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Appendix--Description of sections
Six key sections along the outcrop of the Wreford limestone are described in condensed form. The sections are presented in descending stratigraphic order, individual units being numbered from the base upward. Locations precede the description of beds in each different exposure; four of the sections are composite.
Explanation of terms
The following is a glossary of definitions and explanations of terms that, owing to various usages, might be misinterpreted. All terms used are those that are most generally accepted or seem most adequately to describe the features observed.
(a)--Abundant. Refers to fossils that are numerous enough to be readily seen either on an etched surface or in a washed sample.
Blocky--Characteristic weathering of many green and red shales, which produces subcubical rock fragments.
(c)--Common. Refers to fossils that are numerous but not abundant enough to be immediately conspicuous in the sample.
Chalky--Applies to limestones that are somewhat powdery on broken surfaces and are composed of dull, lusterless fine grains of calcite.
Chert--Cryptocrystalline silica of any color. The constant interchange of the terms chert and flint in a description is confusing, and because colors are gradational no sharp distinction can be made. Dark-gray and black chert may be interpreted to be flint; lighter-colored varieties may be called chert.
Color--Descriptive colors used are those found in the Rock-Color Chart prepared by the Rock-Color Chart Committee of the National Research Council (Goddard and others, 1948.)
Granular--Applies to limestones having relatively uniform-size grains that exhibit no well-defined crystal surfaces and have a dull to glimmering luster. Finely granular limestones are those in which individual grains can not be distinguished by the naked eye.
Laminated--Applies to strata having bedding planes 1 mm apart or less.
Massive-bedded--Strata having bedding planes more than 6 ft. apart.
Medium-bedded--Strata having bedding planes 50 to 150 mm (2 to 6 in.) apart.
(p)--Profuse. Applies to fossils that are a major constituent of the rock.
(s)--Sparse. Applies to fossils very poorly represented in the rock.
Shaly bedded--Strata having bedding planes 1 to 10 mm apart. Applies to both shale and limestone.
Subcrystalline--Applies to dominantly crystalline limestones that have a partly granular matrix.
Subgranular--Applies to dominantly granular limestones that have a partly crystalline matrix.
Thick-bedded--Strata having bedding planes 6 in. to 6 ft. apart.
Thin-bedded--Strata having bedding planes 10 to 50 mm (1/3 to 2 in.) apart.
Key section 1. Road cuts on State Highway 99 about 5 miles north of Westmoreland, Pottawatomie County. Includes Speiser shale, Wreford limestone, and part of Wymore shale member of Matfield formation.
Loc. 4, NW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 9 E. | Thickness, feet |
Wymore shale member, 12.9 feet exposed | ||||
22. | Shale, olive gray to greenish gray, very calcareous, very sandy, upper part shaly bedded, lower part thin bedded and much harder, unfossiliferous | 3.0 | ||
21. | Mudstone, lower 3 feet dark greenish gray becoming dark reddish purple then greenish gray, top 2 feet olive gray and more calcareous, very silty, shaly bedded, weathers blocky; FOSSILS, green shale, charaphyte oogonia, Bairdia, Cavellina, and fragmentary vertebrate remains; red shale, unfossiliferous | 5.0 | ||
20. | Limestone, light gray, weathers light grayish yellow, very hard, thin bedded, very fine granular matrix; FOSSILS, Cavellina, Bairdia, and Euomphalus | 0.4 | ||
19. | Mudstone, reddish purple to grayish green, calcareous, very sandy, shaly bedded, weathers blocky; FOSSILS, Cavellina and ?Bairdia comprise the very sparse fauna | 4.5 | ||
Schroyer limestone member, 8.8 feet | ||||
18. | Limestone, grayish yellow, weathers grayish yellow, hard, cellular owing to solution, thick bedded, uneven texture, subgranular matrix, profusely algal; FOSSILS, Osagia (p), Ammovertella (c), bryozoan fragments (s), tiny gastropods (s), and crinoid stems (s) | 3.0 | ||
17. | Covered interval, shale, some cherty limestone | ? 2.5 | ||
16. | Limestone, light gray, weathers light yellowish gray, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, contains siliceous geodes, uneven texture, fine- to medium-granular matrix; CHERT, three beds numbered 1 to 3 in upward order, (1) mottled light gray, (2) very light gray mottled with grayish white, scattered calcareous patches common, (3) medium to light gray; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (s), Rhombopora (s), fenestrate bryozoans, Dictyoclostus (c), Derbyia (s), Composita (c), Chonetes (s), productid spines (a), Septimyalina (s), crinoid stems; chert contains fenestrate bryozoans, productid spines, brachiopod shells | 2.0 | ||
15. | Shale, yellowish gray, very calcareous, slightly silty, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, Fenestrellina, Composita, Derbyia, productid spines, Pseudomonotis, tiny fragment of gastropod internal mold, echinoid plates and spines (s), crinoid stems, Cavellina, Knoxina, Bairdia, Hollinella, tiny fish teeth and vertebrate remains; fauna varied but sparse and poorly preserved | 0.4 | ||
14. | Limestone, light gray, weathers yellowish gray, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, contains some geodal fossils, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, light gray to grayish white, contains scattered patches of dark-gray calcareous chert; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (c), sponge spicules (s), fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments, Fenestrellina, Dictyoclostus, Composita (c), productid spines (a), crinoid stems, echinoid spines and plates; chert contains bryozoan fragments, productid spines, ?Composita fragments; fauna known chiefly from silicified remains etched from limestone | 0.9 | ||
Loc. 2, SW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 9 E. | ||||
Havensville shale member, 18.8 feet | ||||
13. | Shale, olive gray, silty, very calcareous, deeply weathered; FOSSILS, worm tubes, internal molds of several kinds of low- and high-spired gastropods (a), brachiopod spines, and small, fragmentary vertebrate remains; fauna poorly preserved | 3.0 | ||
12. | Limestone, light yellowish gray, weathers yellowish gray, soft, medium bedded, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix, basal 0.1 foot is a hard undulatory bed of finely crystalline and coarsely granular calcite; FOSSILS, basal 0.1 foot, Ammovertella (s) | 3.0 | ||
11. | Mudstone, olive gray to medium gray, very calcareous at base, less so at top, very sandy, thin bedded to laminated, several irregular to nodular limestone beds, thicker more persistent bed of very argillaceous earthy limestone 0.3 foot thick lies 2.5 feet above base; unfossiliferous | 8.5 | ||
10. | Limestone, mottled reddish purple, yellowish gray, and brownish gray, weathers dark gray at base and yellowish brown at top, lower part very argillaceous and medium hard, upper part hard, lower argillaceous part has uniform texture and fine-granular matrix, upper hard bed has uneven texture, and subgranular matrix; FOSSILS, lower bed, small Aviculopecten, other pelecypods, productid spines (s); upper bed, Ammodiscus (p), tiny bryozoan fragments, small gastropods (s), fragmentary fossil shells; top bedding plane, Ammodiscus (p), Aviculopecten (a), Septimyalina (c), small pelecypods, tiny gastropods, and ?Cavellina (s) | 0.5 | ||
9. | Shale, olive gray, dark gray near center, calcareous, silty, weathers blocky, calcareous nodules in lower part, worm ? trails in upper part; FOSSILS, lower 0.75 foot, Globivalvulina, ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Rhombopora, Fenestrellina, Septopora, productid brachiopod fragments and spines, hook type holothurian spicules, crinoid stems, echinoid plates, trilobite fragments (?Ditomopyge) (c), Kellettina, Cavellina, Bairdia, Knightina, Macrocypris; upper 3 feet, Cavellina (s), Aviculopecten and small pelecypods; abundant fauna in lower part, upper part sparsely fossiliferous | 3.8 | ||
Threemile limestone member, 7.1 feet | ||||
8. | Limestone, light yellowish gray, weathers yellowish gray, medium hard, shaly to thin bedded, argillaceous, sparse siliceous geodes and very sparse small chert nodules, uneven texture, fine-granular matrix, aggregates of granular limonite; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (c), Penniretepora, fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments, brachiopod fragments, productid spines (c), mytilid ?, crinoid stems and spines, trilobite pygidium; fauna moderately abundant but mostly fragmentary | 0.5 | ||
7. | Limestone, light gray, weathers yellowish gray, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, two beds numbered 1 and 2 in upward order, (1) medium gray, (2) mottled, very light gray and light grayish yellow; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (c), Stereostylus, ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Rhombopora, brachiopod fragments, Chonetes (s), Derbyia (s), Composita (c), Enteletes (c), productid spines, crinoid stems, echinoid spines, vertebrate remains; chert contains fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments, productid spines | 1.0 | ||
6. | Limestone, light whitish gray, weathers yellowish gray, chert-bearing, hard, thick bedded, chalky, basal 0.1 foot shaly and very fossiliferous, unit is characterized by numerous irregular pores (to 4 mm across) and pitted weathered surface, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, five nodular beds numbered 1 to 5 in upward order, (1) light gray to white, (2) medium to light gray, (3) mottled medium dark, light, and very light gray, (4) light grayish white, (5) medium gray to light grayish yellow; FOSSILS, Ammodiscus, Fenestrellina, Rhombopora, Composita (s), Enteletes (a), Derbyia (s), productid spines, crinoid stems and plates, echinoid spines and plates; chert contains fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments, brachiopod fragments, productid spines | 3.8 | ||
5. | Limestone, light gray, weathers yellowish brown, chert-bearing, thick bedded, in basal 0.1 foot, shaly bedded, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, small nodules, yellowish gray; FOSSILS, Rhombopora, fenestrate bryozoans, Dictyoclostus, Derbyia (c), Enteletes (a), productid spines, crinoid stems, echinoid spines; chert contains ramose bryozoan fragments, productid spines, and crinoid stems | 1.0 | ||
4. | Limestone, light gray, weathers grayish yellow, chert-bearing, hard, thick bedded, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, gray to grayish white; FOSSILS, Ammovertella, bryozoan fragments, Enteletes (s), Chonetes (s), productid spines, Aviculopinna, and crinoid stems; chert contains Tetrataxis, Fenestrellina, brachiopod fragments, productid spines, echinoid spines, and ostracodes | 0.8 | ||
Loc. 1, NW sec. 10, T. 7 S., R. 9 E. | ||||
3. | Shale, olive gray, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, sparse black flint pebbles at top; FOSSILS, Osagia (c), Globivalvulina (c), Tetrataxis (c), Ammodiscus (c), Ammovertella (c), Fenestrellina (a), Rhombopora (a), Polypora (s), Penniretepora (a), Lingula (s), Derbyia (c), Dictyoclostus (c), Composita (s), Chonetes (c), productid spines, small high- and low-spired gastropod internal molds, Delocrinus plates (s), crinoid stems, echinoid spines and plates, Knightina (a), Knoxina (c), Cavellina (c), Amphissites (a), Paraparchites (c), Hollinella, ?Kirkbya, Kellettina (s), Bairdia; megafossils mostly fragmentary | 2.1 | ||
2. | Limestone, light yellowish gray, weathers light yellowish gray, hard, single bed, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae, Nubecularia commonly associated with Osagia (s), Ammovertella (p), ramose bryozoan fragments, Juresania (s), productid spines (c), minute gastropods, Aviculopecten (s), Septimyalina (s), Aviculopinna (s), ostracodes; fossils not abundant, poorly preserved as fragments and molds | 0.4 | ||
1. | Shale, lower 6 feet reddish brown, upper 4 feet greenish gray, calcareous, silty, weathers blocky; FOSSILS, lower 6 feet, unfossiliferous; upper 4 feet, small ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, productid fragments and spines, small high- and low-spired gastropod internal molds, echinoid spines and plates, Cavellina, ?Hollinella, Bairdia; fossils sparse except Cavellina | 10.0 | ||
Total | 60.1 |
Key section 2. Road cuts on U.S. Highway 40 about 4 miles east of Junction City, Geary County. Includes Speiser shale, Wreford limestone, and Wymore shale member of Matfield formation.
