15-055-20569 1006052209 JONES UNIT 2-3 Location: T26S R34W, Sec. 2 NW SW NE NE 4571 North, 1160 West, from SE corner Longitude: -101.0021362 Latitude: 37.8219042 Well Type: GAS Total Depth: 6380 Elevation: 2975 KB 2020; 2086; sh -light gray-medium grah soft very silty some soft read sh & clear frosted anhydrite 2086; 2110; sh medium tray very silty red bed 2110; 2122; sh light gray-reddish brown silty calc 2122; 2128; anydrite light gray white frosted slightly calc w some tan lst inclusion 2128; 2134; sh light gray-reddish brown silty calc 2134; 2140; anydrite light gray white frosted slightly calc w some tan lst inclusion 2140; 2168; sh light gray-reddish brown silty calc 2168; 2172; anydrite light gray white frosted slightly calc w some tan lst inclusion 2172; 2182; sh light gray-reddish brown silty calc 2182; 2184; anydrite light gray white frosted slightly calc w some tan lst inclusion 2184; 2190; sh light gray-reddish brown silty calc 2190; 2224; sh light gray-reddish brown silty calc; anydrite light gray white frosted slightly calc w some tan lst inclusion 2224; 2266; sh light gray soft silty calc abundant red shale 2266; 2274; anhydrite light gray-medium gray-white frosted slightly calc trace tan lst 2274; 2294; sh light gray soft silty calc abundant red shale 2294; 2298; anhydrite light gray-medium gray-white frosted slightly calc trace tan lst 2298; 2316; sh light gray soft silty calc abundant red shale 2316; 2328; anhydrite light gray-medium gray-white frosted calc slightly dolomitic 2328; 2360; sh light gray soft silty calc abundant red shale 2360; 2382; anhydrite light gray-medium gray-white frosted calc slightly dolomitic 2382; 2388; sh light gray soft silty calc abundant red shale 2388; 2392; anhydrite light gray-medium gray-white frosted calc slightly dolomitic 2392; 2402; sh light gray soft silty calc abundant red shale 2402; 2406; anhydrite light gray-medium gray-white frosted calc slightly dolomitic 2406; 2410; sh light gray soft silty calc abundant red shale 2410; 2412; anhydrite light gray-medium gray-white frosted calc slightly dolomitic 2412; 2416; sh light gray soft silty calc abundant red shale 2416; 2420; anhydrite light gray-medium gray-white frosted calc slightly dolomitic 2420; 2426; sh red light gray soft 2426; 2428; clear frosted anhydrite light gray 2428; 2442; sh red light gray soft 2442; 2446; clear frosted anhydrite light gray 2446; 2456; sh red light gray soft 2456; 2462; clear frosted anhydrite light gray 2462; 2464; sh red light gray soft 2464; 2466; clear frosted anhydrite light gray white slightly sucrosic 2466; 2472; sh red light gray soft 2472; 2484; clear frosted anhydrite light gray white slightly sucrosic 2484; 2500; clear frosted anhydrite light gray; sh red light gray soft 2500; 2520; anhydrite clear frosted light gray slightly sucrosic w/ grace light gray tan dolomite 2520; 2548; sh red light gray soft 2548; 2580; dolo light gray tan white fine-medium xln slightly sucrosic mottled trace Gold fluor poor faint ring cut some visible porosity 2561; Chase 2580; 2588; sh red light gray soft 2588; 2592; dolo light gray tan white fine-medium xln slightly sucrosic mottled trace Gold fluor poor faint ring cut some visible porosity 2592; 2600; sh red light gray soft 2600; 2606; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic 2606; 2608; sh red light gray soft 2608; 2632; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic 2632; 2645; sh red light gray soft 2645; 2660; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic 2660; 2682; sh red light gray soft 2682; 2704; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic 2704; 2706; sh red light gray soft 2706; 2710; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic 2710; 2714; sh red light gray soft 2714; 2716; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic 2716; 2718; sh red light gray soft 2718; 2726; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic