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Ogallala Formation of Northern Kansas

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Measured Sections

Section measured in the SW NW sec. 2, T. 2 S., R. 40 W., Cheyenne County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
11. Moss agate in nodular zone, produces minor bench on slope 1
10. Sand, some silt and gravel, partly covered 5
9. Silt and some sand cemented to resemble limestone, platy 1
8. Sand and silt, compact but uncemented, locally contains some clay, reddish-brown 4
7. Silt and sand and a small amount of calcium carbonate cement, gray 1
6. Sand and silt, compact but not cemented, reddish-brown 3
5. Sand and some gravel, well cemented, buff, weathers to botryoidal surface; contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa maxima, Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni 5
4. Sand, some silty zones, loose, partly covered 8
3. Sand and gravel, cross bedded, cemented 6
2. Sand, some gravel, loose, reddish-tan 2
1. Pierre shale exposed along lower parts of canyon; a thin gray weathered zone at top  
Total Ogallala measured 36

Section measured in the NW NW sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 42 W., Cheyenne County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
7. "Algal limestone", pinkish-tan, with well developed pisolitic structure. Caps local topography 2.5
6. Silt and fine sand, densely cemented 3
5. Silt, sand, and gravel, poorly sorted, loosely cemented; contains abundant nodules and stringers of caliche 15.5
4. Sand, coarse, and gravel, heavily impregnated with dense caliche, locally nodular. (This zone is probably a heavy soil caliche.) 3
3. Gravel and coarse sand, loose tan to gray; contains pebbles to 4 inches in diameter 20.5
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member (?)
2. Sand, coarse, and gravel, containing pebbles to 2 inches in diameter, locally cross-bedded, finer in upper part, densely cemented 8
1. Sand, coarse, and gravel, containing pebbles to 2 inches in diameter and cobbles of Pierre shale, poorly sorted, rusty-tan; locally as much as half the volume consists of reworked Pierre shale. This bed rests on weathered Pierre shale that contains a zone of caliche nodules in the uppermost 1 foot 8
Total thickness of Ogallala 60.5

Section measured in the NW NE sec. 34, T. 1 S., R. 27 W., Decatur County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
6. Sand, medium to fine, tan, cemented locally; contains the following fossil seeds: Stipidium elongatum, S. aristatum, Celtis willistoni, Biorbia fossilia 8
5. Sand, medium, containing a few pebbles, tan, cemented; clay balls common in lower part; contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa glabra, Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium nebraskense, S. tubus, Berrichloa conica 13
4. Sand, medium to fine, silty in upper part, loose to irregularly cemented, massive 9
3. Sand, medium, containing a few large pebbles and clay balls to 4 inches in diameter; massive, contains thin, irregular, contorted lenses of fine-grained, hard limestone 8.5
2. Sand, medium, massive, loose to irregularly cemented, tan 16
1. Sand, medium, containing a few coarse quartz grains, cemented. Contains Krynitzkia coroniformis 8
Total Ogallala measured 62.5

Cedar Bluff section, measured on south side of Beaver Creek valley in the NE SE sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 29 W., Decatur County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
9. Sand, fine to coarse, well to irregularly cemented, massive; calcium carbonate nodules in lower part; forms steep bluff of valley side. Contains Celtis willistoni 17
8. Sand, fine to medium, lenticularly cemented 3
7. Sand, medium, tan, cemented throughout 1
6. Sand, medium, tan, loose 3.5
5. Sand and silt, loosely but uniformly cemented, pale greenish-gray 6
4. Sand and some gravel, compact but not cemented, gray to greenish-gray, interbedded with clayey zones in upper part 11
3. Covered slope 2
2. Sand, fine, some silt, thick-bedded to blocky, calcareous, tan to gray-tan 2.5
1. Sand, fine, and silt, massive, uncemented, pinkish-tan 4
Total Ogallala measured 50

Section measured in the SW NW sec. 24, T. 3 S., R. 30 W., Decatur County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
5. Sand, some silty zones, irregularly and lenticularly cemented, partly covered 14
4. Sand, medium to coarse, yellowish-gray to light-gray, well cemented except for uncemented lentils; contains the following fossil seeds: Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni 12
3. Sand, some silt, lenticular zones loosely cemented, pale greenish-gray. Seeds in lenticular masses near the top include the following: Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium grande 6
2. Sand, medium to coarse, well cemented, sparse seed flora contains the following: Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni, Krynitzkia auriculata 2
1. Silt and sand, fine to medium, irregularly and lenticularly cemented, gray, greenish-gray, and pinkish-tan 16
Total Ogallala measured 50

Section measured in the SE SW sec. 8, T. 4 S., R. 29 W., Decatur County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
5. Sand, fine to medium, tan to gray, irregularly cemented; contains fossil seeds of Biorbia fossilia 5
4. Sand, fine to medium, tan to gray, uniformly well cemented; contains fossil seeds of Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium aristatum, S. variegatum 5
3. Volcanic ash, Reamsville bed, becomes sandy and impure upward, massive to locally laminated, blue-gray to gray, lower 3 feet loosely cemented, top well cemented; contains calcareous tubules and nodules throughout 9
2. Sand, medium to fine, some silt, loosely cemented, tan 1.5
1. Sand, coarse, loose, partly covered 7.8
Total Ogallala measured 28.3

