Reservoir Characterization of Mississippian St. Louis Carbonate Reservoir Systems in Kansas, Stratigraphic and Facies Architecture Modeling

Kansas Geological Survey
Open-file Report 2003-27


This poster is an illustration of the first phase to build an improved 3D stochastic model and simulation on St. Louis carbonate systems.

  1. Seven lithofacies (six main lithofacies) were recognized and classified through the description of fifteen cored wells of three St. Louis oolite shoal reservoirs in Southwestern Kansas.
  2. Sequence stratigraphic surfaces were recognized and picked from the cored wells.
  3. The reservoir lithofacies, ooid skeletal grainstone, has distinctive petrophysical properties from other non-reservoir lithofaices.
  4. Lithofacies were trained with digital logs (GR, Rt, PE and Porosity) to build neural network models from cored wells, and lithofacies were predicted in non-cored wells with these models;
  5. Sequence Stratigraphic surfaces were picked in all non-cored well based on the log response.

Further Work

Additional work will include:

  1. Stratigraphic surfaces will be input into RMS (Roxar) to build a 3D stratigraphic framework.
  2. Object-based stochastic modeling (RMS) will be performed to build lithofacies models in three St. Louis oolite reservoirs to model the 3D external geometries of St. Louis oolite shoals.
  3. Internal geometries of St. Louis oolite shoals will be illustrated by building 3D porosity and permeability distribution models using stochastic simulation (RMS).
  4. Geostatistical models will be verified by inputting into a reservoir simulator and performing a production history match


Abegg, F.E., Loope, David b., and Harris, P. M., 2001, Deposition and Diagenesis of Carbonate Eolianites: Modern and ancient carbonate eolianites: Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Diagenesis, SEPM special publication No. 71, p. 17-32.

Abegg, F.E., and Handford, C. Robertson, 2001, Deflation origin of Mississippian Carbonate Eolianites of Southwestern Kansas: Modern and ancient carbonate eolianites: Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Diagenesis, SEPM special publication No. 71, p. 183-203.

Carr, D. D., 1973, Geometry and origin of oolite bodies in the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Mississippian) in the Illinois basin: Indiana geological survey Bulletin 48, 81 p.

Carr, T. R. and Lundgren, Carl E, 1994, Use of Gamma Ray Spectral Log to recognize Exposure Surfaces at the Reservoir Scale: Big Bow Field (St. Louis Limestone). Kansas: Unconformity-related hydrocarbons in sedimentary sequences, Rocky mountain association of geologists, p. 79-88, 281.

Gary, Richard J., 1994, Petrophysical Characterization of Mississippian Ooid-Shoal Reservoirs, Hugoton Embayment, Southwest Kansas, Armco, 46 p.

Handford, C. R., 1988, Review of carbonate sand-belt deposition of ooid grainstones and application to Mississippian reservoir, Damme Field, southwestern Kansas: AAPG Bulletin, V. 72, p. 1184-1199.

Garsmueck, Mark, and Weger, Ralf, 2002, 3D GPR reveals complex internal structure of Pleistocene oolitic sandbar: The Leading Edge, p 634-639.


I would like to thank the Kansas Geological Survey for providing the funds for this project as a part of my doctoral research at the University of Kansas. I also would like to specially thank Geoff Bohling for providing help at neural network modeling part, and Dr. Robert Goldstein for insight in this project.

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Last updated May 2003