Field Development and Renewed Reservoir Characterization for CO2 Flooding of the Hall-Gurney Field, Central Kansas

Kansas Geological Survey
Open-file Report 2001-38

Correlation of Textural Properties with Permeability

Previous investigation showed the relationship between permeability and rock textural parameters including:

Connectivity Index An index ranging from 1 to 4 representing the degree of connection between oomolds as observed at 10X-20X
Packing Index An index from 1 to 4 representing the packing density of oomolds
Size An estimate of the average oomold diameter in phi units
Archie Matrix Porosity Index base on Archie’s (1952) second parameter for describing matrix porosity

Figures below indicate that several of the parameters are correlated with permeability and that the nature of the correlation is consistent with what would be anticipated. However, nearly all are sufficiently correlated with porosity such that inclusion of these terms in a multivariate predictive equation does not significantly improve permeability prediction.

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Last updated December 2001