Section measured in center W. line, sec. 3, T. 12 S., R. 20 W., Ellis County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
8. "Algal limestone" 2
7. Sand, contains reddish-brown silt in lower part, and a few scattered pebbles, densely cemented, gray to tan. The following fossil seeds occur sparsely in lower part: Celtis willistoni, Panicum elegans, Berrichloa maxima 23
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow and Valentine members, undifferentiated
6. Sand, fine, well sorted, massive, tan, loosely cemented, contains scattered nodules of caliche 9
5. Limestone, soft, porous, contains some silt and fine sand, grayish-white. Locally contains abundant fresh water gastropod fossils as casts, molds, or entire shells: Helisoma valens, H. antrosum, H. goodrichi, Physa hawni, Lymnaea lavernensis, Pupoides albilabris, Pseudosuccinea columella, Calipyrgula hibbardi 2
4. Limestone, and small amount of sand, grayish-white, indurated 5
3. Sand, medium to coarse, loose 5
2. Sand, fine, silt, and some clay, massive, greenish-gray; heavy nodular caliche in upper 5 feet 10
1. Sand, locally siit, containing local lenticular bodies of unctuous green clay, massive, reddish-brown, uncemented; irregular streaks of caliche. Ogallala rests on Niobrara formation 45
Total thickness of Ogallala 101

Section measured in the SE SE sec. 15, T. 13 S., R. 30 W., Gove County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
8. Silt, fine sand, and gravel, finer in upper part, uniformly cemented; well developed platy structure in upper part 2
7. Sand, silt, and gravel, uncemented but mottled with caliche, tan 7
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
6. Sand, fine, silt and pebbles, contains abundant mica flakes, loosely cemented; platy structure at top 4
5. Sand, coarse, and gravel, grading upward into silt, fine sand, and clay at top, tan to ash-gray 14.5
4. Silt, some pebbles, soft cement throughout, white to cream-color 4
3. Silt, sand, gravel, and pebbles, poorly sorted, weakly cemented, gray to brick-red 2
2. Sand, coarse, and gravel, massive, poorly sorted, well cemented, weathers to honeycomb surface 5
1. Sand, coarse, and gravel, thin-bedded to cross-bedded, irregularly cemented, contains pebbles of Niobrara chalk and rests on weathered Niobrara chalk 5.5
Total Ogallala measured 44

Section measured in the NE NE sec. 2, T. 7 S., R. 24 W., Graham County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
9. Silt, sand, clay, and fine gravel, irregularly cemented 3
8. Sand and silt, interbedded, cemented in thin crenulate zones, contains volcanic ash shards, gray to gray-tan 5
7. Clay, silty, thin caliche band at top, mottled reddish-brown and greenish-gray 2.5
6. Sand, medium, well sorted, micaceous, massive, gray 1.5
5. Silt, thinly laminated to cross-bedded in thin zones 1.5
4. Sand, medium, some silt and pebbles, massive, compact, rusty-brown to gray 3
3. Clay, bentonitic, and silt, reddish-brown; caliche nodules in upper part 3
2. Sand, fine, compact, gray 1.5
1. Sand and silt, massive, pinkish-tan 3.5
Total Ogallala measured 24.5

Section measured in the SE NE sec. 8, T. 17 S., R. 27 W., Lane County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
11. Limestone, sandy, dense, platy, pinkish-gray 3
10. Silt and sand, fine, densely and uniformly cemented 5
9. Sand, medium to coarse, loose, tan to rusty 9
8. Sand, fine, and silt, some coarse sand, compact; reddish to pale olive-gray, nodules and stringers of caliche in upper part 6
7. Sand, medium, uniformly well cemented, ash-gray 1.5
6. Sand, coarse, and gravel, uniformly cemented; contains Celtis willistoni 8.5
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
5. Sand, well cemented, platy, gray .5
4. Sand, fine to medium, and silt, compact; mottling and lentils of cement; brick-red; contains the fossil seed Biorbia fossilia 7
3. Sand, loosely and irregularly cemented, pale-gray to tan; contains the fossil seed Biorbia fossilia 2
2. Sand and gravel, loose, tan 1.5
1. Sand, coarse, and gravel, cemented. The base of this bed is a few feet above the contact of Ogallala on Niobrara formation 2.5
Total Ogallala measured 46.5

Section measured in the SW SW sec. 19, T. 18 S., R. 28 W., Lane County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
3. "Algal limestone", dense, irregular limestone, containing scattered sand grains, gray, with pink crenulated and pisolitic structures 2
2. Limestone, silt, and fine sand, indurated, nodular structure in lower part, well developed platy structure in upper part, white, streaks of tan and brown 21
1. Silt and sand, very fine, uniformly cemented, light-gray 2.5
Total Ogallala measured 25.5

