Zone Kluster ("ZeKe")
A Depth Constrained Cluster Analysis - Applet

Depth Constrained Cluster Analysis is an interactive plot applet, which was created to allow the user the ability to pick Zones from log data using digital Log ASCII Standard (LAS) version 2.0 & 3.0 files which are ordered along the dimensions of depth. This constraint can be used to limit the analysis to the consideration of stratigraphically neighboring units, thus only vertically adjacent zones and clusters may be merged into larger clusters. Depth Constrained Cluster Analysis appeared in PfEFFER Pro an Excel Spread Sheet Program developed by the Kansas Geological Survey, released 1998. It also appeared in GEMINI ( Geo-Engineering Modeling through INternet Informatics ) web application developed by Kansas Geological Survey 2000 - 2003. The user can create Portable Network Graphics (PNG) images of the displayed plot.

NOTE: This analysis will not process zones with LAS File Null values in the data. The Available log curves are presented in the Zonation dialog with the non Null value depth ranges of the individual curves. The program will turn off your curve selection if the depth range you select has a Null value. Try varying the depth by subtracting 5-10 feet on the end depth if you see the curves disappearing.

Applet Author: John R. Victorine
Java Math Model: Geoff Bohling

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