Theory and Practice of a Web-based Intelligent Agent in the Location of Pay Zones on Digital Well Log Files

Kansas Geological Survey

Open File 2004-28


Examples of Logging Intervals Used to Train and Predict Pay


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Views of LAS (log ASCII) Files Using GEMINI Well-Profile Module

– showing DST intervals (vertical thin lines and cross bars) * dots for well perforations in depth track, formation tops found in database are annotated along margin..


Pay (incremental hydrocarbon*Phi*h) (blue curve) and Sw (red curve) are shown in Track 4 using a single set of cutoffs:


Phi = 0.1
Sw = 0.5
Vsh = 0.3
BVW = 0.08


KHAN is used to predict pay in these wells, illustrated on next page.

Last Modified December 2004