The Role of Moldic Porosity in Paleozoic Kansas Reservoirs and the Association of Original Depositional Facies and Early Diagenesis With Reservoir Properties

Kansas Geological Survey
Open-file Report 2003-32

Arbuckle Core Characteristics


Major facies include:

  1. Clotted algal boundstone
  2. a) laminated muddy algal boundstone, b) laminated grainy algal boundstone
  3. peloidal packstone-grainstone
  4. packstone-grainstone
  5. ooid packstone-grainstone
  6. mudstone
  7. wackestone
  8. intraclastic conglomerate and breccia
  9. cave fill shale and depositional shale
  10. chert

In the cores studied the first seven lithologies account for more than 85% of the cored intervals.

Click on Facies to bring up more detail

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Last updated June 2003