scattered gold flor no cut 2726; 2732; sh red light gray soft 2732; 2744; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic 2744; 2794; sh red gray soft 2794; 2798; dolo white gray fine medium xln slightly sucrosic 2798; 2806; sh red gray soft 2806; 2808; ls white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky 2808; 2818; sh red gray soft 2818; 2824; ls white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky 2824; 2832; sh red gray soft 2832; Council Grove 2832; 2836; ls white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky 2836; 2842; sh red gray soft 2842; 2844; ls white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky 2844; 2850; sh red gray soft 2850; 2856; ls white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky 2856; 2866; sh gray red soft to firm 2866; 2870; ls white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky 2870; 2876; sh gray red soft to firm 2876; 2888; ls white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky 2888; 2900; sh gray red soft to firm 2900; 2952; ls white fine xln some chalky sucrosic frosted 2952; 2962; sh medium gray silty calc micaceous 2962; 2974; ls white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky 2974; 2980; sh medium gray silty calc micaceous 2980; 2988; ls white frosted som chalky fine xln sucrosic oolitic 2988; 3002; ls white frosted som chalky fine xln sucrosic 3002; 3006; ls white frosted som chalky fine xln sucrosic oolitic 3006; 3008; ls white frosted som chalky fine xln sucrosic 3008; 3020; sh medium gray silty calc micaceous 3020; 3027; ls light gray white fine xln dense some chalky w/ trace light gray frosted chert 3027; 3030; sh medium gray silty w/ some soft chalky ls 3030; 3058; ls light gray white fine xln dense some chalky w/ trace light gray frosted chert 3058; 3072; sh medium gray silty 3072; 3078; ls light gray white fine xln dense some chalky 3078; 3086; sh medium gray silty 3068; 3096; ls light gray white fine xln dense some chalky 3096; 3106; sh medium gray silty 3106; 3150; ls light gray-medium gray fine xln dense some dark gray tripolitic chert some tan white fine xln some chalky 3150; 3178; sh medium gray-dark gray silty firm calc micaceous 3178; 3202; ls cream-white fine xln sucrosic some chalky slightly oolitic trace tan semitranslucent chert 3202; 3212; sh medium gray-dark gray silty very calc 3212; 3232; ls white-cream fine xln very sucrosic 3236; Wabaunsee 3232; 3244; sh medium gray-dark gray silty very calc 3244; 3264; ls white-cream fine xln very sucrosic shaly 3264; 3272; ls white gray tan mottled fine xln some chalky sucrosic some soft chalky ... 3272; 3278; sh medium gray -dark gray silty very calc 3278; 3282; ls white gray tan mottled fine xln some chalky sucrosic some soft chalky shaly 3282; 3312; sh medium gray-dark gray silty calc 3312; 3350; ls off white light gray fine-medium xln chalky dense w some imbedded quartz argil 3350; 3352; sh medium gray-dark gray silty calc 3352; 3380; ls off white light gray fine-medium xln chalky dense w some imbedded quartz argil 3380; 3388; sh light gray gray firm blocky calc 3388; 3406; ls off white light gray fine-medium xln chalky dense w some imbedded quartz argil 3406; 3414; sh light gray gray firm blocky calc 3414; 3442; ls off white light gray tan fine-medium xln chalky mottled some imbedded quartz 3442; 3448; sh light gray gray firm blocky calc 3448; 3462; ls off white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky dense 3462; 3466; sh gray firm blocky 3466; 3480; ls off white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky dense 3480; 3482; sh gray firm blocky 3482; 3484; ls off white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky dense 3484; 3490; sh gray firm blocky 3490; 3494; ls off white gray tan fine-medium xln chalky dense 3494; 3496; sh gray firm blocky 3496; 3530; ls tan-cream fine xln surosic trace tan