Loc. 30, NE sec. 34, T. 11 S., R. 6 E. | Thickness, feet |
Wymore shale member, 22.4 feet | ||||
22. | Mudstone and silty limestone, light yellowish brown to grayish yellow, very silty, thin bedded to laminated, medium hard; FOSSILS, Cornuspira, Hollinella, Paraparchites, Cavellina, Knoxina, Bairdia, echinoid spines, crinoid stems. Fauna sparse | 6.4 | ||
21. | Shale, dusky green (basal 4 to 5 feet), dusky purple and dusky red (middle 8 feet), and dusky green (upper 4 feet), calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, weathers blocky, soft shaly bedded pale-purplish-red limestone (0.2 to 0.5 foot thick) 1.5 feet above base; FOSSILS, foraminifera?, small low-spired gastropod, large high-spired gastropods (c), ?Cavellina, Paraparchites, ?Microcheilinella, Macrocypris, Charophyte oogonia (c); fauna sparse, most abundant in lower 1 foot of green shale. No fossils seen in middle red and upper green portions | 16.0 | ||
Schroyer limestone member, 8.9 feet | ||||
20. | Limestone, yellow to grayish yellow, weathers yellowish brown, very hard, thick bedded, moderately algal, very resistant to weathering, somewhat cellular in lower part, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (m), Ammovertella (c), bryozoan fragments (s), productid spines (s), tiny gastropods (c), and ostracodes (a) | 1.75 | ||
19. | Shale, light yellowish gray, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, biscuit-like calcareous structures intermediate in size and shape between Osagia and Ottonosia-type algae (thin section shows tubular thread-like Girvanella, which indicates that whole structure is probably a colonial mass of Girvanella), Globivalvulina (s), Derbyia (s), echinoid spines (s), holothurian spicules (hooks), tiny gastropod internal mold, Paraparchites (a), ?Knoxina, ?Cavellina, Hollinella (s), Bairdia (s), Bythocypris (s), tiny fish teeth, a single blade-type conodont. Fauna dominantly composed of Paraparchites of very large size | 0.25 | ||
18. | Limestone, light yellowish gray, weathers brownish yellow, hard, medium bedded, chert-bearing, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix, which is limonite stained; CHERT, mottled medium gray to very light gray; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (s), sponge spicules, ramose and fenestrate bryozoans (s), productid brachiopod shell fragments and spines, crinoid stems, echinoid spines, ostracodes; chert contains ramose and fenestrate bryozoans, shell fragments, crinoid stems; fauna fragmentary, small, and not abundant | 0.5 | ||
17. | Shale, light yellowish gray, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, many small biscuit-like calcareous structures and thin lenses of argillaceous limestone; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina, Girvanella colonies, Fenestrellina (c), Penniretepora (s), Polypora (s), Septopora (s), Rhombopora, ramose bryozoan (?Leioclema), Composita, Chonetes, Derbyia, Dictyoclostus (c), productid spines, Septimyalina, crinoid stems, tiny gastropods, echinoid plates and spines, Bairdia, Cavellina, Knightina, Kirkbya, Kellettina, Knoxina, Paraparchites, Monoceratina, Hollinella, trilobite pygidium, fish tooth, and fragmentary vertebrate remains. Abundant microfauna; megafauna mostly fragmentary | 1.2 | ||
16. | Limestone, medium gray, shaly at base, grayish yellow in middle portion, and yellowish gray at top, weathers grayish orange, hard, thick bedded, granular, chert-bearing, porous below second chert bed, nonuniform texture, subgranular matrix; CHERT, three beds numbered 1 to 3 in upward order, (1) very light gray, calcareous, (2) mottled dark gray and medium gray, calcareous, containing scattered patches of dense, dark gray, very calcareous, concentrically layered chert, (3) very light gray to medium light gray; FOSSILS, sponge spicules (s), fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments, Dictyoclostus, brachiopod fragments and productid spines, crinoid stems, ostracodes; chert contains Tetrataxis, sponge ? fragments, productid spines, brachiopod fragments, Aviculopinna, and echinoid spines | 2.7 | ||
15. | Limestone, base yellowish gray and thin bedded, main part very light gray, weathers grayish yellow, hard, thick bedded, very porous, some pits 2 mm or more in diameter, base uneven, chert-bearing, remarkably uniform texture, very fine granular matrix, nearly devoid of structures; CHERT, main bed light gray, somewhat mottled, scattered small chert nodules near top of unit; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (s), brachiopod fragments, productid spines, ostracodes; chert contains bryozoan fragments, productid spines | 2.5 | ||
Havensville shale member, 21.2 feet | ||||
14. | Shale, olive gray, grading upward to dark gray and thence to olive gray, grayish yellow in uppermost part, calcareous, thin lenses of silt throughout, shaly bedded near base, earthy and massive in upper 0.6 to 0.7 foot, upper part bears large calcareous geodes; FOSSILS, tiny high-spired gastropod internal mold, Paraparchites, echinoid plate, minute vertebrate remains including tooth fragments; fossils very sparse | 3.7 | ||
13. | Limestone, mottled medium and yellowish gray, weathers grayish yellow, medium hard, thick bedded, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix, somewhat mottled by faint iron staining; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algal incrustations around shell fragments (s), Ammovertella (a), fenestrate bryozoans (c), brachiopod shell fragments and productid spines, crinoid remains, ostracodes (s) | 2.1 | ||
12. | Shale, medium gray (top 0.5 foot is yellowish brown), very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded and fissile; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina, Ammovertella, ramose (e) and fenestrate (s) bryozoan fragments, productid spines, pelecypod fragments, small high-spired gastropod internal molds, crinoid plates and stems, echinoid spines, Cavellina, Hollinella, Bairdia, Kirkbya, Macrocypris, Knoxina, Paraparchites, small fragmentary vertebrate remains | 2.5 | ||
11. | Limestone, dark yellowish brown, weathers same, medium hard, very argillaceous, thin to medium bedded, intercalated thin shaly beds, uniform texture, very fine granular matrix, medium to large granules of calcite scattered throughout; FOSSILS, fragments, ostracodes (s) | 2.4 | ||
10. | Shale, medium dark gray, yellowish brown in upper 2 feet, calcareous, very silty, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, Cornuspira, brachiopod fragments, small high-spired gastropod internal molds, crinoid stems, Knoxina, Cavellina, Hollinella, Kirkbya; abundant and well preserved microfauna, larger fossils very sparse | 8.0 | ||
9. | Limestone, mottled olive and dark gray, weathers to dark-gray shale, soft, very argillaceous, shaly bedded, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; FOSSILS, Ammodiscus (a), shell fragments (a), productid spines, Aviculopecten (c), tiny pelecypod internal mold, tiny gastropods (c), ostracodes (s), crinoid remains (s) | 0.4 | ||
8. | Shale, dark gray, weathers yellowish gray at base and yellowish brown at top, calcareous, silty; shaly bedded, thin limestone lenses present, sparse siliceous nodules and pale rose-quartz geodes, fossils mostly at base of unit; FOSSILS, Tetrataxis, Globivalvulina, Rhombopora, Fenestrellina, bryozoan fragments, Enteletes, Derbyia (c), productid spines (c), Euomphalus (s), tiny gastropod internal molds (c), Cavellina, Amphissites, Kirkbya, Bairdia, Cornigella, Knightina, Macrocypris, crinoid stems and plates, echinoid spines, hook-type holothurian spicules; fauna varied but not abundant | 2.1 | ||
Threemile limestone member, 11.6 feet | ||||
7. | Limestone, light grayish yellow to light yellowish gray, weathers same, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing; lower 4 feet is chalky, very porous, has scattered deep solution pits to 3 mm across and a concentration of pits 0.7 foot above the base, uniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix, sparse grains of crystalline calcite; CHERT, three beds numbered 1 to 3 in upward order, (1) medium dark to very light gray, (2) mottled light gray to grayish black, darkest areas are very calcareous, (3) light gray, porous; FOSSILS, lower 4 feet, brachiopod fragments; upper 1 foot, sponge spicules ?, Ammodiscus (s), fenestrate and ramose bryozoan debris, brachiopod fragments and productid spines, crinoid stems; chert contains fenestrate bryozoans, brachiopod fragments, productid spines, ostracodes (s), crinoid stems, and echinoid spines; fossils generally sparse and fragmentary, mostly from upper portion of unit | 5.2 | ||
6. | Limestone, very light grayish yellow, weathers pale brownish yellow, medium hard, thick bedded, somewhat chalky, very porous, small deep pits scattered throughout, uneven texture, fine-subgranular matrix, scattered grains of crystalline calcite; CHERT, two beds, dark to very light gray; FOSSILS, sponge spicule, ramose bryozoan fragments, ostracodes, productid spines; chert contains ramose and fenestrate bryozoans, productid spines | 2.7 | ||
5. | Shale and limestone, basal portion shale, light gray, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, grades upward into very argillaceous limestone, mottled dark gray and yellowish gray, weathers light olive gray, medium hard and thin bedded; FOSSILS, in shale, Rhombopora, Thamniscus, Fenestrellina, ?Polypora, Derbyia (c), Enteletes (s), productid spines, crinoid stems, echinoid spines, small high-spired gastropod internal molds, Amphissites, Bairdia, Kellettina, fish tooth and fragmentary vertebrate remains; in limestone, ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Dictyoclostus (c), Composita (s), productid spines, crinoid remains | 0.9 | ||
4. | Limestone, pale yellowish gray at base, slightly more yellowish gray toward top, weathers moderate yellowish brown, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, uneven texture, dominantly fine-granular matrix, pores and fissures filled with crystalline calcite locally give rock a blotchy appearance; CHERT, main bed dark gray to very light gray, containing calcareous patches; upper nodular layer of chert very light gray; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (s), fenestrate bryozoan fragments, crinoid remains (s), ostracodes; fossils very sparse and mostly fragmentary throughout unit | 2.8 | ||
SPEISER SHALE, 15 feet | ||||
3. | Shale, medium gray at base becoming very calcareous laterally; medium gray, very calcareous middle portion laterally becomes hard; upper part yellowish gray; all silty, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina, Ammovertella, Tetrataxis, Thamniscus, Penniretepora, Rhombopora, ?Polypora, Fenestrellina, Septopora, ?Leioclema, Derbyia, Composita, Chonetes, Dictyoclostus, productid spines, echinoid plates and spines (s), crinoid stems (a), Knoxina, Bythocypris, Kirkbya, Cavellina, Knightina, ?Haworthina, Bairdia, Silenites, Amphissites, Hollinella, fish teeth and fragmentary vertebrate remains; fauna very abundant, especially the microfossils and bryozoans | 2.4 | ||
2. | Limestone, yellowish gray to light brown, weathers yellowish gray, medium hard, thin to shaly bedded, fine-granular matrix has uniform texture, conglomeratic, pebbles as much as 0.9 mm in greatest dimension very abundant near base of unit, smaller and fewer upward; FOSSILS, algal colonies (s), Nubecularia, Ammovertella, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, productid shell fragments and spines, Aviculopecten, small high-spired gastropods, ostracodes; fauna only locally abundant | 0.6 | ||
1. | Shale and mudstone, dark greenish gray, dusky red, dusky green, dusky purple, grayish green, and olive gray in ascending order, colors gradational and even intermixed locally, calcareous, very silty, shaly bedded, weathers blocky; FOSSILS, productid spines (s), Bairdia, ?Silenites, Bythocypris, ?Macrocypris, and fragmentary vertebrate remains are all from green shale | 12.0 | ||
Total | 79.1 |
Key section 3. Measured along stream bank 2 miles southwest of Kelso and in road ditches 1 1/2 miles south of Parkerville, Morris County. Includes Speiser shale (upper 2/3) and Wreford limestone.
