Seismometer Network

Select a station from the map or station listing to explore real-time information from the state's network of seismometers.

Images Displayed

Click on a station to view the data we are receiving from the seismometer. Each line of the image shows one half-hour's worth of data. The images will automatically refresh every 3 minutes.

Sample image.

The three charts displayed for each station are for Vertical, East-West, and North-South movements. For more information on seismograms, please visit this page from the U.S. Geological Survey.

Photos of the Sedgwick County Installation

Photo of seismometer at installation.

Photo of seismometer after installation showing solar panel.

Jewell Sheridan Saline Riley Finney Morton Clark Comanche Barber Pratt Kingman Sedgwick Sumner Woodson Cherokee