Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin 171, originally published in 1964
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Details of the computer program used in fitting. contouring, and evaluating four-variable trend hypersurfaces are presented in Appendix A. Appendix B is a complete listing of the computer program in which cards or lines are identified by number, and Appendix C consists of reproductions of examples of output from the program.
This program is written in a computer language called BALGOL, which is one of several "dialects" of the computer language termed ALGOL-58. A language such as BALGOL is termed a "source language." The program is placed initially on punched cards and then read into the computer where it is translated into machine language which the computer can utilize directly. The translation is accomplished by using another program, termed a compiler, which is usually recorded on magnetic tape and which translates, or compiles, the source language.
The program described here has been written primarily for use on either an IBM 7090 or 7094 computer, coupled with an IBM 1401 computer. The program could be used, with slight modifications, on the Burroughs 220 computer. The Kansas Geological Survey will make the program available, in punched-card form, for a limited time at a cost of $10.00. IBM 7090 and 7094 computers are currently in widespread use in the United States and access to one of these machines is available at a number of both university and commercial computer centers. Persons wishing to use the program on the IBM 7090 or 1094 should send four magnetic tapes to the Computation Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California, so that the BALGOL compiler system can be recorded on the tape. When this has been done, the program described in this report, as well as many other BALGOL programs, may be readily used on virtually any IBM 7090 or 7094 computer. Peter Carah wrote that part of the program for plotting of z values and residual values in the "slice maps," and the matrix inversion procedure was adapted from the Stanford University Computation Center program library.
The program is extremely fast and economical when run on the IBM 7090 or 7094 computer. The program compiles from the BALGOL source deck in 30 seconds. Time required for execution of the program varies, depending upon the number of data points and dimensions of the hypersurface blocks and plotted maps. As an example, 60 seconds 7090 time were required for execution using oil-gravity data described in this report, in which 244 data points were handled, three hypersurface blocks about 5 x 8 1/2 x 9 inches in dimensions were contoured, and 24 "slice maps" were plotted. In addition, about 6 minutes 1401 time were required for printing of the output.
The theory and operation of the program are explained in detail on subsequent pages. However, as an introduction, the principal steps in the program are outlined below:
After the computer program has been fed into the computer, data cards follow. Three kinds of data cards are used in conjunction with this program: (1) alphabetical and numerical information used for identification purposes, (2) numerical information used to control the operation of the program, and (3) numerical values pertaining to data points. These data are described on subsequent pages. Detailed rules for preparation of data cards, as well as other information concerning BALGOL, are contained in the manual entitled Burroughs Algebraic Compiler: A Representation of ALGOL for Use with the Burroughs 220 Data-Processing System, which may be obtained from the Burroughs Corporation, Detroit, Michigan. The rules for data cards are very simple, however, and the most important are: (1) a 5 must be punched in column 1 of each data card, (2) columns 2 to 80 of each card are available for data, and (3) there is no specified format for the data values except that at least one blank column must separate numbers.
Alphanumeric heading. The first data consists of 72 characters of alphabetic and numerical (alphanumeric) information. Typically, this information might include the name of the area being studied, the name and age of the geologic formation or formations involved, and the name of the person preparing the data. When the program is executed, this information is reproduced at the top of each of the map pages (Appendix C) and elsewhere in the output pages, thus providing positive identification. Dollar signs should be placed in columns 2 and 75 of the data card, and the 72 alphanumeric characters (including blank spaces) are placed between the two dollar signs, in columns 3 to 74.
Control cards. (1) First control card:
(2) Second control card (for horizontal contoured surfaces):
(3) Third control card (for vertical surfaces intersecting x axis)
(4) Fourth control card (for vertical surfaces intersecting y axis)
(5) Fifth control card (controls residual plotting; use only if integer specifying whether data values are to be plotted is 1 on first control card):
Figure 13--Diagram showing coordinate-axis intercept values (Xr, Xl, Yb, Yt, Wb, and Wt) for six planes that form surfaces of block intersecting hypersurface. (Intercept values must be in same units as w, x, and y values of data points.)
Values for data points. Four values for each data point are needed. These are fed in, in groups of four, in the order w, x, y, and z. The values may be either wholly decimal-point numbers or wholly integers, but may not be a mixture of both decimal and integer numbers. The w, x, and y values are coordinate values in arbitrary units, which may have a dimensional sense (feet, miles, fractions of inch, etc.), but could also represent any quantity that one wishes. For most geological purposes, it is convenient to express the w values in feet (well depth for example) and the x and y values in either miles or in fractions of an inch scaled from a map. The z values may be in any convenient units. If the integer on the first control card that specifies the type of data values is 2222, all values are to be in integer form, if 4444, all values in decimal-point numbers. Please note that a maximum of 950 data points may be handled without modification of the program. However, more data points could be handled by changing the array dimensions on lines 8, 12, and 19, Appendix B.
In obtaining the w-, x-, and y-coordinate values, it is most convenient to place the origin either at the upper left rear corner of the block or at some point that is farther to the left, higher, and farther to the rear. In a conventional geological application, the w-coordinate values might be well depths, with positive values that increase downward, and the x- and y-coordinate values might represent distances scaled from an origin along east-west and north-south directions, respectively. Negative values are acceptable. Cards are to be punched as follows:
Each hypersurface is described by an equation whose constants are such that the least-squares criterion is satisfied. The method employed involves matrix inversion and is basically the same for each hypersurface, regardless of the number of terms in its equation. For illustrative purposes, only the first-degree hypersurface is considered in detail
First-degree hypersurface. The equation for a first degree hypersurface is
ztrend = A + Bw + Cx + Dy (Eq. A)
The constants A, B, C, and D of this equation are to be calculated so that the sum of the squared deviations is the least possible. The deviation at a particular point is that difference between the observed and calculated value, which may be expressed as
deviation = zobs - ztrend
Because the ztrend value is given by equation A, we may rewrite equation as follows:
deviation = zobs - (A + Bw + Cx + Dy) , or (Eq. B)
deviation = zobs - A - Bw - Cx - Dy
Proceeding further, we may express the sum of squared deviations as a function, F, of A, B, C, and D, by writing)
sum of squared deviations = F (A, B, C, D) (Eq. C)
Combining equations B and C, we obtain
F (A, B, C, D) = Σ (zobs - A - Bw - Cx - Dy )2
From this point on we will consider z to be zobs.
If F (A, B, C, D) is to be minimized, it is necessary that
δF/δA = δF/δB = δF/δC = δF/δD = 0
The partial derivatives are
δF/δA = Σ 2(z - A - Bw - Cx - Dy) (-1) = 0
δF/δB = Σ 2(z - A - Bw - Cx - Dy) (-w) = 0
δF/δC = Σ 2(z - A - Bw - Cx - Dy) (-x) = 0
δF/δD = Σ 2(z - A - Bw - Cx - Dy) (-y) = 0
Multiplication of each expression and summation over the individual terms of these four equations yields four other equations, which are
-Σz + An + BΣw + CΣx + DΣy = 0
-Σzw + AΣw + BΣw2 + cΣwx + DΣwy = 0
-Σzx + AΣx + BΣwx + CΣx2 + DΣxy = 0
-Σzy + AΣy + BΣwy + CΣxy + DΣy2 = 0
where n = number of data points.
We may rearrange these equations by placing the terms containing z on the other side to obtain four normal equations whose solution will permit us to obtain the four unknown constants, A, B, C, and D:
An + BΣw + CΣx + DΣy = Σz
AΣw + BΣw2 + CΣwx + DΣwy = Σzw
AΣx + BΣwx + CΣx2 + DΣxy = Σzx
AΣy + BΣwy + CΣxy + DΣy2 = Σzy
If a solution exists for these four linear equations, they may usually be solved by matrix algebra methods. We may restate the four normal equations by writing a single matrix equation, as follows:
In this equation, the ABCD-vector multiplied by the wxy-matrix is equal to the vector containing z. In applying this equation, observational data provide the wxy-matrix and the z-vector, allowing the ABCD-vector to be determined. This may be done by multiplying the z-vector with the inverse of the wxy-matrix, so that
Second- and third-degree hypersurfaces. Second- and third-degree hypersurfaces are fitted in essentially the same manner as first-degree hypersurfaces, and the underlying theory is the same. There are more terms in the equations describing second- and third-degree surfaces, and therefore more normal equations are needed. The matrix equation for combined linear, quadratic, and part of the cubic terms is shown in Table 6. First-degree hypersurfaces involve only the linear terms (outlined by dotted lines in Table 6), second-degree hypersurfaces involve linear plus quadratic terms (outlined with dashed lines), and third-degree hypersurfaces involve all the linear plus quadratic plus cubic terms. It should be pointed out that the cubic terms are not complete in that the cubic cross-product terms have been arbitrarily omitted to cut down on the number of steps in the program.
Table 6--Matrix equation for obtaining constants of hypersurface equations. Left column vector contains constants A to M; Square matrix contains w, x, and y elements; right column vector contains w, x, y, and z elements. First-degree matrix equation is contained within dotted lines; second-degree matrix equation is contained within dashed lines (includes first-degree elements); abbreviated third-degree matrix equation contains all elements.
Steps in computer program in solving normal equations. The summation to obtain the values for z-vector and the wxy-matrix (Table 6) is accomplished in a FOR loop (lines 55 to 129, Appendix B). Inasmuch as many elements in the matrix are duplicates of others, it is not necessary to calculate all of them by summation. Those that are duplicates are simply assigned (lines 130 to 194, Appendix B). Because the matrices and column vectors are altered each time they are used in solving the matrix equation, new matrices and new column vectors are assigned using FOR loops (lines 195 to 201) to preserve the original matrices and vectors.
In the program, solution of matrix equations is accomplished by procedure SOLV (lines 204 to 252) and binary external procedure INPROD (lines 753 to 755) which has been declared (line 203) ahead of procedure SOLV. Each time procedure SOLV is called, the identifiers and the dimensions of the matrix and the two vectors are specified (lines 253, 255, and 257. Thus, the same matrix-equation solving technique is used regardless of whether the equation pertains to first-, second-, or third-degree hypersurfaces.
The numerical values of the elements of wxy-matrix and the z-vector (Table 6), obtained by summation, are part of the output of the program (Appendix C, Part 1). Ordinarily these values are not of direct interest, but it may be helpful to scan them to ensure that the memory capacity of the computer is. not being exceeded, particularly if very large numbers for data values are involved. The equation constants are part of the output of the program (Appendix C, Part 1).
