15-055-00014 W. E. LEAVITT 2 T23S R34W, Sec. 17 C SW NE 3300 North, 1980 West, from SE corner 3700; 3717; gray, dense to fine xln cherty lst 3717; 3720; gray sh 3720; 3747; gray, soft porous ( good porosity ) fossiliferous cherty lst abundant fusulinids 3747; 3752; black sh 3752; 3757; gray-buff dense to fine xln lst 3757; 3763; gray sh 3763; 3795; white, dense to fine xln fossiliferous cherty lst 3795; 3802; dark gray sh 3802; 3839; light gray, soft porous ( good porosity ) fossiliferous cherty lst 3839; Heebner Shale 3839; 3842; dark gray to black sh 3842; 3846; gray-buff, dense to fine xln lst 3846; 3856; red & gray sh 3856; 3876; white, dense to fine xln cherty lst 3876; 3886; red & gray sandy limy sh 3886; 3890; white-cream, dense to fine xln lst scattered oocastic porosity 3890; 3902; white-cream, dense to fine xln slightly cherty lst 3902; 3905; gray sh 3905; 3910; gray, dense to fine xln lst 3910; 3912; gray sh 3912; 3923; cream, dense to fine xln cherty lst, scattered oocastic porosity 3923; 3925; gray sh 3925; 3933; cream, dense to fine xln lst 3933; 3937; gray sh 3937; 3955; cream, dense to fine xln cherty lst oocastic porosity 3955; 3980; cream-gray, dense to fine xln lst 3980; 3983; dark gray sh 3983; 4000; cream, dense to fine xln cherty lst, oocastic porosity 4000; 4395; skip; 4395; 4400; white-cream, dense to fine xln lst scattered oocastic porosity 4400; 4410; white-cream, dense to fine xln cherty lst scattered oocastic porosity 4410; 4416; dark gray sh 4416; 4419; gray, dense to fine xln lst 4419; 4421; gray sh 4421; 4426; cream-gray, dense to fine xln lst, slightly cherty scattered oocastic porosity 4426; 4433; dark gray to black sh 4433; 4445; gray-buff, dense to fine xln lst oolitic in part 4445; 4448; gray sh 4448; 4450; gray dense to fine xln lst 4450; 4453; gray sh 4453; 4463; cream-gray, dense to fine xln cherty lst oolitic chert 4463; 4465; black sh 4465; 4472; gray, dense to fine xln cherty lst 4472; 4477; red & gray sh 4477; 4485; cream-gray, dense to fine xln cherty oocastic lst 4485; 4515; dark gray to black limy sh sandy in streaks 4515; 4523; cream, dense to fine xln cherty lst scattered oocastic porosity 4523; 4527; gray sh 4527; 4532; cream-gray, dense to fine xln fossiliferous lst 4532; 4539; dark gray sh 4539; 4548; gray-brown, dense cherty lst 4548; 4550; gray sh 4550; 4562; gray-brown, dense cherty lst 4562; 4567; dark gray to black sh 4567; 4570; cream-gray, dense to fine xln lst 4570; 4573; gray sh 4573; 4577; cream-gray, dense to fine xln lst 4577; 4581; gray sh 4581; 4591; gray, dense to fine xln cherty lst 4591; 4595; dark gray to black sh 4595; 4600; brown, dense cherty lst, chert is dominantly dark gray & brown, glassy & sub-opaque 4600; 4602; dark gray to black sh 4602; 4606; brown, dense cherty lst, chert is dominantly dark gray & brown, glassy & sub-opaque 4606; 4610; dark gray to black sh 4610; 4614; brown, dense cherty lst, chert is dominantly dark gray & brown, glassy & sub-opaque 4614; 4618; dark gray to black sh 4618; 4620; brown, dense cherty lst, chert is dominantly dark gray & brown, glassy & sub-opaque 4620; 4624; dark gray to black sh 4624; 4636; brown, dense cherty lst, chert is dominantly dark gray & brown, glassy & sub-opaque 4636; 4640; dark gray to black sh 4640; 4648; brown, dense cherty lst, chert is dominantly dark gray & brown, glassy & sub-opaque 4648; 4651; dark gray to black sh 4651; Pre Cherokee 4651; 4659; dark gray & greenish gray sh numerous bryozoans ; streaks gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular sst 4659; 4665; gray-buff, fine to coarse xln profusely fossiliferous lst 4665; 4670; dark gray & greenish gray sh numerous bryozoans ; streaks gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular sst 4670; 4672; gray-buff, fine to coarse xln profusely fossiliferous lst 4672; 4678; dark gray & greenish gray sh numerous bryozoans ; streaks gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular sst 4678; 4680; gray-buff, fine to coarse xln profusely fossiliferous lst 4680; 4694; dark gray & greenish gray sh numerous bryozoans ; streaks gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular