Kansas Earthquakes 2D Plot

This applet is a two dimensional plot of Earthquake Magnitudes versus Dates for Kansas Earthquakes. The Earthquake data is stored in the "gis_webinfo earthquakes" ORACLE Database Table on the Kansas Geological Server.

The plot displays the data collected from 17 July 2014 to present. The data is accessed using an ORACLE PL/SQL Stored Procedure http://chasm.kgs.ku.edu/ords/iqstrat.ks_earthquakes_pkg.getXML

You can download a "CSV" output from the ORACLE Database, which can be saved as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) File to your PC, with the following link, http://chasm.kgs.ku.edu/ords/iqstrat.ks_earthquakes_pkg.build_csv_page

The applet allows the user to change the titles and the X-Y Axes Limits.

Author: John R. Victorine jvictor@kgs.ku.edu

The URL for this page is http://www.kgs.ku.edu/PRS/Ozark/JAVA_SRC/2DPlot/index.html