Loc. 67, SW sec. 15, SE Sec. 16, T. 15 S., R. 7 E. | Thickness, feet |
Schroyer limestone member, 14.2 feet exposed | ||||
15. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers grayish yellow, very hard, single bed, nonuniform texture, subgranular matrix, fine-granular calcite dominant, much secondary crystalline calcite filling small solution channels and openings; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (c), Aulopora (s), fenestrate bryozoan fragments, crinoid stems, fossil debris | 0.4 | ||
14. | Shale, light gray, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina, Aulopora, Fenestrellina, Thamniscus, Septopora, Streblotrypa, Rhombopora, cyclostome, ?Dictyoclostus, Composita, productid spines, Roundyella, Kirkbya, Cavellina, Bairdia, echinoid plate and spines, crinoid stems | 1.3 | ||
13. | Limestone, dusky yellow, weathers same, medium hard, thin wavy bedded, chert-bearing, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, dusky yellow; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (c), sponge spicules (s), Stereostylus, Aulopora (a), Fenestrellina (c), Penniretepora (s), ramose bryozoan fragments, Composita (a), crinoid stems, plates, and arms (a), echinoid spines and plates (a), ostracodes (s); chert contains ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, crinoid remains, and shell fragments (a), all replaced by milky-white silica | 1.5 | ||
12. | Shale, yellowish brown, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, contains small limestone nodules, basal portion covered; FOSSILS, Aulopora (c), Thamniscus (a), Polypora (c), Fenestrellina (a), Septopora (c), Penniretepora (a), Rhombopora (c), Streblotrypa (a), cyclostome, Composita (c), Dictyoclostus (s), Derbyia (s), echinoid plates and spines (a), crinoid stems and plates (a), Knoxina, Ellipsella, Bairdia, Roundyella, Kirkbya, Amphissites, Cavellina, Hollinella, and fragmentary vertebrate remains; fossils very abundant, though mostly small and fragmentary; bryozoans are profuse on some bedding planes | 2.4 | ||
11. | Limestone, grayish yellow, weathers grayish yellow to moderate yellowish brown, very hard, thin bedded in upper and lower portions, thick bedded in middle, chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix, much crystalline calcite, mottled owing to secondary deposition of calcite; CHERT, pale yellowish brown to light gray; FOSSILS, Ammovertella, bryozoan fragments (s), Composita (c), echinoid spines and plates (a); chert contains fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments and shell debris | 2.2 | ||
10. | Shale, yellowish brown, calcareous, silty, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina (a), Tetrataxis (a), Geinitzina, ?Orthovertella, Climacammina (a), juvenile fusulinids, Polypora (s), Fenestrellina (s), Penniretepora (c), Thamniscus (s), cyclostome (s), productid spines (s), Composita (c), Chonetes (s), crinoid stems (c), echinoid spines and plates (c), holothurian spicules (wheel and hook types), Knoxina, Bairdia, Knightina, Amphissites, Paraparchites, Healdia, Monoceratina, ?Cavellina, Hollinella; fossils of the shale very abundant though mostly small; thin argillaceous limestone bed near top, moderate yellowish brown, nonuniform texture, subgranular matrix; FOSSILS, Ammovertella, bryozoan fragments, productid spines, ostracodes, crinoid stems | 1.6 | ||
9. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers dusky yellow, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, subgranular matrix; CHERT, four beds numbered 1 to 4 in upward order, (1) light gray to very light gray, dark-gray calcareous chert at top of bed, (2) like (1) but contains calcareous patches within the chert, (3) light to dark gray, mottled, (4) very light gray to medium dark gray, mottled; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, productid spines, Composita, crinoid stems, echinoid spines, ostracodes, fragmentary vertebrate tooth ?; chert contains Tetrataxis, Geinitzina, ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, productid spines, echinoid spines and plates, crinoid remains; fauna sparse, consisting mostly of small fragmentary debris | 3.0 | ||
8. | Shale, grayish yellow, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, Rhombopora (s), Fenestrellina (c), Thamniscus, productid spines, Chonetes (s), Composita (s), Dictyoclostus (s), echinoid plates and spines (c), crinoid stems, Knoxina (c), Bairdia (c), Kirkbya (c), Amphissites (c), Roundyella (s), Macrocypris (s), Hollinella (c), fragmentary vertebrate plates; megafauna sparse, microfauna abundant; limestone bed 0.1 foot thick and 0.5 foot below top is grayish yellow and somewhat chalky, uniform texture, very fine granular matrix; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoans (s), productid spines (c), fossil debris | 1.2 | ||
7. | Limestone, light yellowish gray, wethers same, hard, thin to medium bedded, chert-bearing, uniform texture, very fine granular matrix; CHERT, 2 beds, medium gray to yellowish gray; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (s), Composita, productid spines, brachiopod fragments, crinoid stems, echinoid plates, Bairdia; chert contains bryozoan fragments, Dictyoclostus, ostracodes; fauna sparse and fragmentary | 1.6 | ||
Havensville shale member, 5.5 feet | ||||
6. | Shale, dusky yellow, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, calcareous nodules near top, dark-gray limy lenses near center (0.1 foot thick), yellowish-brown shaly limestone at base is irregularly bedded, as much as 2.2 feet in thickness; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina, Tetrataxis, Thamniscus, Rhombopora, Fenestrellina, Composita, Dictyoclostus, Derbyia, productid spines, echinoid spines and crinoid stems, minute gastropods, Cavellina, Knightina, Knoxina, Bythocypris, Hollinella, trilobite, abundant fossil debris; megafossils sparse, microfossils varied and moderately abundant | 5.5 | ||
Threemile limestone member, 21 feet exposed | ||||
5. | Limestone, light grayish yellow, weathers grayish yellow, hard, very thick bedded to massive, very porous, solution pits 2 cm or more across extend deeply into the rock, chert-bearing, uppermost foot is dusky yellow and nonporous; four specimens taken at 5-foot intervals show the following: (1) nonuniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix, (2) crystalline at border (owing to weathering), locally crystalline within, mostly fine-granular matrix, (3) uniform texture, fine-granular matrix, (4) uniform texture, finely crystalline matrix; CHERT, five main nodular layers numbered 1 to 5 in upward order, (1) yellowish gray to very light gray, (2) yellowish gray, (3) light yellowish gray to very light gray, containing scattered dark patches, (4) grayish yellow to very light gray, (5) light gray to very light gray; FOSSILS, Tetrataxis (c), Ammovertella (s), Dibunophyllum (s), Stereostylus (c), Fenestrellina (a), ramose bryozoan fragments, encrusting bryozoans (c), Composita (c), productid spines, echinoid spines and plates, crinoid stems; chert contains fusulinids?, Tetrataxis (c), ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, productid spines, fossil debris | 21.0 | ||
Loc. 66, SW sec. 30, T. 15 S., R. 8 E. | ||||
4. | Limestone, basal 0.5 foot light yellowish gray to dark gray mottled, medium hard to soft, shaly to thin bedded, grades laterally into hard limestone; limestone above is yellowish gray, hard, massive; both chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix; CHERT, two beds numbered 1 and 2 in upward order, (1) medium dark gray, mottled, (2) medium gray, concentrically marked; FOSSILS, bryozoan fragments, Derbyia, Dictyoclostus, Composita, Chonetes, productid spines, crinoid stems (a); chert contains bryozoan fragments, crinoid stems, ostracodes, fossil debris | 3.7 | ||
3. | Limestone, pale yellowish brown to mottled light gray and medium dark gray, weathers yellowish brown, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix; CHERT, medium gray to grayish yellow; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Derbyia, crinoid stems and echinoid spines; chert contains ?Rhabdomeson, fragmentary fenestrate bryozoans, crinoid stems, and fossil debris; fossils sparse, mostly fragmentary | 1.75 | ||
SPEISER SHALE, 8.2 feet exposed | ||||
2. | Shale, medium gray mottled dark gray, very calcareous, medium hard, shaly bedded, grades vertically and laterally to very argillaceous shaly bedded limestone, base more persistently a limestone; FOSSILS, Tetrataxis (c), Rhabdomeson, ?Leioclema, Septopora, Fenestrellina (a), Rhombopora, Thamniscus, Chonetes (c), Dictyoclostus (s), Derbyia (s), Composita (s), productid spines (a), echinoid spines, crinoid stems, holothurian spicules, trilobite fragment, Knoxina, Amphissites (c), Hollinella, Knightina (c), Bairdia, Monoceratina, Paraparchites, fragmentary vertebrate remains; basal limestone has uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (a), Ammodiscus (c), ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Globivalvulina, productid spines and brachiopod fragments, Dictyoclostus (s), Aviculopinna (s), Aviculopecten (s), small high- and low-spired gastropods (c), ostracodes (c), crinoid remains | 3.0 | ||
1. | Shale, basal 0.5 foot dusky red, next 1.5 feet grayish green, next 1 foot dusky yellowish green, upper 2.2 feet light olive gray, two lower units noncalcareous, upper two very calcareous, all silty, lower 2 feet weathers blocky, next 1 foot thick bedded, top 2.2 feet shaly bedded; base of shale section is covered; FOSSILS, lower 3 feet unfossiliferous; upper 2.2 feet, Cornuspira (s), Globivalvulina (s), Orthovertella (s), Ammovertella (c), Septopora (s), productid spines (s), tiny gastropod internal molds (c), tiny clam internal mold, Cavellina, Bythocypris, Hollinella, Paraparchites, Knoxina; fauna varied but not very abundant | 5.2 | ||
Total | 55.4 |
Key section 4. Road cut and gullies on west side of Teeterville oil pool, southeastern Chase County. Includes Speiser shale (upper half), Wreford limestone, and Wymore member of the Matfield shale.