Section measured in the NE NE sec. 23, T. 12 S., R. 32 W., Logan County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
9. Silt and caliche, indurated, platy structure prominently developed in upper part, whitish to cream-color, a few pinkish-tan lentils; a thin layer at the top resembles "Algal limestone" 7
8. Gravel, sand, and silt, well cemented, ash-gray 6.5
7. Silt and very fine sand, well cemented, whitish to cream-color 3.5
6. Sand, fine to medium, containing scattered pebbles, well but irregularly cemented, weathers to honeycomb surface; contains fossil seeds of Celtis willistoni in clumps 6.5
5. Sand, fine to medium, weakly cemented, tan to brown; contains tubules and nodules of caliche and fossil seeds of Celtis willistoni, Biorbia fossilia 5
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
4. Sand, medium, uniform, well cemented .5
3. Sand, silt, and fine gravel, massive, loosely cemented, tan to buff 10.5
2. Sand, fine to medium, some silt, tan; contains irregular cemented zones 4.5
1. Sand and coarse gravel, cross-bedded to massive, cemented. Base of section at level of floodplain in Hackberry Creek 11.5
Total Ogallala measured 55.5

Section measured in the SW sec. 1, T. 16 S., R. 21 W., Ness County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
6. Silt, densely cemented, pale-gray to pinkish-gray, contains irregular opalized nodules 3
5. Sand and silt, loosely cemented, pinkish-tan, partly covered. At this stratigraphic position in the NW SW sec. 21, T. 15 S., R. 21 W., Trego County, the following fossil seeds were collected: Berrichloa conica, B. tuberculata, Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni 2.5
4. Sand, fine to coarse, some pebbles, cemented; weathers to smooth convex surfaces 7.5
3. Covered 7
Ogallala formation--Valentine member (?)
2. Conglomerate, densely cemented with opal; the opaline matrix has distinct green color and is lenticular in distribution 10
1. Gravel and cobbles of Cretaceous Niobrara chalk to 1 foot in diameter, in matrix of clay and chalk sand. Base rests on Niobrara chalk 3
Total Ogallala measured 33

Edmond section, measured in the SW SW sec. 19, and NW sec. 30, T. 5 S., R. 22 W., Norton County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
16. Sand and gravel, irregularly cemented, dense zone at top 6
15. Sand, medium, irregularly cemented; contains the following fossil seeds: Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni, Stipidium variegatum 4.5
14. Sand, medium, densely cemented, gray; contains the following fossil seeds: Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni, S. variegatum 4
13. Sand, compact but uncemented, greenish-gray 8
12. Sand, fine to medium, densely cemented, gray to greenish-gray 3.5
11. Sand, fine to medium, compact to loosely cemented, greenish-gray 8
10. Sand, well cemented, ash-gray; contains tubules of hard caliche and the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa tuberculata, Biorbia fossilia 2
9. Sand, medium, uncemented but contains stringers and tubules of caliche, gray 5
8. Sand, fine to medium, densely cemented, gray 2
7. Sand and silt, contains some clay in middle and mottling of caliche throughout, red, olive-brown to gray; weakly cemented in upper part 19
6. Sand, medium, and silt, compact to loose; some cementation at top 5
5. Sand, some silt, loose to compact; mottling of caliche, cemented zone at top, ash-gray. Contains Krynitzkia coroniformis 15
4. Silt, sand, and clay, loosely and uniformly cemented; some thin plates of caliche 2
3. Sand, medium to coarse, loosely and irregularly cemented, but dense zone at top, tan to gray; contains Celtis willistoni in large local aggregations 7
Ogallala formation--Valentine member
2. Sand and fine gravel, loosely and irregularly cemented, tan. Contains Berrichloa sp. [fragments], Stipidium commune 5
1. Sand, fine to medium, massive, loose, some very small caliche tubules, ash-gray, pale greenish-gray to tan in the upper part. Contains Stipidium commune. Base rests on Niobrara chalk, which is locally irregularly silicified in the upper few feet 29
Total Ogallala measured 125

Almena section, measured in the W2 sec. 16, T. 2 S., R. 21 W., Norton County, Kansas. (Modified from Frye and A. R. Leonard, 1949, p. 36-37) Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
23. Limestone, soft, silty, porous, pale cream-color; contains abundant molds of snails (Vertigo ovata, Lymnaea macella, Promenetus blancoensis, Pupoides albilabris, Helisoma antrosum), and ostracodes and diatoms 3
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
22. Sand and silt, partly covered, cemented zone exposed about midway 35
21. Sand, silty, fine to medium, loosely cemented with calcium carbonate to form irregular bench; contains Biorbia fossilia, Berrichloa glabra, B. conica, and Celtis willistoni 6.4
20. Partly covered silt and sand, unconsolidated, buff 32
19. Sand, coarse to fine, and some silt; cemented with calcium carbonate 1
18. Sand, fine to medium, buff, some calcium carbonate cement distributed irregularly. Berrichloa amphoralis, Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium variegatum 5
17. Volcanic ash, Dellvale bed, sandy at base (becomes impure farther south); upper part locally cemented with calcium carbonate 6.5
16. Silt and sand cemented with calcium carbonate, roughly bedded; contains Berrichloa conica, Biorbia fossilia, Krynitzkia coroniformis 6.5
15. Partly covered, calcareous silt, clay, and sand, greenish-gray in upper and lower parts, middle part buff silt and very fine sand containing concretions 20
14. Silt, sand, and calcium carbonate, indurated, gray; contains abundant shards of volcanic glass, classed as Rawlins ash bed, and diatoms. In adjacent quarry to east contains abundant molds of fossil snails (Vertigo ovata, Pupoides albilabris, Physa anatina, P. hawni, Helisoma antrosum, Pseudosuccinea columella) 4
13. Sandy silt, buff, locally unevenly cemented with calcium carbonate .7
12. Silt, sand, and calcium carbonate, massive, light greenish-buff 6.9
11. Sand, fine to medium, pale greenish-tan 3.7
10. Silt, sand, and clay, greenish-brown; calcium carbonate in irregular nodules in a nonealcareous matrix 3
Ogallala formation--Valentine member
9. Silt, clay, and sand, greenish-brown 1.8
8. Sand and some gravel 3
7. Sand, clay, and silt, greenish-brown; contains abundant fragments of fossil vertebrates 2.5
6. Sand, medium, poorly sorted, uncemented, brown 3
5. Partly covered, silt and sand 4
4. Limestone, soft, silty, porous, gray; contains abundant molds of fossil snails (Physa hawni, Pseudosuccinea columella, Helisoma goodrichi, Helisoma valens, Calipyrgula hibbardi, C. senta, Lymnaea lavernensis) and diatoms 1
3. Sand and silt, calcareous throughout, irregularly bedded, gray to pink; upper part indurated, contains a few molds of fossil snail shells 3.2
2. Silt, some clay and fine sand, massive, gray to gray-green; contains Stipidium commune 5.5
1. Sand, fine, and silt, some clay and coarse sand, calcareous throughout, massive to irregularly bedded, gray. Covered in basal part to level of C.R.I. & P.R.R. tracks on the level of the Almena terrace of Prairie Dog Creek valley 5.3
Total Ogallala measured 163

