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Geohydrology of Rawlins County

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Logs of Test Holes and Wells, continued

T. 1 S. || T. 2 S. || T. 3 S. || T. 4 S. || T. 5 and 6 S.

2-34-1dd. Sample log of test hole in the SE SE sec. 1, T. 2 S., R. 34 W., 30 feet west of the SE cor. sec. 1, 18 feet north of road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,074.2 feet; depth to water level, 165.35 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Soil, clayey, black 2 2
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, clayey, tan-gray 29 31
Clay, very silty, tan 5 36
Loveland silt member
Clay, compact, silty, weakly calcareous, brown 2 38
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan 1 39
Clay, silty, calcareous, light-tan 4 43
Clay, sandy, tan-brown 2.5 45.5
Clay, limy, light-tan 13.5 59
Ogallala formation
Clay, soft, limy, white 6 65
Sand, fine 2 67
Clay, sandy, light-red 11 78
Sand, fine to medium, clayey 17 95
Sand, fine to medium, cemented; contains some light-tan clay 14 109
Clay, sandy, gray to tan 39 148
Clay, very sandy, gray; contains some fine gravel 4 152
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse; contains some clay 15 167
Sand and gravel, cemented, light-tan 5 172
Sand, fine to coarse; and fine gravel 6.5 178.5
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, tan and yellow 8.5 187
Shale, noncaleareous, gray to yellow 3 190

2-35-6bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW NW sec. 6, T. 2 S., R. 35 W., 80 feet east of the NW cor. sec. 6, 10 feet south of road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,277.2 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 4.5 4.5
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, gray 20.5 25
Clay, soft, very silty, calcareous, tan-gray 32 57
Loveland silt member
Clay, compact, noncalcareous, brown 6 63
Clay, calcareous, light-tan 3 66
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan; contains some sand 18 84
Ogallala formation
Clay, blocky, silty, weakly calcareous, dark-brown 1 85
Clay, slightly calcareous, yellow 13 98
Clay, silty and sandy, noncalcareous 8 106
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan 27.5 133.5
Sand, limy cemented, light-tan 3.5 137
Sand, fine to medium, clayey, cemented 16 153
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented; contains some gravel 18 171
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 7 178
Sand and gravel, hard, cemented 1.5 179.5
Sand, fine to medium; contains considerable white clay 10.5 190
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, gray 32 222
Shale, clayey, dark-gray to black 3 225

2-35-30cc. Sample log of test hole in the SW SW sec. 30, T. 2 S., R. 35 W., 5 feet east of the SW cor. sec. 80, 18 feet north of road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,232.9 feet; depth to water level, 136.80 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3 3
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt and clay, weakly calcareous, dark-brown 3 6
Silt, clayey, calcareous, gray to tan 9 15
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, gray 6 21
Silt, clayey, calcareous, tan-brown 11 32
Clay, silty, tan, calcareous 21 53
Loveland silt member
Clay, silty, weakly calcareous, tan-brown 2 55
Silt, calcareous, brown 2 57
Ogallala formation
Silt, very limy, sandy, white 8 65
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel, cemented 5 70
Silt, very limy, hard 2.5 72.5
Clay, silty, white 4.5 77
Opal, hard, cherty 1.5 78.5
Clay, bentonitic, light-gray 3.5 82
Opal, hard, cherty .25 82.25
Clay, sandy, gray 5.75 88
Sand, fine, silty, white 1.5 89.5
Sand and gravel, clayey; partly cemented in thin stringers 12.5 102
Sand, fine to medium, limy, white 8 110
Sand, fine to coarse, silty and clayey 9 119
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel 7 126
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to coarse gravel 6 132
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented; contains a few thin limy clay beds 19 151
Sand, fine to coarse 5 156
Sand, fine to coarse, partly cemented; contains some gravel 19 175
Sand, medium, cemented in thin zones 41 216
Clay, blocky, tan to brown; contains some fine to medium sand 4 220
Sand, fine, loosely cemented 64 284
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey 8 292
Sand, fine, silty, cemented 5 297
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 7 304
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, yellow-gray 5 309
Shale, clayey, dark-gray 6 315

2-35-36dd. Sample log of test hole in the SE SE sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 35 W., 100 feet west of the SE cor. sec. 36, 12 feet north of road center; drilled July 1952. Surface altitude, 3,130.0 feet; depth to water level, 143.1 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 2 2
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Clay and silt, calcareous, brown 4 6
Silt, calcareous, tan 14 20
Silt, calcareous, light-tan 27 47
Loveland silt member
Silt, weakly calcareous, tan 2 49
Ogallala formation
Silt, sandy, limy, light-gray 1 50
Silt, limy; contains some fine gravel 4 54
Silt, sandy, white 10 64
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 1 65
Sand, limy, cemented 7 72
Sand, medium to coarse 4 76
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine gravel 11 87
Sand, medium to coarse, cemented; contains some fine to medium gravel 1 88
Gravel, fine to medium 11 99
Silt, sandy, tan 9 108
Sand, fine 25 133
Sand, fine to medium 17 150
Sand, fine 20 170
Sand, fine, and tan silt 15 185
Sand, medium to coarse, and medium gravel 7 192
Pierre shale
Shale, dark-gray to black 8 200

T. 1 S. || T. 2 S. || T. 3 S. || T. 4 S. || T. 5 and 6 S.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Nov. 17, 2008; originally published Dec. 1956.
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