Trend and residual values are calculated for each data point employing a FOR loop (lines 259 to 275, Appendix B). The trend values are calculated successively for first-, second-, and third-degree hypersurfaces, using the appropriate equation constants calculated previously. The residual (or deviation) value at each data point is obtained by simply subtracting the trend value from the observed value. If the trend value is algebraically smaller than the observed value, the residual is positive, whereas if the trend value is algebraically greater, the residual is negative.
The w-, x-, and y-coordinate values, observed z values, and first-, second-, and third-degree trend and residual values are printed out in a table of 10 columns (Appendix C, Part 1).
Error measure. Error measure (lines 276 to 281) is defined as the sum of the squared residual values, divided by the number of data points, less one, which may be expressed as follows:
EM = Σ(zobs - ztrend)2 / (n-1)
Error measure is thus a measure of the degree to which the calculated trend approaches the observed data values. A perfectly fitted trend would have an error measure of zero.
Sum of Squares. The sums of squares associated with the linear, quadratic, and abbreviated cubic trend components, and with deviations from these components are calculated (lines 286 to 297, 305). These values may be used to determine confidence levels associated with the components by analysis of variance.
Percent of total sum of squares. Another measure of the degree to which the trend approaches the observed data is the percent of total sum of squares (lines 298 to 304). The percent of total sum of squares may be defined algebraically as:
The percent of total sum of squares may vary from only a few percent to almost 100 percent. A value of 100 percent would indicate a perfect fit of the trend to the observed data.
The program provides for calculation of four-dimensional hypervolumes within the hypersurfaces between specified limits. If four-dimensional hypervolume is divided by three-dimensional volume, an average value of z is obtained in which the spatial locations of the z data values weight or influence the average. A spatially weighted average calculated in this manner may, in some cases, be more meaningful than the conventional arithmetic mean, particularly where the data values are very irregular and contain extremes. A suggested geological application would be in calculating average porosity values in limestone oil reservoirs, where porosity values obtained by core analysis may be highly erratic.
To explain the principle of this method, analogies have been drawn between calculation of weighted averages where two, three, and four variables are involved (Fig. 14). Consider the problem of obtaining a weighted average of z, where z is a function of x. We may represent the function by a curve (Fig. 14A), and if we wish to calculate the average value of z between limits x1 and x2, we find the area beneath the curve between these limits and then divide by the distance between x1 and x2. Inasmuch as z is expressed as a function of x, the area beneath the curve is obtained by evaluating the integral of the function between the limits x1 and x2. Thus, the average of z is the average height of the curve above the x axis between the limits.
Figure 14--Diagrams and generalized equations showing how spatially weighted average values may be obtained by integration and division where two (A), three (B), and four (C) variables are involved.
Consider now the problem of calculating a weighted average of z where three variables are involved, and z may be expressed as a function of x and y. Whitten (1962) has discussed the theory of the method in detail. Inasmuch as three variables are involved, a surface (Fig. 14B) rather than a line represents z as a function of x and y. We may think of the weighted average value of z as being the average height of the surface above the x-y plane between the specified limits x1 to x2 and y1 to y2. To obtain the weighted average we calculate the volume between the surface, the x-y plane, and the four planes specified by x1, x2, y1, and y2. We then divide this volume by the area in the x-y plane within the limits. The volume is obtained by double integration and evaluation of the integral between the limits.
We may now consider the problem of obtaining a weighted average where four variables are involved, and z may be expressed as a function of w, x, and y and is represented by a hypersurface. The volume within a four-dimensional hypersurface is a four-dimensional hypervolume. When the hypervolume is divided by three-dimensional volume, a weighted average of z is obtained. The principles are the same as with a lesser number of variables. The hypervolume is obtained by evaluation of the triple integral (Fig. 14C) between the three pairs of limits, w1 to w2, x1 to x2, and y1 to y2.
Hypervolume within a first-degree hypersurface. The mathematical steps in obtaining hypervolume within a first-degree hypersurface are outlined below. Hypervolumes within higher-degree hypersurfaces are obtained in the same way, except that the equations have more terms.
The hypervolume within a hypersurface is given by the indefinite triple integral
∫ dw ∫ dx ∫ z dy,
where z is a function of w, x, and y:
z = f(w, x, y)
For a first-degree hypersurface, the function is
z = A + Bw + Cx + Dy
Substituting in this function, we obtain the indefinite triple integral
∫ dw ∫ dx ∫ (A + Bw + Cx + Dy) dy
Integrating with respect to y, we obtain
∫ dw {∫ [Ay + Bwy + Cxy + 1/2 Dy2] dx } dw.
In turn, integrating with respect to x, we obtain
∫ {Axy + Bwxy + 1/2 Cx2 y + 1/2 Dxy2 } dw
and finally, integrating with respect to w, we obtain
Awxy + 1/2 Bw2xy + 1/2 Cwx2y + 1/2 Dwxy2.
We may determine the actual hypervolume by evaluation of the definite integral between specified limits. The general form of the definite triple integral, where z is a function of w, x, and y, may be written
∫w2w1 dw ∫x2x1 dx ∫y2y1 dy
in which the limits represent the values of w, x, and y at the edges of the block in which the hypervolume is to be calculated (Fig. 14C). Thus, the hypervolume is obtained when the equation above is evaluated between these limits by substituting the following values for w, x, and y (lines 355, 358, 361):
w = w2 - w1
x = x2 - x1
y = y2 - y1
w2 = w22 - w22
x2 = x22 - x22
y2 = y22 - y22
The hypervolume between these limits (lines 361 to 365) is given by
Volume = A[(w2 - w1)(x2 - x1)(y2 - y1)]
+ 1/2 B[(w22 - w12)(x2 - x1)(y2 - y1)]
+ 1/2 C[(w2 - w1)(x22 - x12)(y2 - y1)]
+ 1/2 D[(w2 - w1)(x2 - x1)(y22 - y12)]
Hypervolume within second- and third-degree hypersurfaces. The volume within a second-degree hypersurface (lines 355, 356, 358, 359, 361, 362, 367 to 372) is given by the equation:
Volume = A[(w2 - w1) (x2 - x1) (y2 - y1)]
+ 1/2 B[(w22 - w12)(x2 - x1)(y2 - y1)]
+ 1/2 C[(w2 - w1)(x22 - x12)(y2 - y1)]
+ 1/2 D[(w2 - w1)(x2 - x1)(y22 - y12)]
+ 1/3 E[(w2 - w1)(x23 - x13)(y2 - y1)]
+ 1/3 F[(w2 - w1)(x2 - x1)(y23 - y13)]
+ 1/3 G[(w23 - w13)(x2 - x1)(y2 - y1)]
+ 1/4 H[(w2 - w1)(x22 - x12)(y22 - y12)]
+ 1/4 I[(w22 - w12)(x22 - x12)(y2 - y1)]
+ 1/4 J[(w22 - w12)(x2 - x1)(y22 - y12)]
The expression for hypervolume within a third-degree hypersurface (lines 354 to 363, 374 to 379) is not given here. Cubic cross-product terms have been omitted in the program for the third-degree hypersurface, cutting down substantially on the number of arithmetic operations in evaluating the expression.
A hypersurface can be visualized by passing planes through it and contouring the values of the hypersurface where they intersect the planes. In this program, planes are contoured one at a time (Appendix C, Part 2) and may be pasted together later to form a rectangular block (Fig. 15).
Figure 15--Hypersurface block constructed by pasting together surfaces on which contour bands have been printed by computer's printing machine. Numbers denoting values of edges of bands were put on by hand.
Contouring (lines 426 to 689) is accomplished by holding constant the coordinate value (w, x, or y) that specifies the plane, progressively varying the other two coordinates values, and solving for z with the equation describing the hypersurface. Values assigned to the two coordinates are progressively changed according to the spacing in columns and rows of the printed characters of the computer's printing machine (an IBM 1403 high-speed printer has been used in the examples shown).
After the value of z has been determined at a particular point on the plane on which the contours are being drawn, either a blank space or a certain character, which may be a number, letter, or other character (Table 7) is printed. The character printed depends on the value of z at that point, the reference contour value, and the contour interval value. The printed characters have been arranged so that there is little likelihood of ambiguity. The steps in calculating the values of contour lines are as follows:
For example, if the contour value is 100, and the contour interval is 10, then the contour value represented by the algebraically lower edge of the band printed with B's is 60. The reference contour value is marked by the edge of the band of $'s which faces the band of A's.
In this program, all plotting of data points is done automatically. It is possible to do this because the location of each data point is specified by the coordinate values w, x, and y. Plotting of points on an ordinary map is usually no problem because the location of any point can be specified by two coordinate values, x and y. But, plotting of points in three-dimensional space poses a problem. In this program (lines 690 to 750) points are plotted by dividing the three-dimensional block (Fig. 11A) into a series of horizontal slices (Appendix C, Part 3), each slice being of specified constant thickness. Data points within a slice are projected onto a plane and plotted as points on an ordinary map. The number of maps plotted equals the number of slices. This approach does not completely avoid the difficulty of plotting points in three-dimensional space because differences in elevation of points within a slice are ignored. However, it is a practical approach to a problem that has no simple solution.
Table 7--List of characters that correspond with contour intervals of printed contour maps. Empty places in column indicate that no character is printed.
Number of contour intervals above (+) or below (-) reference contour |
Character printed (or blank) in band, of which lower edge denotes contour value |
Number of contour intervals above (+) or below (-) reference contour |
Character printed (or blank) in band, of which lower edge denotes contour value |
-40 | T | + 1 | |
-39 | + 2 | 1 | |
-38 | S | + 3 | |
-37 | + 4 | 2 | |
-36 | R | + 5 | |
-35 | + 6 | 3 | |
-34 | Q | + 7 | |
-33 | + 8 | 4 | |
-32 | p | + 9 | |
-31 | +10 | 5 | |
-30 | O | +11 | |
-29 | +12 | 6 | |
-28 | N | +13 | |
-27 | +14 | 7 | |
-26 | M | +15 | |
-25 | +16 | 8 | |
-24 | L | +17 | |
-23 | +18 | 9 | |
-22 | K | +19 | |
-21 | +20 | 0 | |
-20 | J | +21 | |
-19 | +22 | $ | |
-18 | I | +23 | |
-17 | +24 | * | |
-16 | H | +25 | |
-15 | +26 | - | |
-14 | G | +27 | |
-13 | +28 | . | |
-12 | F | +29 | |
-11 | +30 | + | |
-10 | E | +31 | |
-9 | +32 | = | |
-8 | D | +33 | |
-7 | +34 | W | |
-6 | C | +35 | |
-5 | +36 | X | |
-4 | B | +37 | |
-3 | +38 | Y | |
-2 | A | +39 | |
-1 | |||
0 | $ |
In the program the values must be sorted before they are plotted. First, the values are sorted according to the w-coordinate values, which in a subsurface geological application would be according to depth. The values are then assigned to appropriate slices, sorted according to y-coordinate values, and finally sorted according to x-coordinate values. The data points within each slice are plotted at the approximate locations specified by their x- and y-coordinate values. The number printed for each point is located so that its right edge generally corresponds with the actual map location of the data point. Spaces between points are left blank. Of course, small errors are introduced because the numbers are confined to the printer's columns and rows, which are spaced 1/10 and 1/6 of an inch apart, respectively. Additional errors may be introduced where the points are very close together so that the printed numbers tend to overlap. Because all the characters in each line or row are printed simultaneously, printed characters cannot overlap. To avoid this mechanical problem, the location of each printed point is shifted to the right where it would tend to overlap the number representing the data point immediately to the left. At least one blank space is left between numbers, except where a minus sign is present. All numbers are truncated to integers to save space in printing.