Section measured in the NW NW sec. 2, T. 4 S., R. 24 W., Norton County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
8. Sand, silty, cemented with calcium carbonate, pinkish-gray .8
7. Silt, fine sand, and clay, loose, tan to brown 1
6. Volcanic ash, Dellvale bed, exceptionally coarse at the base, becoming finer and impure upward, thin-bedded, irregularly cemented in upper part, light-gray 9.7
5. Sand, fine, and silt, irregular cemented areas, pale greenish-gray, abundant seeds of Celtis willistoni, and less-abundant seeds of Biorbia fossilia 2.5
4. Silt, some clay and sand, nodules of pebble size, nodular discontinuous cement at top, gray 2.5
3. Silt, sand, fine to medium, and pebbles of marl, pale greenish-gray .5
2. Marl, soft, yellowish-green, contains a few molds of gastropods (Vertigo ovata, Physa hawni, Helisoma antrosum, H. goodrichi, H. valens, Pseudosuccinea columella) and bones of small vertebrates 1
1. Sand, fine to coarse, some gravel, yellow, tan, greenish-yellow, and gray, mottled and streaked, lenticularly cemented to form ledges; contains abundant seeds of Biorbia fossilia and Berrichloa amphoralis 15
Total Ogallala measured 33

Section measured in center N line, sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 25 W., Norton County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
5. Sand, medium to coarse, a few pebbles, tightly cemented 2.5
4. Sand, fine, and silt, some pebbles, light-tan to cream-buff, soft caliche, not well cemented; a thin zone of diatomaceous marl in middle; the following fossil seeds in the upper part: Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni 6
3. Volcanic ash, unnamed bed, dove-gray when damp but light-gray with a slight bluish cast when dry; sharp contact at base but gradational at top 3
2. Sand, silt, and some gravel including pebbles of caliche and clay balls, tubules and some cement, light-tan to gray-tan at base grading upward to pale greenish-gray; contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa conica, B. amphoralis, Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium variegatum, Celtis willistoni 7.5
1. Silt, fine, sand, and caliche, in alternating irregular zones, gray to light-tan; the cemented zones give the appearance of relatively uniform bedding 5
Total Ogallala measured 24

New Almelo section, measured in center E. line, sec. 34, T. 5 S., R. 25 W., Norton County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
8. Limestone, silty and sandy, soft, gray 5
7. Limestone, containing a small amount of silt and fine sand, tough, light-gray; contains abundant molds of fossil snails (Pupoides albilabris, Physa anatina, Helisoma antrosum, H. valens, Pseudosuceinea columella) 2.5
6. Caliche, silty, white, soft, and a small amount of silt and sand .8
5. Sand, silt, and gravel, irregularly cemented, gray to dirty-gray. Contains Biorbia fossilia, Berrichloa amphoralis, Celtis willistoni 6
4. Sand, massive, pale greenish-gray 3.5
3. Sand and gravel, masses and thin lenses of caliche, clay balls, locally some cement, pale greenish-gray 3.5
2. Sand, coarse, predominately quartz but contains pebbles of Cretaceous chalk, massive, uniform, dark-green at base becoming pale gray-green upward 15
1. Sand, coarse, and gravel; 75 percent of the pebbles Cretaceous chalk to 3 1/2 inches in diameter; greenish-tan 2
Total Ogallala measured 38.3

Section measured in the NW NE sec. 30, T. 1 S., R. 19 W., Phillips County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
9. Sand, fine to coarse, a few pebbles, irregularly cemented throughout with calcium carbonate 7
8. Silt, fine sand, and clay, uncemented, mottled gray-brown and green 6
7. Clay, silty, some fine sand, tan to gray-greenish tan 5
6. Silt and fine sand, some mica flakes and ash shards, laminated, tan, mottled with greenish-gray. Contains Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni, Krynitzkia coroniformis, Stipidium elongatum, S. grande 1.5
5. Silt, bentonitic clay, and fine sand, interbedded, tan to greenish-tan 8
4. Marl and volcanic ash containing diatoms and abundant molds of snails (Vertigo ovata, Pupoides albilabris, Physa anatina, Helisoma antrosum, H. valens, Pseudosuceinea columella); whitish to cream-color 2.5
3. Volcanic ash, Rawlins bed, clean and fresh, uncemented, blue-gray 1
2. Sand, some zones of silt and bentonitic clay, locally loosely cemented with calcium carbonate, greenish-gray 3
1. Covered interval from bridge (culvert) floor 4
Total thickness of section 38

