Digitize Electric Well Log (E-Log) Image Applet

Work is partially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) under Grant Number DE-FE0002056.

The electric well log image digitizer tool was created to provide a simple method to digitize small sections of well log images into a digitize Log ASCII Standand (LAS) File. The user may only be interested in a short stratigraphic section for a specific study, i.e., to do a PfEFFER Analysis over a depth range and needs to digitize 100 to 200 feet from a Resistivity well log and a Neutron-Density well log. This program allows the user to digitize the well log curves over the depth range needed and to save that data in a LAS version 2.0 format. The program allows the user to import a PNG (Portable Network Graphics), JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) or GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image file.

NOTE: The program can not handle the complete well log image, only small image captures in the above image formats.

This web application was primarily created to digitize small sections of scanned well log images, but the web application will do the following,

  • DIGITIZER - Digitize multiple image sections from multiple logs and be able to merge the data into one LAS 2.0 file.
    • Digitize Linear Curves
    • Digitize Logarithmic Curves, i.e. Resistivity, Permeability Log tracks
  • MERGE - Merge multiple LAS files into one LAS 2.0 File.
    • User will be able to select the curves from each file they wish to merge into the new file.
    • The user will be able to select the depth range they wish to save, by just setting the START, STOP values.
    • The program will capture all the curves in the files even the curves that are not in the "KGS Standardize Mnemonics" List. Note: Only numeric data.
  • SPLIT - The program will split the log data from a LAS 3.0 file and create one LAS 2.0 file.
  • CORRECT - To read in a LAS file that has a bad data section, digitize the section and merge the data back into the LAS 2.0 file.

Author: John R. Victorine jvictor@kgs.ku.edu

The URL for this page is http://www.kgs.ku.edu/software/DEWL/applet.html