- Brisbane (Asia/Australia)
- Ensenada (Americas)
- The Hague (Europe/Africa)
Regional Synthesis Report (html)- Lawrence, Kansas (Global Synthesis)
- Swarthmore (mini Workshop)
1. Background and Project Description
For information on LOICZ: http://www.nioz.nl/loicz/
For basic information on the UNEP-GEF Project, see notice on p.5, LOICZ Newsletter No. 12 (pdf file, Adobe Acrobat Reader required).
2. Biogeochemical Budget Information
See the Budgets website at http://data.ecology.su.se/MNODE/; additional, workshop-specific information will be posted and linked as it becomes available.
3. Clustering, LoiczView, and Typology
a. Background
For a popular explanation of the conceptual approach, see the first article in LOICZ Newsletter No. 15 (pdf file, Adobe Acrobat Reader required).
The methodological foundation of the LOICZVIEW clustering package is described in a paper (pdf file) by Maxwell and Buddemeier. This paper has been accepted for publication in Regional Environmental Change; an earlier version is available and citable as Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2000-53, Kansas Geological Survey, 1930 Constant Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66047 USA.
See also Bruce's LOICZ page at http://www.palantir.swarthmore.edu/loicz/.
b. Learning and using the method
See the Bruce Maxwell's page (and specific section) listed above.
An instruction list to step through the process.
Some comments and suggestions for the new user are available for viewing. CONTRIBUTIONS SOLICITED -- we will be happy to add other notes based on user experience or requests -- please send them in.
A web-based tutorial guide to the LOIVZVIEW WWW pages and forms is available at http://www.kgs.ku.edu/Hexacoral/Tools/Cluster/LVlink.html; pop-up descriptions provide information on features and functions. Requires at least version 4.0 browsers.
c. Results and Examples
As results and examples are developed we will try to post them for others to see and use.
Group Mail to LOICZ Synthesis Workshops Resource Team
a. Asia-Australia Regional Synthesis. Brisbane, 14-17 January 2001, at the CRC for Coastal Zone Estuary & Waterways Management (website). Theme -- hydrologic variability.
Contributions from the Brisbane Workshop
--- Results of clustering and typology experiments
conducted at the workshop
Group Mail to Brisbane regional invitees
b. Americas
Regional Synthesis. Ensenada, Mexico, April 29-May 2, 2001,
at the Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas, Universidad Autónoma
de Baja California.
Supporting documents for activities at and after the Ensenada workshop
Presentations made at or related to the Ensenada Workshop
Powerpoint versions of background and tutorial material
1 Crude Model for Delta DIP
2 Weighted Means
Mexico Classification
Contributions from the Ensenada Workshop
--- Results of clustering and topology experiments
conducted at the workshop
Group Mail to: Ensenada regional invitees
c. Europe-Africa Regional Synthesis. July 2-5, 2001; The Hague, Netherlands.
Contributions from the Hague Workshop
--- Results of clustering and typology experiments
conducted at the workshop
Supporting documents for activities at and after the Hague workshop
Presentations made at or related to the Hague Workshop
--- Html and Powerpoint versions of background
and tutorial material
Group Mail to: The
Hague regional participants
Report of mini-Workshop
at Swarthmore College Oct 14-15 2001
d. Global Synthesis. November 11-14, 2001; Lawrence, Kansas.
Group E-mail to: Global Synthesis Invitees
Budget bibliography -- draft version contributed by Jean-Pierre
Gattuso (who would appreciate receiving suggestd additions) (html)
Toward a simple process model for loading -- essay
by SV Smith and JD Bartley
Laura David's analysis -- in preparation
Examples, Prototypes
and Tests (Database Library)