API: 15-055-20389 KID: 1006051872 Lease: SCHLEGEL Well 1 Original operator: HELMERICH & PAYNE Current operator: unavailable Field: Wildcat Location: T21S R27W, Sec. 21 SE NW SW NE 1820 South, 2215 West, from NE corner Longitude: -100.2889071 Latitude: 38.2143067 Lat-long calculated from footages County: Finney Permit Date: Spud Date: Oct-23-1979 Completion Date: Nov-11-1979 Plugging Date: Nov-30-1979 Well Type: D&A Status: Plugged and Abandoned Total Depth: 5778 Elevation: 2685 KB 2500; 2520; Shale + anhydrite with few incl as Lime, white, hard, dense 2520; 2530; Limestone, off white to dark gray, hard, dense, crystalline 2530; 2570; Anhydrite, hard, dense 2570; 2610; Anhydrite, hard, dense with heavy inclusions of rust red shale 2610; 2630; Anhydrite 2630; 2700; Anhydrite with very heavy inclusions of gray shale 2700; 2740; Anhydrite, very fine granular, light gray hard dense 2740; 2770; Rust red shale with anhydrite, light gray, hard dense 2770; 2790; Shale gray, blocky to rounded w/ trace of clear chert 2790; 2850; Shale, gray, blocky to slightly round, semi-smooth texture 2850; 2900; Shale, gray, splintery to slightly blocky 2900; 2910; Limestone, mottled gray, harde dense to lt tan dense, crystalline 2910; 2930; Limestone, light tan, hard dense xln 2930; 2940; Limestone, light gray, dense to mottled gray slightly oolitic 2940; 2950; Limestone, gray to slightly mottled tan to very finely oolitic 2950; 2960; Limestone, mottled gray to mottled tan, finely oolitic to large oolites, hard 2960; 2970; Limestone, very argillaceous, slightly siliceous ( sandy ) hard with some green shale 2970; 3000; Rust red shale 3000; 3010; Limestone, white, chalky, slightly granular to finely oolitic 3010; 3020; Limestone, light gray to light buff- gray, oolitic 3020; 3050; Shale, rust red to gray, with much limestone as above 3050; 3060; Limestone, white chalky slightly oolitic 3060; 3100; Limestone, white chalky, finely oolitic 3100; 3110; Limestone white, chalky 3110; 3140; Shale, rust red 3140; 3150; Limestone, off white to mottled gray, large oolites, slightly fossiliferous 3150; 3160; Limestone, light gray-tan, slightly granular to near chalky, few ooolites 3160; 3170; Shale, red & gray 3170; 3180; Limestone, gray, granular, very ... 3180; 3190; Limestone, very light gray-tan, near chalky 3190; 3200; Limestone, mottled dark gray, oolitic 3200; 3220; Limestone, light cream, dense xln w/ much chert 3220; 3240; Limestone, cherty, xln, gray to slightly buff with much gray shale 3240; 3280; Limestone, light gray, slightly fossiliferous, very shaly 3280; 3300; Limestone, gray to light gray-buff, cherty, finely xln and slightly fossiliferous 3300; 3304; Limestone, light gray to near tan 3304; 3310; gray to dark gray shale with some chert 3310; 3362; gray to dark gray shale with some chert with Limestone, light gray to near tan 3362; 3410; Limestone, gray t light gray, sandy, sand is subangular to angular, very slightly micaceous friable 3410; 3420; Dolomite, gray, granular, good visible porosity 3420; 3450; Limestone, cream to dark buff, slightly granular to dense crystalline 3450; 3460; Dolomite, gray, granular, friable, good porosity 3460; 3500; Limestone, gray-buff, dense, crystalline, fossiliferous, to light cream slightly sucrosic with varigated shales 3500; 3504; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3504; 3508; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3508; 3514; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3514; 3522; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3522; 3526; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3526; 3532; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3532; 3546; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3546; 3554; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3554; 3562; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3562; 3564; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3564; 3572; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3572; 3580; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3580; 3592; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3592; 3600; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3600; 3608; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3608; 3620; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3620; 3626; Limestone, cream to light bufff, very argillaceous and shaly; occasionally sandy 3626; 