chert some soft chalky 3530; 3558; ls light gray buff fine xln oolitic some cream soft argil 3558; 3580; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky argil 3580; 3584; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky 3584; 3590; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalkyoolitic 3590; 3600; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky 3600; 3604; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky argil 3604; 3606; sh gray 3606; 3610; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky 3610; 3618; sh medium gray-dark gray silty pyritic calc 3618; 3622; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky 3622; 3628; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky argil 3628; 3633; sh medium gray-dark gray silty pyritic calc 3633; 3638; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky argil 3638; 3640; sh medium gry dark gray silty pyritic calc 3640; 3646; ls light gray tan fine xln some chalky argil 3646; 3654; ls tan fine-medium xln some chalky 3654; 3660; ls tan fine-medium xln some chalky some tan w thrd chert 3660; 3664; sh medium gry dark gray silty pyritic calc 3664; 3682; ls light gray fine xln argil ... to very limy sh 3682; 3712; ls light gray fine xln 3712; 3724; sh medium gray-dark gray soft silty very calc pyritic some dark gray chert 3724; 3732; ls tan cream fine xln some chalky vuggy trace tan semitranslucent chert 3732; 3740; sh medium gray-dark gray soft silty very calc pyritic some dark gray chert 3740; 3766; ls tan cream fine xln some chalky vuggy 3766; 3772; sh medium gray-dark gray soft silty very calc pyritic 3772; 3780; ls tan cream fine xln some chalky vuggy 3780; 3792; sh medium gray-dark gray soft silty very calc pyritic 3792; 3800; ls tan fine xln some chalky vuggy 3800; 3860; ls light gray medium gray soft argil very shaly 3860; 3918; ls tan white cream fine xln sucrosic vuggy 3918; 3946; sh dark gray fine texture blocky some pyrite 3946; 3960; ls white tan fine xln sub chalky sucrosic w some vugs trace oolites & chert 3960; 3975; sh dark gray fine texture blocky some pyrite calc 3975; 3988; ls white tan fine xln sub chalky sucrosic w some vugs trace oolites & chert 3988; 4001; sh dark gray fine texture blocky some pyrite calc 4001; Lansing 4001; 4015; ls white off white fine xln chalky some vuggy some smoky white chert 4015; 4032; ls white off white fine xln chalky some vuggy some smoky white chert; shale gray dark gray fine texture firm blocky 4032; 4118; ls white off white fine xln chalky some vuggy some smoky white chert 4118; 4148; ls whtie off white tan fine xln mottled w/ abundant white smoky frosted chert 4148; 4156; sh gray fine texture firm blocky 4156; 4162; ls whtie off white tan fine xln mottled 4162; 4164; sh gray fine texture firm blocky 4164; 4170; ls off white white light gray fine xln chalky 4170; 4200; ls off white white light gray fine xln chalky oolitic 4200; 4204; sh gray fine texture firm blocky 4204; 4218; ls off white white light gray fine xln chalky oolitic 4218; 4234; sh medium gray-gray-green silty micaceous 4234; 4246; ls tan-white-cream fine xln sucrosic oolitic 4246; 4264; sh gray green silty pyritic soft 4264; 4302; ls tan fine xln very dense some tan opaque chert 4302; 4308; sh gray green silty pyritic soft 4308; 4314; ls tan-buff fine xln oocastic 4314; 4320; sh gray green silty pyritic soft calc 4320; 4352; ls light gray fine xln soft chalky 4352; 4360; ls light gray fine xln soft chalky argil 4360; 4380; sh dark gray-black blocky brittle 4380; 4394; ls tan-cream fine xln some chalky 4394; 4400; sh dark gray-black blocky brittle 4400; 4412; ls tan-cream fine xln some chalky 4412; 4426; sh black blocky carb slighty pyrite 4426; 4446; ls tan-cream fine xln some chalky 4446; 4456; sh black blocky carb slighty pyrite 4456; 4458; ls tan-cream fine xln some chalky 4458; 4472; sh black blocky carb slighty pyrite 4472; 4488; ls