Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils
Rocks, minerals, and geologic curiosities in Kansas
Rocks and minerals on and below the surface in Kansas create a varied landscape and provide economic opportunities.
Fossils in Kansas
Through fossil finds, geologists and paleontologists piece together evidence of earlier life and landscapes on Earth.
Geoarchaeologists combine geologic and archaeological techniques and research to learn more about when, where, and how early people lived in North America and what natural environments were like during prehistoric times.
How rocks are named
In the same way that biologists use categories to identify animals and plants, geologists have created categories such as formations, groups, and members to distinguish one rock layer from another.
Clockwise, from top left: chert outcrop, Flint Hills; brachiopods commonly found in Kansas rocks; Cottonwood Limestone fence, Wabaunsee County; Stone Corral dolomite in road cut, Rice County; salt mine, Reno County; sandstone sphere, Rock City, Ottawa County.