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Kansas Geological Survey, Open-File Rept. 91-1a
Pre-Graneros Paleogeography--Page 4 of 16

Stratigraphy of the Three Boreholes

Figures 4, 5, and 6 are summaries of the stratigraphy penetrated by the Gaydusek WII, Kenyon #1, and KGS #1 Jones test holes, respectively, calibrated with a standard gamma ray log of each test hole. Figure 7 is a summary of the stratigraphy penetrated by the Haberer. Depths to the top of the Graneros Shale, Dakota Formation, Kiowa Formation, and Permian top in feet from land surface in the three FY90 test holes are given in Table 1.

Figure 4. Summary core stratigraphy of the Gaydusek WII test hole in Washington County, Kansas.

Figure 5. Summary of stratigraphy of the Kenyon #1 test hole in Republic County, Kansas.

Figure 6. Summary core stratigraphy of the KGS #1 Jones test hole in Lincoln County, Kansas.

Figure 7. Summary stratigraphy of the Haberer test hole in Russell County, Kansas.

Table 1. Depth to the top of the Graneros Shale, Dakota Formation, Kiowa Formation, and Permian strata in feet (meters) in the Kenyon #1, Gaydusek WII, and KGS #1 Jones test holes, central Kansas.

Test Hole Graneros Shale Dakota Formation Kiowa Formation Permian
Kenyon #1 58 (18) 82 (25) 410 (125) 510 (155)
Gaydusek WII 62 (19) 90 (27) 400 (122) 443 (135)
KGS #1 Jones 14.5 (4.4) 59 (18) 273 (83.2) 474 (144)

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Kansas Geological Survey, Dakota Aquifer Program
Original report available from the Kansas Geological Survey.
Electronic version placed online Oct. 1998
Comments to webadmin@kgs.ku.edu