Loc. 93, center sec. 35, T. 22 S., R. 9 E. | Thickness, feet |
Wymore shale member, 13 feet | ||||
16. | Mudstone, dusky yellow and very silty at base, yellowish brown and very calcareous in upper part, medium hard, thin bedded, weathers blocky; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina (c), Orthovertella (s), Cornuspira (s), productid spines (c), Bairdia (c), Cavellina (s), Knoxina (s), Hollinella (s), crinoid stems, holothurian hooks, and fragmentary vertebrate remains | 5.0 | ||
15. | Shale, basal part covered, exposed portion, in ascending order, is grayish red, very dusky red, very dusky grayish greenish red (variegated), dusky green, and moderate yellow; calcareous, very silty, weathers blocky, uppermost part shaly bedded; unfossiliferous | 8.0 | ||
Loc. 96, SE sec. 36, T. 22 S., R. 9 E. | ||||
Schroyer limestone member, 10.3 feet | ||||
14. | Limestone, light olive gray, weathers same or slightly darker, very hard, thick bedded, abundantly algal, resistant to weathering, nonuniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix constitutes only a small portion of total volume, abundant algal structures, numerous irregular-spaced, deep solution pits; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (p), Ammovertella (s), other foraminifera (s), small gastropods (c), ostracodes (c) | 4.5 | ||
13. | Limestone, moderate yellowish brown to light olive gray, weathers moderate yellowish brown, hard, thick bedded, argillaceous, resistant to weathering, moderately algal locally, nonuniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix, calcite is recrystallized locally; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (c), Ammovertella (c), productid spines (s), Aviculopecten (a), minute high-spired gastropods (a), crinoid stems (c), and fish tooth | 0.8 | ||
Loc. 93, center sec. 35, T. 22 S., R. 9 E. | ||||
12. | Limestone, light grayish yellow, weathers dark yellowish orange, hard, thin bedded, chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, fine-subcrystalline matrix, much recrystallized calcite; CHERT, mottled grayish yellow and light olive gray; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (c), Ammovertella (s), sponge spicule, ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Derbyia (s), Dictyoclostus (s), productid spines, Aviculopecten (s), echinoid plates and spines, crinoid stems; chert contains bryozoan fragments, productid spines, brachiopods, fossil debris; fauna abundant but mostly fragmentary | 0.7 | ||
11. | Shale, light olive gray, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, thin limestone lens near base; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina (c), Tetrataxis (c), Climacammina (s), Geinitzina (s), juvenile fusulinids (a), Rhombopora (s), ?Leioclema (s), Septopora (s), Fenestrellina (c), Dictyoclostus (s), productid spines, crinoid stems (a), echinoid plates and spines (c), Amphissites (s), Hollinella (s), Bairdia (c), Knightina (s); fauna abundant, larger forms fragmentary | 1.2 | ||
10. | Limestone, light olive gray, weathers darker olive gray, very hard, thick-bedded, resistant to weathering, characterized by presence of limonite-lined solution pits, chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, subcrystalline matrix; CHERT, four beds, medium to dark gray, top bed mottled in center; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Dictyoclostus, crinoid stems, echinoid plates and spines; chert contains fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments, productid spines, crinoid stems; fauna abundant but fragmentary | 3.1 | ||
Havensville shale member, 16.2 feet | ||||
9. | Shale, basal 1.3 feet covered, base of exposed part dark gray, upper part light olive gray, very calcareous especially in top 1 foot, silty, shaly bedded in lower and upper portions, middle weathers blocky, limestone lens 0.1 foot thick lies 0.1 foot below top; FOSSILS, Tetrataxis (s), Ammovertella (s), Fenestrellina (a), Rhombopora (c), Thamniscus (c), ?Leioclema, Dictyoclostus (s), Composita (c), productid spines (a), Euomphalus (s), Aviculopecten (s), crinoid stems (c), holothurian hooks (c), Knoxina (a), Bairdia (a), Cavellina, (c), Hollinella (c), Knightina (c), Monoceratina (s); fossils varied, mostly small | 3.7 | ||
8. | Shale, olive gray, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, three limestone portions are numbered 1 to 3 in upward order; FOSSILS, Climacammina (s), productid spines (a), Knoxina (c), Cavellina (c), Bairdia (c), Hollinella (c), fragmentary vertebrate remains; limestone, (1) like (3), (2) yellowish gray to olive gray, shaly to thin bedded, medium hard to hard, uniform texture, very fine granular matrix, (3) light olive gray, medium hard, shaly bedded, very argillaceous, nonuniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix; FOSSILS, (1) Globivalvulina, ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Derbyia, tiny high-spired gastropods, crinoid spines, echinoid plates, Cavellina, Knoxina, Hollinella; (2) Globivalvulina (c), Ammodiscus (s), Fenestrellina (s), Derbyia (s), productid spines (s), tiny high-spired gastropod, Aviculopecten (c), crinoid stems, Kellettina, Monoceratina, Paraparchites, Bairdia, Hollinella; (3) Globivalvulina (c), Ammovertella (a), Fenestrellina (s), Septopora, ramose bryozoan fragments, Composita, Derbyia, productid spines (s), Aviculopecten, tiny high-spired gastropod, crinoid stems, Cavellina, Knoxina (c), Hollinella, Bairdia (c) | 12.5 | ||
Threemile limestone member, 11.2 feet | ||||
7. | Limestone, light yellowish gray in lower part, becoming dusky yellow above, weathers grayish yellow, hard, thick bedded (except uppermost 1 foot, which is shaly to thin bedded,) middle 4.5 feet somewhat chalky, most of unit characterized by deep, irregular solution pits as much as 1 cm across, chert-bearing, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, eight beds numbered 1 to 8 in upward order; FOSSILS, sponge spicules? (c), ramose bryozoans, productid spines, Dictyoclostus, Enteletes, crinoid stems; chert contains ramose and fenestrate bryozoans, crinoid stems, ostracodes (s), fossil debris, fossils very sparse and fragmentary throughout | 6.3 | ||
6. | Limestone, moderate yellowish brown, weathers same, medium hard, thin wavy bedded, argillaceous, chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix; CHERT, olive gray to grayish yellow; FOSSILS, productid spines, crinoid stems, fossil fragments; chert contains Fenestrellina, bryozoan fragments, productid spines (a), and opaque white minute spicule- or spine-like structures (a) | 1.5 | ||
5. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers moderate yellowish brown, hard, massive, chert-bearing, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, several poorly defined beds, lowermost chert grayish yellow to yellowish gray; chert in rest of unit is mottled medium to olive gray; FOSSILS, ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Enteletes (a), Derbyia (s), Composita (s), Chonetes (s), productid spines, Wellerella (s), crinoid stems, and echinoid spines; chert contains Osagia, productid spines, Derbyia, and crinoid stems, in basal 0.2 foot; middle chert contains Fenestrellina (s), ramose bryozoan fragments, and small white spine-like structures (a) | 3.4 | ||
SPEISER SHALE, 7.5 feet exposed | ||||
4. | Shale, olive gray, calcareous, silty, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, Rhombopora, Rhabdomeson, Fenestrellina, Thamniscus, encrusting trepostome, Tetrataxis (c), Globivalvulina (s), Derbyia, Composita, Chonetes, productid spines, crinoid stems, echinoid plates and spines, holothurian hook-type spicules, Knightina (c), Amphissites (c), Healdia (s), Bairdia (c), Knoxina (s), Roundyella (s), Hollinella (c), Ditomopyge, cone-type conodont?, fragmentary vertebrate remains, including bones and teeth; fossils moderately abundant, megafossils mostly fragmentary | 1.7 | ||
3. | Shale dark gray, light olive gray less common; very calcareous especially in middle and upper portions, hard, shaly to thin bedded; FOSSILS, Tetrataxis (c), Globivalvulina (s), Cornuspira (a), cryptostomatous and ramose bryozoans (s), Thamniscus (s), Dictyoclostus (s), Derbyia (s), Chonetes (s), Composita (s), small high-spired gastropod, Aviculopecten (s), productid spines (c), crinoid remains (c), holothurian hook-type spicules, Knoxina (c), Cavellina (s), Amphissites (s), Knightina (c), Hollinella (s), Bairdia (c), Paraparchites (s) | 2.5 | ||
2. | Limestone, dusky yellow, weathers same, medium hard, thin bedded, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix, stained with iron oxide; FOSSILS, Derbyia (p), Dictyoclostus (s), productid spines; fossils very abundant, mostly crushed | 0.3 | ||
1. | Shale, pale brown in lower part, mottled with pale olive in middle, more yellowish in the upper portion, calcareous, silty, weathers blocky, small irregular nodules of limestone in uppermost part; FOSSILS, lower brownish portion, charophyte oogonium; upper yellowish portion contains Knoxina (s), Tetrataxis (s); fossils very sparse | 3.0 | ||
Total | 58.2 |
Key section 5. Road cuts and ravines about 4 miles northeast of Rosalia, Butler County. Includes Speiser shale, Wreford limestone, and Wymore member of Matfield shale.