light gray-tan buff mottled medium xln some oolitic 4488; 4502; sh black blocky carb slighty pyrite 4502; 4506; ls light gray-tan buff mottled medium xln 4506; 4512; sh black blocky carb slighty pyrite 4512; 4518; ls light gray-tan buff mottled medium xln 4533; Marmaton 4518; 4538; sh dark gray blocky fine texture micaceous 4538; 4552; ls light gray-white mottled medium -coarse xln sucrosic 4552; 4566; sh dark gray blocky fine texture micaceous 4566; 4586; ls tan-cream medium xln sucrosic some soft chlky minor flour no cut 4586; 4590; sh dark gray blocky fine texture micaceous 4590; 4600; ls tan-cream medium xln sucrosic some soft chlky minor flour no cut 4600; 4606; sh dark gray blocky fine texture micaceous 4606; 4612; ls tan-cream medium xln sucrosic some soft chlky minor flour no cut 4612; 4620; sh black blocky carb 4620; 4628; ls cream fine xln sucrosic some vugs pale yellow flour very light ring 4628; 4634; sh black blocky carb 4634; 4658; ls cream fine xln sucrosic some vugs pale yellow flour very light ring 4658; 4664; sh medium gray soft calc 4664; 4666; interbedded light gray soft chalky ls 4666; 4656; light gray soft chalky ls shaly 4656; 4658; light gray soft chalky ls 4658; 4686; light gray soft chalky ls shaly 4686; 4688; light gray soft chalky ls 4688; 4690; sh medium gray soft calc 4690; 4696; light gray soft chalky ls shaly 4696; Cherokee 4696; 4698; sh medium gray soft calc 4698; 4704; light gray soft chalky ls shaly 4704; 4706; light gray soft chalky ls 4706; 4740; ls off white buff tan fine xln trace fossils, chert smoky white, sh gray, dark gray, fine texture blocky fissile 4740; 4759; ls off white buff tan fine xln trace fossils, sh gray, dark gray, fine texture blocky fissile 4759; 4800; sh, dark gray black fine texture brittle fissile carb 4800; 4804; ls, off white light gray fine xln trace fossils scattered yellow flor no cut 4804; 4818; sh, dark gray black fine texture brittle fissile carb 4818; 4846; ls, off white light gray fine xln trace fossils scattered yellow flor no cut 4846; 4866; ls off white, buff tan fine xln trace chert 4866; 4870; sh, dark gray black fine texture brittle fissile carb 4870; 4889; ls off white, buff tan fine xln trace chert 4889; 4900; sh, dark gray fine texture blocky fissile 4900; 4904; sh medum gray soft silty calc w/soft chalky 4904; 4906; ls off white, buff tan fine xln 4906; 4926; sh medum gray soft silty calc w/soft chalky 4926; 4942; ls, tan-buff medium xln, soft chalky some smears 4946; Morrowan 4946; Middle Morrowan Limestone (B-P/LM) 4942; 4974; sh, dark gray fine texture Fissile very prittle 4974; 4984; ls, tan-buff mottled medium xln, soft chalky 4984; 4990; ss light green chloritic some very fine siltstone 4990; 4994; ss tan fine grain sorted consolidated glauc calc f-foro stains no flour 4994; 4998; sh, dark gray 4998; 5040; siltstone light green chloritic calc 5040; 5059; ss, tan, fine grain subround-subangular, calc cbm consolitdate some stng fair porosity glauc no flour or cut 5059; 5088; sh, dark gray spills fine texture some soft silty very calc ls 5088; 5100; ls, buff-tan, medium xln argil 5100; 5102; sh, dark gray 5102; 5156; light, gray-grayish green soft marly sh 5156; 5158; ss, clear fine grain well sorted friable subround trace glauc 5158; 5162; sh dark gray 5162; Mississippian 5162; Chesteran 5162; 5178; ls, white fine xln soft some chalky 5178; 5182; sh dark gray 5182; 5200; sh, medium gray soft marly 5200; 5210; sh, medium gray black gray fine texture firm blocky to splintery platy 5210; 5216; ls whtie cream chalky to medium xln 5216; 5225; sh, medium gray black gray fine texture firm blocky to splintery platy 5225; St. Louis Limestone 5225; 5240; ls white cream chalky to medium xln 5240; 5276; ls, cream buff, tan chalky to hard dense fine-medium xln 5276; 5296; ls, cream buff, tan fine medium xln imbedded pebbles of pyrite 5296; 5302; sh medium gray-dark