sst 4694; 4706; gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular, slightly glauconitic oil stained sst 4706; 4718; dark gray & greenish gray sh numerous bryozoans ; streaks gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular sst 4718; 4725; gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular, slightly glauconitic oil stained sst 4725; 4745; dark gray & greenish gray sh numerous bryozoans ; streaks gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular sst 4745; 4755; dark oil stain in gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular, porous ( good porosity ) clustered sst- trace glauconitic 4755; 4775; dark gray & greenish gray sh numerous bryozoans ; streaks gray, fine to medium grain sub-angular sst 4775; 4780; gray, fine, medium & coarse grain sub-angular to sub round, porous ( good porosity ) sst spots very dark oil stain 4780; 4782; gray sh 4782; Mississippian 4782; Ste. Genevieve Limestone 4782; 4836; light gray, finely arenaceous micro oolitic lst 4836; St. Louis Limestone 4836; 4850; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst thin zones of fine to coarse sub-round frosted limy sand 4850; 4855; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst 4855; 4865; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst thin zones of fine to coarse sub-round frosted limy sand 4865; 4875; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst & white & pinkish smooth sub-translucent chert 4875; 4880; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst 4880; 4885; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst thin zones of fine to coarse sub-round frosted limy sand 4885; 4895; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst 4895; 4905; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst & white & pinkish smooth sub-translucent chert 4905; 4915; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst 4915; 4910; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst thin zones of fine to coarse sub-round frosted limy sand & white & pinkish smooth sub-translucent chert 4910; 4920; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst 4920; 4944; light gray-buff, dense, fine-medium & coarse oolitic lst thin zones of fine to coarse sub-round frosted limy sand 4944; 4985; light gray, buff & brown, dense lst not so oolitic 4985; 5030; light gray, buff & brown, dense lst not so oolitic w/ more chert 5030; Spergen Limestone 5030; Salem Limestone 5030; 5095; endothyra in light gray-buff, medium to coarse xln fossiliferosu lst-white & gray, opaque to sub-opaque fossiliferous chert 5095; 5130; abundant endothyra in light gray-buff, medium to coarse xln fossiliferosu lst-white & gray, opaque to sub-opaque fossiliferous chert 5130; Warsaw Limestone 5130; 5204; vugs, molds & casts in buff, fine granular to coarse xln fossiliferous porous ( good porosity ) dolomitic lst still a few endothyra gray, mottled opaque fossiliferous chert some of chert is drusy & quartzose 5204; Osagian 5204; 5354; gray-buff, sucrosic to medium xln profusely cherty dolomitic lst good vuggy porosity in part, white-gray, opaque to sub-opaque fossiliferous chert drusy & quartzose in part trace of glauconite in the lst 5354; 5375; tan, gray & buff, sucrosic to fine xln dolomitic lst w/ bluish gray white sub opaque chert 5375; Kinderhookian 5375; 5446; light gray, tan & buff, dense medium & coarse xln slightly dolomitic lst oolitic in part some of oolites are very large almost pisolites 5446; 5500; light gray, tan & buff, dense medium & coarse xln slightly dolomitic lst oolitic in part some of oolites are very large almost pisolites, but w/ vuggy porosity inter calated gray-buff sucrosic to fine xln dolomitic smoky gray sub opaque chert 5500; Viola Limestone 5500; 5626; cream-buff, sucrosic to fine xln dolomite, vuggy porosity with white smooth opaque to sub-opaque chert 5626; 5636; gray, fine to coarse xln dolomite 5636; 5641; light gray, coarse xln sandy dolomite & white, fine to medium grain tight dolomitic sst 5641; Arbuckle 5641; 5744; gray-buff, sucrosic to rhombic tripolitic dolomite, good vuggy porosity in part some of chert is oolitic