Loc. 108, SE sec. 19, T. 25 S., R. 8 E. | Thickness, feet |
Wymore shale member, 12.5 feet exposed | ||||
25. | Shale, from base upward the unit is dusky yellowish green mottled with reddish purple, grayish red purple mottled with dusky yellowish green, dusky yellowish gray, grayish red, and dusky yellowish green, all calcareous except second red zone, all silty, calcareous nodules common especially in lower two color phases; FOSSILS, red shale, unfossiliferous; green shale, charophyte oogonia (s), Hollinella (s), Knoxina (s), Bairdia (s), fragmentary vertebrate remains; fossils exceedingly sparse | 12.5 | ||
Schroyer limestone member, 9.4 feet | ||||
24. | Limestone, moderate yellowish brown, weathers same, very hard, one bed, uneven texture, subgranular matrix, profusely algal in structure; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (p), Nubecularia (a), Ammovertella (c), minute high-spired gastropods (s), fragmentary crinoid remains, ostracodes, fragmentary vertebrate remains | 0.3 | ||
23. | Limestone, grayish yellow, weathers dusky yellow, very hard, one thick bed, uneven texture, subcrystalline matrix, profuse randomly oriented algal structures; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (p), Nubecularia (a), Ammovertella (s), tiny high-spired gastropods, ostracodes, crinoid remains | 0.7 | ||
22. | Limestone, grayish yellow, weathers yellowish gray, hard (weathers soft). thin bedded, somewhat algal, nonuniform texture, subgranular matrix, limonite and manganese stains common; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (c), Ammovertella (s), ramose bryozoan fragments, Fenestrellina, productid spines, tiny high-spired gastropod internal molds (s), Aviculopinna (s), Aviculopecten (s), crinoid debris (a), ostracodes (c); fossils abundant but mostly fragmentary | 1.2 | ||
21. | Limestone, moderate yellowish brown, weathers yellowish brown, hard, thin bedded in lower portion, grading upward to a single thick bed, somewhat algal especially near the top, uniform texture, finely crystalline matrix, some areas of more coarsely crystalline calcite, much limonite and manganese staining; FOSSILS, Osagia-type (sparse near base, common near top), Ammovertella (s), fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments (s), productid shell debris and spines, crinoid debris; fossils very abundant, mostly fragmentary | 1.6 | ||
20. | Shale, dark gray, calcareous, hard, silty, shaly to thin bedded; FOSSILS, fusulinids (sparse juveniles,) Derbyia (s), small high-spired gastropods (s), crinoid stems (c), echinoid spines (s), Paraparchites, Knoxina, Bairdia, trilobite pygidium, fragmentary vertebrate remains; fossils very sparse | 0.3 | ||
19. | Limestone, light olive gray, weathers same, medium hard, very argillaceous, shaly to thin bedded, uniform-grained texture, fine-granular matrix; FOSSILS, bryozoan and crinoid fragments, productid spines, fossil debris; fossils very sparse and fragmentary | 1.0 | ||
18. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers light olive gray, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, small deep solution pits abundant, nonuniform texture, mostly fine granular, irregularly distributed clear crystalline calcite areas; CHERT, four beds, lowest three beds medium gray containing scattered patches of medium-dark-gray, more or less concentrically layered calcareous chert; FOSSILS, Fenestrellina (s), ramose bryozoan fragments (s), Composita (c), crinoid stems (c), echinoid spines and plates; chert contains whitish spicule-like spines (c), fenestrate bryozoan fragments, productid spines; fossils very fragmentary and sparse except in top 0.75 foot | 4.3 | ||
Havensville shale member, 11.5 feet | ||||
17. | Shale, olive gray, calcareous, slightly silty, shaly bedded, almost covered and deeply weathered; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina (c), Rhombopora (c), Thamniscus (c), Fenestrellina (c), ?Leioclema (s), ?Batostomella (c), Rhabdomeson (s), Septopora (s), Dictyoclostus (s), Derbyia (s), Composita (c), productid spines, tiny low-spired and pleurotomarid high-spired gastropod internal molds, crinoid stems (a), echinoid spines and plates (c), trilobite fragments (c), Bairdia (c), Hollinella (c), Knightina (c), Knoxina (c), Amphissites (s); fossils very abundant, megafossils mostly fragmentary | 2.6 | ||
16. | Limestone, medium gray, weathers dusky yellow, hard, very argillaceous, shaly to thin bedded, nonuniform texture, mostly fine-granular matrix, some finely crystalline calcite; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (c), Ammodiscus (s), ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Composita (s), Derbyia (s), productid spines (c), crinoid stems | 1.9 | ||
15. | Shale, light olive gray, slightly darker near top, very calcareous near base, silty, shaly bedded, mostly covered; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina (c), Rhombopora (c), Thamniscus (s), encrusting bryozoans (c), ?Leioclema, Fenestrellina, Dictyoclostus (s), brachiopod fragments and spines (c), crinoid stems and holothurian hooks, Macrocypris (s), Monoceratina (s), ?Cavellina (s), Bythocypris (c), Silenites (s), Knoxina (c), Bairdia (c), fragmentary vertebrate remains; fossils abundant but mostly small or fragmentary | 4.0 | ||
14. | Limestone, grayish yellow to yellowish gray, weathers grayish yellow, hard, thick bedded, fairly uniform texture, mostly fine-granular matrix containing minor amount of crystalline calcite; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (c), ramose bryozoan fragments, Derbyia (s), productid spines, crinoid debris, tiny high-spired gastropod internal molds, Bairdia, other ostracodes | 1.0 | ||
13. | Shale, olive gray, very calcareous, especially at top, where it is essentially an argillaceous limestone, slightly silty, shaly bedded, mostly covered; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina (c), Rhombopora (s), crinoid stems (c), echinoid spines (s), ?Roundyella (s), Cavellina (s), Knoxina (c), Bairdia (c); fossils sparse, mostly microfossils | 2.0 | ||
Loc. 103, NE sec. 19, T. 25 S., R. 8 E. | ||||
Threemile limestone member, 14.5 feet | ||||
12. | Limestone, moderate yellowish brown, weathers yellowish gray, pitted, some cellular development, hard, thick bedded, profusely algal, resistant ledge-former, very irregular texture, dominantly fine- to medium-crystalline matrix containing minor amount of granular calcite, stained with iron oxides; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (p), Ammovertella (p), Ammodiscus (c), productid spines (s), bryozoan fragments (s), Composita (s), Derbyia (s), tiny gastropods, Aviculopinna, echinoid plates and spines, crinoid stems; fauna typically algal molluscan, other fossils mostly fragmentary and sparse | 3.0 | ||
Loc. 108, SE sec. 19, T. 25 S., R. 8 E. | ||||
11. | Limestone, lower part grayish yellow, weathers same, hard, medium to thick bedded, chert-bearing, fairly uniform texture, fine-subgranular matrix; upper part yellowish gray, weathers same, hard, shaly to thin bedded, chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, dominantly finely to medium crystalline; CHERT, uppermost bed medium dark gray to yellowish gray; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (s), Fenestrellina (s), Thamniscus (s), ramose bryozoans (c), Derbyia (s), Dictyoclostus (s), Composita (s), productid spines (c), crinoid stems (c), tiny gastropods (s), Ditomopyge, fragmentary vertebrate remains; chert contains ramose bryozoan fragments, productid spines, crinoid stems, minute echinoid? spines | 3.0 | ||
Loc. 103, NE sec. 19, T. 25 S., R. 8 E. | ||||
10. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers yellowish gray to grayish orange, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, nearly uniform texture, finely subgranular matrix; CHERT, two beds lower thick bed medium gray, commonly more than 50 percent is dark-gray, concentrically layered, calcareous chert, which is in sharp contact with and which occupies hollows in the upper and lower surfaces of the rest of the chert; thin upper bed medium gray; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, brachiopod fragments and productid spines (p), crinoid stems, echinoid spines; chert contains bryozoan fragments, productid spines, crinoid and echinoid debris; fossils abundant but small and fragmentary | 3.0 | ||
Loc. 102, SW sec. 17, T. 25 S., R. 8 E. | ||||
9. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers grayish yellow, hard, thin irregular bedding, chert-bearing, uniform texture, finely granular matrix, some limonite staining; CHERT, two beds near base are medium gray, disseminated nodules in the upper half are light olive gray to nearly white; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, brachiopod fragments, productid spines (p), echinoid spines and plates, crinoid stems; chert contains ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, productid spines, echinoid spines, tiny bellerophontid gastropod, sponge? fragments; fossils, except for productid spines, are not abundant | 3.0 | ||
8. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers grayish orange, very hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, nearly uniform texture, very fine subgranular; CHERT, single thin bed of light to medium gray; darker gray, concentrically layered calcareous chert occurs as isolated nodules along top of chert bed; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Composita (s), productid spines, Wellerella (s), echinoid spines and plates (s); chert contains fenestrate bryozoans (s), productid spines (s); fossils not abundant | 2.5 | ||
SPEISER SHALE, 25 feet | ||||
7. | Shale, grayish yellow, calcareous below to very calcareous above, somewhat silty, shaly bedded, upper part contains numerous very calcareous lenses; FOSSILS, Tetrataxis (c), Globivalvulina (s), Rhombopora (c), Thamniscus (c), Streblotrypa (s), Fenestrellina (c), productid spines (c), Composita (c), Derbyia (s), Chonetes (s), Orbiculoidea (s), crinoid stems (c) and plates (s), echinoid spines and plates (c), Amphissites (c), Bairdia (c), Knoxina (s), Hollinella (c), ?Silenites (s), Knightina (s), ?Paraparchites (s), Cavellina (s), Roundyella (s), fragmentary vertebrate remains; fossils abundant, megafossils mostly fragmentary | 1.5 | ||
6. | Limestone, grayish yellow mottled with yellowish gray, weathers grayish yellow, medium hard, shaly bedded, not very resistant, uniform texture, fine-granular argillaceous matrix; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Derbyia (c), Composita (c), Dictyoclostus (s), productid spines (c), tiny gastropods, crinoid stems, echinoid spines, fragmentary vertebrate remains; fossils mostly fragmentary | 0.8 | ||
5. | Shale, yellowish gray, very calcareous, silty, shaly bedded, small calcareous nodules common, top laterally grades to shaly limestone, not very resistant; FOSSILS, Globivalvulina (s), Tetrataxis (s), Thamniscus (c), Fenestrellina (c), Rhombocladia (s), Septopora (s), Derbyia (s), Dictyoclostus (s), productid spines (a), Aviculopecten (s), echinoid spines and plates, Knoxina (a), Monoceratina (c), Healdia (s), Knightina (s), Bairdia (c), fragmentary vertebrate remains; fauna mostly abundant microfossils, megafossils mostly fragmentary | 3.6 | ||
4. | Limestone, yellowish brown to yellowish gray, weathers grayish yellow, hard, shaly to thin bedded, not very resistant, very irregular texture, dominantly subcrystaline matrix is mostly of clear calcite, crowded with Ammodiscus, with horizontal partings of very argillaceous to fine-granular limestone, which is sparsely fossiliferous, whole somewhat limonite stained; FOSSILS, Ammodiscus (s), Ammovertella (s), ramose bryozoans, Derbyia (a), Dictyoclostus (c), tiny gastropods | 0.8 | ||
3. | Mudstone, yellowish gray, very calcareous, very silty, shaly bedded, weathers blocky; FOSSILS, Cornuspira (c), ramose bryozoan fragments (s), productid spines, Derbyia fragments (s), Aviculopecten fragments (s), tiny high-spired gastropod internal molds (two kinds,) Cavellina (a), Bairdia (c), Knoxina (s), Macrocypris (s), ostracode sp., crinoid stems (s), holothurian hooks (s), fragmentary vertebrate remains; fossils very sparse | 1.8 | ||
2. | Limestone, medium light gray to yellowish gray, hard, thin bedded, argillaceous, locally coquinoid (Derbyia), thin shaly beds interstratified, uniform texture, mostly very fine granular matrix, some limonite staining; FOSSILS, Ammodiscus (c), Ammovertella (s), Rhombopora, ramose bryozoan sp., productid spines (c), Derbyia (a), Dictyoclostus (c), tiny high-spired gastropods (replaced), ostracodes; fossils very abundant and well preserved | 0.6 | ||
1. | Shale, in ascending order, 12 feet pale red, 0.75 foot grayish yellow green, 2.5 feet grayish red, uppermost part grayish yellow green, all calcareous and slightly silty, weathers blocky; FOSSILS, red, unfossiliferous; green, one or two productid spines; entire unit essentially unfossiliferous | 16.0 | ||
Total | 72.9 |
Key section 6. Measured in cuts along the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; State Highway 38; and U.S. Highway 116 in Cowley County. Includes Speiser shale, Wreford limestone, and part of Wymore shale.