gray fine texture 5302; 5333; ls, tan-cream fine xln oolitic some calc pebbles 5333; 5342; sh, light gray-medium gray soft marly 5360; Salem Limestone 5342; 5370; light brown-buff fine xln very dense dolomitic ls trace white frosted semi translucent chert 5370; 5380; light brown-buff fine xln very dense dolomitic ls; chert whtie weathered frosted some light blue semi-translucent 5380; 5416; ls, light gray-cream fine xln south chalky sucrosic oolitic some calc pebbles 5416; 5420; sh, light gray-medium gray soft marly 5420; 5430; ls white tan, fine xln some chalky very slight sucrosic trace oolitic & fossiliferous 5430; 5434; sh, light gray-medium gray soft marly 5434; 5450; ls, white cream, fine -medium xln slightly sucrosic trace fossils 5450; 5460; sh, medium gray dark gray fine texture 5460; 5508; dolomitic ls, white cream, fine -medium xln slightly sucrosic trace fossils 5508; 5520; dolo white cream tan fine xln sucrosic some inter xln porosity limy 5520; 5564; ls, cream tan, brown fine-medium xln imbedded pebbles trace fossiliferous dolomitic 5564; 5568; sh, gray, dark gray fine texture block to slightly splnt 5568; 5570; ls, cream tan, brown fine-medium xln 5570; 5572; sh, gray, dark gray fine texture block to slightly splnt 5572; 5574; ls, cream tan, brown fine-medium xln 5574; 5576; sh, gray, dark gray fine texture block to slightly splnt 5576; 5578; ls, cream tan, brown fine-medium xln 5578; 5580; sh, gray, dark gray fine texture block to slightly splnt 5580; 5582; ls, cream tan, brown fine-medium xln 5582; 5588; sh, gray, dark gray fine texture block to slightly splnt 5588; 5596; ls, cream,tan fine-medium xln w/ abundarnt imbedded grains 5596; 5598; sh, gray, dark gray fine texture block to slightly splnt 5598; 5600; ls, cream,tan fine-medium xln 5600; 5602; dolo, white, cream, tan, very fine-fine xln sucrosic limy 5602; 5604; ls, cream, tan,brown fine xln 5604; 5612; dolo, white, cream, tan, very fine-fine xln sucrosic limy 5612; 5620; sh gray,dark gray 5620; 5640; dolo, white, cream, tan, very fine-fine xln sucrosic limy w/ some chert 5640; 5654; dolo, white, cream, tan, very fine-fine xln sucrosic limy w/ some chert; ls, cream, tan,brown fine xln 5654; 5668; dolo, white, cream, tan very fine-fine xln sucrosic sandy 5668; 5728; dolo, white,cream, tan, very fine-fine sucrosic hard w/ some very fine grain ss dolo cement some inter xln porosity no stain no flor no cut; chert clear smoky cream sharp 5728; 5768; chert white frosted semitranslucent some smoky gray interbedded w/ light gray-tan fine xln sucrosic dolo 60% chert 5768; 5804; ls, tan,white fine xln mottled sucrosic some chalky white frosted chert 5804; 5864; ls, tan,white mottled fine xln slightly fossiliferous dense some white opaque chert frosted 5864; 5882; ls, tan, light gray, buff fine xln some chalky sucrosic; chert, tan, white frosted w pyrited imbedded 5893; Ordovician 5893; Viola Limestone 5882; 5898; trace tan olive very silty calc sh 5898; 5910; chert light gray-white mottled some olive-buff silty lst 5910; 5924; sh light gray-medium gray, grayish green 5924; 5970; dolo tan-white fine-xln very sucrosic ... white OPA chert 30% 5970; 6015; dolo tan-white sucrosic w/ decrease of chert 6015; 6050; dolo cream tan fine-medium xln w/ some .. smoky chert 6050; 6080; dolo cream tan brown trace pink medium xln sucrosic 6080; 6103; No Samples 6103; Arbuckle 6103; 6130; dolo OPA fine grain consolodated slightly dolomitic 6120; 6160; dolo cream tan brown fine-medium grain rhombic 6160; 6220; dolo tan brown fine-medium-coarse grain w/ some cream smoky chert 6220; 6270; dolo OPA, tan, brown fine-coarse xln w/ some chert 6270; 6300; dolo OPA, tan, brown fine -coarse xln slightly limy inter xln porosity trace oolites & oolitic 6300; 6350; Dolo tan-buff mottled fine xln sucrosic some small vugs 6350; 6380; Dolo tan-buff mottled fine xln sucrosic becoming more dense some small vugs