As noted previously, thickness of the slices and the w-coordinate values of the upper surfaces of the uppermost and the lowermost slice must be specified in the input data. In the program, the original data values are plotted first, followed successively by the first-, second-, and third-degree residual values.
Each line has been arbitrarily numbered for identification at left edge of the line. In actual practice identification numbers are confined to columns 73 to 80 on the punch cards, and 2 is necessary in column 1.
[Note on web version: Code was proofread from original printed text, which was not particularly clear. There are bound to be errors.]
1 COMMENT PROGRAM 15, FITS 4TH DIMENSIONAL 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD DEGREE 2 VOLUMES BY LEAST SQUARES TO IRREGULARLY SPACED DATA POINTS, VOLUMES 3 CALCULATED BY TRIPLE INTEGRATION AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES ARE CONTOURED. 4 J.W. HARBAUGH, GEOLOGY DEPT., STANFORD $ 5 INTEGER XP(), I, J, K, L, OP, N, VERT, HOR, CV(), EL, M, W $ 6 INTEGER ARMIN, ARPLS, YDIM, WDIM, LY, LX, DIGITS, N2 $ 7 INTEGER PLTAR, PRINT, IY, IX, C= TEMP, LINE $ 8 ARRAY PRINT(3,50), IY(950), IX(950), DIGITS(50) $ 9 ARRAY PLTAR(12)= ('Z VALU','ES ORI','G DATA','1STDEG', 10 'REE RE','SIDUAL','2NDDEG','REE RE','SIDUAL','3RDDEG', 11 'REE RE','SIDUAL') $ 12 INTEGER 12 $ ARRAY 12(950)$ 13 ARRAY ARMIN(40) = (' ','A',' ','B',' ','C',' ','D',' ','E',' ','F',' 14 '','G',' ','H',' ','I',' ','J',' ','K',' ','L',' ','M',' ','N',' 15 '','O',' ','P',' ','Q',' ','R',' ','S',' ','T',') $ 16 ARRAY ARPLS(40) = ('$',' ','1',' ','2',' ','3',' ','4',' ','5',' ', 17 '6',' ','7',' ','8',' ','9',' ','0',' ','$',' ','*',' ','-',' ', 18 '.',' ','+',' ','=',' ','W',' ','X',' ','Y',' ') $ 19 ARRAY X(950,10),T(13,13),R(13), XP(950,4), T4(6,6), T10(12,12), 20 T13(15,I5), R4(4), R10(10), R(13), XP(950,4), T4(6,6), T10(12,12), 21 CV(132), LEV(20), LEX(20), LAY(20) $ 22 FORMAT FORM($K$(B$PRINT(3,I)$,I$ DIGITS(I)$),W)$ 23 OUTPUT PLOT(PLTAR((1,5(C-1))-3,5), PLTAR((1,5(C-1))-2,5), 24 PLTAR(1,5(C-2))) $ 25 FORMAT PLFT(3A6,W,W) $ 26 FORMAT RESLEV( *LOWER LEVEL OF SLICE = *,X8,2,* UPPER LEVEL *, 27 *OF SLICE = *, X8,2, W,W)$ 28 OUTPUT RESOUT (FWSTEP, FW)$ 29 START,, 30 INPUT ALPH(Al,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12) $ 31 READ ($$ ALPH) $ 32 INPUT PREF( OP, N, YDIM, HOR, XR, XL, YB, YT, WB, WT, RF, CON, 33 WDIM, PUNCHOP, RESIDOP)$ 34 READ ($$ PREF)$ 35 INPUT ELVS(EL,FOR I = (1,1,EL) $ LEV(I))$ READ ($$ ELVS)$ 36 INPUT LXVS(LX,FOR I = (1,1,LX) $ LEX(I))$ READ ($$ LXVS)$ 37 INPUT LYVS(LY,FOR I = (1,1,LY) $ LAY(I))$ READ ($$ LYVS)$ 38 IF RESIDOP EQL 1 $(INPUT RPLOTCON(LOW,STEP,HIGH)$ READ($$RPLOTCON))$ 39 YDAM = YDIM $ HAR = HOR $ 40 IF OP EQL 2222 $ 41 BEGIN 42 INPUT DATI(FOR I =(1,1,N) $ FOR J =(1,1,4) $ XP(I,J))$ 43 READ ($$ DATI) $ 44 FOR I =(1,1,N) $ FOR J =(1,1,4) $ X(I,J) = XP(I,J) S 45 END $ 46 IF OP EQL 4444 $ 47 BEGIN 48 INPUT DATD(FOR I =(1,1,N) $ FOR J =(1,1,4) $ X(I,J)) $ 49 READ ($$ DATD) $ 50 END $ 51 FOR K = (1,1,13) $ FOR L = (1,1,13) $ T(K,L) = 0.0 $ 52 FOR K = (1,1,13) $ R(K) = 0.0 $ 53 COMMENT CALCULATE VALUES FOR 13 X 13 T MATRIX ELEMENTS, EXCEPT FOR 54 THOSE VALUES THAT ARE DUPLICATES OF OTHERS, WHICH WILL BE ASSIGNED $ 55 FOR I = (1,1,N) $ 56 BEGIN 57 T(1,2) = T(1,2) + X(I,1) $ 58 T(1,3) = T(1,3) + X(I,2) $ 59 T(1,4) = T(1,4) + X(I,3) $ 60 T(1,5) = T(1,5) + (X(I,2).X(I,2)) $ 61 T(1,6) = T(1,6) + (X(I,1).X(I,3)) $ 62 T(1,7) = T(1,7) + (X(I,2).X(I,3)) $ 63 T(1,8) = T(1,8) + (X(I,1).X(I,2)) $ 64 T(1,9) = T(1,9) + (X(I,1).X(I,1)) $ 65 T(1,10) = T(1,10) + (X(I,3).X(I,3)) $ 66 T(2,5) = T(2,5) + (X(I,1).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) $ 67 T(2,6) = T(2,6) + (X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,3))) $ 68 T(2,7) = T(2,7) + (X(I,1).(X(I,2).X(I,3))) $ 69 T(2,8) = T(2,8) + (X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,2))) $ 70 T(2,9) = T(2,9) + (X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,1))) $ 71 T(2,10) = T(2,10) + (X(I,1).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 72 T(3,5) = T(3,5) + (X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) $ 73 T(3,7) = T(3,7) + (X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,3))) $ 74 T(3,10) = T(3,10) + (X(I,2).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 75 T(4,10) = T(4,10) + (X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))$ 76 T(5,5) = T(5,5) + ((X(I,2).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) $ 77 T(5,6) = T(5,6) + ((X(I,1).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).X(I,3))) $ 78 T(5,7) = T(5,7) + ((X(I,2).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).X(I,3))) $ 79 T(5,8) = T(5,8) + ((X(I,1).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) $ 80 T(5,9) = T(5,9) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) $ 81 T(5,10) = T(5,10) + ((X(I,2).X(I,2)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 82 T(6,6) = T(6,6) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 83 T(6,7) = T(6,7) + ((X(I,1).X(I,2)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 84 T(6,8) = T(6,8) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,2).X(I,3))) $ 85 T(6,10) = T(6,10) + ((X(I,1).X(I,3)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 86 T(7,10) = T(7,10) + ((X(I,2).X(I,3)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 87 T(8,9) = T(8,9) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).X(I,2))) $ 88 T(6,9) = T(6,9) + ((X(I,1).X(Il,1)).(X(I,1).X(I,3))) $ 89 T(9,9) = T(9,9) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).X(I,1))) $ 90 T(9,10) = T(9,10) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 91 T(10,l0) = T(10,10) + ((X(I,3).X(I,3)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 92 T( 5,11) = T( 5,11) + ((X(I,2).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).X(I,2).X(I,2)))) $ 93 T( 5,12) = T( 5,12) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).(X(I,2).X(I,2)))) $ 94 T( 5,13) = T( 5,13) + ((X(I,2).X(I,2)).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 95 T( 6,11) = T( 6,11) + ((X(I,1).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,3)))) $ 96 T( 6,12) = T( 6,12) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,3)))) $ 97 T( 6,13) = T( 6,13) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 98 T( 7,11) = T( 7,11) + ((X(I,2).