides of u.S. Highway 36 approximately 3 miles south and 1 mile east of Haddam. Section of Graneros, except for uppermost part.
  17. SE SE sec. 12, T 11 S, R 13 W, Russell County. Bluff on south side of Wolf Creek approximately 1 mile southwest of Luray. Complete section of Graneros.
  18. NE NE sec. 29, T 15 S, R 10 W, Ellsworth County. Road cut and ditch on north side of east-west county road approximately 7 miles south and 1 1/2 miles east of Wilson. Section of upper two-thirds of Graneros.
  19. NE NE sec. 12, T 25 S, R 24 W, Ford County. Exposure in pasture and road cut on west side of u.S. Highway 283 approximately .12 miles northeast of Dodge City. Section of lower Graneros.
  20. NE NW sec. 25, T 22 S, R 22 W, Hodgeman County. Gullied slope and road cut on south side of eastwest county road approximately 1/2 mile south and 1 mile east of Hanston. Complete section of Graneros.
  21. SW SW sec. 26, T 15 S, R 16 W, Ellis County. Cut bank and bluff on south side of Smoky Hill River approximately 17 1/2 miles southeast of Hays. Section of Graneros, except for uppermost part.
  22. SW SW sec. 33, T 13 S, R 7 W, Lincoln County. Gullied area on upland slope approximately 12 miles south southeast of Lincoln. Section of lower Graneros.
  23. C N sec. 10, T 25 S, R 23 W, Ford County. Cut bank along southern tributary to Sawlog Creek in pasture north-northwest of windmill approximately 14 miles northeast of Dodge City. Complete section of Graneros.
  24. NW SW sec. 35, T 24 S, R 23 W, Hodgeman County. Road cut and ditch on east side of northsouth county road approximately 12 miles southsoutheast of Jetmore. Section of upper Graneros.
  25. NE NE sec. 11, T 24 S, R 23 W, Hodgeman County. Graded ditch on west side of north-south county road approximately 8 1/2 miles southeast of Jetmore. Complete section of Graneros.
  26. SW NW sec. 23, T 4 S, R 6 W, Jewell County. Cut bank on east side of West Marsh Creek approximately 5 1/2 miles northeast of Randall. Section of uppermost Graneros.
  27. W NE sec. 7, T 4 S, R 2 W, Republic County. Ditch on east side of north-south county road approximately 1 1/2 miles north of Talmo. Section of middle Graneros.
  28. SE SW sec. 7, T 13 S, R 9 W, Lincoln County. Cut bank on west side of East Twin Creek approximately 5 1/2 miles south southeast of Sylvan Grove. Section of lower two-thirds of Graneros.
  29. NW NW sec. 4, T 13 S, R 9 W, Lincoln County. Ditch on east side of north-south county road approximately 5 miles southeast of Sylvan Grove. Section of upper one-third of Graneros.
  30. NE SE sec. 29, T 11 S, R 9 W, Lincoln County. Cut bank off west side of north-south county road approximately 5 miles northeast of Sylvan Grove. Section of lower two-thirds of Graneros.
  31. NE SE sec. 2, T 18 S, R 12 W, Barton County. Cut on north side of Missouri Pacific Railroad track approximately 4 miles west and ~ mile south of Claflin. Section of upper two-thirds of Graneros.
  32. NW NW sec. 3, T 16 S, R 10 W, Ellsworth County. Cut on east side of north-south county road approximately 7 miles north of Holyrood. Section of upper three-fourths of Graneros.
  33. NE NW sec. 5, T 16 S, R 10 W, Ellsworth County. Cut banks on a small tributary to Wolf Creek approximately 7 1/2 miles north northwest of Holyrood. Collecting locality in upper one-half of Graneros.
  34. SE SE sec. 36, T 14 S, R 11 W, Russell County. Bluff on south side of Smoky Hill River approximately 3 miles south southwest of Wilson. Collecting locality in upper one-half of Graneros.
  35. SW NW sec. 13, T 13 S, R 12 W, Russell County. Cut on east side of north-south county road approximately 6 miles northeast of Bunker Hill. Collecting locality in upper one-half of Graneros.
  36. SW NE sec. 23, T 14 S, R 15 W, Russell County. Cut bank on east side of Big Creek approximately 7 miles southwest of Russell. Section of upper two-thirds of Graneros.
  37. NW SW sec. 25, T 14 S, R 15 W, Russell County. Cut on curve of north-south county road at south end of bridge across Smoky Hill River approximately 7 miles southwest of Russell. Section of lower Graneros.
  38. SE SW sec. 5, T 3 S, R 1 E, Washington County. Cut on north side of U.S. Highway 36 approximately 3 1/2 miles southwest of Haddam. Section of uppermost Graneros.
  39. SW sec. 5, T 25 S, R 24 W, Ford County. Cut bank on south side of Sawlog Creek approximately 10 miles north and 2 miles east of Dodge City. Section of upper two-thirds of Graneros.
  40. NW SW sec. 19, T 15 S, R 9 W, Ellsworth County. Cut on west side of north-south county road approximately 2 miles south southwest of Black Wolf. Section of lower one-half of Graneros.
  41. NE SE sec. 11, T 24 S, R 22 W, Hodgeman County. Cut banks along intermittent stream approximately 10 miles south of Hanston. Complete section of Graneros.
  42. NE SW sec. 19, T 13 S, R 9 W, Lincoln County. Cut bank on intermittent stream approximately 7 miles south-southeast of Sylvan Grove. Section of middle Graneros.
  43. SE SE sec. 36, T 12 S, R 11 W, Russell County. Wilson Dam spillway excavation. Complete section of Graneros.
  44. SW corner sec. 22, T 6 S, R 3 W, Cloud County. Ditch at county road intersection approximately 4 miles south and I mile east of Concordia. Complete section of Graneros.
  45. C NW sec. 6, T 15 S, R 10 W, Ellsworth County. East wall of ravine on south side of Smoky Hill River approximately 3 miles south of Wilson. Collecting locality in upper part of Graneros.
  46. NW NW sec. 18, T 13 S, R 12 W, Russell County. Ditch and graded bank on east side of Luray-Bunker Hill road approximately 3 1/2 miles north of Bunker Hill. Section of upper two thirds of Graneros.
  47. S line SE SE sec. 31, T 12 S, R 10 W, Lincoln County. Road cut on east-west county road approximately I mile east of Wilson Dam spillway. Collecting locality in upper one-half of Graneros.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Dec, 15, 2014; originally published December 1965.
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