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Location and extent of the area
Purpose of the report
Previous geologic studies
Field work for this report
Other sources of geologic information
Departments of the Federal Government
Departments of the Kansas State Government
City and County Departments
Other sources
General features
The Plains
Valleys of the Arkansas drainage
Valleys of the Cimarron drainage
Red Hills and Ashland basin
General features
Sunshine and cloudiness
Humidity and evaporation
Dust storms
Cheyenne sandstone
Kiowa shale
Dakota formation
Graneros shale
Greenhorn limestone
Carlile shale
Niobrara formation
General relations
Previous studies
General statement
Facies variations
Sand and silt
Volcanic ash
Areal description
The bedrock floor
Variations in the western area
Variations in the central area
Character in the eastern area
Age and correlation
Origin of the formation
Scope of the problem
Significance of climate
Source of materials
Mode and progress of deposition
Cause of deposition
Origin of the capping limestone
Correlation with events in the Rocky Mountain area
General character and distribution
Age and correlation
Origin of the formation
General character
Areal description
Age of the formation
Origin of the formation
Local deposits of Pleistocene age in Meade County
"Equus niobrarensis beds"
"Jones Ranch beds"
General character
Areal description
Age of the Kingsdown beds
Origin of the formation
General character
Age of the ash deposits
Origin of the ash deposits
Quaternary deposits of the Ashland basin
Structures in pre-Tertiary rocks
Structures in Tertiary and Quaternary beds
Minor solution-and-collapse structures
The Meade trough
Jones Ranch basin
Syracuse flexure and fault
Finney basin
Ashland basin
Recent earth tremors and their possible significance
Kearny area
Kalvesta area
Syracuse upland
Stanton area
Cimarron Bend area.
Haskell area
Minneola area
Odee area
Intermediate and lowland areas
Pawnee river drainage basin
Arkansas valley area
Scott-Finney depression
Finney sand plain
Cimarron valley area
Meade area
Red Hills
Ashland basin
Streams north of the Arkansas valley
Arkansas river
Streams south of the Arkansas valley
Arkansas valley
Cimarron valley
General features
Modern wind action
Sand drifts related to cultivated fields
Sand drifts along stream channels
Barchans and transverse dune ridges
The sand-dune cycle
Eolian phase
Eluvial phase
Interruption of the cycle
Multi-cycle dune topography
Agronomic implications of the dune cycle
Hydrologic implications of the dune cycle
Source of the dune sand
Direction of dune-building winds
Winds of the present
Winds of the past
Sinks developed within historic time
Big Basin and St. Jacob's Well
Other depressions
Large imbricate blocks of Bluff creek
Historic changes in stream channels
Arkansas river
Cimarron river
Soil erosion by water
Soil erosion by wind
General relations
Utilization of ground water
Artesian water in the redbeds
Water in the Dakota sandstone
Ground water in the Tertiary of the upland area
Artesian wilier of the Meade basin
Ground water of the valley areas
Buckner creek
Arkansas valley
Cimarron valley
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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Feb. 8, 2017; originally published September 15, 1940.
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