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,3)))) $ 99 T( 7,12) = T( 7,12) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).(X(I,2).X(I,3)))) $ 100 T( 7,13) = T( 7,13) + ((X(I,2).X(I,3)).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 101 T( 8,11) = T( 8,11) + ((X(I,1).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,2)))) $ 102 T( 8,12) = T( 8,12) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,2)))) $ 103 T( 8,13) = T( 8,13) + ((X(I,1).X(I,2)).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 104 T( 9,11) = T( 9,11) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,2)))) $ 105 T( 9,12) = T( 9,12) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,1)))) $ 106 T( 9,13) = T( 9,13) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 107 T(10,11) = T(10,11) + ((X(I,2).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 108 T(10,12) = T(10,12) + ((X(I,1).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 109 T(10,13) = T(10,13) + ((X(I,3).X(I,3)).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 110 T(11,11) = T(11,11) + ((X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,2))).(X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,2)))) $ 1ll T(11,12) = T(11,12) + ((X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,1))).(X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,2)))) $ 112 T(11,13) = T(11,13) + ((X(I,2).(X(I,2).X(I,2))).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 113 T(12,12) = T(12,12) + ((X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,1))).(X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,1)))) $ 114 T(12,13) = T(12,13) + ((X(I,1).(X(I,1).X(I,1))).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 115 T(13,13) = T(13,13) + ((X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3))).(X(I,3).(X(I,3).X(I,3)))) $ 116 R(1 ) = R(1 ) + X(I,4) $ 117 R(2 ) = R(2 ) + (X(I,4).X(I,1)) $ 118 R(3 ) = R(3 ) + (X(I,4).X(I,2)) $ 119 R(4 ) = R(4 ) + (X(I,4).X(I,3)) $ 120 R(5 ) = R(5 ) + (X(I,4).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) $ 121 R(6 ) = R(6 ) + (X(I,4).(X(I,1).X(I,3))) $ 122 R(7 ) = R(7 ) + (X(I,4).(X(I,2).X(I,3))) $ 123 R(8 ) = R(8 ) + (X(I,4).(X(I,1).X(I,2))) $ 124 R(9 ) = R(9 ) + (X(I,4).(X(I,1).X(I,1))) $ 125 R(10) = R(10) + (X(I,4).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 126 R(11) = R(11) + ((X(I,4).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) $ 127 R(12) = R(12) + ((X(I,4).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).X(I,1))) $ 128 R(13) = R(13) + ((X(I,4).X(I,3)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 129 END $ 130 T(1,1) = N S 131 T(2,1) = T(1,2) $ T(1,11) = T(3,5) $ 132 T(2,2) = T(1,9) $ T(1,12) = T(2,9) $ 133 T(2,3) = T(1,8) $ T(1,13) = T(4,10) $ 134 T(2,4) = T(1,6) $ T(2,11) = T(5,8) $ 135 T(3,1) = T(1,3) $ T(2,12) = T(9,9) $ 136 T(3,2) = T(1,8) $ T(2,13) = T(6,10) $ 137 T(3,3) = T(1,5) $ T(3,l1) = T(5,5) $ 138 T(3,4) = T(1,7) $ T(3,12) = T(8,9) $ 139 T(3,6) = T(2,7) $ T(3,13) = T(1,97) $ 140 T(3,8) = T(2,5) $ T(4,l1) = T(5,7) $ 141 T(3,9) = T(2,8) $ T(4,12) = T(6,9) $ 142 T(4,1) = T(1,4) $ T(4,13) = T(10,10) $ 143 T(4,2) = T(1,6) $ T(11,1) = T(1,11) $ 144 T(4,3) = T(1,7) $ T(11,2) = T(2,11) $ 145 T(4,4) = T(1,10) $ T(11,3) = T(3,11) $ 146 T(4,5) = T(3,7) $ T(11,4) = T(4,11) $ 147 T(4,6) = T(2,10) $ T(11,5) = T(5,11) $ 148 T(4,7) = T(3,10) $ T(11,6) = T(6,11) $ 149 T(4,8) = T(2,7) $ T(11,7) = T(7,11) $ 150 T(4,9) = T(2,6) $ T(11,8) = T(8,11) $ 151 T(5,1) = T(1,5) $ T(11,9) = T(9,11) $ 152 T(5,2) = T(2,5) $ T(11,10) = T(10,11) $ 153 T(5,3) = T(3,5) $ T(12,1) = T(1,12) $ 154 T(5,4) = T(3,7) $ T(12,2) = T(2,12) $ 155 T(6,1) = T(1,6) $ T(12,3) = T(3,12) $ 156 T(6,2) = T(2,6) $ T(12,4) = T(4,12) $ 157 T(6,3) = T(2,7) $ T(12,5) = T(5,12) $ 158 T(6,4) = T(2,10) $ T(12,6) = T(6,12) $ 159 T(6,5) = T(5,6) $ T(12,7) = T(7,12) $ 260 T(7,1) = T(1,7) $ T(12,8) = T(8,12) $ 161 T(7,2) = T(2,7) $ T(12,9) = T(9,12) $ 162 T(7,3) = T(3,7) $ T(12,10) = T(10,12) $ 163 T(7,4) = T(3,10) $ T(13,1) = T(1,13) $ 164 T(7,5) = T(5,7) $ T(13,2) = T(2,13) $ 165 T(7,6) = T(6,7) $ T(13,3) = T(7,10) $ 166 T(7,7) = T(5,10) $ T(13,4) = T(4,13) $ 167 T(7,8) = T(5,6) $ T(13,5) = T(5,13) $ 168 T(7,9) = T(6,8) $ T(13,6) = T(6,13) $ 169 T(8,1) = T(1,8) $ T(13,7) = T(7,13) $ 170 T(8,2) = T(2,8) $ T(13,8) = T(8,13) $ 171 T(8,3) = T(2,5) $ T(13,9 = T(9,13) $ 172 T(8,4) = T(2,7) $ T(13,10 = T(10,23) $ 173 T(8,5) = T(5,8) $ T(12,11) = T(11,12) $ 174 T(8,6) = T(6,8) $ T(13,11) = T(11,13) $ 175 T(8,7) = T(5,6) $ T(13,12) = T(12,13) $ 176 T(8,8) = T(5,9) $ T(3,13) = T(7,10) $ 177 T(8,10) = T(6,7) $ 178 T(9,1) = T(1,9) $ 179 T(9,2) = T(2,9) $ 180 T(9,3) = T(2,8) $ 181 T(9,4) = T(2,6) $ 182 T(9,5) = T(5,9) $ 183 T(9,6) = T(6,9) $ 184 T(9,7) = T(6,8) $ 185 T(9,8) = T(8,9) $ 186 T(10,1) = T(1,10) $ 187 T(10,2) = T(2,10) $ 188 T(10,3) = T(3,10) $ 189 T(10,4) = T(4,10) $ 190 T(10,5) = T(5,10) $ 191 T(10,6) = T(6,l0) $ 192 T(10,7) = T(7,10) $ 193 T(10,8) = T(6,7) $ 194 T(10,9) = T(9,10) $ 195 FOR I = (1,1,4)$ FOR J = (1,1,4) $T4(I,J) = T(I,J) $ 196 FOR I = (1,1,13)$ FOR J = (1,1,13) $T13(I,J) = T(I,J) $ 197 FOR I = (1,1,10)$ FOR J = (1,1,10) $T10(I,J) = T(I,J) $ 198 COMMENT ASSIGN 4, 10, AND 13 PORTIONS OF COLUMN VECTOR R TO NEW VECTORS$ 199 FOR I = (1,1,4) $ R4(I) = R(I) $ 200 FOR I = (1,1,13) $ R13(I) = R(I) $ 201 FOR I = (1,1,10) $ R10(I) = R(I) $ 202 COMMENT SOLVE LINEAR MATRIX EQUATIONS OF GENERAL FORM TS = R $ 203 EXTERNAL PROCEDURE INPROD() $ 204 PROCEDURE SOLV(N$A(,),B(),Y()$SINGULAR) $ 205 BEGIN 206 COMMENT THIS IS THE METHOD OF CROUT,WITH INTERCHANGES, 207 TO SOLVE AY=B FOR Y,GIVEN A AND B. $ 208 COMMENT EXTERNAL PROCEDURE INPROD IS CALLED BY SOLV, 209 SO INPROD MUST BE AVAILABLE WHEN SOLV IS CALLED. $ 210 COMMENT SINGULAR IS THE LABEL OF THE STATEMENT TO WHICH 211 SOLV() EXITS IF A() 1S SINGULAR $ 222 COMMENT REAL A(,)B(),Y() $ 213 INTEGER I,IMAX,J,K,N $ 214 FOR K=(1,1,N) $ 215 BEGIN 216 TEMP = 0 $ 217 FOR I = (K,1,N) $ 218 BEGIN 219 XX = A(I,K) - INPROD(1,1,K-1,A(I,),A(,K)) $ 220 A(I,K) = XX $ 221 IF ASS(XX) GTR TEMP 222 BEGIN 223 TEMP = ABS(XXH $ 224 IMAX = 1 225 END 226 END $ 227 IF TEMP EQL 0.0 $ 228 GO SINGULAR $ 229 COMMENT WE HAVE FOUND THAT A(IMAX,K) IS THE LARGEST PIVOT IN COL K. 230 NOW WE INTERCHANGE ROWS K AND IMAX $ 231 IF IMAX NEQ K $ 232 BEGIN 233 FOR J = (1,1,N)$ 234 BEGIN 235 TEMP = A(K,J)$ A(K,J) = A(IMAX,J)$ A(IMAX,J) = TEMP 236 END $ 237 TEMP = B(K)$B(K) = B(IMAX)$B(IMAX) = TEMP 238 END $ 239 COMMENT NOW FOR THE ELIMINATION $ 240 DENOM = A(K,K) $ 241 FOR I =(K+1,1,N) $ 242 A(I,K) = A(I,K)/DENOM $ 243 FOR J = (K+1,1,N) $ 244 A(K,J) = A(K,J) - INPROD(1,1,K-1,A(K,),A(J)) $ 245 B(K) = B(K) - INPROD(1,1,K-1,A(K,),B()) 246 END $ 247 FOR I = (1,1,N)$ Y(I) = A(I,I) $ 248 COMMENT NOW FOR THE BACK SUBSTITUTION $ 249 FOR K = (N,-1,1) $ 250 Y(K) = (B(K) - INPROD(K+1,K+1,N-K,A(K,),Y()))/A(K,K) $ 251 RETURN 252 END SOLV() $ 253 SOLV( 4$ T4(,), R4(), Q() $ MAT6) $ 254 MAT6.. 