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Structural Development
Rocks of Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician age
Arbuckle Group
Lamotte (Reagan) sandstone
Bonneterre dolomite
Eminence dolomite
Gasconade dolomite
Roubidoux formation
Jefferson City and Cotter dolomites
St. Peter sandstone (Simpson group)
Rocks of Middle and Late Ordovician age
Platteville formation (Simpson group)
Viola (Kimmswick) limestone and dolomite
Maquoketa shale
Lower zone
Upper zone
Distribution of Devonian rocks
Rocks of Devonian or Mississippian age
Chattanooga shale
McPherson valley
Chattanooga limestone lentil
Boice shale
Kinderhookian Series
Sedalia dolomite
Gilmore City limestone
Osagian Series
St. Joe limestone
Reeds Spring limestone
Burlington and Keokuk limestone
Lower zone
Upper zone
Meramecian Series
"Warsaw" limestone
Spergen limestone
Desmoinesian Series
Cherokee group
Marmaton group
Missourian Series
Pleasanton group
Kansas City and Lansing groups
Kansas City group
Intercyclical erosion
Lansing group
Pedee group
Virgilian Series
Douglas group
Shawnee group
Wabaunsee group
Wolfcampian Series
Admire group
Council Grove group
Chase group
Leonardian Series
Sumner group
Wellington formation
Salt flow
Ninnescah shale
Stone Corral dolomite
Nippewalla group
Comanchean Series
Gulfian Series
Colorado group
Rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age
Structural Development of the Salina Basin
Pre-Simpson folding
Development of North Kansas basin
Deformation of rocks of Simpson age
Deformation of Viola-Maquoketa sequence
Deformation of Silurian rocks
Over-all deformation between Arbuckle and Devonian rocks
Deformation of Devonian rocks
Deformation of Chattanooga and Boice shales
Over-all deformation between base of Simpson and top of Chattanooga
Development of Nemaha Anticline and Salina Basin
Deformation during Mississippian time
Deformation at the end of Mississippian time
Deformation during Pennsylvanian and Permian time
Deformation between top of Pennsylvanian Basal Conglomerate and base of Kansas City Group
Deformation between base of Kansas City and top of Shawnee Group. (Top of Topeka limestone)
Deformation between Topeka limestone and Barneston limestone
Deformation between Barneston limestone and Stone Corral dolomite
Relation of Pennsylvanian and early Permian deformation in Kansas to Ouachita basin
Late Permian deformation
Post-Permian deformation
Post-Cretaceous deformation
Relation of structural development of the region to accumulation of oil and gas
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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Jan. 5, 2017; originally published Dec. 1956.
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