
New presentations for the 2017 First Carbon Capture and Utilization for Kansas Conference, the 2018 KU Environmental Engineering Conference, and the 2018 Kioga annual meeting.
New Quarterly Report Online: covering period June 1, 2018 to Sept. 15, 2018.

2018 Carbon Capture and Utilization for Kansas Conference. On July 26, 2018 the Kansas Geological Survey and the State CO2 EOR Deployment Workgroup (State Workgroup) hosted its second Carbon Capture and Utilization in Kansas conference. The meeting was held in the Beren Conference Center in the recently opened Earth Energy & Environment Center at the University of Kansas. More...

New Quarterly Report Online: covering period March 1, 2018 to May 31, 2018.

Capturing and Utilizing CO2 from Ethanol: Adding Economic Value and Jobs to Rural Economies and Communities While Reducing Emissions, white paper prepared by the State CO2-EOR Deployment Work Group released by the Great Plains Institute.
Q3_3-9-2018_Finalv2.pdf, covering November 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018.
On December 19, Senator Orrin Hatch, Senate Finance Committee Chairman, included 45Q extension and reform in Tax Extender Act of 2017 (OTT17901) which he filed on December 19. Proposed 45Q expansion would make large-scale capture and pipeline infrastructure economically attractive.
The Section 45Q carbon sequestration tax credits, as introduced in the Future Act S. 1535, was included in the Bipartisan Budget Act that was enacted into law on February 9, 2018. More...

The Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) and The University of Kansas together with a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Coordination Team propose to undertake Phase I: Integrated CCS Pre-Feasibility Study in response to DOE-NETL FOA 1584 titled, Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise. The goal of Phase I activity under CarbonSAFE is to identify and critically evaluate challenges and opportunities for commercial-scale Carbon Capture and Storage in Kansas, ICKan (Integrated CCS for Kansas). The PI and Project Director is Tandis S. Bidgoli of the KGS. Martin K. Dubois with Improved Hydrocarbon Recovery is a Joint-PI and Project Manager of ICKan. Bidgoli and Dubois will co-lead a CCS Coordinating Team that will conduct an integrated and multi-disciplinary assessment of CCS in Kansas during Phase I. The objectives include identifying, evaluating, and addressing the major technical and non-technical challenges of implementing commercial-scale, CO2 capture, transport, and secure geologic storage in Kansas.
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Project Scope

Second Quarterly Report, covering July 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017.

CO2 Pipeline Cost Analysis Utilizing a Modified FE/NETL CO2 Transport Cost Model Tool, by Martin K. Dubois, Dane McFarland, Tandis S. Bidgoli, presented at U.S. DOE Annual Review meeting in Pittsburgh, August 3-5, 2017.

Integrated CCS for Kansas (ICKan), by Tandis Bidgoli and Martin Dubois, presented at U.S. DOE Annual Review meeting in Pittsburgh, August 3-5, 2017.
First Quarterly Report, covering March 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017.

Integrated CCS for Kansas (ICKan), by Martin Dubois and Tandis Bidgoli, given at the DOE-NETL CarbonSAFE Kickoff Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA
Field Trip

On February 15, three team members of the Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage for Kansas Project (ICKan) were hosted by Westar Energy Company at their Jeffrey Energy Center facility in St. Marys and by CHS Inc.'s refinery in McPherson.
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Kickoff Meeting

Joint-Principal Investigators, Tandis Bidgoli and Martin Dubois welcome the full team to the ICKan Kickoff Meeting held at the Kansas Geological Survey on February 14th, 2017.
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