255 SOLV(10$T10(,),R10(), S() $ MAT10) $ 256 MAT10.. 257 SOLV(13$T13(,)R13(), F() $ START) $ 258 COMMENT SUBSTITUTE W,X AND Y VALUES IN EQUATIONS OF FITTED SURFACES $ 259 FOR I = (1,1,N) $ 260 BEGIN 261 X(I,5) = Q(1) + (Q(2).X(I,1)) + (Q(3).X(I,2)) + (Q(4).X(I,3)) $ 262 X(I,6) = X(I,4) - X(I,5) $ 263 X(I,7) = S(1) + (S(2).X(I,1)) + (S(3).X(I,2)) + (S(4).X(I,3)) + 264 (S(5).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) + (S(6).(X(I,1).X(I,3))) + 265 (S(7).(X(I,2).X(I,3))) + (S(8).(X(I,1).X(I,2))) + 266 (S(9).(X(I,1).X(I,1))) + (S(10).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) + 267 X(I,8) = X(I,4) - X(I,7) $ 268 X(I,9) = F(1) + (F(2).X(I,1)) + (F(3).X(I,2)) + (F(4).X(I,3)) + 269 (F(5).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) + (F(6).(X(I,1).X(I,3))) + 270 (F(7).(X(I,2).X(I,3))) + (F(B).(X(I,1).X(I,2))) + 271 (F(9).(X(I,1).X(I,1))) + (F(10).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) + 272 ((F(11).X(I,2)).(X(I,2).X(I,2))) + ((F(12).X(I,1)).(X(I,1).X(I,1)))+ 273 ((F(13).X(I,3)).(X(I,3).X(I,3))) $ 274 X(I,10) = X(I,4) - X(I,9) $ 275 END $ 276 EM1 = EM2 = EM3 = 0.0 $ 277 FOR I = (1,1,N) $ 278 BEGIN 279 EM1 = EM1 +(X(I,6).X(I,6)) $ 280 EM2 = EM2 +(X(I,8).X(I,8)) $ 281 EM3 = EM3 +(X(I,10).X(I,10)) $ 282 END $ 283 E1 = EM1/(N-1) $ 284 E2 = EM2/(N-1) S 285 E3 = EM3/(N-1) $ 286 SMLN = LNSQ = SMQD = ODSQ = SMCB = CBSQ = SMZ = ZSQ = 0.0 $ 287 FOR I = (1,1,N) $ 288 BEGIN 289 SMLN = SMLN + X(I,5) S 290 LNSQ = LNSO + (X(I,5).X(I,5)) $ 291 SMQD = SMQD + X(I,7) $ 292 QDSQ = QDSQ + (X(I,7).X(I,7)) $ 293 SMCB = SMCB + X(I,9) $ 294 CBSQ = CBSO + (X(I,9).X(I,9)) $ 295 SMZ = SMZ + X(I,4) $ 296 ZSQ = ZSQ + (X(I,4).X(I,4)) $ 297 END $ 298 ZOR = ZSQ - ((SMZ,SMZ)/(N-1)) $ 299 PTS1 = 100.0((LNSQ-((SMLN.SMLN)/(N-1)))/ZOR) $ 300 PTS2 = 100.0((QDSQ-((SMQD.SMQD)/(N-1)))/ZOR) $ 301 PTS3 = 100.0((CBSQ-((SMCB.SMCB)/(N-1)))/ZOR) $ 302 IF PTS1 LSS 0.0 $ PTS1 = 100.0 + PTS1 $ 303 IF PTS2 LSS 0.0 $ PTS2 = 100.0 + PTS2 $ 304 IF PTS3 LSS 0.0 $ PTS3 = 100.0 + PTS3 $ 305 QDON = QDSQ - LNSQ $ CBON = CB2Q - QDSQ $ 306 OUTPUT ERMA(E1 ,E2 ,E3 ,PTS1,PTS2,PTS3) $ 307 FORMAT FMTR(*ERROR MEASURE LINEAR TREND SURFACE = *,X31.2,W,W, 308 *ERROR MEASURE QUADRATIC TREND SURFACE = *,X28.2,W,W, 309 *ERROR MEASURE CUBIC TREND SURFACE = *,X32.2,W,W, 310 *PERCENT TOTAL SUM SQUARES LINEAR SURFACE = *,X25.2,W,W, 311 *PERCENT TOTAL SUM SQUARES QUADRATIC 5URFACE = *,X22.2,W,W, 312 *PERCENT TOTAL SUM SQUARES CUBIC SURFACE = *,X26.2,W,W) $ 313 OUTPUT VAR(LNSQ, EM1, QDSQ, QDON, EM2, CBSQ, EM3, CBON ) $ 314 FORMAT FVAR(*SUM OF SQUARES DUE LINEAR COMPONENT = *,X30,2,W4,W, 315 *SUM OF SQUARED DEVIATIONS FROM LINEAR = *,X28.2,W,W, 316 *SUM OF SQUARES DUE LINEAR + QUADRATIC COMPONENT = *,Xl8.2, 317 W,W,*SUM OF SQUARES DUE TO QUADRATIC ALONE = *,X28.2,W,W, 318 *SUM OF SQUARED DEVIATIONS FROM LINEAR + QUADRATIC = *, 319 X16.2,W,W, 320 *SUM OF SQUARES DUE LINEAR+QUADRATIC+CUBIC = *,X24,2,W,W, 321 *SUM OF SQUARED DEVIATIONS FROM LINEAR+QUADRATIC+CUBIC = *, 322 X12.2,W,W, 323 *SUM OF SQUARES DUE CUBIC ALONE = *,X35,2,W, W)$ 324 AZM = R(1)/N $ 325 OUTPUT ALPHA(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12) $ 326 OUTPUT ODS1(FOR I = (1,1,N) $ FOR J = (1,1,10) $ X(I,J)) $ 327 FORMAT FMTA(12A6,W3,W) $ 328 OUTPUT C03(FOR J = (1,1,4) $ Q(J)), 329 C06(FOR J = (1,1,10) $ S(J)), 330 C10(FOR J = (1,1,13) $ F(J)) $ 331 FORMAT CF3(W,*EQUATION COEFFICIENTS *,W,*LINEAR, Z = *,X12.5,*+*, 332 X12.7,*W + *,X12.7,*X + *,X12.7,*Y*,W,W), 333 CF6(*LIN + QUAD, Z = *,X12.5,* + *,X12.7,*W + *,X12.7,*X + *,X12.7, 334 *Y + *,X12.8,*X2 + *,X12.8,*WY + *,X12.8,*XY*,W,W,B10, 335 * + *,X12.8,*WX + *,X12.8,*W2 + *,X12.8,*Y2*,W,W), 336 CF10(*LIN + QUAD + CUB, Z = *,X12.5,* + *,X12.7,*W + *,X12.7,*X + *, 337 X12.7,*Y + *,X12.8,*X2 + *,X12.8,*WY*,W,W,B10,* + *,X12.8,*XY + *, 338 X12.8,*WX + *,X12.8,*W2 + *,X12.8,*Y2 + *,X12.8,*X3 + *,X12.8, 339 *W3 + *,X12.8,*Y3*,W,W) $ 340 FORMAT HED(W,*WCOORD *, 341 *XCOORD YCOORD Z-VALUE 1ST-TRD 1ST-RSD 2ND-TRD 2ND-RSD*, 342 * 3RD-TRD 3RD-RSD*,W,W) $ 343 FORMAT FMT1(*5*, X7.1, 9X8.l, W) $ 344 FORMAT FMT2(*5*, X7.1, 9X8.1, C) $ 345 FORMAT FMTAP(*5$*, 12A6, *$*, W) $ 346 WRITE ($$ ALPHA, FMTA) $ 347 FORMAT JIM(*13 X 13 (X,Y) MATRIX VALUES *,W,W) $ WRITE ($$ JIM) $ 348 OUTPUT TRAY(FOR I = (1,1,13)$ FOR J = (1,1,13) $ T(I,J)) $ 349 FORMAT FTRA(W,13F10.3,W) $ 350 WRITE ($$ TRAY,FTRA) $ 351 FORMAT JOE(W,*1 X 13 COLUMN VECTOR VALUES*,W,W) $ WRITE ($$ JOE) $ 352 OUTPUT RAR(FOR I = (1,1,13) $ R(1)) $ WRITE ($$ RAR, FTRA) $ 353 WRITE ($$ C03, CF3) $ WRITE ($$ C06, CF6)$ WRITE ($$ C10, CF10) $ 354 WRITE (S$ ERMA, FMTR) $ WRITE '$$ VAR, FVAR) $ 355 WD1 = WB - WBT $ WD2 = (WB.WB) - (WT.WT) $ 356 WD3 = (WB.(WB.WB)) - (WT.(WT.WT)) $ 357 WD4 = ((WB.WB).(WB.WB)) - ((WT.WT).(WT.WT)) $ 358 XD1 = XR - XL $ XD2 = (XR.XR) - (XL.XL) $ 359 XD3 = (XR.(XR.XR)) - (XL.(XL.XL)) $ 360 XD4 = ((XR.XR).(XR.XR)) - ((XL.XL).(XL.XL)) $ 361 YD1 = YB - YT $ YD2 = (YB.YB) - (YT.YT) $ 362 YD3 = (YB.(YB.YB)) - (YT.(YT.YT)) $ 363 YD4 = ((YB.YB).(YB.YB)) - ((YT.YT).(YT.YT)) $ 364 AR = WD1.(XD1.YD1) $ 365 VLN = ((Q(1).WD1).(XD1.YD1)) + (((0.5).Q(2)).(WD2.(XD1.YD1))) 366 +(((0.5).Q(3)).(WD1.(XD2.YD1))) + (((0.5).Q(4)).(WDI.(XD1.YD2)))$ 367 VQD = ((S(1).WD1).(XD1.YD1)) + (((0.5).S(2)).(WD2.(XD1.YD1))) 368 +(((0.5).S(3)).(WD1.(XD2.YD1))) + (((0.5). S(4)).(WD1.(XD1.YD2))) 369 +(((O.3333).S(5)).(WD1.(XD3.YD1))) + (((0.25).S(6)).(WD2.(XD1.YD2))) 370 +(((0.25).S(7)).(WD1.(XD2.YD2))) + (((0.25).S(8)).