Section measured in the SW SE sec. 2, T. 3 S., R. 33 W., Rawlins County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
11. Sand, fine to medium, tan to gray, irregularly cemented to form weak ledge 2
10. Silt and sand, some clay, gray to tan, locally cemented in streaks and lentils 6
9. Sand, fine, lentils of silt, loose, gray to tan; contains following fossil seeds: Celtis willistoni, Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium elongatum .5
8. Sand and silt, some gravel, massive, lentils of cemented silt, white, matrix generally brick-red 2.7
7. Silt, clay, and sand, fine, blocky to massive, tan to brown 3.5
6. Sand, medium to coarse, and gravel, well to irregularly cemented, except for local lentils of uncemented sand and gravel; contains the following fossil seeds: Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium elongatum 18
5. Marl and fine sand, well cemented, off-white to cream-color 1.5
4. Sand, fine to medium, cemented, tan to yellowish, locally contains gravel and coarse sand; contains abundant fossil seeds: Biorbia fossilia, Berrichloa amphoralis, Stipidium variegatum 5
3. Sand and gravel, contains pebbles of maximum diameter greater than 1 inch, and a few cemented lentils of sandy silt 15
2. Volcanic ash, Reamsville bed, contains some fine sand, steel-gray to gray-tan at top. (Farther south the ash zone is 18 feet thick. The basal 8 feet is relatively pure ash and is a separate lens classed as the Reager bed.) 6
1. Sand and gravel, loose, partly covered. The base of the section is approximately at the level of the Pierre shale contact in adjacent canyons 23
Total Ogallala measured 83.2

Section measured in the SE SE sec. 20, T. 5 S., R. 36 W., Rawlins County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
7. Sand, coarse, and gravel; quartz pebbles to 2 inches in diameter; loose, tan; top 1 foot cemented 18
6. Sand and gravel, cemented, interbedded with thin zones of pink silty sand 1
5. Sand, fine to medium, loose, some silt 14
4. Sand, coarse, some gravel, cemented 1.5
3. Sand, fine to medium, some silt, tan; contains Berrichloa amphoralis, B. glabra, Celtis willistoni 12
2. Volcanic ash, Rawlins bed, light bluish-gray; locally cemented, contaminated with fine sand, and interbedded with fine to medium, tan sand 1
1. Sand, fine to medium, weakly cemented in middle, tan; contains Celtis willistoni 11
Total Ogallala measured 58.5

Section measured in the SE SE sec. 13, and the NE NE sec. 24, T. 3 S., R. 35 W., Rawlins County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
12. Gravel, some sand, locally cemented 5
11. Sand and gravel, coarse, contains pebbles to 2 inches in diameter; cemented lentils scattered throughout 14
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
10. Sand, coarse, and gravel, poorly sorted, locally and irregularly cemented 5
9. Sand and silt, compact but not cemented, tan to brown 10
8. Sand, fine, and silt, densely cemented, interstratified with loose gray fine sand and silt 1
7. Sand, fine to medium, and silt, loose, reddish-tan to brown 8
6. Sand, medium to coarse, generally well cemented; contains Celtis willistoni and Biorbia fossilia 5
5. Sand and silt, some clay, generally uncemented but contains cobbles and nodules of cemented material; marly zones at intervals of a few feet 11
4. Sand, medium, and silt, irregularly cemented 5
3. Sand and silt, some gravel, unconsolidated, tan 12
2. Sand, medium to coarse, irregularly cemented; in lower 1 foot contains the following fossil seeds: Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni, Stipidium elongatum 9
1. Sand, fine to medium, and silt, uncemented but containing pipes and stringers of caliche, massive, brown to tan 6
Total Ogallala measured 91

Section measured at center W line SW sec. 4, T. 4 S., R. 34 W., Rawlins County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
10. Sand, some pebbles, incompletely cemented; the following fossil seeds were collected: Berrichloa amphoralis, Panicum elegans, Stipidium tubus, Celtis willistoni 5
9. Sand, fine to coarse, some gravel, poorly sorted, irregularly cemented 11
8. Sand, some gravel, gray to tan, cemented in local lentils; a thin, densely cemented zone of silt and fine sand at top 4.5
7. Sand, fine to coarse, some gravel, uniformly well cemented; the following fossil seeds were collected: Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium aristatum, S. variegatum, Berrichloa amphoralis 6
6. Sand, fine to coarse, irregularly cemented, contains pipes and stringers of calcium carbonate; uncemented portion is pinkish-buff; weathers to honeycomb surface 4.5
5. Sand, medium to coarse, and gravel, pebbles to 1 inch in diameter, irregularly cemented; contains Panicum elegans 6
4. Sand and silt, unconsolidated 22
3. Marl, silty and sandy, indurated, cream-color 1
2. Volcanic ash, Rawlins bed, basal 2 feet is pure ash, fine, light-gray, upper 1 1/2 feet interbedded with fine to medium sand 3.5
1. Sand, fine, silt, and clay; thin-bedded, uncemented, pale yellowish-green to tan; contains thin zones of silt and clay near top and discontinuous streaks of caliche throughout 10
Total Ogallala measured 73.5

