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Small County Development Technology

Small County is a Java application that has been developed using the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP). Using the RCP allows an application to leverage many of the powerful UI features of the workbench provided by the popular Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE). A developer tailors an application's user interface by building plugins implementing "extensions" and defining their own "extension points".

Using the RCP as an application framework provides many advantages to Small County, including multi-platform support (Win32, Linux, Mac OS), rapid development using the Eclipse IDE, and support for many services including a rich, native user interface, modeling tools and an agile application configuration.

RCP applications consist of a set of plugins each implementing some set of defined functionality to tailor the Eclipse IDE workbench environment. The Small County application therefore is comprised of a set of plugins each with its own responsibilities for handling UI, modeling, geo-simulation, application workflow and branding (look-and-feel).

Developed by the Kansas Geological Survey with support from the National Science Foundation
Page updated January 19, 2010
Comments or suggestions to webadmin@kgs.ku.edu