(WD2.(XD2.YD1))) 371 +(((0.3333).S(9)).(WD3.(XD1.YD1))) 372 +(((0.3333).S(10)).(WD1.(XDl.YD3))) $ 373 VCB = ((F(1).WD1).(XD1.YD1)) + (((0.5).F(2)).(WD2.(XD1.YD1))) + 374 (((0.5).F(3)).(WD1.(XD2.YD1))) + (((0.5).F(4)).(WD1.(XD1.YD2))) + 375 (((0.3333).F(5)).(WD1.(XD3.YD1))) + (((0.25).F(6)).(WD2.(XD1.YD2))) + 376 (((0.25).F(7)).(WD1.(XD2.YD2))) + (((0.25).F(8)).(WD2.(XD2.YD1))) + 377 (((0.3333).F(9)).(WD3.(XD1.YD1)))+ (((0.3333).F(10)).(WD1.(XD1.YD3))) + 378 (((0.25).F(11)).(WD1.(XD4.YD1))) + (((0.25).F(12)).(WD4.(XD1.YD1))) + 379 (((0.25).F(13)).(WD1.(XD1.YD4))) $ 380 AZ1 = VLN/AR $ AZ2 = VQD/AR $ 381 AZ3 = VCB/AR $ 382 OUTPUT VOL(VLN, VQD, VCB, AZM, AZ1, AZ2, AZ3, AR) $ 383 FORMAT FMVL(W,*VOLUME WITHIN LINEAR SURFACE = *,B8,X12.2,W,W, 384 *VOLUME WITHIN LIN + QUAD SURFACE = *,B6,X12.2,W,W, 385 *VOLUME WITHIN LIN + QUAD + CUB SURFACE = *,B2,X12.2,W,W, 386 *ARITH. MEAN Z, = SUM OF Z VALUES/N = *,X11.2,W,W, 387 *AVERAGE Z VALUE, LINEAR SURFACE = *,B6,X12.2,W,W, 388 *AVERAGE Z VALUE, LIN + QUAD SURFACE = *,B4,X12.2,W,W, 389 *AVERAGE Z VALUE, LIN + QUAD + CUB SURFACE = *,X12.2,W,W, 390 *VOL OF BLOCK IN CUBED UNITS*,B11,X12.2,W,W) $ 391 WRITE ($$ VOL, FMVL) $ 392 WRITE (S$ ALPHA, FMTAP) $ 393 WRITE ($$ HED) $ 394 IF PUNCHOP EQL 1 $ WRITE ($$ ODS1, FMT1) $ 395 IF PUNCHOP EQL 2 $ WRITE ($$ ODS1, FMT2) $ 396 COMMENT CALCULATE DX AND DY, AND SUBSTITUTE PROGRESSIVELY INCREAS+NG 397 VALUES OF X AND Y MAP VALUES IN FITTING EQUATIONS AND CONTOUR $ 398 VERT = (0.603).YDIM $ WDIM = '0.603).WDIM $ 399 DW = (WB - WT)/WDIM $ KY = (YB - YT)/YDIM $ 400 DX = (XR - XL)/HOR $ 401 DY (YB - YT)/VERT $ 402 OUTPUT CNDATA(XL, XR, YT, YB, RF, CON, LEV(K)) $ 403 FORMAT CONDAT(*X VALUE LEFT EDGE OF MAP = *,X9.1, 404 *X VALUE RIGHT EDGE OF MAP = *,X8.1, 405 *Y VALUE TOP EDGE OF MAP = *,X8.1,W, 406 *Y VALUE BOTTOM EDGE OF MAP = *,X7.1, 407 *REFERENCE CONTOUR VALUE = *,X9.1, 408 *CONTOUR INTERVAL = *,X13.2,W, 409 *ELEVATION OF MAP DATUM = *,X11.1,W,W) $ 410 OUTPUT LXDATA(LEX(K), WT, WB, YB, YT, CON) $ 411 FORMAT LXFMT(*VERTICAL PROFILE PARALLEL TO W-Y PLANE AND INTERSECTING* 412 ,* X AXIS AT *,X10.1,W, 413 *W VALUE TOP EDGE OF PROFILE = *,X7.1,B7, 414 *W VALUE BOTTOM EDGE OF PROFILE = *,X7.1,B4, 415 *Y VALUE LEFT EDGE OF PROFILE = *,X7.1,W, 416 *Y VALUE RIGHT EDGE OF PROFILE = *,X7.1,B10, 417 *CONTOUR INTERVAL = *,X6.2,W,W) $ 418 OUTPUT LYDATA(LAY(K), WT, WB, XL, XR, CON) $ 419 FORMAT LYFMT(*VERTICAL PROFILE PARALLEL TO W-X PLANE AND INTERSECTING* 420 ,*Y AXIS AT *,X10.l,W, 421 *W VALUE TOP EDGE OF PROFILE = *,X7.1,B7, 422 *W VALUE BOTTOM EDGE OF PROFILE = *,X7.1,B4, 423 *X VALUE LEFT EDGE OF PROFILE = *,X7.1,W, 424 *X VALUE RIGHT EDGE OF PROFILE = *,X7.1,B10, 425 *CONTOUR INTERVAL = *,X6.2,W,W) $ 426 W = 1 $ 427 CALZ1.. 428 I = 1 $ K = 1 $ 429 IF W GEQ 4 $ GO PROFILEX $ 430 IF W EQL 1 $ 431 BEGIN 432 LAB3.. 433 WRITE ($$ ALPHA, FMTA) $ 434 FORMAT OHED1(*CONTOURS OF LINEAR TREND VOLUME *,W ) $ 435 WRITE ($$ ZHED1) $ 436 WRITE ($$ CNDATA,CONDAT) $ 437 BQ = Q(1) + (Q(2).LEV(K)) + (Q(3).XL) $ 438 BQ1 = Q(3).DX $ 439 CALZ3.. 440 BQ2 = (Q(4).(YT + (DY.I))) + BQ $ 441 FOR A = ( $ 442 Z(A) = BQ2 + (A.BQ1) $ 443 GO CONTOUR $ 444 END $ 445 IF W EOL 2 $ 446 BEGIN 447 LAB4.. 448 WRITE ($$ ALPHA,FMTA) $ 449 FORMAT ZHED2(*CONTOURS OF LINEAR + QUADRATIC TREND VOLUME *,W) $ 450 WRITE ($$ ZHED2) $ 451 WRITE ($$ CNDATA,CONDAT) 452 BS1 = S(3).DX $ 453 BS2 = S(5).(2XL.DX) $ 454 BS3 = S(5).(DX.DX) $ 455 BS5 = S(8).(LEV(K).DX) $ 456 CALZ4.. 457 BSY = YT + (DY.I) $ 458 BS4 = S(7).(BSY.DX) $ 459 BS = S(1) + (S(2).LEV(K)) + (S(3).XL) + (S(4).BSY) + 460 (S(5).(XL.XL)) + (S(6).(LEV(K).BSY)) + (S(7).(BSY.XL)) + 461 (S(8).(LEV(K).XL)) + (S(9).(LEV(K).LEV(K))) + 462 (S(10).(BSY.BSY)) $ 463 BSA = BS1 + BS2 + BS4 + BS5 $ 464 FOR A = (1.0,1.0,HAR) $ 465 Z(A) = BS + (A.BSA) + (BS3.(A.A)) $ 466 GO CONTOUR $ 467 END $ 468 IF W EQL 3 $ 469 BEGIN 470 LAB5.. 471 WRITE ($$ ALPHA, FMTA) $ 472 FORMAT ZHED3(*CONTOURS OF LINEAR + QUADRATIC + CUBIC TREND *, 473 *VOLUME *,W) $ 474 WRITE ($$ ZHED3) $ 475 WRITE ($$ CNDATA,CONDAT) $ 476 BT1 = F(3).DX $ 477 BT2 = F(5).(2XL.DX) $ 478 BT3 = F(5).(DX.DX) $ 479 BT5 = F(8).(LEV(K).DX) $ 480 BT6 = F(11).(3XL.(XL.DX)) $ 481 BT7 = F(11).(3XL.(DX.DX)) $ 482 BT8 = F(11).(DX.(DX.DX)) $ 483 BTAA = BT3 + BT7 $ 484 CALZ5.. 485 BTY = YT + (DY.I) $ 486 BT4 = F(7).(BTY.DX) $ 487 BT = F(1) + (F(2).LEV(K)) + (F(3).XL) + (F(4).BTY) + 488 (F(5).(XL.XL)) + (F(6).(LEV(K).BTY)) + (F(7).(BTY.XL)) + 489 (F(8).(LEV(K).XL)) + (F(9).(LEV(K).LEV(K))) + 490 (F(10).(BTY.BTY)) + (F(11).(XL.(XL.XL))) + 491 (F(12).(LEV(K).(LEV(K).LEV(K)))) + (F(13).(BTY.(BTY.BTY))) $ 492 BTA = BT1 + BT2 + BT4 + BT5 + BT6 $ 493 FOR A = (1.0,1.0,HAR) $ 494 Z(A) = BT + (A.BTA) + (BTAA.(A.A)) + (BT8.(A.(A.A))) $ 495 GO CONTOUR $ 496 END $ 497 CONTOUR.. 498 FOR J = (1,1,HOR) $ 499 BEGIN 500 IF Z(J) LSS RF $ 501 BEGIN 502 CV(J) = ARMIN(MOD(FIX((RF-Z(J))/CON),40) + 1) $ 503 GO THERE $ 504 END $ 505 CV(J) = ARPLS(MOD(FIX((Z(J)-RF)/CON),40) + 1) $ 506 THERE.. END $ 507 OUTPUT ODCV(FOR J = (1,1,HOR) $ CV(J)) $ 508 FORMAT FTCV(132A1,W) $ 509 WRITE ($$ ODCV,FTCV) $ 510 I = I + 1 $ 511 IF (W EQL 1) AND (I LEQ VERT) $ GO CALZ3 $ 512 IF (W EQL 2) AND (I LEQ VERT) $ GO CALZ4 $ 513 IF (W EQL 3) AND (I LEQ VERT) $ GO CALZ5 $ 514 K = K + 1 $ 515 IF (W EQL 1) AND (K LEQ EL) $ (I = 1 $ GO LAB3) $ 516 IF (W EQL 2) AND (K LEQ EL) $ (I = 1 $ GO LAB4) $ 517 IF (W EQL 3) AND (K LEQ EL) $ (I = 1 $ GO LAB5) $ 518 W = W + 1 $ GO CALZ1 $ 519 PROFILEX.. 520 W = 1 $ 521 CALX1.. 522 I = 1 $ K = 1 $ 523 IF W GEQ 4 $ GO PROFILEY $ 524 IF W EQL 1 $ 525 BEGIN 526 LABX3.. 527 WRITE ($$ ALPHA, FMTA) $ WRITE ($$ ZHED1) $ 528 WRITE ($$ LXDATA, LXFMT) $ 529 BXA2 = Q(4).KY $ 530 BXA1 = Q(1) + (Q(2).WT) + (Q(3).LEX(K)) + (Q(4).YB) $ 531 CALX3.. 532 BXA3 = BXA1 + (Q(2).(DW.I)) $ 533 FOR A = (1.0,1.0,YDAM) $ 534 Z(A) = BXA3 - (A.BXA2) $ 535 GO KONTOUR1 $ 536 END $ 537 IF W EQL 2 $ 538 BEGIN 539 LABX4.. 540 WRITE ($$ ALPHA, FMTA) 4 WRITE ($$ ZHED2) $ 541 WRITE ($$ LXDATA, LXFMT) $ 542 BX0 = S(1) + (S(3).LEX(K)) + (S(4).YB) + (S(5).(LEX(K).LEX(K))) + 543 (S(7).(LEX(K).YB)) + (S(10).(YB.YB)) $ 544 BX1 = S(4).KY $ 545 BX3 = S(7).(LEX(K).KY) $ 546 BX4 = S(10).(2YB.KY) $ 547 BX5 = S(10).(KY.KY) $ 548 BTX1 = S(2) + (S(6).YB) + (S(8).LEX(K)) $ 549 CALX4.. 