Loc. 111, NE sec. 36, T. 31 S., R. 6 E. | Thickness, feet |
Wymore shale member, 9 feet | ||||
18. | Mudstone and shale, lowermost 3 feet covered, mottled grayish red and grayish green in basal part of exposure grading up to pale olive, upper 4 feet dusky yellow, all calcareous and silty, top part very silty; FOSSILS, lower red, unfossiliferous; middle green, sparse ostracodes and one charophyte oogonium; upper yellow, unfossiliferous | 9.0 | ||
Loc. 123, center sec. 23, T. 34 S., R. 5 E. | ||||
Schroyer limestone member, 6.1 feet | ||||
17. | Limestone, grayish orange, weathers grayish yellow, very hard, thick bedded, algal, weathered surface pitted and cellular, resistant, irregular texture, dominantly crystalline matrix, some finely granular portions; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (c), fenestrate bryozoan fragments, large pleurotomarid mold, tiny bellerophontids (s), crinoid stems and echinoid spines; fossils abundant, mostly small and fragmentary | 1.4 | ||
16. | Limestone, grayish yellow, weathers same, hard, shaly to thin bedded, uneven texture, dominantly fine-granular matrix with minor amount of crystalline calcite; CHERT, one thin layer, light olive gray to yellowish gray; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Dictyoclostus, productid spines, crinoid stems and echinoid spines, fossil debris; chert contains ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, ?Penniretepora, productid spines, shell fragments, Composita; fossils abundant but small and fragmentary | 0.8 | ||
Loc. 115, SW sec. 19, T. 32 S., R. 7 E. | ||||
15. | Limestone, dusky to grayish yellow, weathers yellowish gray and cellular, hard, thick bedded, flecked with limonite, tubular holes at top may be burrows, chert-bearing, uneven texture, about half fine-granular and half crystalline matrix, mottled yellowish owing to iron stain, many small grain-like areas of reddish-brown limonite; CHERT, very nodular layers, grayish yellow to yellowish gray; FOSSILS, fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments, Dictyoclostus (s), Composita (s), crinoid stems (locally p), echinoid spines and plates (c); chert contains Rhombopora, productid spines, abundant fossil debris; fossils abundant and fragmentary | 3.9 | ||
Havensville shale member, 8.3 feet | ||||
14. | Shale, yellowish gray to grayish yellow, medium hard, very silty, very calcareous, shaly bedded, somewhat nodular, laterally becomes a very shaly limestone; FOSSILS, Fenestrellina (s), ramose bryozoans (s), Composita, crinoid plates and stems, ?Knoxina (s), ?Bairdia (s); fauna sparse, fossils mostly recrystallized | 0.8 | ||
13. | Limestone, yellowish brown to yellowish gray, weathers yellowish brown, hard, thick bedded, sparsely chert-bearing, large tubular borings about 2 feet deep near base of unit, somewhat algal, nonuniform texture, mostly clear crystalline calcite matrix, some fine-granular areas; FOSSILS, Osagia-type algae (c), Ammovertella (c), productid spines (c), brachiopod? fragments, Aviculopinna (c), Allorisma (c), Schizodus (s), Septimyalina (s), gastropod molds and casts, echinoid spines and crinoid stems; productid spines abundant in upper part | 5.3 | ||
12. | Mudstone, basal 0.3 foot grayish yellow and very calcareous, upper part medium gray, all silty and shaly bedded; FOSSILS, gastropod fragments (s), Aviculopecten (s), ostracodes (s), fragmentary vertebrate remains, button-like teeth of vertebrates | 1.5 | ||
11. | Shale, grayish yellow, earthy, very calcareous, very slightly silty, shaly bedded to massive in appearance; FOSSILS, worm tubes (s), gastropods (s), crinoid stems (s), shell fragments (s); secondary solution in this unit has eroded most of the fossils | 0.8 | ||
Threemile limestone member, 19.9 feet | ||||
10. | Limestone, yellowish gray to yellowish brown, weathers same, abundant small solution pits (fossil molds), hard, massive bedded, resistant, algal structures abundant, vertical clam borings in middle portion, chert-bearing, uneven texture, dominantly of finely to coarsely crystalline cloudy-white calcite matrix, small patches of fine-granular calcite; CHERT, scattered small nodules are light yellowish gray; continuous bed near base is medium light to medium gray, calcareous, concentrically marked by alternating light (thick) and dark (thin) layers without change of texture across the layers; FOSSILS, Osagia (a), Ammovertella, Ammodiscus, fenestrate bryozoan fragments (s), Dictyoclostus (s), ?Bellerophon (c), Allorisma (c), Aviculopinna (c), Astartella (s), Schizodus (c), crinoid stems (s), shark tooth?; chert contains productid spines, bryozoan and crinoid fragments; fossils very abundant, algae are robust | 6.0 | ||
9. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers same, somewhat darker at top, hard, thick bedded at base, somewhat thinner bedded at top, chert-bearing, nonuniform texture, dominantly fine-granular matrix, minor amount of clear crystalline calcite; CHERT, nodules of light-yellowish-gray ordinary chert lie within a calcareous chert bed near the base of the unit, and nodules of dark-gray chert lie in upper thin-bedded portion of the unit; chert near base is massive, calcareous, concentrically layered; FOSSILS, Ammodiscus, Ammovertella, fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments (c), Dictyoclostus (c), Aviculopinna (s), crinoid stems (c), echinoid spines and plates (c); chert contains bryozoan fragments, productid spines; fossils not abundant | 6.2 | ||
8. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers same, hard, thick bedded, chert-bearing, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix; CHERT, abundant irregular light- to medium-gray nodules; scattered nodules of calcareous, concentrically layered chert; FOSSILS, fenestrate and ramose bryozoan fragments (c), productid spines (c), Aviculopinna (s), crinoid stems and echinoid spines (c), ostracodes (s); chert contains productid spines, ramose bryozoans, and fossil debris | 2.5 | ||
7. | Limestone, light olive gray, weathers yellowish gray and shaly, medium hard, thin bedded, somewhat argillaceous, chert-bearing, uneven texture, fine- to medium-granular matrix, crystalline calcite locally abundant; CHERT, scattered nodules, light yellowish gray to milky white; FOSSILS, Fenestrellina (c), productid spines, ?Composita (s), brachiopod fragments, fish teeth; chert contains productid spines | 0.8 | ||
6. | Limestone, yellowish gray, weathers pale yellowish brown to yellowish gray, hard, thick bedded, subgranular, chert-bearing, uneven texture, subgranular matrix; CHERT, nodular, medium gray to yellowish gray; FOSSILS, ramose and fenestrate bryozoan fragments, Derbyia (c), Dictyoclostus (c), Composita (c), crinoid stems (c), Aviculopecten (s), Aviculopinna (s), Bairdia (c), fossil debris; chert contains ramose bryozoans, Derbyia, white rodlike structures (probably productid spines), ostracodes (c); fauna abundant though mostly fragmentary | 3.0 | ||
5. | Limestone, medium light gray to yellowish gray, weathers grayish yellow to yellowish gray, hard, thick bedded, somewhat argillaceous, non-cherty, beds are transitional from Speiser to Threemile lithology, uniform texture, dominantly fine-crystalline matrix, some fine-granular calcite also; FOSSILS, fenestrate bryozoan fragments (c), Rhombopora (c), productid spines (a), Derbyia (s), Dictyoclostus (c), Composita (c), Aviculopinna (s), crinoid remains (c); fossils very abundant but mostly fragmentary | 1.4 | ||
Loc. 117, SW sec. 19, T. 32 S., R. 8 E. | ||||
SPEISER SHALE, 30.3 feet | ||||
4. | Limestone and shale; limestone medium gray, weathers same, medium hard, shaly to medium bedded, very argillaceous, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix, lowest 0.75-foot bed has dominantly fine to medium crystalline texture; FOSSILS, Osagia (c), Ammodiscus (s), Ammovertella (c), Orbiculoidea (c), ramose bryozoans, Juresania (a), Derbyia (a), Septimyalina (c), Aviculopecten (c), Allorisma (c), small high-spired snails, crinoid stems (s); fossils are a mixture of the mixed and algal-molluscan biota and are abundant. Shale, medium gray, fissile, very silty, very calcareous; FOSSILS, Derbyia (c), Dictyoclostus (s), productid spines (c), small gastropod internal molds (s), crinoid stems (s), holothurian hook-type spicules, Bairdia (c), Knoxina (s), Cavellina (s), Knightina (s), Hollinella (s), fragmentary vertebrate remains (c); fauna much like that of the interbedded limestones but less abundant and diversified | 5.5 | ||
3. | Shale and limestone; shale light olive gray, calcareous, silty, locally includes very thin silt lenses, shaly bedded; FOSSILS, Ammovertella (s), Aviculopecten (s), Knoxina (s), Bairdia (s), Hollinella (c), Paraparchites (c), Cavellina (c), tiny circular calcitic structures (organic?); fauna sparse. Lower of two limestone beds light to medium gray, hard, single 0.2-foot bed, argillaceous, irregular texture, dominantly finely crystalline matrix, some granular portions; upper limestone bed light gray, medium hard, thin bedded, nodular, very argillaceous, uniform texture, fine-granular matrix, flecked with limonite; FOSSILS, Ammodiscus (p), ?Bairdia, brachiopod fragments, tiny gastropods; fauna very sparse | 3.5 | ||
2. | Shale, dark gray, calcareous, very calcareous at top, silty, thin lenses of silt, shaly bedded to platy; FOSSILS, ?Leioclema (s), productid spines (s), small low-spired gastropods (s), small circular calcitic structures (organic?), as in 3, Macrocypris, Hollinella (c), Bairdia (s), Paraparchites (s); fauna sparse | 0.8 | ||
1. | Shale, lower 5 feet yellowish gray, middle 10 feet grayish red, upper 5.5 feet light olive gray becoming medium dark gray in the top 1.5 feet, all silty and calcareous, shaly to blocky bedded, 1-mm coal parting near top locally; FOSSILS, upper gray shale, charophyte oogonia (s), middle red shale, charophyte oogonia; lower gray shale, Globivalvulina (s), Hyperammina (s), Septopora (c), Thamniscus (c), Rhombopora (c), ?Leioclema (s), Fenestrellina (c), productid spines (a), Derbyia (s), Dictyoclostus (s), Knoxina (c), Cavellina (c), Bairdia (c), echinoid spines (s) | 20.5 | ||
Total | 73.6 |
List of Localities
1. NW sec. 10, T. 7 S., R. 9 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut on State Highway 99. Funston limestone to basal Threemile limestone.