Scott County State Lake section, measured in the SE SE sec. 2, and N112 sec. 11, T. 16 S., R. 33 W., Scott County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
16. Sand, silt, and pebbles, predominantly silt in upper part, uniformly loosely cemented, but upper part showing platy structure and harder 13
15. Sand and gravel, reddish-tan, uncemented, some silt in upper part 13
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
14. Silt and fine sand, densely cemented, gray to white; a few lentils of uncemented fine red sand and silt 18
13. Clay, silt, and pebbles, compact, prismatic structure, whitish, red and tan 1
12. Silt, densely cemented, contains nodular opalized areas in lower few feet and a few lentils of red sand 6.5
11. Sand, fine, and silt, some pebbles and nodules of caliche, red, compact 4
10. Sand and silt, cemented and indurated, contains intraformational conglomerate in lower portion and platy zone at top 13.5
9. Sand and silt, uncemented, gray to brown; has the appearance of a sandy, pebbly loam 1.5
8. Sand, fine, silt, and pebbles, uncemented at base but stringers and plates of caliche irregularly developed in upper part, brick-red, weathers to a honeycomb surface; beds 8 and 9 constitute a fossil soil profile 4.5
7. Sand, fine gravel, and silt, poorly sorted, massive, cemented, ash-gray to tan 2
6. Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel, cross-bedded, irregularly cemented, tan to yellowish-tan 13
5. Sand, medium to coarse, compacted, massive at base to cross-bedded at top, tan to brick-red; contains irregular nodules and cobbles of caliche 5.5
4. Sand, fine to medium silt, and fine gravel, poorly sorted, massive, uniformly but weakly cemented, tan to brown; contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa tuberculata, Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni 6.5
3. Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, cross-bedded to evenly bedded, weakly cemented lentils in middle and in upper part, local variations in texture; locally contains thin cream-colored marl bed at top 36
2. Silt, sand, and clay, massive, uncemented, brown 8
Ogallala formation--Valentine member (?)
1. Clay, bentonitic, massive, containing a few scattered sand grains, tan to olive-brown. This bed rests on weathered Niobrara chalky shale 8.5
Total Ogallala measured 154.5

Section measured in center W. line of the SW sec. 7, T. 8 S., R. 26 W., Sheridan County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
11. Sand and silt, locally irregularly cemented, red to pinkish-gray 6
10. Sand, irregularly cemented, gray to tan 1.5
9. Sand, fine, and silt, massive, compact, uncemented, red at base to gray at top 8.5
8. Gravel and sand, cross-bedded, cemented, gray 5
7. Sand, silt, and soft caliche, pinkish-tan to pinkish-gray, nodules of hard caliche 15
6. Sand, gravel, and silt, gray cement distributed in honeycomb pattern around red-brown areas; platy structure at top; in lower half contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa conica, Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni 10
5. Sand, some gravel and silt, lenticularly cemented in upper part; upper part contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa amphoralis, B. tuberculata, Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni 12
4. Sand and silt, well cemented, gray 2.5
3. Sand, some gravel and silt, loose, gray to tan 7.5
2. Sand and silt, massive, weakly cemented, gray to tan 4
1. Sand, some silt, loose, gray to tan. Base of bed a few feet above Niobrara chalk 3
Total Ogallala measured 75

Section measured in center W. line of the SW sec. 32, T. 1 S., R. 14 W., Smith County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
6. Sand, fine to medium, loosely cemented throughout; hard nodules of caliche, gray 7
5. Volcanic ash, Reamsville bed, partly cemented and locally interbedded with tan sand, sharp contact at base but gradational at top, light bluish-gray; contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa glabra, Celtis willistoni, Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium tubus 3
4. Sand, medium to fine, loosely cemented, a few nodules and stringers of caliche, massive, gray to gray-tan 5
3. Sand, fine to medium, cemented in irregular zones, pale greenish-gray to tan; contains the following fossil seeds: Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium variegatum, Berrichloa amphoralis, B. tuberculata 6
2. Sand, fine to medium, some calcareous clay balls and tubules, uncemented, pink, tan, and greenish-gray, mottled 5
1. Partly covered; sand, fine to medium, greenish-gray, pinkish-tan, and zones of caliche. Exposures in adjacent canyons indicate that the top of the Niobrara chalk is at the approximate base of this bed 50
Total Ogallala measured 76

Section measured in the SE sec. 16, T. 11 S., R. 25 W., Trego County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
7. Sand and silt permeated with soft caliche, red to gray-tan 2.5
6. Sand, micaceous, locally densely cemented 2
5. Sand, some gravel and silt, loose, tan 6
4. Silt and very fine sand, compact, local irregular cemented zones 1.5
3. Sand and some silt, massive, uncemented, red 4
2. Sand and silt, massive to irregular thick-bedded, irregularly cemented, nodules and stringers of caliche and platy structure in upper part, gray; local zone in middle has superficial appearance of limestone conglomerate; in lower half the following fossil seeds were collected: Celtis willistoni, Biorbia fossilia, Berrichloa amphoralis, B. tuberculata, B. conica 15
1. Sand and gravel, grading to sand and silt in upper part, massive, uncemented, tan to brick-red, lower part partly covered; base of this bed rests on Niobrara chalk exposed in creek bank 41
Total Ogallala measured 72