550 BTX = WT + (DW.I) $ 551 BX2 = (S(6).(BTX.KY)) $ 552 BTQ = (BTX1.BTX) + (S(9).(BTX.BTX)) + BX0 $ 553 BTX2 = BX1 + BX2 + BX3 + BX4 $ 554 FOR A = (l.0,l.0,YDAM) $ 555 Z(A) = -(A.BTX2) + (((A.A).BX5) + BTQ) $ 556 GO KONTOUR1 $ 557 END $ 558 IF W EQL 3 $ 559 BEGIN 560 LABX5.. 561 WRITE (S$ ALPHA, FMTA) $ WRITE ($$ ZHED3) $ 562 WRITE ($$ LXDATA, LXFMT) $ 563 BD0 = F(1) + (F(3).LEX(K)) + (F(4).YB) + (F(5).(LEX(K).LEX(K))) 564 + (F(7).(LEX(K).YB)) + (F(10).(YB.YB)) + (F(11).(LEX(K). 565 (LEX(K).LEX(K)))) + (F(13).(YB.(YB.YB))) $ 566 BD1 = F(2) + (F(6).YB) + (F(8).LEX(K)) $ 567 BD2 = (F(4).KY) $ 568 BD4 = (F(7).(LEX(K).KY)l $ 569 BD5 = 2(F(10).(YB.KY)) $ 570 BD6 = F(10).(KY.KY) $ 571 BD7 = 3(F(13).(YB.(YB.KY))) $ 572 BD8 = 3(F(13).(YB.(KY.KY))) $ 573 BD9 = F(13).(KY.(KY.KY)) $ 574 CALX5.. 575 BDX WT + (DW.I) $ 576 BD10 = BD2 + (F(6).(BDX.KY)) + BD4 + BD5 + BD7 $ 577 BD11 = BD6 + BD8 $ 578 BD12 = (BD1.BDX)+ BD0 +(F(9).(BDX.BDX)) + (F(12).(BDX.(BDX.BDX))) $ 579 FOR A =(1.0,1.0,YDAM) $ 580 Z(A) = BD12 - (A.BD10) + ((A.A).BD11) - ((A.BD9).(A.A)) $ 581 GO KONTOUR1 $ 582 END $ 583 KONTOUR1.. 584 FOR J = (1,1,YDIM) $ 585 BEGIN 586 IF Z(J) LSS RF S 587 BEGIN 588 CV(J) = ARMIN(MOD(FIX((RF-Z(J))/CON),40) + 1) $ 589 GO HERE $ 590 END $ 591 CV(J) = ARPLS(MOD(FIX((Z(J)-RF)/CON),40) + 1) $ 592 HERE.. END $ 593 OUTPUT OCDX(FOR J = (1,1, YDIM) $ CV(J)) $ 594 WRITE ($$ OCDX, FTCV) $ 595 I = I + 1 $ 596 IF (W EQL 1) AND (I LEQ WDIM) $ GO CALX3 $ 597 IF (W EQL 2) AND (I LEQ WDIM) $ GO CALX4 $ 598 IF (W EQL 3) AND (I LEQ WDIM) $ GO CALX5 $ 599 K = K + 1 $ 600 IF (W EQL 1) AND (K LEQ LX) $ (I = 1 $ GO LABX3) $ 601 IF (W EQL 2) AND (K LEQ LX) $ (I = 1 $ GO LABX4) $ 602 IF (W EQL 3) AND (K LEQ LX) $ (I = 1 $ GO LABX5) $ 603 W = W + 1 $ GO CALX1 $ 604 PROFILEY.. 605 W = 1 $ 606 CALY1.. 607 I = 1 $ K = 1 $ 608 IF W GEQ 4 $ GO PLOTRESID $ 609 IF W EQL 1 $ 610 BEGIN 611 LABY3.. 612 WRITE ($$ ALPHA, FMTA) $ WRITE ($$ ZHEDL) $ 613 WRITE ($$ LYDATA, LYFMT) $ 614 BL1 = Q(1) +(Q(3).XL) + (Q(4).LAY(K)) $ 615 BL2 = Q(3).DX $ 616 CALY3.. 617 BL3 = ((WT +(DW.I)).Q(2)) + BL1 $ 618 FOR A = (1.0,1.0,HAR) $ 619 Z(A) = BL3 + (A.BL2) $ 620 GO KONTOUR2 $ 621 END $ 622 IF W EQL 2 $ 623 BEGIN 624 LABY4.. 625 WRITE ($$ ALPHA, FMTA) $ WRITE ($$ ZHED2) $ 626 WRITE ($$ LYDATA, LYFMT) $ 627 BN1 = S(1) + (S(3).XL) + (S(4).LAY(K)) + (S(5).(XL.XL)) + 628 (S(7).(LAY(K).XL)) + (S(10).(LAY(K).LAY(K))) $ 629 BN2 = S(3).DX $ 630 BN3 = S(5).(2.(XL.DX)) $ 631 BN4 = S(5).(DX.DX) $ 632 BN5 = S(7).(LAY(K).DX) $ 633 BN6 = BN2 + BN3 + BNS $ 634 CALY4.. 635 BTX = WT +(DW.I) $ 636 BN8 =(S(8).(BTX.DX)) + BN6 $ 637 BN9 = BN1 + (S(6).(BTX.LAY(K))) + (S(8).(BTX.XL)) + 638 (S(9).(BTX.BTX)) + (S(2).BTX) $ 639 FOR A = (l.0,1.0,HAR) $ 640 Z(A) = BN9 + (A.BN8) + ((A.A).BN4) $ 641 GO KONTOUR2 $ 642 END $ 643 IF W EQL 3 $ 644 BEGIN 645 LABY5.. 646 WRITE ($$ ALPHA, FMTA) $ WRITE ($$ ZHED3) $ 647 WRITE ($$ LYDATA, LYFMT) $ 648 BRO = F(1) + (F(3).XL) + (F(4).LAY(K)) + 649 (F(5).(XL.XL)) + (F(7).(LAY(K).XL)) + (F(10).(LAY(K).LAY(K))) 650 +(F(11).(XL.(XL.XL))) + (F(13).(LAY(K).(LAY(K).LAY(K)))) $ 651 BR1 = F(3).DX $ 652 BR2 = 2(F(5).(XL.DX)) $ 653 BR3 = F(S).(DX.DX) $ 654 BR4 = F(7).(LAY(K).DX) $ 655 BR6 = 3(F(11).(XL.(XL.DX))) $ 656 BR7 = 3(F(11).(XL.(DX.DX))) $ 657 BR8 = F(11).(DX.(DX.DX)) $ 658 BR9 = BR1 + BR2 + BR4 + BR6 $ 659 BR10 = BR3 + BR7 $ 660 CALY5.. 661 BDX = WT + (DW.I) $ 662 BR11 = BR9 + (F(8).(BDX.DX)) $ 663 BR12 = (BDX.(F(2) + (F(6).LAY(K)) + (F(8).XL) + (F(9).BDX) + 664 (F(12).(BDX.BDX)))) + BR0 $ 665 FOR A = (1.0,1.0,HAR) $ 666 Z(A) = BR12 + (A.BR11) + ((A.A).BR10) + ((A.A).(A.BR8)) $ 667 GO KONTOUR2 $ 668 END $ 669 KONTOUR2.. 670 FOR J = (1,1,HOR) $ 671 BEGIN 672 IF Z(J) LSS RF $ 673 BEGIN 674 CV(J) = ARMIN(MOD(FIX((RF-Z(J))/CON),40) +1) $ 675 GO THER $ 676 END $ 677 CV(J) = ARPLS(MOD(FIX((Z(J)-RF)/CON),40)+1) $ 678 THER.. END $ 679 OUTPUT ODCY(FOR J = (1,1,HOR) $ CV(J)) $ 680 WRITE ($$ ODCY,FTCV) $ 681 I = I + 1 $ 682 IF (W EQL 1) AND (I LEQ WDIM) S GO CALY3 $ 683 IF (W EQL 2) AND (I LEQ WDIM) $ GO CALY4 $ 684 IF (W EQL 3) AND (I LEQ WDIM) $ GO CALY5 $ 685 K = K + 1 $ 686 IF (W EQL 1) AND (K LEQ LY) $ (I = 1 $ GO LABY3)$ 687 IF (W EQL 2) AND (K LEQ LY) $ (I = 1 $ GO LABY4)$ 688 IF (W EQL 3) AND (K LEQ LY) $ (I = 1 $ GO LABY5)$ 689 W = W + 1 $ GO CALY1 $ 690 PLOTRESID.. 691 IF RESIDOP NEQ 1 $ GO START $ 692 OUTPUT OUT(FOR I = (1,1,K) $ PRINT(2,1)) $ 693 FOR I = (1,1,N) $ 694 BEGIN 695 IY(I) = X(I,3)/DY $ 696 IX(I) = X(I,2)/DX $ 697 END $ 698 FOR C = (4,2,10) $ 699 BEGIN 700 FOR FW = (LOW, STEP, HIGH) $ 701 BEGIN J = 0 $ 702 FOR I = (1,1,N) $ 703 BEGIN IF (X(I,1) GEQ FW) AND (X(I,1) LSS(FW + STEP)) $ 704 BEGIN J = J + 1 $ 12(J) = I $ END$ END$ 705 N2 = J $ 706 FWSTEP = FW + STEP $ 707 WRITE ($$ ALPHA,FMTA)$ WRITE ($$ PLOT, PLFT) $ WRITE($$RESOUT.RESLEV) $ 708 FOR LINE = (1,1,VERT) $ 709 BEGIN 710 K = 0 $ 711 FOR I = (1,1,N2) $ 712 BEGIN 713 J = 12(1) $ 714 IF IY(J) EQL LINE $ 715 BEGIN 716 K = K + 1 $ 717 PRINT(1,K) = IX(J) $ 716 PRINT(2,K) = X(J,C) $ 719 DIGITS(K) = 0.4343.LOG((QQQ = ABS(X(J.C))) + (QQQ LSS 1.0 720 )) + 2 $ 721 END $ 722 END $ 723 FOR I = (2.1.K) $ FOR J = (1,1,I-1) $ 724 BEGIN 725 IF PRINT(1,I) LSS PRINT(1,J) $ 726 BEGIN 727 FOR L = 1,2 $ 728 BEGIN 729 TEMP = PRINT(L,J) $ 730 PRINT(L,J) = PRINT(L,I) $ 731 PRINT(L,I) = TEMP $ 732 END $ 733 TEMP = DIGITS(J) $ DIGITS(J) = DIGITS(I) $ 734 DIGITS(I) = TEMP $ 735 END $ 736 END $ 737 FOR I = (2,1,K) $ PRINT(3,I) = 0 $ 738 PRINT(3,1) = PRINT(1,1) - DIGITS(1) $ 739 FOR I = (2,1,K) $ 740 BEGIN 741 IF PRINT(3,I-1) LSS 0 $ 742 BEGIN 743 PRINT(3,I) = PRINT(3,I-1) $ 744 PRINT(3,I-1) = 0 $ 745 END $ 746 PRINT(3,I) = PRINT(l,I) + PRINT(3,I) - PRINT(1,I-1) 747 - DIGITS(I) $ 748 END $ 749 WRITE ($$ OUT, FORM) $ 750 END $ 751 END $ END $ 752 GO START $ FINISH $ 753 1 ((G 7 ()G 754 J ,X)*PE.2 9 '76'75'7447 '7X'76 7 77X'75 449' 7448' '4 '' 9' '4 '' 9' 755 J7((*P'- 74'G 04'9 '76 75 6 '06705'-4'76 75 74 549 756 FINISH $
Example of output from program, listing (1) values of elements in matrix and column vector, (2) equation coefficients, (3) statistical measures of hypersurfaces, (4) hypervolumes and spatially weighted averages of z within hypersurfaces, and (5) table of values for data points, listing original data, and trend and residual values.