2. SW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 9 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut on State Highway 99. Speiser shale to basal Schroyer limestone.
3. Same as 2 but 0.2 mile north. Havensville shale and lower Schroyer limestone.
4. NW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 9 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut on State Highway 99. Upper Schroyer limestone and Wymore shale.
5. NE SE sec. 9, T. 6 S., R. 9 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut on State Highway 99. Speiser shale and Wreford limestone.
6. NE sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 8 E., Marshall County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 36. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
7. NE sec. 21, T. 4 S., R. 7 E., Marshall County. Road cuts on U.S. Highway 77. Crouse limestone to basal Schroyer limestone.
8. SW sec. 13, T. 5 S., R. 7 E., Marshall County. Road cut 1 mile south of Irving. Upper Havensville and lower Schroyer limestone.
9. NW sec. 26, T. 5 S., R. 8 E., Marshall County. Road cut 3.2 miles south of Bigelow. Upper Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
10. NE sec. 31 and NW sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 7 E., Marshall County. Stream cuts 1.2 miles south of Schroyer. Wreford limestone.
11. SW sec. 36, T. 6 S., R. 7 E., Pottawatomie County. Bluff 3.5 miles northeast of Olsburg. Schroyer limestone.
12. SW sec. 4, T. 7 S., R. 7 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut 3 miles northwest of Olsburg. Funston limestone through Havensville shale.
13. NW sec. 27, T. 8 S., R. 8 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut 7 miles southwest of Westmoreland. Speiser shale to lower Schroyer limestone.
14. SE sec. 9, T. 8 S., R. 8 E., Pottawatomie County. Road and stream cut 6 miles southwest of Westmoreland. Funston limestone to lower Threemile limestone.
15. NW sec. 23, T. 7 S., R. 8 E., Pottawatomie County. Stream cut 0.5 mile east of Fostoria. Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
16. SW sec. 2, T. 6 S., R. 8 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut 8 miles north of Fostoria. Blue Rapids shale to lower Schroyer limestone.
17. SE sec. 21, T. 7 S., R. 12 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 63, 6 miles south of Havensville. Speiser shale and basal Threemile limestone.
18. SE sec. 33 and SW sec. 34, T. 6 S., R. 12 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 63, 2 miles south of Havensville. Threemile limestone through Schroyer limestone.
19. NE sec. 4, T. 7 S., R. 12 E., Pottawatomie County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 16 just west of Kansas Highway 63. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
20. SW sec. 3, T. 7 S., R. 12 E., Pottawatomie County. Small quarry on Kansas Highway 16 just east of Kansas Highway 63. Upper Threemile limestone.
21. SE sec. 8, T. 7 S., R. 7 E., Pottawatomie County. Bluff along small valley 3 miles northwest' of Olsburg. Upper Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
22. SW sec. 10, T. 6 S., R. 7 E., Riley County. Road cut 0.5 mile north of Cleburne. Upper Schroyer limestone and Wymore shale.
23. SW sec. 2, T. 6 S., R. 7 E., Riley County. Road cut 1.5 miles north of Cleburne. Funston limestone through Schroyer limestone.
24. NW sec. 32, T. 6 S., R. 7 E., Riley County. Road cut 4 miles northeast of Randolph. Wymore shale.
25. SW sec. 31, T. 6 S., R. 7 E., Riley County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 16. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
26. SW NW sec. 17, T. 10 S., R. 7 E., Riley County. Road cut on east side of Fort Riley Military Reservation. Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
27. SE sec. 35, T. 12 S., R. 5 E., Geary County. Quarry and hill slope at Wreford. Threemile limestone.
28. NE sec. 7, T. 12 S., R. 6 E., Geary County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 40 just east of Smoky Hill River. Funston limestone through Threemile limestone.
29. SW sec. 2, T. 13 S., R. 6 E., Geary County. Road cut just north of Davis Creek. Schroyer limestone.
30. NE sec. 34, T. 11 S., R. 6 E., Geary County. Road cuts on U.S. Highway 40 about 4 miles east of Junction City. Funston limestone through Kinney limestone.
31. S2 sec. 30, T. 11 S., R. 7 E., Geary County. Road cuts on U.S. Highway 40 about 7.5 miles east of Junction City. Kinney limestone through Fort Riley limestone.
32. SE sec. 25, T. 11 S., R. 7 E., Geary County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 40 about 3 miles west of junction of U.S. Highway 40 and Kansas Highway 13. Upper Speiser shale through Havensville shale.
33. SE sec. 9 and NE sec. 16, T. 12 S., R. 8 E., Geary County. Road cuts on Kansas Highway 13 about 3.5 miles south of junction of U.S. Highway 40 and Kansas Highway 13. Schroyer limestone and Wymore shale.
34. NW sec. 21, T. 12 S., R. 7 E., Geary County. Road cut on Humboldt Creek about 6 miles southeast of U.S. Highway 40. Upper Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
35. NE SE sec. 30, T. 11 S., R. 8 E., Geary County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 40 about 1.2 miles west of junction of U.S. Highway 40 and Kansas Highway 13. Schroyer limestone.
36. NW sec. 21, T. 11 S., R. 8 E., Riley County. Road cuts on Kansas Highway 13 about 1 mile north of junction of U.S. Highway 40 and Kansas Highway 13. Speiser shale through Wymore shale.
37. Center sec. 29, T. 8 S., R. 7 E., Riley County. Road cut just west of Kansas Highway 13. Funston limestone to Kinney limestone.
38. NE sec. 30, T. 12 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Road ditch about 3 miles northwest of Volland. Schroyer limestone.
39. NE sec. 15, T. 12 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 6 miles west of Alma. Upper Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
40. NE sec. 20, T. 12 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 3.5 miles northwest of Volland. Lower Threemile limestone.
41. SE sec. 21, T. 12 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 3 miles north of Volland. Speiser shale.
42. SW sec. 10, T. 13 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 1 mile southeast of Volland. Speiser shale and Wreford limestone.
43. NE sec. 15, T. 13 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Stream bed 1.5 miles southeast of Volland. Upper Speiser shale.
44. NW NE sec. 25, T. 13 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 4.2 miles southeast of Volland. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
45. SE sec. 18, T. 12 S., R. 11 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 3 miles southeast of Alma. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
46. Center N2 sec. 2, T. 13 S., R. 11 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 8 miles southeast of Alma. Funston limestone through Threemile limestone.
47. NE sec. 31, T. 13 S., R. 12 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 1.5 miles north of Eskridge. Lower Threemile limestone.
48. SW NW sec. 10, T. 14 S., R. 10 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 11 miles south of Alma. Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
49. SE sec. 36, T. 13 S., R. 11 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 1 mile northwest of Eskridge on Kansas Highway 99. Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
50. NW sec. 10, T. 15 S., R. 10 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut at Chalk school house. Threemile limestone and Havensville shale.
51. SE sec. 9, T. 12 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 6.5 miles west of Alma. Upper Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
52. NE sec. 15, T. 12 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Stream bed 6 miles east of Alma (north of road). Threemile limestone.
53. SW sec. 11, T. 15 S., R. 10 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut 2 miles southeast of Chalk. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
54. Center sec. 13, T. 16 S., R. 10 E., Lyon County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 50 N, 1 mile north of Bushong. Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
55. SW sec. 23, T. 16 S., R. 10 E., Lyon County. Railroad cut 1 mile west of Bushong. Upper Threemile limestone to lower Schroyer limestone.
56. SE NW sec. 14, T. 16 S., R. 10 E., Lyon County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 50 N, 1.2 miles northwest of Bushong. Upper Threemile limestone.
57. NE sec. 15, T. 16 S., R. 10 E., Lyon County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 50 N, 2 miles northwest of Bushong. Speiser shale.
58. NE sec. 22, T. 15 S., R. 10 E., Lyon County. Stream cut and bluff 5 miles north of U.S. Highway 50 N. Upper Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
59. NW NE sec. 34, T. 15 S., R. 10 E., Lyon County. Stream cut south of east-west road 3 miles north of U.S. Highway 50 N. Upper Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
60. SW sec. 9, T. 16 S., R. 9 E., Morris County. Road cut 3 miles east of Council Grove on U.S. Highway 50 N. Havensville shale.
61. NW sec. 17, T. 16 S., R. 9 E., Morris County. Road cut 3 miles east of Council Grove on U.S. Highway 50 N. Threemile limestone.
62. SE sec. 9, T. 16 S., R. 9 E., Morris County. Road cut 4 miles east of Council Grove on U.S. Highway 50 N. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
63. NW sec. 32, T. 15 S., R. 9 E., Morris County. Stream cut 4 miles northeast of Council Grove. Upper Threemile limestone.
64. NE sec. 32, T. 15 S., R. 10 E., Lyon County. Stream cut about 3 miles north of U.S. Highway 50 N.'Upper Speiser shale and lower threemile limestone.
65. SW sec. 26, T. 15 S., R. 9 E., Morris County. Stream cut about 3.2 miles north of U.S. Highway 50 N. Threemile limestone.
66. SW sec. 30, T. 15 S., R. 8 E., Morris County. Stream cut 1.5 miles south of Kelso. Upper Speiser shale and Threemile limestone~.
