15-055-10154 1002912233 MCHUGH 1 Location: T21S R34W, Sec. 23 SW SW 3960 South, 1320 East, from NW corner Longitude: -101.0253848 Latitude: 38.2104815 Well Type: OIL Status: Recompleted Total Depth: 5484 Elevation: 2939 DF Kansas Sample Log Service Log No. 9204 2-1-66 J.D.Davies 3700; 3728; cream-buff, sucrosic to fine xln, fossilierous cherty dolomitic lst 3728; Heebner Shale 3728; 3732; black sh 3732; 3734; gray-buff, dense-fine xln lst 3734; 3750; varicolored sh 3750; Toronto Limestone 3750; 3760; cream-buff, dense-fine xln, fossiliferous, slightly cherty dolomitic lst; sucrosic 3760; 3773; cream-buff, dense-fine xln, fossiliferous, slightly cherty lst; sucrosic 3773; 3780; varicolored sh 3780; Lansing 3780; 3810; white, cream & gray, dense-fine xln cherty lst 3810; 3830; cream-bff, sucrosic to fine xln, cerhty slightly dolomitic lst; oolitic & oocastic in part trace faint oil stain 3830; 3863; cream,dense-fine xln, cherty lst 3863; 3865; black sh 3865; 3868; buff, dense lst 3868; 3874; varicolored sh 3874; 3885; good spotty live oil stain in cream, buff & brown, sucrosic to fine xln, dolomitic lst scattered oocastic porosity & pinpoint porosity 3885; 3887; gray sh 3887; 3903; cream-gray, dense-fine xln, cherty lst 3903; 3905; gray sh 3905; 3920; cream-buff, slightly cherty, oolitic lst; sucrosic porous ( good porosity ) oocastic traces faint oil stain 3920; 3937; cream-buff, slightly cherty, oolitic lst; sucrosic porous ( good porosity ) oocastic & dolomitic traces faint oil stain 3937; 3940; dark gray to black sh 3940; 3973; cream, dense-fine xln slightly cherty lst 3973; 3975; black sh 3975; 3983; gray-buff, dense-fine xln lst 3983; 3985; gray sh 3985; 4000; cream-gray, dense-fine xln, slightly cherty lst 4000; 4002; dark gray to black sh 4002; 4004; gray dense fine xln lst 4004; 4007; gray sh 4007; 4097; cream-gray, sucrosic to fine xln, cherty, slighty dolomitic lst; oolitic & oocastic with traces faint oil stain in part 4097; 4100; dark gray to black sh 4100; 4102; gray, dense lst 4102; 4105; gray sh 4105; 4123; cream-gray, sucrosic to fine xln, slighlty cherty dolomitic lst, scattered oocastic porosity & trace oil stain 4123; 4125; gray sh 4125; 4140; cream-gray, dense-fine xln, cherty lst 4140; 4143; dark gray to black sh 4143; 4150; gray-buff, dense-fine xln lst 4150; 4152; gray sh 4152; 4160; gray-buff, dense-fine xln lst 4160; 4162; gray sh 4162; 4170; cream, gray & light buff, dense-fine xln, cherty lst 4170; 4180; skip 4180; 4200; cream-gray, dense, slightly cherty lst 4200; 4202; gray sh 4202; 4215; gray, dense, cherty lst 4215; Base KC 4215; 4232; varicolored limy sh 4232; Marmaton 4232; 4260; gray, dense-fine xln, cherty lst; oolitic inpart slightly spotty oil stain 4260; 4265; dark gray sh 4265; 4287; cream-buff, dense-fine xln, fossiliferous lst; slightly pinpoint poroisty & slightly spotty oil stain in part 4287; 4290; gray sh 4290; 4302; gray, dense-fine xln, fossiliferous slightly cherty lst 4302; 4307; dark gray to black sh 4307; 4333; cream-buff, dense-fine xln,cherty lst; large oolites in part; slightly spotty oil stain 4333; 4338; dark gray to black sh 4338; 4355; cream-gray, dense-fine xln, cherty lst; streaks pinpoint porosity spotty oil stain 4355; 4357; black sh 4357; 4395; gray-buff dense-fine xln lst 4395; 4397; gray sh 4397; 4415; cream-buff, dense-fine xln, fossiliferous, slightly cherty lst; scattered pinpoint porosity & spotty oil stain 4415; 4430; dark gray to black sh w/ streaks buff to brown, dense lst 4430; 4442; buff to brown,dense-fine xln, fossiliferous, cherty lst; oolitic in part 4442; 4447; dark gray sh 4447; 4472; gray-buff, dense-fine xln, cherty lst 4472; 4477; dark gray to black sh 4477; 4502; gray-buff, dense-fine xln, cherty, shaly lst; slightly spotty oil stain 4502; 4519; cream-gray, dense-fine xln, cherty lst 4519; 4523; dark gray to black sh 4523; 4535; gray-buff, dense, cherty lst 4535; 4540; dark gray sh 4540; 4563; light gray to gray buff, dense-fine xln, cherty lst; streaks pinpont porosity & slightly spotty oil stain 4563; 4590; vaicolored sh w/ thin beds gray & brown very fine grain, tight, glassy, slightly glauconitic sst 4590; 4600; brown, fine-medium grain, subangular to sub round & frosted, tight to porous ( good porosity ), oil stained glauconitic sst 4600; Mississippian 4600; Ste. Genevieve Limestone 4600; 4640; light gray, fine granular, finely arenaceous ( sandy ) micro oolitic lst with some pink chert 4640; 4689; coring & reaming samples only- no core cuts 4689; 4780; lst cream, dense, coase oolitic, slightly sandy lst some flesh pink & light gray, smooth sub opaque chert 4780; 4880; lst lightographic in part colores range thru cream, buff & brown 4880; Salem Limestone 4880; 4970; gray-buff, fine to coarse xln, fossiliferous lst w/ Endothyra & gray, opaque fossilifeorus chert 4970; Warsaw Limestone 4970; 5030; gray-buff, sucrosic to coarse xln, fossiliferous, slightly glauconitic lst with still a few Endothyra; geodal quartz & gray, mottled opaque fossil chert 5030; Osagian 5030; 5155; cream, gray, buff & brown, fine xln porous ( good porosity ) slightly glauconitic dolomitic lst w/ dove gray & white, opaque to subopaque, blocky, fossiliferous chert 5155; 5180; light gray, sucrosic to coarse xln, fossiliferous dolomitic lst; chert not quite so abundant 5180; Kinderhookian 5180; Gilmore City Limestone 5180; 5250; light gray to buff, dense to coarse xln & crinoids lst; oolitic in part; 5250; 5306; lst is sucrosic & dolomitic in streaks & both dolomitic & lst tend to become darker in color downward 5306; 5318; calcite or dolo, veining in gray buff medium to coarse xln dolo 5318; Viola Limestone 5318; 5400; tan, bufff & light brown, fine-medium xln dolo w/ white, cream & light gray, smooth, opaque to subopaque chert 5400; 5437; tan, bufff & light brown, fine-medium xln dolo w/ white, cream & light gray, smooth, opaque to subopaque chert Echinoderm stems & stem molds inpart 5437; Simpson 5437; 5440; green sandy sh 5440; Arbuckle 5440; 5484; buff, pinkish & brown, coarse xln, slightly sandy dolo; vuggy porosity & tripolitic in part chert is oolitic in part