4-VARIABLE RELATIONS OIL GRAVITY, WELL DEPTH, GEOG LOC IN SE KANSAS 13 X 13 (X,Y) MATRIX VALUES 2.44, 02 5.69, 03 7.44, 02 9.73, 02 3.51, 03 2.27, 04 3.09, 03 1.48, 04 1.45, 05 5.26, 03 2.05, 04 3.87, 06 3.30, 04 5.69, 03 1.45, 05 1.48, 04 2.27, 04 6.07, 04 5.92, 05 5.67, 04 3.36, 05 3.87, 06 1.21, 05 3.16, 05 1.07, 08 7.45, 05 7.44, 02 1.48, 04 3.51, 03 3.09, 03 2.05, 04 5.67, 04 1.58, 04 6.07, 04 3.36, 05 1.77, 04 1.32, 05 8.20, 06 1.15, 05 9.73, 02 2.27, 04 3.09, 03 5.26, 03 1.58, 04 1.21, 05 1.77, 04 5.67, 04 5.92, 05 3.30, 04 9.67, 04 1.64, 07 2.25, 05 3.51, 03 6.07, 04 2.05, 04 1.58, 04 1.32, 05 2.40, 05 9.67, 04 3.16, 05 1.22, 06 9.73, 04 9.04, 05 2.73, 07 6.69, 05 2.27, 04 5.92, 05 5.67, 04 1.21, 05 2.40, 05 3.18, 06 2.97, 05 1.24, 06 1.64, 07 7.45, 05 1.30, 06 4.73, 08 5.02, 05 3.09, 03 5.67, 04 1.58, 04 1.77, 04 9.67, 04 2.97, 05 9.73, 04 2.40, 05 1.24, 06 1.15, 05 6.45, 05 3.02, 07 8.07, 05 1.48, 04 3.36, 05 6.07, 04 5.67, 04 3.16, 05 1.24, 06 2.40, 05 1.22, 06 8.20, 06 2.97, 05 1.89, 06 2.10, 08 1.80, 06 1.45, 05 3.87, 06 3.36, 05 5.92, 05 1.22, 06 1.64, 07 1.24, 06 8.20, 06 1.07, 08 3.18, 06 5.71, 06 3.03, 09 1.97, 07 5.28, 03 1.21, 05 1.77, 04 3.30, 04 9.73, 04 7.45, 05 1.15, 05 2.97, 05 3.18, 06 2.25, 05 6.26, 05 9.01, 07 1.61, 06 2.05, 04 3.16, 05 1.32, 05 9.67, 04 9.04, 05 1.30, 06 6.45, 05 1.89, 06 5.71, 06 6.26, 05 6.39, 06 1.16, 08 4.44, 06 3.87, 06 1.07, 08 8.20, 06 1.64, 07 2.73, 07 4.73, 08 3.02, 07 2.10, 08 3.03, 09 9.01, 07 1.16, 08 8.78, 10 5.70, 08 3.30, 04 7.45, 05 1.15, 05 2.25, 05 6.69, 05 5.02, 06 8.07, 05 1.60, 06 1.97, 07 1.61, 06 4.44, 06 5.70, 08 1.19, 07 1 X 13 COLUMN VECTOR VALUES 8.98, 03 2.11, 05 2.67, 04 3.56, 04 1.24, 05 8.42, 05 1.09, 05 5.39, 05 5.40, 06 1.93, 05 7.17, 05 1.45, 08 1.21, 06 EQUATION COEFFICIENTS LINEAR, Z = 36.30596 + .0812557W + .3449529X + -.0900418Y LIN + QUAD, Z = 37.90548 + .0662714W + -1.0362317X + -.6831682Y + -.03199614X2 + -.03304167WY + -.09474352XY + .03523953WX + .00094850W2 + .20109156Y2 LIN + QUAD + CUB, Z = 45.20266 + -.9616497W + -.3940345X + -4.3746648Y + -.01570835X2 + -.03085394WY + -.07620920XY + .01609525WX + .05903346W2 + 1.16790819Y2 + .00014462X3 + -.00093207W3+ -.07155833Y3 ERROR MEASURE LINEAR TREND SURFACE = 9.86 ERROR MEASURE QUADRATIC TREND SURFACE = 8.82 ERROR MEASURE CUBIC TREND SURFACE = 8.04 PERCENT TOTAL SUM SQUARES LINEAR SURFACE = 31.97 PERCENI TOTAL SUM SQUARES QUADRATIC SURFACE = 49.69 PERCENT TOTAL SUM SQUARES CUBIC SURFACE = 62.96 SUM OF SQUARES DUE LINEAR COMPONENT = 330624.23 SUM OF SQUARED DEVIATIONS FROM LINEAR = 2395.34 SUM OF SQUARES DUE LINEAR + QUADRATIC COMPONENT = 330876.85 SUM OF SQUARES DUE TO QUADRATIC ALONE = 252.62 SUM OF SQUARED DEVIATIONS FROM LINEAR + QUADRATIC = 2142.68 SUM OF SQUARES DUE LINEAR + QUADRATIC + CUBIC = 331065.94 SUM OF SQUARED DEVIATIONS FROM LINEAR + QUADRATIC + CUBIC = 1953.58 SUM OF SQUARES DUE CUBIC ALONE = 189.09 VOLUME WITHIN LINEAR SURFACE = 96579.17 VOLUME WITHIN LIN + QUAD SURFACE = 97826.04 VOLUME WITHIN LIN + QUAD + CUB SURFACE = 99533.01 ARITH. MEAN Z, = SUM OF Z VALUES/ N = 36.79 AVERAGE Z VALUE, LINEAR SURFACE = 35.87 AVERAGE Z VALUE, LIN + QUAD SURFACE = 36.33 AVERAGE Z VALUE, LIN + QUAD + CUB SURFACE = 36.96 VOL OF BLOCK IN CUBED UNITS = 2692.80 WCOORD XCOORD YCOORD Z-VALUE 1ST-TRD 1ST-RSD 2ND-TRD 2ND-RSD 3RD-TRD 3RD-TRD 19.0 6.1 .7 39.4 35.7 3.7 37.2 2.2 37.5 1.9 18.1 7.9 .3 37.4 34.9 2.5 37.0 .4 37.6 -.2 19.8 6.0 1.5 34.8 35.7 -.9 36.3 -1.5 35.3 -.5 20.0 6.1 1.5 34.3 35.7 -1.4 36.3 -2.0 35.3 -1.0 17.9 7.8 .7 36.6 35.0 1.6 36.9 -.3 36.5 .0 15.2 8.0 .9 35.0 34.7 .3 35.6 -.6 34.8 .2 17.3 7.5 .5 38.7 35.1 3.6 37.0 1.7 37.3 1.4 16.5 7.4 .5 41.8 35.0 6.8 36.7 5.1 37.0 4.8 18.0 7.0 .1 41.4 35.3 6.1 38.0 3.4 39.6 1.8 25.0 4.3 1.7 38.5 36.7 1.8 37.4 1.1 37.0 1.5 25.0 4.3 2.0 30.9 36.7 -5.8 37.1 -6.2 36.4 -5.5 24.0 4.5 1.6 37.2 36.6 .6 37.3 -.1 36.9 .3 23.5 4.5 .9 39.6 36.6 3.0 38.2 1.4 38.7 .9 23.7 5.0 .8 40.7 36.4 4.3 38.4 2.3 39.1 1.6 24.5 4.7 1.4 40.3 36.5 3.8 37.7 2.6 37.4 2.9 22.0 5.3 .5 41.0 36.2 4.8 38.4 2.6 39.6 1.4 21.0 5.5 1.7 33.6 36.0 -2.4 36.4 -2.8 35.4 -1.8 22.5 5.4 .2 39.2 36.3 2.9 39.1 .0 41.2 -2.0 23.0 5.5 .1 40.2 36.3 3.9 39.5 .7 41.9 -1.7 19.1 6.2 2.3 30.3 35.5 -5.2 35.2 -4.9 33.6 -3.3 7.8 6.4 3.3 30.8 34.4 -3.6 32.0 -1.2 31.8 -1.0 19.5 6.4 3.0 26.6 35.4 -8.8 34.6 -8.0 33.1 -6.5 12.3 6.4 3.4 35.7 34.8 .9 32.9 2.8 31.6 4.1 34.7 .1 8.5 39.5 38.3 1.2 40.3 -.8 38.0 1.5 37.6 .1 8.7 41.6 38.5 3.1 40.2 1.4 36.0 5.6
Examples of contours drawn on sides of block intersecting third-degree hypersurface. Reference contour line is formed by edge of band of $ signs facing band of A's.
Examples of slice maps where data values have been plotted by computer. Map below contains original data values and following map contains second-degree residual values. Lines were added by band to show left and top boundaries of each map. Origin is in upper left corner of each map where lines intersect.
Kansas Geological Survey, Oil-gravity Variations
Placed on web Jan. 25, 2012; originally published in 1964.
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