67. SW sec. 15 and SE sec. 16, T. 15 S., R. 7 E., Morris County. Road ditches about 1.5 miles south of Parkerville. Wreford limestone.
68. SE sec. 3, T. 17 S., R. 8 E., Morris County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 13, just south of Four Mile Creek. Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
69. SW sec. 22, T. 16 S., R. 10 E., Lyon County. Railroad cut 2 miles west of Bushong. Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
70. NW sec. 35, T. 15 S., R. 8 E., Morris County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 13, 3 miles north of Council Grove. Upper Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
71. NW sec. 10, T. 17 S., R. 9 E., Morris County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 13, 5 miles south of Council Grove. Upper Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
72. SE sec. 1, T. 18 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Stream and road cuts 0.5 mile south of county line. Speiser shale through lower Schroyer limestone.
73. NE sec. 16, T. 19 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Road cut and abandoned quarry 0.5 mile east of Strong City. Lower Threemile limestone.
74. SE sec. 5, T. 19 S., R. 6 E., Chase County. Stream cut 8.5 miles northwest of Elmdale. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
75. NW sec. 17, T. 19 S., R. 6 E., Chase County. Stream cut 8.5 miles northwest of Elmdale. 'Upper Threemile limestone through lower Schroyer limestone.
76. NE sec. 25, T. 19 S., R. 7 E., Chase County. Road ditches about 3 miles west of Cottonwood Falls. Threemile limestone.
77. SE sec. 27 and NE sec. 34, T. 19 S., R. 6 E., Chase County. Stream and road cuts on Kansas Highway 150, 5 miles west of junction of U.S. Highway 50 S and Kansas Highway 150. Threemile limestone and Havensville shale.
78. NW sec. 34, T. 19 S., R. 6 E., Chase County. Road ditch about 0.5 mile west of locality 77. Lower Schroyer limestone.
79. SW sec. 27, T. 19 S., R. 6 E., Chase County. Road cut 0.1 mile west of locality 78. Upper Threemile limestone.
80. Center sec. 34, T. 19 S., R. 6 E., Chase County. Stream bluff about 0.5 mile south of Kansas Highway 150. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
81. NW sec. 1, T. 21 S., R. 6 E., Chase County. Stream cut about 3 miles southeast of Clements. Threemile limestone.
82. SE sec. 7, T. 19 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Quarry on hill about 1 mile west of Strong City. Threemile limestone and Havensville shale.
83. SE sec. 6, T. 21 S., R. 7 E., Chase County. Stream cut 4 miles southeast of Clements. Upper Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
84. NE sec. 20, T. 20 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Stream bed 2 miles northwest of Bazaar. Wreford limestone.
85. NW sec. 17, T. 21 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Bluff overlooking South Fork of Cottonwood River 4.5 miles north of Matfield Green. Threemile limestone.
86. NW sec. 31, T. 21 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Stream cut 2 miles northwest of Matfield Green. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
87. SE NE sec. 7, T. 22 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Railroad cut 0.25 mile south of Matfield Green. Speiser shale.
88. SW sec. 18, T. 22 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Railroad cut 2.2 miles southwest of Matfield Green. Schroyer limestone.
89. NW sec. 19, T. 22 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Railroad cut 3 miles southwest of Matfield Green. Wymore shale and Kinney limestone.
90. SE NW sec. 19, T. 22 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Quarry 2.6 miles southwest of Matfield Green. Wreford limestone.
90a. SE SW sec. 18, T. 22 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Bluff along dry creek bed 2.5 miles southwest of Matfield Green. Threemile limestone.
91. Center W2 sec. 18, T. 22 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Railroad cut 2.1 miles southwest of Matfield Green. Havensville shale.
92. SE sec. 7, T. 22 S., R. 8 E., Chase County. Railroad cut 1 mile southwest of Matfield Green. Threemile limestone.
93. Center sec. 35, T. 22 S., R. 9 E., Chase County. Gully on east side of Teeterville oil pool. Speiser shale through Kinney limestone.
94. Center sec. 4, T. 26 S., R. 8 E., Butler County. Railroad cut 4.5 miles east of Rosalia. Threemile limestone and Havensville shale.
95. NE sec. 9, T. 26 S., R. 8 E., Butler County. Road cut 4.5 miles east of Rosalia. Threemile limestone through lower Schroyer limestone.
95a. SW sec. 4, T. 26 S., R. 8 E., Butler County. Gully 4.5 miles east of Rosalia. Schroyer limestone.
96. SE sec. 36, T. 22 S., R. 9 E., Chase County. Gully south of east-west road through Teeterville oil pool. Upper Schroyer limestone and Wymore shale.
97. SE sec. 16, T. 23 S., R. 9 E., Greenwood County. Road cut 0.5 mile east of Teeterville. Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
98. SW sec. 25, T. 23 S., R. 8 E., Greenwood County. Gully 4 miles southwest of Teeterville. Schroyer limestone.
99. SW sec. 18, T. 23 S., R. 9 E., Greenwood County. Road ditch 2.5 miles west of Teeterville. Upper Schroyer limestone.
100. SE sec. 25, T. 23 S., R. 8 E., Greenwood County. Road cut 3.3 miles southwest of Teeterville. Speiser shale.
101. NW sec. 19, T. 23 S., R. 9 E., Greenwood County. Stream bed 2.4 miles west of Teeterville. Middle Havensville shale.
102. SW sec. 17, T. 25 S., R. 8 E., Butler County. Road cut 5 miles northeast of Rosalia. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
103. NE sec. 19, T. 25 S., R. 8 E., Butler County. Ravine 5 miles northeast of Rosalia. Upper Threemile limestone.
104. NE sec. 26, T. 28 S., R. 7 E., Butler County. Stream bed 3.5 miles north of Latham. Threemile limestone.
105. SE sec. 24, T. 28 S., R. 7 E., Butler County. Road cut 4 miles northeast of Latham. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
106. NE NW sec. 31, T. 29 S., R. 8 E., Butler County. Stream cut 4 miles southeast of Latham. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
107. SE sec. 7, T. 28 S., R. 8 E., Butler County. Road and stream cut 2.5 miles southwest of Beaumont. Upper Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
108. SE sec. 19, T. 25 S., R. 8 E., Butler County. Ravine 4.5 miles northeast of Rosalia. Havensville shale through Wymore shale.
109. SW sec. 14 and N2 sec. 22, T. 30 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road and stream cuts 8 miles north of Cambridge. Upper Speiser shale and Wreford limestone.
110. Center sec. 31, T. 31 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Railroad cut 2.5 miles east of Burden. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
111. NE sec. 36, T. 31 S., R. 6 E., Cowley County. Railroad cut 1.75 miles east of Burden. Wymore shale and Kinney limestone.
112. NW sec. 31, T. 31 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Railroad cut 2 miles east of Burden. Upper Threemile limestone.
113. SW sec 29, T. 31 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 160, 3 miles east of Burden. Threemile limestone and Havensville shale.
114. SE sec. 30, T. 31 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road cut and ditch 2.75 miles east of Burden. Upper Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
115. SW sec. 19 and NW sec. 30, T. 32 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 38, 4.5 miles north of Dexter. Upper Speiser shale and Wreford limestone.
116. Center S line sec. 24, T. 32 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 38, 7 miles northeast of Dexter. Threemile limestone and Havensville shale.
117. SW sec. 19, T. 32 S., R. 8 E., Cowley County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 38, 8 miles northeast of Dexter. Speiser shale through Havensville shale.
118. SW sec. 19 and NW sec. 30, T. 33 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 15, 2 miles south of Dexter. Speiser shale and Wreford limestone.
119. SW sec. 31, T. 33 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 15, 3.3 miles south of Dexter. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
120. NE sec. 12, T. 34 S., R. 6 E., Cowley County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 166, 4.7 miles south of Dexter. Speiser shale and Threemile limestone.
121. SW sec. 18, T. 34 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road cut 1.5 miles north of Otto. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
122. NW sec. 33, T. 34 S., R. 5 E., Cowley County. Stream cut 0.7 mile northeast of Silverdale. Upper Threemile limestone through lower Schroyer limestone.
123. Center sec. 23, T. 34 S., R. 5 E., Cowley County. Bluff along stream at bridge on U.S. Highway 166. Upper Threemile limestone through Schroyer limestone.
124. NW sec. 10, T. 34 S., R. 6 E., Cowley County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 166, 6 miles northeast of Cameron. Threemile limestone and lower Havensville shale.
125. NW sec. 11, T. 34 S., R. 6 E., Cowley County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 166, 2 miles west of junction of U.S. Highway 166 and Kansas Highway 15. Upper Speiser shale.
126. SW sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 14 E., Nemaha County. Road cut and ditch 5 miles northwest of Sabetha. Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
127. SE sec. 4, T. 1 S., R. 14 E., Nemaha County. Road ditch 5.5 miles northwest of Sabetha. Threemile limestone.
128. NE sec. 32, T. 15 S., R. 9 E., Morris County. Stream bluff 4 miles northeast of Council Grove. Upper Threemile limestone.
129. NE sec. 1, T. 8 S., R. 5 E., Riley County. Road cut 1.2 miles west of Walsburg. Winfield limestone.
130. SE sec. 23, T. 15 S., R. 8 E., Morris County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 13, 4.5 miles north of Council Grove. Upper Schroyer limestone.
131. SE sec. 20, T. 32 S., R. 7 E., Cowley County. Road cut on Kansas Highway 38, 5 miles northeast of Dexter. Upper Speiser shale and lower Threemile limestone.
132. NW sec. 11, T. 34 S., R. 6 E., Cowley County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 166, 1.8 miles west of junction of Kansas Highway 15 and U.S. Highway 166. Lower Threemile limestone.
133. SW sec. 11, T. 11 S., R. 6 E., Riley County. Quarry on bluff east of Threemile Creek on Fort Riley Military Reservation. Wreford limestone.
134. NW sec. 9, T. 12 S., R. 8 E., Geary County. Stream cut just east of Kansas Highway 13, 2.5 miles south of junction of Kansas Highway 13 and U.S. Highway 40. Funston limestone through lower Threemile limestone.
135. SE sec. 26, T. 13 S., R. 9 E., Wabaunsee County. Stream cut 4.5 miles southeast of Volland. Threemile limestone.
136. Center W line sec. 7, T. 15 S., R. 10 E., Wabaunsee County. Road cut and ditch 2 miles southwest of Chalk. Upper Havensville shale and Schroyer limestone.
137. NE sec. 34, T. 12 S., R. 5 E., Geary County. Road cut on U.S. Highway 77 just south of Smoky Hill River. Upper Threemile limestone through Schroyer limestone.
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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Feb. 16, 2009; originally published April 1967.
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