Section measured in the W2 SW sec. 7, T. 14 S., R. 38 W., Wallace County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
14. "Algal limestone", gray, pinkish crenulations 1
13. Caliche, silt, fine sand, and a few pebbles, gray to ash-gray, contains dispersed opalized nodules particularly in the lower 4 feet, none in uppermost 6 feet, distinct platy structure in uppermost 6 to 8 feet 18
12. Sand, fine to coarse, compacted but not cemented, red; irregular pipy and platy calcareous concretions; contains fossil seeds of Celtis willistoni, Berrichloa maxima, Prolithospermum johnsoni 8.5
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
11. Sand and coarse gravel grading upward to medium to coarse sand, poorly stratified, gray at base to pinkish-tan at top, uniformly and lenticularly cemented, platy caliche zone in top 1.5 feet; contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa amphoralis, B. conica, Biorbia fossilia, Celtis willistoni 14
10. Sand and gravel, irregularly cemented, dense caliche zone at top; contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa amphoralis, B. glabra, B. conica, Celtis willistoni, Stipidium elongatum, Biorbia fossilia 5.5
9. Sand, fine to medium, and silt, red; horizontal zones of dense caliche separated by uncemented red zones 5
8. Gravel and sand, silty in upper part, pinkish-tan to tan, irregularly cemented, a zone of dense cement at top 11
7. Sand, fine to medium, and silt, poorly sorted, massive to thin-bedded, gray to tan; contains volcanic ash shards and irregular plates of caliche at top 1.5
6. Volcanic ash, Fort Wallace bed, some silt and sand, thin but irregularly bedded, ash-gray, cemented in thin platy lentils 1.5
5. Gravel, sand, and silt, irregularly interbedded, coarser at base becoming finer upward, gray, streaks of brown and pink; tightly cemented in platy zones separated by uncemented zones 4.5
4. Sand, silt, clay, and gravel, poorly sorted, massive and blocky, uncemented, brown; contains a few nodules and stringers of caliche in upper part 3.5
3. Sand and silt, some pebbles, massive, pinkish-tan to tan, gray zone at top; contains caliche in scattered nodules in lower part grading upward to heavy caliche 7.5
2. Sand, silt, and gravel, massive, pinkish-tan; contains disseminated soft caliche 9
1. Sand, gravel, and silt, a few coarse pebbles in base, pinkish-tan; caliche nodules disseminated throughout; sharp basal contact on Pierre shale, 15 feet of Pierre exposed below base of the Ogallala 4.5
Total Ogallala measured 95

Section measured in the NE NE sec. 3, T. 12 S., R. 42 W., Wallace County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
13. Sand, fine to coarse, in a caliche matrix 3
12. Sand, silt, and gravel, poorly sorted, compact but uncemented, pink-brown 3
11. Sand, coarse, and gravel, irregularly cemented to loose, contains irregular pipy concretions 9
10. Sand, fine, and silt, massive, poorly sorted, contains pebbles, gray; densely cemented thin zones of silt at top 14
9. Sand, medium, uncemented but containing platy caliche, red-brown 6
8. Sand, gravel, and silt, locally loosely cemented, gray; contains the following fossil seeds: Celtis willistoni, Biorbia fossilia, Stipidium nebraskense, Krynitzkia auriculata 6
7. Silt, calcareous and indurated, nodular discontinuous opalized zones, gray 1
6. Sand, fine, and gravel, interbedded and cross-bedded, locally contains calcareous tubules and plates 1.5
5. Silt and fine sand, interbedded and cross-bedded, gray, tan, and green 0.5
4. Sand, medium to coarse, and gravel, thin-bedded to cross- bedded, tan, streaks of brown 2.5
3. Sand, fine, and silt, thin-bedded, ash-gray 1
2. Silt and fine sand, thin-bedded and interbedded with fine to coarse sand, gray streaked with tan and brown 1.5
1. Sand, some gravel, massive, loose, pinkish 4
Total Ogallala measured 53

Section measured in center W. line of the NW sec. 35, T. 14 S., R. 42 W., Wallace County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
6. "Algal limestone", indurated, showing typical pisolitic structure, gray and pink 2
5. Caliche, some silt, sand, and pebbles, massive, grading upward to a platy structure, ash-gray 7
4. Sand, fine to medium, and silt, irregularly and locally cemented, pinkish-tan 5
3. Sand, fine to medium, loosely cemented throughout 1
2. Silt and clay, some sand and gravel, compact but uncemented, containing stringers and lentils of caliche, pinkishtan to brown; contains Celtis willistoni, Berrichloa maxima 3
1. Silt, some sand and gravel, gray-tan to pale greenish-tan 3.5
Total Ogallala measured 21.5