3628; shale are mostly gray to dark gray with some red and green 3628; 3660; Limestone, gray to light gray to cream, xln, dense, fossiliferous, with some chert and varigated shale 3660; 3710; Limestone, light gray, dense, fossiliferous to nearly white sucrosic and cherty 3710; 3750; Limestone, off white, slightly sucrosic, some visible porosity to light gray and dense with heavy inclusions of chert 3750; 3810; Limestone, light gray to gray, dense finely crystalline with some chert inclusions 3810; 3852; Limestone, light gray to gray to near buff hard, dense, xln 3852; 3856; Limestone, gray to cream, with blocky and gray shale 3856; 3930; Limestone, light gray to cream, dense, crystalline hard 3930; 3940; Shale, gray to dark gray, blocky, with heavy inclusions of red and green shale 3940; 3970; Limestone, cream, oolitic, possibly oolicastic in part to dense, cherty with no visible show 3970; 3990; Limestone, cream to light buff, cherty, oolitic and oolicastic 3990; 4000; Limestone, cream to light buff, cherty, oolitic and oolicastic with gray shale 4000; 4050; Limestone, light buff to cream, hard, dense, oolitic, no show 4050; 4090; Limestone, light buff to cream to light gray - buff, oolitic, slightly cherty and heavy fine gray shale 4090; 4150; Limestone, whtie to buff cream, oolitic, fossiliferous, no visible show with some chert 4150; 4170; Limestone, gray-buff, slightly dolomitic, cherty with gray shale 4170; 4200; Limestone, gray-buff, slightly dolomitic, cherty with gray shale 4200; 4220; Limestone, gray-buff to dense and chert 4220; 4240; Limestone, gray-buff to cream oolitic in part no show 4240; 4250; Limestone, gray to dark gray, hard dense xln 4250; 4302; Limestone, gray, dense slightly cherty to very slightly oolitic 4302; 4310; Limestone, dark gray, fine xln, w/ much shale, gray-red-green 4310; 4330; Limestone, gray to dark gray, xln, hard dense 4330; 4390; Limestone, gray to off white, hard, dense, xln, cherty w/ heavy shale inclusions 4390; 4410; Limestone, light gray to dark gray, hard dense, xln, to argillaceous and slightly shaly 4410; 4422; Limestone, buff to light tan, hard dense xln 4422; 4440; Limestone, dark gray to buff-cream with gray to dark gray shale 4440; 4500; Limestone, buff to dark cream, occasionally oolitic with gray shale and red and green shale and occasional chert 4500; 4510; Shale, dark gray to black 4510; 4520; limestone, green to buff slightly cherty 4520; 4540; Shale, dark gray to black with very heavy incl. of red and green shale 4540; 4560; Limestone buff, dense cherty 4560; 4610; Limestone, gray, dirty with block limey shale 4610; 4690; Liemstone, gray-buff to slightly sucrosic to hard, dense, xln; dolomite is light tan, sucrosic, slightly glauconitic, no show 4690; 4730; Shale, red, green, gray, rounded to blocky, with heavy inclusions of pyrite and white opaque chert 4730; 4820; Limestone, light buff to cream, slightly granular to sucrosic with much chert, white opaque to smokey and translucent, concoidal fractures with possible spores in chert 4820; 4850; Limestone, gray, dense, hard, possibly very slightly dolomitic or siliceous ( sandy ) with slight inclusion of light gray smokey translucent chert 4850; 4902; Limestone, gray to light gray, dense to slightly pourous, some fractures with chert 4902; 4960; Limestone, light cream, slightly sucrosic to slightly granular, good visible porosity with white to clear chert and pyritic inclusions no visible show 4960; 4980; Limestone, dark tan to cream, sucrosic to hard, dense, xln 4980; 4990; Limestone, light brown to dark tan, xln dense 4990; 5010; Dolomite, light tan, dense xln, tite 5010; 5040; Shale, dakr gray to black and green 5040; 5050; Dolomite, light tan to tan sucrosic to vuggy, no show 5050; 5060; Dolomite, sucrosic, light tan, no show 5060; 5090; Dolomite, light tan sucrosic to dense xln, no show 5090; 5120; Dolomite, light tan sucrosic to dense xln, trace of pyrite 5120; 5130; Shale, dark gray to black,green 5130; 5200; Dolomite, light tan to very slightly gray-tan sucrosic, good porosity no visible show 5200; 5300; Dolomite, tan to light tan, sucrosic, good visible porosity no visible show 5300; 5618; Dolomite, light tan to tan, sucrosic, good visible porosity no show 5618; 5710; Sandstone, white, medium grain, slightly quartzitic, friable, angular, good porosity, no visible show 5710; 5772; Granite, orthoclase feldspar, large angular pieces