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Environment of deposition of redbeds
Age and correlation of Permian redbeds
Pennsylvanian-Permian boundary
Mississippian or Devonian and Mississippian deposits in eastern Kansas
Mississippian deposits in western Kansas
Simpson-filled sinkholes in eastern Kansas
Igneous and metamorphic rocks of unknown age
Pre-Tertiary post-Cretaceous surface
Pre-Cretaceous post-Jurassic surface
Pre-Triassic post-Permian surface
Pre-Pennsylvanian post-Mississippian surface
Pre-Mississippian post-Devonian surface
Pre-Paleozoic post-Precambrian surface
Incompleteness of the Kansas geologic record
Geologic time and maximum thickness of rocks
Determination of unrepresented time
Ancestral Central Kansas Uplift
Geographic distribution and origin of sinkholes
Surface faults in northwestern Ellis County
Structure on top of "Algal limestone" (Pliocene)
Structure on base of Niobrara Formation (Cretaceous)
Structure on top of Dakota Group (Cretaceous)
Structure on top of Stone Corral Formation (Permian)
Structure on top of Lansing Group (Pennsylvanian)
Structure on top of Mississippian rock
Structure on top of "Hunton" rocks (Silurian-Devonian)
Structure on top of Arbuckle rocks (Cambrian-Ordovician)
Configuration on top of Precambrian basement complex
Development of present structure
Pattern of deformation between Precambrian and Arbuckle rocks
Pattern of deformation between Arbuckle and Mississippian rocks
Pattern of deformation between Mississippian and Lansing rocks
Pattern of deformation between Lansing and Stone Corral rocks
Pattern of deformation between Stone Corral and Dakota rocks
Pattern of deformation between Dakota and Ogallala rocks
Relation of earthquakes to structural features
Development of major structural features
Appendix A--Known "Algal limestone" occurrences in Kansas
Appendix B--Catalog of Mesozoic nomenclature for Kansas
Appendix C--Supplement to structural nomenclature in Kansas
Appendix D--Surface sinkholes and other solution features
Appendix E--Earthquakes in Kansas
Appendix F--Wells used in construction of cross sections
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Kansas Geological Survey, Geologic History of Kansas
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Web version April 2006. Original publication date Dec. 1963.