Section measured in the SE sec. 11, T. 13 S., R. 42 W., Wallace County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
10. "Algal limestone" 0.5
9. Caliche, silt, fine sand, and a few pebbles, gray to ash-gray, distinctly platy structure throughout 9
8. Sand, fine, some coarse sand and pebbles, massive, densely cemented with calcium carbonate, gray 13
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
7. Silt, fine sand, and clay, loose, massive to thin-bedded, greenish-gray to brown; contains nodules of caliche and small cemented lenses 11
6. Sand, pebbles of quartz and caliche, and cobbles of red silt, loosely cemented throughout; contains Celtis willistoni 10
5. Silt and fine sand, well sorted in thin beds, some crossbedded zones; weathered volcanic ash shards abundant in basal part; discontinuous caliche zone at top 10
4. Sand, medium, some fine gravel, massive, gray, densely cemented; contains Celtis willistoni 7
3. Sand, fine to medium, loosely cemented, gray to pinkish-tan 4
2. Sand and gravel, brown to tan, densely cemented, contains the following fossil seeds: Berrichloa amphoralis, B. tuberculata, Biorbia fossilia, Krynitzkia auriculata, Stipidium intermedium, S. variegatum 8
1. Silt and sand, loose, local cemented lenses, pinkish to reddish-brown. The Ogallala rests on Pierre shale 26
Total Ogallala measured 98.5

Section measured in the SE SE SE sec. 8, T. 14 S., R. 38 W., Wallace County, Kansas Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
14. "Algal limestone" at top of covered interval 7
13. Silt and sand, irregularly well cemented, irregular zone of opal cement in basal 1.5 feet 10
12. Sand, fine to coarse, silt, and a few pebbles, uniformly cemented, gray, tan, and brick-red 5
11. Cherty limestone, gray 1
10. Silt, some sand and pebbles, tightly cemented 5
9. Opalized limestone, nodular, discontinuous, gray 1
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member
8. Sand, fine to medium, and silt, uncemented, reddish-tan 3
7. Sand, fine to medium, and pebbles, poorly sorted, well cemented, tan to cream-color 7
6. Sand, fine to medium, some pebbles, irregularly and locally cemented, tan 8
5. Sand and silt, irregularly cemented, pinkish-tan 2.5
4. Sand, coarse, and gravel, irregularly cemented 4
3. Partly covered silt, sand, and pebbles 24
2. Volcanic ash, Rawlins bed, interbedded with silt in upper part, gray 3
1. Covered from top of Pierre shale 7
Total Ogallala measured 87.5

Type locality, Ash Hollow member, Ogallala formation. Measured in Ash Hollow, southeast of Lewellen, Nebraska. Thickness,
Ogallala formation--Kimball member
23. Gravel, sand, and cobbles, maximum diameter 4 inches; contains pebbles and cobbles of reworked material from bed 22 (Sidney gravel formation of Lugn, 1935) 8.5
Ogallala formation--Ash Hollow member (Formation of Nebraska classification, Lugn, 1935)
22. Sand, fine to medium, silty, gray to whitish, cemented with calcium carbonate at base grading upward to less well cemented, siltier 18.5
21. Sand, fine, uniform, gray, massive; irregularly cemented; contains a few zones of pink sandy silt; uppermost 2 feet is noncalcareous sandy silt 26
20. Silt, fine sand, and locally clay, tan to brown, noncalcareous, a few streaks of lime; contains laminae of noncalcareous white silt in lower part 12
19. Marl, indurated, massive, white 1
18. Sand, medium to coarse, loose, tan to gray 6.5
17. Sand and gravel, becoming finer upward; well cemented near top and bottom 10
16. Silt, fine sand, and gravel in lower part grading upward into uniform sand, tan to gray-tan, lenticularly cemented, silt and clay zones commonly below the cemented lentils 53
15. Silt, massive, noncalcareous, pinkish-brown to gray-brown, becoming darker upward. Resembles A and B horizons of a soil 1
14. Sand, fine, massive, well sorted, grayish-tan, calcareous 5
13. Sand, fine, grading upward into coarser sand and some gravel, 0.5 foot silty clay at top, buff to pinkish-brown, cemented in lower part; thin lentils of fine sand and silt throughout 18
12. Silt and fine sand, gray, tan, and pinkish-brown, lenticularly cemented, joints in upper part filled with calcium carbonate 23
11. Volcanic ash (Rawlins bed), silt, and fine sand, gray; lower part relatively pure ash 4
10. Partly covered sand and gravel 23
9. Sand, fine to medium, gray to tan, indurated, calcium carbonate cement 14
8. Silt and fine sand, becoming coarser upward, gray, tan, and tan-white, generally uncemented, but scattered lentils indurated 21.5
7. Sand, containing a few pebbles of pink quartz, gray to tan, well cemented 2
Ogallala formation--(? Valentine member ?)
6. Sand, fine, containing silt in upper part, platy, gray, well cemented in basal part, stringers and concretions of lime throughout 7.5
5. Sand, fine, containing abundant cobbles and pebbles of calcium carbonate cemented sand and silt; upper part indurated throughout 4
4. Sand, fine, gray, calcareous; contains discontinuous indurated zones 22
3. Sand, silty, massive, gray, uncemented 1.5
2. Sand, fine, silty, massive, calcareous, gray, well cemented in discontinuous zones; conglomeritic in upper part 15.5
1. Covered slope from bed of creek. (Judged on the basis of exposures a short distance to the north, the top of the Brule formation is at or somewhat below the level of the creek channel at this point.) 8
Total section measured 305.5

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Aug. 4, 2011; originally published March 1956.
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